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Modern plant cultivation technologies in agriculture under controlled

environment: A review on aeroponics

Article  in  Journal of Plant Interactions · May 2018

DOI: 10.1080/17429145.2018.1472308


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5 authors, including:

Imran Ali Lakhiar Tabinda Naz Syed

Jiangsu University Jiangsu University


Farman Ali Chandio Noman Ali Buttar

Jiangsu University Jiangsu University


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Journal of Plant Interactions

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Modern plant cultivation technologies in

agriculture under controlled environment: a
review on aeroponics

Imran Ali Lakhiar, Jianmin Gao, Tabinda Naz Syed, Farman Ali Chandio &
Noman Ali Buttar

To cite this article: Imran Ali Lakhiar, Jianmin Gao, Tabinda Naz Syed, Farman Ali Chandio &
Noman Ali Buttar (2018) Modern plant cultivation technologies in agriculture under controlled
environment: a review on aeroponics, Journal of Plant Interactions, 13:1, 338-352, DOI:

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/17429145.2018.1472308

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Published online: 30 May 2018.

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2018, VOL. 13, NO. 1, 338–352


Modern plant cultivation technologies in agriculture under controlled environment:

a review on aeroponics
Imran Ali Lakhiar, Jianmin Gao, Tabinda Naz Syed, Farman Ali Chandio and Noman Ali Buttar
Key Laboratory of Modern Agricultural Equipment and Technology, Ministry of Education, Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Jiangsu University,
Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, People’s Republic of China


This review paper describes a novel approach to plant cultivation under soil-less culture. At present, Received 10 December 2017
global climate change is expected to raise the risk of frequent drought. Agriculture is in a phase of Accepted 30 April 2018
major change around the world and dealing with serious problems. In future, it would be difficult
task to provide a fresh and clean food supply for the fast-growing population using traditional Food sustainability;
agriculture. Under such circumstances, the soil-less cultivation is the alternative technology to controlled environment;
adapt effectively. The soil-less system associated with the Hydroponic and Aeroponics system. In aeroponics; ultrasonic
the aeroponics system, plant roots are hanging in the artificially provided plastic holder and foam atomization; nutrient
material replacement of the soil under controlled conditions. The roots are allowed to dangle freely solution; plant production
and openly in the air. However, the nutrient rich-water deliver with atomization nozzles. The
nozzles create a fine spray mist of different droplet size at intermittently or continuously. This
review concludes that aeroponics system is considered the best plant growing method for food
security and sustainable development. The system has shown some promising returns in various
countries and recommended as the most efficient, useful, significant, economical and convenient
plant growing system then soil and other soil-less methods.

Introduction management, water pollution and the decrease in ground-

water (Popp et al. 2014).
One of the greatest challenges of today is to end hunger Bliesner et al. (2005) reported water is another critical
and poverty while making agriculture and food systems resource. The scarcity of water is the most important and
sustainable. However, providing clean and fresh food for crucial issue to perform agriculture activities and inflicting
next generation is our main concerns especially for growing insecurity on the social problems. The problems include
global population (Alexandratrs and Bruinsma 2012). The minimum crop production with high population: (i) Highly
world food production is rising faster than population dependent on climatic conditions and poor growing season
and per capita consumption increase. Studies reported due to starving in different parts of the world, (ii) Higher
that in 2050, the world population expects to surpass ten demand for biofuels could further influence on inputs,
billion people, 34% higher than now. Nearly much of popu- prices of farm produce, land, water, and endanger a global
lation increase will occur in the developing countries food security. As mentioned above, resource constraints
(Cohen 2002; UN 2010). According to FAO (2009, 2011) for agricultural production have become more stringent
report, the high concentration of people has major socio- than in the past while the growth of yields is slowing
economic ramifications, food production, supply and secur- down. It is a primary reason why people express fears that
ity issues which require closer examination. Also, it will there are growing risks that world food production may
highlight the several problems, challenges and cause to not be enough to feed a growing population and ensure
increase the number of hungry and malnourished people. food security for all. However, it could be challenging to
In 2050, additional 60% to 70% global food production provide supplemental food products to feed the entire popu-
will need to feed the more urban and larger population lation using traditional/open field cultivation system.
(Foote 2015). Although, the open field cultivation associated with enor-
In the future, the additional pressure will be working on mous risks and uncertainties from biotic and abiotic stres-
how we more efficiently utilize the natural resources to pro- ses, such as pest attacks, droughts, floods and high winds.
duce food. The natural resources include soil, water, air and As it required the larger area for cultivation, higher land
how to use them in sustainability. However, around the quar- preparation cost, number of labors and the excess amount
ter of arable land has been declared unproductive, unfertile of water.
and unsuitable to perform agriculture activates. The reasons Under such circumstances, researchers search out the new
behind these issues are inadequate soil management, soil farming technologies and suggested that the proposed sol-
degradation, fast regional climate changes, rapid urbaniz- ution is to implement the currently accessible technologies
ation, industrialization, fewer recovery chances of natural fer- under a controlled environment. In recognition of this, the
tility, continuous cropping, the frequent drought, less water soil-less system is one of them. Butler and Oebker (2006)

