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Health problem Family Nursing Goal of care Objective of care Nursing intervention Method Resources Evaluation


Poor compliance Inability to make to After nursing Within 3 days of 1. Assess family’s H Time and effort of The family was able
with treatment as inadequate decisions intervention, the nursing level of the student nurse to
with respect to family will be able interventions, the understanding about O and the family
health threat
taking appropriate to discuss and family will be able complying with the o Cite the
M negative
Cues: health condition due understand the to. medicati
E sequences of
“Tapulannasiyausah to lack of importance of
a. Cite at least 2..Provide Money for irregular
ayogadtog health knowledge regular complying
3 negative teachings: transportation taking of
center”as verbalized with the treatment
consequence medication
by the wife s of o Encourage V
o Realized the
irregular not to double importance
“Na or triple the
akongmalimtamogin complying of
with the dose because S compliance
omakongtambalusah of its
ay. treatment with the
adverse I
Akonalangidungano b. Adheres treatment
religiously effects
ginomangtulosaisa T
taking o . Emphasize
aka adlaw” as the
verbalized by the medication
given by the importance
client of regular
health center
taking with
o Irrigular medication
visitation to the Lemone, Burke,
Brgy. Health Baudolf. (2014)
Health Problem Family Nursing Goal of Care Objective of Care Nursing Method Resources Evaluation
Problem Interventions

Ineffective Airway clearance Inability to After 3 days After an hour of health 1. Instruct H Time and effort The family was
make to of health teaching the family will about best of the student able to:
inadequate teaching the be able to: position to O nurse and the
decisions with family will be facilitate good family a. Performed
Cues: a. Verbalize the M left side lying
respect to to learn ways breathing.
best position for Money for position and
Subjective: taking how to E
good breathing 2. Teach and transportation used 2 pillows
appropriate manage Such as .using 2
“Usahaymaglisodkougginhawabastamu’uboko.” encourage deep in sleeping
health condition ineffective pillows to
As verbalized by the father breathing and
due kno airway elevate the head V b. Demonstrated
clearance b. Demonstrate coughing
exercises at proper
breathing and I
coughing least 15 times breathing
exercises. a day S technique
o Productive cough with mucus
c. Demonstrate on 3. Encourage I c. Started to use
o RR- 28bpm
how to perform fluid intake at stem inhalation
o Difficulty of Breathing T
steam inhalation least 6-8
glasses per day.
Identify about the
preventive measures of 4. Encourage to
the condition. walk at least
Lemone, Burke,
30-40 mins a
day early in the
Lemone, Burke,
Baudolf. (2014)
5. Teach how
to prepare

a. Boiled 3
cups owater

b. Put 2
tablespoon of

c. Make a paper

d. Let the client

inhale the moist
coming from
the boiled
water through
paper cone

e. Continue 15-
30 mins, thrice
a week

f. Gargle after
using to
prevent drying
Health Problem Family Nursing Goal of Care Objective of Care Nursing interventions Method Resources Evaluation

Malnutrition as health Inability to After 3 days of After 1 hour of 1. Emphasize the H Time and effort The family was able to:
threat recognize the nursing nursing importance of having of the student
presence of intervention the intervention the healthy weight and O nurse and the 1. Recognized the
Cues: malnutrition in a nutrition importance of having
family will be family will be M family
dependent proper nutrition and
Father BMI : 15.1 member due to able to recognize able to:
the importance of E Money for health body weight
(Severely Underweight) lack of 2.Discuss the
having proper 1. Enumerate at transportation
knowledge consequences of 2. Chose cheap but
5th Child: BMI: 10 nutrition least 5
having bad nutrition healthy and nutritious
Inability to complications of
(Very Severely decide V foods
about malnutrion 3. Encourage the
Underweight) taking family to choose cheap I 3. Plan and prepare
appropriate 2. Plan and
but health foods. balanced meals which
action due to prepare balanced S
failure to meals which are Such as green leafy are within the family’s
comprehend the within the vegetables, I budget
nature, magnitude family’s budget. ,fruits T
and scope of the
problem 3. List at least
nutritious foods
for PTB

Lemone, Burke, Baudolf.

