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A Mobile Reporting System Development of Seventh Day Adventist Church

Based on Android Platform To Support Decision Making
in West Indonesia Union Mission

1. Yulianus Palopak (ypalopak@unai.edu)

2. Pandia, Henry (pandiahenry@gmail.com)
Faculty of Information Technology, Universitas Advent Indonesia


The purpose of this research is to develope a mobile application system that can provide a convenience
system for pastors and employee of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the West Indonesia Union
Mission in creating and sending daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly activity reports; Facilitate the
leaders of adventist church in receiving and viewing various reports on the activities and development
of the churches so then it will help them in making decisions more quickly. The method used in this
research is SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) methodology, the most popular methodology in
software development. The model used is Waterfall model with stages: (1) Analysis; (2) Design; (3)
Implementation; (4) Testing; (5) Maintenance. The results of this mobile application development is
helpful in creating, sending and displaying many reports by church pastors to the leader of church
organization more quickly and accurately which contain of pictures of activities and also notification
system included. Furthermore, it is expected that this application can be developed by adding some
features such as features to access the data church members, features for discussion forums and other
features that can support the delivery of better information for the users.

Keywords: Sytem development, mobile aplication, reporting system, report

Technology is growing rapidly especially in smartphone technology, as eMarketer survey
companies says that smartphone usage increased 12.6% over the previous year or reached 2.16 billion
worldwide where Indonesia became the fourth highest user after China, the US and India with 69.4
million users (korantempo.co, 2015). Smartphones can enable everyone to complete their work,
especially in terms of accessing any information needed (Warisyah, 2015), the smartphone is no longer
just a device for making a call and sending SMS but it is functioning like a computer device that can be
used to access information quickly and accurately, even martphones are now really needed by kids until
adults (Ki-Sook Ko, 2015).
In the Christianity world, the presence of smartphones and the internet is needed by Christian
leaders. According to Mohler (2013) that it is a mistake for Christian leaders to consider smartphone as
a barrier, it must be used in supporting the leadership. So that, the organization entity of the Seventh-
day Adventist Church based in the United States using smartphones in reaching its members through
mobile applications (Oliver, 2011). Currently, the Adventis Church organization in West Indonesia
Union Mission (WIUM) aspire a report of pastors and churches performance regularly.
The purpose of this research is to develop a system that can facilitate pastors and church officers
in creating, sending and managing their daily, weekly, monthly and even annual activity reports, and
facilitating the leaders and decision makers in receiving and viewing activity reports quickly and
accurately, so than helping them to make decisions. The Treasurer of the church can also send their
offerings reports quickly and easily, so that the organization's leaders can easily and quickly to get the
offerings reports of all the existing churches real time.

So far, there are some problems in submitting pastor dan churches reports such as the delays on
reporting monthly or quarterly activities because they sent their reports manually via post or courier and
even lack of control of pastor initiatives in delivering timely for their service reports. By Using
smartphones application could help pastors and churches in sending their reports and also will help the
Adventist Church officials and administrators at higher levels in providing and displaying various
reports at anytime and anywhere.

1. Definition of Information System
The information system includes many activities such as collection, organizing, and distributing
data in various way so that the data becomes meaningful information for managerial decision making
(Machmud, 2013). According to Whitten (2007) that the information system is the arrangement of
groups, people, data, processes and technologies that interact to collect, process, store and provide
information needed to improve and speed up the decision-making process.

2. Android system
Android was founded by a company, named Android Inc in Palo Alto California, USA in 2003 by
Andy Rubin with the initial goal of the company is to develop the operating system for digital cameras,
but then realized that the market is not large enough so then it diverted to make the operating system
designated for smartphones. Android was later acquired by Google in 2005 began to be distributed in
2007. The Android mobile operating system is based on Linux Kernel and developed by Google.
Android OS has its own virtual machine called DVM which is use to execute android apps. Until now
Android has been developed with the release of various versions as shown in Figure 1 (Kumar &
Narmatha M, 2016).

Fig. 1. Version of Android OS (Kumar & Narmatha M, 2016)

3. SDLC Method
One of the most common software development methods used is SDLC (System Development Life
Cycle) which presents a sequence of activities to be followed in developing software efficiently
(Bhatnagar & Singh, 2013). One of the models on SDLC most frequently applied in the development of
a system is the Waterfall model which consists of the following steps: (1) Analysis; (2) Design; (3)
Implementation; (4) Testing; (5) Maintenance (Munassar & Govardhan, 2010). In the implementation
of Waterfall method it is implemented in sequence order without passing the previous stage. Developer
could move to the next stage if the previous stages have been completed and can not be returned before
all is completed (Bassil, 2012).