CONTACT Jianmin Gao gaojianminujs@163.com

© 2018 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

reported that soil-less is the method of plant cultivation with- plants on rocks near the waterfalls. They frequently observed
out the use of soil within substrate culture or water culture. that plants were successfully grown on rocks near the water-
The technique facilitates many socio-economic benefits falls. Although, the roots of plants are openly hanged in the
including the ability to deal with the increasing global food air. It was the logical extension for plant growing in air
challenges, environmental changes for the mitigating, malnu- under spray mist condition. Rains (1941) reported that gen-
trition, management and efficient utilization of natural erally in nature these conditions happen on tropical islands
resources. Furthermore, the soil-less technique can provide like Hawaii. Throughout the literature survey on the histori-
continues, enough, fresh, clean and hygienic vegetable supply cal overview of the aeroponics system. It was found that in the
throughout the year without any interval. The system uses early 1921s, Barker (1922) first developed primitive air plant
minimum input and facilitates to multiple plant harvesting growing system and used for laboratory work to investigate
with maximum output. The concept of the soil-less culture the plant root structure. He reported that air plant growing
seeks to offer an innovative solution to ensure the environ- technique is the natural and simple practice to grow plants
mental and economic sustainability of food supplies with without incorporation of soil. The absence of soil made
high nutritional quality. It is a highly recommended plant study much easier: roots of plant hanged in midair while
growing technique for all countries having less arable land, the stems detained in artificial place (Peterson and Krueger
rapid environmental changes and increasing food challenges 1988). In 1940, the technique was frequently used by many
with the indigenous population (Pual 2000; Sardare and researchers as a modern research tool in plant root studies
Admane 2013). Naville (1913) reported that several ancient (Christi and Nichols 2004; Chang et al. 2008). Carter
civilizations practiced the technique. While the first symbol (1942) studied the air-growing culture and cultivated the
of container-grown plants documented paintings were pineapple plant. He concluded that air-growing culture is
found on the Walls of ancient temple Deir el Bahari. useful technique for plant roots studies. The air-growing cul-
Although, many hundred years ago in B.C., Aztecs and Egyp- ture reduced the mechanical injuries and interferences with
tian hieroglyphics also used water culture to grow the specific significant growth compared with soil, sand, or even aerated
plants and the hanging garden of Babylon is also an excellent water culture. The discrete nature of atomization spray inter-
example. In 1627, Francis Bacon published the book named val and duration allows for measuring the nutrient uptake
Sylva Sylvarum and John Woodward published work in concentrations within the plant over time under different
1699 and discussed the soil-less culture. conditions. The atomization spray provides the intermittent
Singh et al. (2010) said that presently several soil-less tech- mist of nutrients to plant root on different periodic intervals
niques had been practiced to grow the plant under controlled for the specific duration rather than a permanent misting.
conditions. Although, it primarily associated with the method Klotz (1944) was the first researcher to discover vapor misted
of Hydroponic and Aeroponics. According to Farran and citrus plants. He did the work to facilitate his research studies
Mingo-Castel (2006) the term Hydroponic and Aeroponics of diseases of citrus and avocado roots. Vyvyan and Travell
have been taken from the Greek and Latina terms Hydro (1953) successfully grew apple plants under mist environ-
and Aero which means water and air whereas Ponic means ment. Went (1957) at the Earhart Laboratories in Pasadena,
(labor) respectively. In both systems, the plant grows without California grew tomato and coffee plants in a water-tight con-
soil by providing the artificial supporting structure under tainer with fine nutrient mist propelled by atomization injec-
controlled conditions. The plant roots survive in the air tor with pressure. He named the method as ‘Aeroponics plant
under mist environment or wholly immersed in nutrient growing system’ (Stoner 1983). Peterson and Krueger (1988)
rich-water (Beibel 1960; Reyesa et al. 2012). stated that in the present scenario, only aeroponics system is
the most efficient plant cultivation system to grow the plant
without the interference of soil comparing with other soil-
Overview and concept of the aeroponics system
less techniques. The nutrient-mist system uses a minimum
Aeroponics is the science of plant cultivation without incor- amount of water and provides an excellent environment for
poration of the soil or a substrate culture. Where plant plant growth (Buer et al. 1996). Hessel et al. (1993) and Claw-
grows in the air with the assistance of an artificial support son et al. (2000) examined the usefulness of the aeroponics
and no soil or substrate is required to support the plant as system for spaceflight and revealed that system contributes
shown in Figures 1 and 2 (Osvald et al. 2001). Basically, it to advances in several areas of plant root studies. The studies
is an air water culture cultivation system, the roots of plant include root micro-organisms (Hung and Sylvia 1988; Sylvia
are hanged inside a sealed container under darkness and and Jarstfer 1992; Wagner and Wilkinson 1992) root
openly exposed in the air to get water nutrient-rich spray response to drought (Hubick et al. 1982) effects of oxygen
through atomizers. The upper portion of the plant leaves concentrations on root growth (Shtrausberg and Rakitina
and crown extend above the wet zone. The root and canopy 1970; Soffer and Burger 1988); legume-rhizobia interaction
of the plant are separated by the artificially provided struc- (Zobel et al. 1976); arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi production
ture. The system uses the nutrient-enriched spray in the air (Sylvia and Hubbel 1986) and plant cultivar differences in
with the help of pressure nozzles or foggers to sustain root growth. The system achieved the performance for saving
hyper growth under controlled conditions (Nir 1982; Engen- the water up to 99%, nutrients 50% and 45% less time than
hart 1984; Zsoldos et al. 1987; Barak et al. 1996; Mbiyu et al. soil-based cultivation (NASA 2006). The adaptability of the
2012). US Patent Publication No 1999/5937575A defined that system could help the researchers to make the application
Aeroponics system provides many advantages for agricultural to spaceflight plant growth systems appealing. Zobel (1989)
research and production as a modern research tool. However, and Mirza et al. (1998) said in aeroponics system plant
the concept and idea of plant cultivation in the air by provid- roots quickly nourish the available nutrients and grows
ing artificial support and environment is not much old. The under controlled conditions. The controlled conditions
researchers acquired the idea to see the most of the growing include uniform nutrients concentration, EC and pH values,