Health Problem Family Nursing Goal of Care Objective of Care Nursing interventions Method Resources Evaluation

Occupation as health After 3 days of After 1 hour of 1. Emphasize the H Time and effort The father was able to:
threat Inability to nursing nursing negative effects of the of the student
decide about intervention the intervention the work to his condtion O nurse and the 1. Recognize the
Cues: taking negative effects of his
family will be family will be M family
appropriate work
o Working as action due to able to recognize able to: 2.Discuss the
the effects E Money for
scrapper failure to consequences of the 2.Interprets the essence
father’s work to 1. Enumerate at transportation
comprehend the occupation of prevention that may
nature, magnitude his conditon least 5
complications of 3. Encourage the father triggers his condition
and scope of the V
problem father’s 3. Demontrate proper
occupation o to wear mask I hand washing
o demontrate
2. hand washing S
before and
after eating
Health problem Family Nursing Goal of care Objective of care Nursing intervention Method Resources Evaluation

Poor Inability to provide After nursing Within 3 days of 1. Assess family’s H Time and effort of The family was able
environmental home environment intervention, the nursing level of the student nurse to
conducive to health family will be able interventions, the understanding about O and the family
sanitation as health
maintenance and to discuss and family will be able poor environmental 1. Recognized the
threat M
personal understand the to. sanitation. condition and
Cues: development importance of E verbalizes the
2. Emphasize the Money for importance of
“Daghankaayogilag proper hygiene transportation
importance of a proper
a, ipis, 1. Cite at least 5 clean and healthy environmental.
ogmgalamok” importance of environment.. V
proper sanitation 2. The family
3. Discuss with the identified the
2. Demonstrate family the disadvantages of
o Unwanted ways on effective importance
smell of the of poor environmental
cleaning having proper I sanitation.
drainage system.
T 3. The family
4. Provide performed
o Presence of teachings:
breeding sites o Frequent
of mosquito o Segregating cleaning the
due to stagnant garbage non- surroundings
water in their biodegradable o Started to
Lemone, Burke, from bio- segregate
laundry area
Baudolf. (2014) degradable biodegradabl
o Unsanitary
toilet o Organizing and e from non-
o Messy room arranging things biodegradabl
o Cleaning the e
drainage thrice a o Organizing
week and
o Cleaning the
thrice a wee
Health Problem Family Nursing Goal of Care Objective of Care Nursing Method Resources Evaluation
Problem Interventions

Inability to make After 3 days of After 1 hour of 1. Explain to the H Time and effort of The husband was able to
decisions when nursing nursing client how the student nurse modify his lifestyle as
Unhealthful Lifestyle as respect to taking intervention the intervention the important healthy O and the family evidenced by:
health threat appropriate health father will be able father will be able life style is. M Money for a. Minimizing drinking
Cues: action due to to understand the to:
addiction of essence of healthy 2. Inform the E transportation coffee
Father prohibited drugs, lifestyle a. Recite at least 3 client for the
advantages of possible threat of b. Achieved adequate
cigarettes and sleep and rest
o Drinking 3-5 sticks of having good having unhealthy
alcohol. V
Nescafe per day lifestyle lifestyle. c. Drinks water at least 8-
o Sleeping 3-5 hrs per I 10 glasses per day
day b. Minimize 3. Assess
o Drinking alcohol drinking coffee willingness of the S
occasionally family
c. Gradual I
adequate sleep T
and rest 4. Conduct health
teaching in the

a. Drinking water
at least 8-10
glasses per day
Lemone, Burke, Baudolf.
b. Sleeping at
least 8-10 hrs

c. Limit drinking

Health Problem Family Nursing Goal of Care Objective of Care Nursing Method Resources Evaluation
Problem Interventions

Risk for infection related to Inability to provide After 3 days of After 1 hour of 1. Show to the H Time and effort of The family was
airborne and contact adequate nursing community nursing family members on the student nurse able to:
transmission, possible cross care to the sick, exposure the intervention the how to sterilize O and the family
infection of pulmonary disabled, family will learn family will be able utensils by bowling a. Cite the mode of
M Money for transmission of
tuberculosis as a health dependent or the causes of to water for at least
threat vulnerable risk Pulmonary 30 minutes. E transportation PTB
member of the Tuberculosis 1. Enumerate the
Cues: mode of b. Heated utensils
family due to: after used
transmission of
o 5th child Sagittarius and PTB 2. Explain the V
Father Mr. Gemini has importance of c. Used mask or
I covered mouth
been diagnosed with a. Lack of 2. Demonstrate covering mouth to
positive PTB necessary facilities, alternative ways prevent the spread while sneezing,
o Poor ventilation equipment for preventive of TB coughing and
o 15 square meter of measures as microorganism. I singing in front of
living space and supplies for evidenced by the family
care T
o Father and Sagittarius d. Learned how to
not using mask or a. Heat the utensils
after used 3. Use a hand perform proper
covering mouth while towels to cover hand washing
coughing and sneezing b. Inadequate b. Using mask or your mouth
in front of the family knowledge and covering mouth anytime you laugh,
skill in carrying out when singing, sing, sneeze and
Lemone, Burke, necessary sneezing and coughing
Baudolf. (2014) interventions/ coughing in front
procedure/care of the family
4. Instruct the
client to avoid
exposure to
c. Demonstrate the crowds.
proper hand
washing technique

5. Encourage the
family members to
visit Brgy. Health
Lemone, Burke, Center to receive
Baudolf. (2014) prophylactic agent

6. Teach to the
family members
the proper hand

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