Fig. 2. Waterfall Model (Bassil 2012)

1. Type of Research
The type of this research is a qualitative descriptive research, which is a series of activities to
disclose information processes in WIUM activities as a basis in the design of the systems. According to
Bassil (2012) the methodology commonly used in the process of developing computer software and
information systems refers to a framework that is used to plan, organize and control the process of
development of a system. The most common methodology used in software development is the SDLC
(System Development Life Cycle) which presents a sequence of activities to be followed in developing
software efficiently (Bhatnagar & Singh, 2013). One of the models on SDLC most frequently applied
in the development of a system is the Waterfall model which consists of the following steps: (1)
Analysis; (2) Design; (3) Implementation; (4) Testing; (5) Maintenance (Munassar & Govardhan, 2010)

2. Data Collection Methods

The data sources that used to design this information systems consist of (1) Primary Data, that
is data obtained directly from the source. In this case, data obtained from the observation of information
processes in the church and interviews with relevant persons, and (2) Secondary Data, that is data
sources whose collected are not directly conducted by the researcher but data obtained from the
documents of WIUM office, literature or books, articles that related to the object of research. The data
collected through interview directly to resource person, observation of the real process, and physical and
non-physical documents.


The design results that have been made then implemented into a mobile application using the
Ionic framework. The Ionic Framework is used because it is greatly facilitate the faster development
process (Gupta and Gaffar, 2016). The Ionic Framework supports the development of hybrid
applications with more convenience as more flexible in design, more cost-effective because once
developed it can be used for multiple platforms (iPhone, Windows and Android), faster and easier to
implement (Khandeparkar, Gupta and Sindhya, 2015) .
The final result of this study is a mobile application that can be used by the Church of the
Seventh-day Adventist in West Indonesia Union Mission to input and display various data of pastors
and churches activities. Users are grouped into three levels with different rights of access to the existing
module. Those are users at the church level, users at the Conference level and users at the Union level
where each user is granted access rights according to their position and function. Users at the church
level such as church leaders, church secretaries, church treasurer and other church officials. Users in the
church level can manage their church data only. Users in the conference consist of Admin, Officer and

other employees. They can view data of all churches in the conference. For users at the Union level such
as Admin, Officer and other employees can view data from all churches in all conference in the region.
Users can login to the system after they complete a registration and get a username and password
that has been verified by the admin. There are menus that can be managed by the user wich can be seen
in Figure 3 below.

Fig. 3. View of Login dan Menus

To facilitate users in managing the system, users can open the menus that have been provided
by clicking the icon on the top left of the application or bay dragging the window to the right. The menus
1. Profile Menu. This menu is used to display and edit the details of user data who logged on the system.
Display can be seen in the figur 4 below.

Fig. 4. View of user Profile

2. Menu for Church Members management. This menu is used to input and display data of church
members. Church members' data can be displayed based on the name of the church. Through this menu
users at the church level can display and add church members data into the system, while users at the
conference and union level can only display the information of existing members of their church.

Fig. 5. View of Church Member Menu

3. Pastor's Activities Menu. This menu is used to input and display daily work reports of church pastors.
All pastor activities of the church can be inputted by real time into the system along with photos as
documentation of activities. The data will then be stored into the server and can be displayed on the
web. This activity will be reported to the leaders both in conference level and union level.

Fig. 6. View of Pastor Activities Report

2. Church Activity Menu. This menu is used to input and display reports of regular churches activities.
Users at the church level can display and input only data of their church, while users at the conference
and union able to display the data of all churches in their region. Data will then be stored into the server
and can be displayed on the web. The display can be seen in Figure 7 below.

Fig. 7. View of Church Activities Report

3. Tithe and Offerings Menu. The tithes and offerings menu are used to input tithes and offerings
collected in churches which are expected to be performed by the Church Treasurer who will be granted
special access rights to the tithes and church offerings. Through this menu user able to display tithes and
offerings for the church as shown if figure 8.

Fib. 8. View of Offerings and Thite Menu

4. Baptism and Care Group Menu. This menu is used to input and display the baptism report of the
chuches. Through the menu secretarial or pastor of the church can input data number of babtism as well
as data of care group activity as shown in figure 9. The input data will be saved and can be displayed on
the web.

Fig. 9. View of Babtism and Care Goup Activities

Users at the Conferece and Union level can display data that has been inputted by a church
pastor or other church official. These data are user data, membership data, routine pastor activity data,
routine church activity data, offerings and tithes data, data of babtism and data of care group activity.
Figure 10 shows the view of the membership report and the baptism report where the user in Conferece
can view member data on all the churches in the Conference. While Users in the Union can view all
churches data that exist throughout the Conference in the Western Indonesia Union Mission.

Fig. 10. Reports of Chruch members and Babtism

In following figure 11 shows the report of the offerings and tithes from all churches. Users at
Conference level provided the data of offerings and tithes in all the churches in the Confrence. While
users in the Union level can access the data of offerings and tithes from all the churches that exist
throughout the Conference in the Western Indonesia Union Mission.

Fig. 11. View of Offerings and Thite Reports

As it has been shown above that the pastoral and church reporting system implemented at the
Seventh-day Adventist Church of the Western Indonesia Union Mission developed on the Android
platform using the Ionic Framework. It can help pastors, secretaries, and treasurers of the church to make
it easier and faster to produce work reports . The existence of good and regular data input from the
church level and its pastors will be stored in the system and accessible to WIUM leaders both at the
Conference and the Union so than to facilitate them in making strategic decisions regarding evangelistic
work especially in the area of the Western Indonesia Union Mission.

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