Figure 1. Aeroponics plant growing system with computer controlled techniques.

temperature, humidity, light intensity, atomization fre- produced abundant and excellent commercial quality fruit in
quency, atomization spray time, atomization interval time, a very short time (Leoni et al. 2008). In 2001, a University of
and oxygen availability. However, the plant grows speedily Arizona study aimed to determine the effect of aeroponics on
in the system due to the sterile environment and abundant plants prized for the medicinal properties of their roots by
oxygen availability in the growth chamber. However, several growing echinacea and burdock. The researchers got some
research studies practiced the modern plant growing technol- startling results. The echinacea plant suffered fungal and
ogy for the cultivation of horticultural ornamental, the root of insect outbreaks and the yield was still comparable to those
herbs and root based medicinal plants production (Clayton found in natural field condition. While the burdock greatly
and Lamberton 1964; Cho et al. 1996; Park and Chiang outperformed its outdoor counterparts: the harvested roots
1997; Burgess et al. 1998; Garrido et al. 1998a; Garrido were highly yielded than those found in natural field con-
et al. 1998b; Scoggins and Mills 1998; Molitor et al. 1999; ditions. Chang et al. (2012) said aeroponics could be an
Kamies et al. 2010). appropriate system for producing potato minitubers. He
Stoner (1983) reported that before 1966s the aeroponics found that an interruption of nutrient supply at stolon growth
system was performed only as a laboratory analysis to inves- stage significantly increases root activity, restricts stolon
tigate the plant root structure. However, in 1966, the system growth, and finally induces tuber initiation. Therefore, non-
exits the laboratories to move into the field to cultivate the tuberizing conditions such as hot temperatures and late sea-
plants for commercial purposes. In 1982 the system got pub- son cultivars favor the use of this nutrient interruption tech-
lic attention when ‘The Land’ pavilion at Disney’s Epcot Cen- nique. He and Lee (1998) found that the growth of shoot, root
ter opened. Finally, in 1983 GTi successfully introduced the and photosynthetic responses of three cultivars of Lettuce
first commercial aeroponics system known as Genesis Root- (Lactuca sativa L.) confined to different root zone tempera-
ing system, commonly called the Genesis Machine. The tures and growth irradiances under tropical aerial conditions
machine was operated and controlled with a different type was better to the aeroponically grown crops compared to the
of microchips and simply joined within an electrical outlet control. Luo et al. (2009) developed a very successful method
and a water atomizer nozzle. Whereas, NASA also took inter- of producing hearted lettuce in the tropics using aeroponics
est to push aeroponics for further studies and applied the and root cooling. It was also found that the effects of elevated
technique to grow the plant in space. Several academics root zone CO2 and air temperature on photosynthetic gas
research studies concluded and evidenced to support the sys- exchange, nitrate uptake and total reduced nitrogen content
tem and cultivated plant with significant yield. The research- in aeroponically grown lettuce plants (Johnstone et al.
ers pointed out that the soil-less technique made the 2011). A comparison of the product yield, total phenolics,
aeroponics cultivated crops easier for harvest (Cho et al. total flavonoids, and antioxidant properties was done in
1996; Park and Chiang 1997; Biddinger et al. 1998; Scoggins different leafy vegetables/herbs and fruit crops grown in aero-
and Mills 1998). Hoffman and Kolb (1997) grew winter wheat ponics growing systems and in the field. The antioxidant
seedlings in Aeroponics system and determined the effect of properties of those crops were evaluated using 2,2-diphe-
barley yellow dwarf on plant root and shoot. The results indi- nyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DDPH) and cellular antioxidant
cated that barley yellow dwarf severely reduced root length, (CAA) assays. In general, the study shows that the plants
distance from seminal root tip to the nearest lateral root, grown in the aeroponics system had a higher yield and com-
and the root to shoot ratio. In some cultivars, the shoot per- parable phenolics, flavonoids, and antioxidant properties as
cent dry matter and number of adventitious roots were compared to those grown in the soil (Chandra et al. 2014).
increased by barley yellow dwarf. A study conducted in The vitamin C content was highest in all herbs cultivated in
1991–92 in Sardinia, Italy, by growing certain hybrid tomato aeroponics whereas the essential content oil was highest in
varieties. The result stated that certain hybrid tomato varieties Holy Basil and Perilla cultivated in the substrate (Bohme

