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Sonia Putri Irawan 201810410311108

Sukma Diah Pitaloka 201810410311114
Annisa Maghfira 201810410311115
Diana Arifah 201810410311120
Puput Novia Putri 201810410311122
Sri Wahyuni 201810410311136
Annisa Berliana Dewi 201810410311137
Kartika Sita Wulandari 201810410311138
Wanda Firdaus Sita 201810410311141
Muhammad Firdaus 201810410311153

Endometriosis is more common than diabetes or breast cancer, but has no known
cause or cure. About 176 million women worldwide, including adolescents, suffer from
endometriosis, yet it is rare before menarche or after menopause. A delayed diagnosis
can be associated with infertility, debilitating pain and reduced quality of life.
Endometriosis can affect many aspects of a woman’s life such as physical effects,
heavy financial, relationship, emotional and mental health impacts.

Endometriosis is defined as the presence of endometrial-like tissue outside the

uterus, which causes a chronic, inflammatory reaction. It is primarily found on the
pelvic peritoneum, uterosacral ligaments and Pouch of Douglas. It is not fully
understood how endometriosis begins. However, associated risk factors include a
genetic link, early menarche and lower body weight.

Possible symptomps of Endrometriosis are Dysmenorrhoea and pelvic pain,

dyspareunia, bowel upset or pain, ovarian mass/cyst, urinary symptoms, and non-
specific symptoms including low back pain, pre-menstrual spotting, and also fatigue.
Endometriosis can be asymptomatic or present, but not the cause of pelvic pain.

In doing consultation of Endometriosis, obtain a menstrual history from the patient

including details about menarche, cycle, timing and/or progression of dysmenorrhea
and also explore past and current treatments including surgery and outcomes. Assess
mental and emotional health, because patients with persistent or severe pelvic pain have
an increased risk of depression or anxiety. An abdominal examination for tenderness,
masses or scars should be undertaken and also a pelvic examination should be
performed if appropriate. Endometriosis can not be investigated by blood tests.
Specialist endometriosis USS can identify size, location and depth of infiltrating
lesions, adhesions and features of superficial disease.

Medical therapy will not decrease endometriomas or adhesions, or improve

fertility. Pelvic pain and possible endometriosis may be managed initially with empiric
medical therapy. NSAIDs and/or hormonal treatments are both appropriate to reduce
pain and inflammation. Surgical treatment is also associated with a reduction in pain.
For a definitive endometriosis diagnosis, laparoscopy is required. Symptom recurrence
requiring re-operation is common and increases with time.
1. What are the symptomps of Endometriosis?
2. How can Endometriosis be treated?
3. How endometriosis can affects women’s life?
4. Who is most at risk for a Endometriosis?
5. Why endometriosis should be diagnosed early?
6. When the symptomps of Endometriosis possibly appear in the sufferer?


1. Bloating Kembung
2. Gynaecologist Ginekolog (dokter ahli penyakit wanita)
3. Recurrence Kambuh
4. Menarche Menstruasi yang pertama kali dialami oleh
5. Appropriate Sesuai
6. Adolescent Remaja
7. Infertility Tidak subur/mandul
8. Adequately Cukup
9. Asymptomatic Asimptomatik (Pasien tidak mengalami gejala
10. Adhesion Pelekatan/adesi
11. Bladder Kandung kemih
12. Anxiety Kegelisahan
13. Referral Penyerahan/ rujukan
14. Failure Kegagalan
15. Severe Parah/keras
16. Dysmenorrhea Nyeri kram pada bagian bawah perut saat
17. Techniques Teknik
18. Cramping Kram
19. Dietitian Ahli diet
20. Debilitating Melemahkan
21. Abdominal Perut
22. Expensen Pengeluaran
23. Understood Dimengerti
24. Sugesstive Bernada, bersifat menimbulkan pikiran
25. Frequent Sering
26. Outcomes Hasil
27. Obtain Mendapatkan
28. Assess Menilai
29. Elevated Tinggi
30. Distorted Terdistorsi
31. Inflammation Peradangan
32. Alarmingly Mengkhawatirkan
33. Inflammatory Radang
34. Superimposed Ditumpangkan
35. Bowels Usus
36. Micturition Berkemih
37. Undertake Melakukan
38. Finding Temuan
39. Barriers Hambatan
40. Impairs Merusak
41. Correlate Menghubungkan
42. Pelvic pain Nyeri panggul
43. Mild Ringan
44. Obstruction Halangan
45. Awareness Kesadaran/pengetahuan
46. Grant Hibah, dana, atau tunjangan
47. Interfering Mengganggu/mencampuri
48. Tenderness Kelembutan
49. Lesion Luka
50. Primarily Terutama
51. Urinary Tract Saluran kemih
52. Post-operatively Pasca operasi
53. Chronic Kronis, menahun, sakit terus-menerus
54. Associated Terkait

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