Figure 2. Aeroponics system. 1. Fog transmission pipeline; 2. Nutrient solution reflux line; 3. Tube-axial fan; 4. Atomizing chamber; 5. Ultrasonic atomizer; 6. Cultiva-
tion box; 7. Control line of Ultrasonic atomizer; 8. Batter board of ultrasonic atomizer.

and Pinker 2014). In Aeroponics system, the seedlings of Aca- adoption of the system would be economical, beneficial and
cia mangium were cultivated and result showed it is the well- valuable for local farmers to perform agricultural activities.
known technique for furnishing a very rich air environment It would be the best solution to provide the clean, fresh veg-
around the plant root, enhance the performance and induce etable and sustenance to rapidly booming population.
rapid growth of seedlings under greenhouse conditions (Mar-
tin-Laurent et al. 2000). Thus, the aeroponics system has
potential to increase income and reduce the cost of pro- World interest towards aeroponics system
duction of quality seed, thereby, making it more accessible Humans necessitate needs the fresh and clean food for survi-
to growers in developing countries. val. The fresh and clean food comes from many resources,
The present study aims to describe a novel approach of one of them is a plant. However, the world population is
plant cultivation under the soil-less system and provides the rapidly growing and putting pressure on available natural
brief literature survey about the aeroponics system. We resources to produce food. The increasing pressure is causing
reviewed the literature survey and found that several research several serious problems such as global warming and
studies have been concluded and recommend that in future reduction in natural resources. Pinstrup-Andersen (2017)
the world increasing food demands will highlight several reported that at the same time the water scarcity, drawdown
challenges not only for human as well as for animals. of groundwater level, water mismanagement, waterlogging
Under such circumstances, the aeroponics system is con- and salination of soils could effect on the food production
sidered as safe and environmentally friendly plant cultivation and cause a severe problem in many countries. Besides, the
method. The system can conserve water and energy. It uses researchers are conducting experimental studies to search
nutrient rich-water recirculation hence; system offers lower out the alternative and appropriate technologies in agricul-
water and energy inputs per unit growing area (Ritter et al. ture. One aspect of their investigations is the plant, and
2001; Farran and Mingo-Castel 2006; Lester 2014) and offer their ability to survive and flourish under distinct situations.
a means of controlling the atmosphere in the root zone and In fact, the soil, water, and surrounding environmental con-
provide a method for measuring of cell division and physio- ditions are three essential factors to grow a healthy plant.
logical responses of plant (Smucker and Erickson 1976). The NASA (2006) study reported that what happens if the soil

Figure 3. Aeroponics and NASA (Hydroponics gardening 2014).


is completely taken out of the equation still plant will grow. high-pressure to operate. It is essential to select the suitable
Their study concluded that yes plant could grow under atomization nozzles to produce required droplet size. The
such condition by providing nutrient spray mist in the air droplet size varied from sub-microns to thousands of
as shown in Figure 3. The High-performance crop production microns and characterized in a different classification. For
technology is rapidly gaining the intention of the people as a high-pressure atomization nozzles, the droplet size is
modern-day agriculture activity. Nowadays, it has been sig- classified fine atomization mist of 10 to 100 microns. The
nificantly used in agriculture around the world (Hoehn jet spray nozzles with 0.000635 m (0.025-inch) and
1998). While Decade ago, the utilization of the system was 0.0004064 m (0.016-inch) orifice under the operating
limited almost around the world aspect some countries like pressure pump at 551580.5832 and 689475.729 Pa (80 to
China and Korea. They used an aeroponics system for com- 100 psi) deliver the drop size of 5–50 microns and 5–25
mercial application to produce good qualities of potato microns respectively. However, in the aeroponics system,
seeds (Kim et al. 1999). The use of aeroponics for plant culti- the ideal droplet size range for most of the plant species
vation is very recent in Europe. Currently, it is practiced in is in-between 30 and 100 microns. Within this range the
South America (Mateus-Rodríguez et al. 2013), and the smaller droplets saturate the air, maintaining humidity
attempts have been made to present the system in African levels within the growth chamber. The conventional wisdom
countries (Otazú 2014). The system is highly accepted and is that droplets below 30 microns tend to remain in the air
recommended for plant cultivation in following countries like a fog and fail to achieve continuous plant growth.
include: Taiwan (Wu et al. 1997); Australia, (Mohammad While droplets size more than 100 microns tend to fall
et al. 2000); Singapore (Wilson 2000); France (Souret and out of the air before containing on the plant root, and
Weathers 2000); Spain (Ritter et al. 2001); Thailand (Sriha- too large droplet means less oxygen is present in the growth
jong et al. 2006); New Zealand (Johnstone et al. 2011); chamber. Selection of atomization nozzles should be based
Japan (Kitya et al. 2008); Russia (Akopyan et al. 2009); Malay- on the requirements of the growers. Ultrasonic foggers,
sia (Tik et al. 2009); Germany (Germer et al. 2011); South whose working frequencies are between 1 and 3 MHz, are
Korea (Chang et al. 2012); India (Buckseth et al. 2016); Indo- expensive and difficult to maintain. The foggers require
nesia (Idris and Sani 2012); Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, special electrical circuits to drive them, so their structures
Ethiopia, Mongolia, Peru and Uzbekistan (CIP 2012); Sri are very complex. Also, they affect the chemical properties
lanka (Weerahewa 2013); Italy (Nijs 2013); Kenya (Mbiyu of the nutrient solution. The foggers are suitable for indoor
et al. 2012); Korea (Yeo et al. 2013); African counties like gardening. The low-pressure nozzles are more convenient to
Uganda, Tanzania, Mozambique, Malawi, Ghana, Ethiopia use than foggers. These nozzles are cheap and easy to main-
(Niyi 2013; Kumari et al. 2016; Tessema et al. 2017; Oteng- tain, but their atomization quantities are small. Low
Darko et al. 2017); Slovakia (Pala et al. 2014); Vietnam pressure atomization nozzles are recommended for the
(ICAA 2014); Bhutan (Wangchuk 2014); Canada (Oraby small-scale gardening. The high-pressure atomization noz-
et al. 2015); Greece (Salachas et al. 2015); Nigeria (Ogbole zles are operated with air-compressor. The compacted air
2016); Philippine (Philippines 2016) Iran (Shahbani et al. delivers energy to break down liquid into very fine droplets.
2013); Poland (Rykaczewska 2016); Egypt (Singer et al. These nozzles have large atomization quantity, but the
2012) and Abu Dhabi (Alshrouf 2017). noises produced by them are very high. These type of ato-
mization nozzles are recommended for large scale
Components and atomizers required for
aeroponics system Ultrasonic atomization fogger
The ultrasonic foggers are used to mimic ideal artificial
Spray misters and droplet size
humidity in the air with a little mist found rainforests.
Aeroponics is a modern-day plant growing technique in the The atomization foggers are low-cost and resulted in high
agriculture. It does not require any single soil particle to yield for plant development. It is a relatively small metallic
provide essential nutrient for plant growth. However, in covered device which comprises a plastic shell, built-in
aeroponics plant roots receive nutrient spray mist eject AC/DC adapter, and a small piezoelectric ultrasonic trans-
from the atomization nozzles. The atomization is the ducer. The piezoelectric transducer is the core component
method of breaking up liquid molecules into fine droplets which generates the high-energy vibrations at frequencies
(Avvaru et al. 2006). US Patent Publication No 2011/ from 0.5 to 3.0 MHz. The atomization foggers are placed
0023359 A1 described that the most common aeroponics in the center of the container under one to four inches of
system uses pressurized water that is sprayed onto the liquid solution. The foggers produce a very light solution
roots using simple garden sprinkler-type fluid nozzles. spray that floats around the container in the air and sprays
However, different atomizers are developed in several disci- as thick fog like clouds. The fogger generates a fine mist hav-
plines along with different spray patterns and orifices to ing a particle diameter of only a few microns (http://www.
provide tiny liquid droplets down to 1 micron. The atomi- farnell.com/datasheets/81205.pdf). These fine particles are
zers are categorized as high, medium and low-frequency cable of carrying nutrients from the standing water nutrient
atomization as shown in Figure 4 (Rajan and Pandit 2001; from the reservoir towards the plant root. Benefits include
Lu et al. 2009). The atomization nozzles with small orifices humidification and exponentially improved root exposure
could create the problems such as nozzle clogging and cause to oxygen. These improve oxygen flow to the roots while
to stop the water nutrient supply. In order, to avoid the creating a suitable humid atmosphere for the plant to thrive
nozzle orifice clogging the mesh filters are used to prevent in and for successful growth (https://en.wikipedia,.org/wiki/
the nozzle clogging. While the larger nozzles with bigger Ultrasonic)_hydroponic_fogger). The fog is cold and slightly
orifice decrease the chances of nozzle blockage but require wet but possesses no threat to the user (http://www.tech-faq.

Figure 4. Atomization nozzles used in aeroponics system: (a) Ultrasonic atomization fogger; (b) High-pressure (Air) atomization nozzle; (c) Pressure (airless) atomiza-
tion nozzle.

com/ultrasonic-fogger.html). Although, the horticulturalists fine particles. The liquid is distributed through the orifice
might be purchase commercial ultrasonic foggers for plant into the atomization nozzle, where high-pressure air stream
cultivation and to layout the indoor garden with a small produces the shearing force to break up the large liquid mol-
ultrasonic fogger as shown in Figure 5. ecules. The air stream carrying the fine particle collides with
resonator located in front of the nozzle and generates a field
Pressure (Airless and Air spray) atomization nozzles of high-frequency ultrasonic sound waves. Their exposure
The report was published (www.pnramerica.com/pdfs/p49_ causes the larger droplets to break up into a fine mist spray.
53.pdf) on Air-atomization nozzles express that several The droplet size dependent on the operating frequency. The
industrial practices are implementing nozzles to atomize the audible noise produced by high-pressure nozzles is extremely
liquids into the fine particle. However, the standard atomiza- high. The nozzle structure is designed as an internal mix or
tion nozzles are used to atomize the liquid from the small external mix set-up. The pressure atomization is a method
orifice with low and high-pressure to get the fine particles. of fine spray application that does not use compressed air
Pressure atomization is a method to create a fine spray and to atomize the liquid. The discharge of the nozzle depends
that uses air to atomize the liquid. In most instances when on the liquid flow, size of the spray head and pressure
small droplets are required, the air-atomization nozzles are pump. However, the atomization nozzles are placed in the
operated by providing the air with high-pressure through center of the growth chamber and connected with pressure
the air-compressed container. The compacted air delivers pump to provide water nutrient mist. While the roots are sus-
energy to break down the larger liquid particles into very pended above or inside the chamber and directly precipitate

Figure 5. Lettuce cultivated in aeroponics ultrasonic atomization fogger system: (a) Plant leaves; (b) Plant root.

with uniform water nutrient mist. The aeroponics system could be considered as the best light producer for plant
designed with pressure nozzle is more convenient, simple to growth in the aeroponics system. It provides multiple light
operate and maintain. The main advantage of the quick adop- qualities and effects of light on the plant growth in a con-
tion of this system is the low operational cost. Figure 6 shows trolled condition. Whereas, the light LED has smaller mass
the lettuce plant cultivated in an aeroponics system with air and volume, good life, energy-saving, single wavelength and
and airless atomization nozzle. narrow bandwidth (Bula et al. 1991; Brown et al. 1995).

pH and EC (electrical conductivity) meter Humidity and dissolved oxygen concentration

The pH is defined as measure the degree of acidity or alka- Aeroponics system is the application of plant growth with-
linity of a liquid solution. Although, the EC is a measure of out soil by delivering water nutrient solution in the air.
all of the salts dissolved in water, including those added to The system is based on 100% available moisture in the
the fertilizer. The unit of EC is ds m−1. Different methods growth chamber. In addition, the humidity is the amount
are used to determine the pH and EC value of the nutrient of available water in the growth chamber as water vapor
solution. However, the most common, simple and easy way content. In the aeroponics system, humidity is the main
to measure the value is pH and EC meter. In the aeroponics component required for successful plant growth and devel-
system, where water and nutrient solution is recycled repeat- opment. However, the plant growth is significantly affected
edly. Therefore, it is important to regularly measure the pH by increase and decrease in relative humidity (Ford and
and EC value of the nutrient solution for successful plant Thorne 1974; Schussler 1992). It effects on plant physiologi-
growth. If the readings are not at the proper level, the grower cal functions and creates diseases problems (Gislerod and
needs to adjust them. The ideal pH and EC range for each Mortensen 1990). Therefore, it is important to regularly
plant depend on available environmental conditions (Sonne- maintain and control the required humidity concentration
veld and Voogt 2009). Although, the pH and EC values of the of growth chamber based on plant need. The aeroponics sys-
prepared nutrient solution could not exceed than 7 and tem provides best oxygenation environment for plant
2.5ds m−1. The optimum EC and pH values of nutrient sol- growth. It allows plant roots to grow in the air with a plenti-
ution in aeroponics system lie between 1.5 to 2.5 ds m−1 ful supply of oxygen. Hence, no any additional mechanism is
and 5.5 to 6.5 and 5.0 as shown in Table 1 (Resh 2004; Cha- required.
dirin et al. 2007).
Misting frequency and nutrient reservoir
Light and temperature In the aeroponics system, the atomization spray time and
Temperature is the primary environmental factor that influ- interval time are the essential factors for successful plant cul-
ences the frequency of plant growth and development. It tivation. As we discussed, the aeroponics system is per-
influences not only on the initial growing stage but also on formed without soil. Therefore, it is essential for the
harvesting period (Hatfield and Prueger 2015). In the aeropo- grower to fix the atomization spray time and interval time
nics system, both air and nutrient solution temperature based on the plant requirement. The wrong schedule could
should be controlled for quick plant maturation. As tempera- create serious problems for plant growth because in the sys-
tures rise, the chemical processes proceed at faster rates and tem there is no any medium to support the plant. Many
deteriorate the enzyme activities. The optimum temperature research studies had been successfully cultivated plant
range for all plants is 15–25°C. However, the temperature under different atomization spray time and interval time.
of growth chamber should be not higher than 30°C and less However, the potato had been cultivated under the atomiza-
than 4°C (Otazú 2014). Naoya et al. (2008) reported that in tion spray time and interval time 20-sec on and 5-min off, 3-
controlled cultivation light energy is the significant ecological min on and 5-min off, 3-sec on and 10-min off, 30-sec on
factor required for the plant. The light intensity and quality, and 5-min off, 10-sec on and 20-mint off, 15-min on and
not only delivers the energy as well provide numerous mor- 15-min off during day time and 15-min on and 1-h off
phogenesis and physiological responses for plant growth during night time, and 10-sec on and 3-min off during day
(Rajapakse et al. 1992; Fukuda et al. 2008; Li and Kubota time and 10-sec on 5-min off during night time, respectively
2009). To adjust the various light environments, recently a (Farran and Mingo-Castal 2006; Ritter et al. 2001; Abdulla-
light emitting diode (LED) has spread as a new light source teef et al. 2012; Chang et al. 2012; Mateus-Rodríguez et al.
in the aeroponics system. A study by Mori and co-workers 2012; Tsoka et al. 2012; Rykaczewska 2016). Biddinger
(2002) reported that high photosynthesis and growth rate et al. (1998) and Osvald et al. (2001) successfully cultivated
of the plant grown under LED were observed. The LED the tomato under the atomization spray time and interval
time of 3-sec on and 10-min off, and 60-sec on and 5-min
off respectively. Moreover, many studies cultivated several
Table 1. Represents the recommended pH and EC value for some plants (Kim
et al. 1999; Farran and Mingo-Castel 2006; Abdullateef et al. 2012; Irman and
plants under different atomization spray time and interval
Ikhsan 2012). time such as cucumber 7-sec on and 10-min off (Peterson
Plant pH EC and Krueger (1988); lettuce1.5-min on and 5-min off (Lac-
Onions 6.0–7.0 1.4–1.8 tuca sativa L.) (Kacjan-Marsic and Osvald 2002); Saffron
Cucumber 5.8–6.0 1.7–2.2 (Crocus sativus L.) 1-min on and 1-min off (Souret and
Carrots 5.8–6.4 1.6–2.0
Spanish 5.5–6.6 1.8–2.3
Weathers 2000); 96 Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea) and
Lettuce 5.5–6.5 0.8–1.2 30 burdocks (Arctium lappa) 30-sec on and 60-sec off
Tomato 5.5–6.5 2.0–5.0 (Pagliarulo and Hayden 2000); Anthurium andreanum 15-
Potato 5.0–6.0 2.0–2.5
sec on and 15 mints off (Fascella and Zizzo 2007); Acacia

Figure 6. Lettuce cultivated: (a, b) High-pressure (Air spray) aeroponics atomization system; (c, d) Pressure (Airless spray) aeroponics atomization system.

Mangium 40-sec on and 30-sec off (Weber et al. 2007); reservoir, the atomization nozzles directly get the nutrient
Maize 1-sec on and 15-mints off (du Toit et al. 1997); Acacia supply from the bottom of the growth chamber, where it
mangium 15-sec on and 1-min off (Martin-Laurent et al. drips back down after misting on the root system.
1997); Peas (Pisum sativum) 3-sec on and 10-mins off
(Rao et al. 1995) Onion 7-sec on and 90-sec off (Jarstfer
et al. 1998) and Whitei (Hook. F) Skeels, T. riparia (Hochst.) Role of computer intelligent control techniques in
Codd and C. speciosa (l.f) Hassk 2-sec on and 2-min off aeroponics system
(Kumari et al. 2016). In the aeroponics system, the nutrient
At present time-controlled environment agriculture demands
reservoir is designated as separate or outside and inside or
extra efficiency for substantial returns. Humans also need
within the growth chamber. The purpose of the nutrient
decision making and automatic sophisticated computer
reservoir is to store the solution. In the separate or outside
monitoring and control technique to reduce intentions and
reservoir, the atomization nozzles are connected to the deliv-
enhance the efficiency of the system (Tik et al. 2009). Akyildiz
ery line through pressure pump to supply the solution to the
et al. (2002) surveyed to adopt different computer intelligent
growth chamber. The drain line is provided in the growth
and advanced wireless network techniques in various fields.
chamber to recycle excess solution. Although, in inside
He and coworkers reported that currently, agriculture is a
potential field of deployment with computer networking
techniques. The efficiency of the agriculture activities in a
controlled environment could be enhanced by adopting the
computer intelligent techniques. Tik et al. (2009) reported
that WSN in agriculture is mainly focused on two major
areas: (i) experimental or simulation work on various routing
protocols and network topologies to increase data transfer
rates whilst maintaining or reducing power consumption
(Galmes 2006; Camilli and Cugnasca 2007; Konstantinos
et al. 2007) and (ii) proof-of-concept applications to demon-
strate the efficiency and efficacy of using sensor (Figure 7)
networks to monitor and control agriculture management
strategies (Dinh et al. 2007; Narasimhan et al. 2007; Pierce
and Elliott 2008). However, the aeroponics system is the
science of plant cultivation by controlling the surrounding
Figure 7. pH and EC probe, Temperature and light sensor (Tik et al. 2009). environmental conditions without soil. Therefore, there is a

maximum possibility to face many problems and challenges mineralization with mist supply, creating the best root
associated with plant growth. The problems and challenges environment for plant growth.
include a water nutrient buffer solution, failure of the delivery Aeroponics is defined as a system of soil-less culture where
pump, spray time, time interval, and atomizer frequency. roots are continuously or discontinuously bathed with fine
Moreover, the environmental problems include root temp- drops of nutrient-rich water. The method requires no any
erature, humidity percentage, and light intensity. These pro- substrate like rock wool, dirt, coir, vermiculite or perlite
blems require special care to escape damage or speedy death and entails growing plants with their roots periodically wetted
of plants during cultivation period. Hence, it is important for with a fine mist of atomized nutrients. Excellent aeration is
growers to control and maintain them on proper time as the main advantage of aeroponics (Carter 1942). Plant root
exposed. There are different ways to deal with these chal- structure response to the root zone environment via substi-
lenges by accepting the modern techniques. Different tuting in growth and branching systems. Thus, only aeropo-
research studies recommended that these problems could nics provides numerous advantages include a free extension
be monitored by adopting the automatic artificial intelligence of the root system, direct and sufficient oxygen uptake,
techniques in the aeroponics system. rapid and provision of uniform nutrient spray mist with
Pala et al. (2014) worked on fault detecting by applying best root growth environment (Vincenzoni 1977; Sumarni
computer programing methods (Figure 8) in the aeroponics et al. 2013).
system. He and team concluded that the Neural-network sys-
tem is the efficient technique of detecting mechanical and bio-
Plant growing system
logical faults in the deep trough from the system. The
detected defects are based on two separate fault conditions. As discussed above, the aeroponics system differs from both
The first condition represents the fault detection information Hydroponic and in vitro plant growing techniques. Unlike
in the system on behalf of working sensors: (water nutrient hydroponic system, which uses water nutrient-rich solution
solution; EC and pH value, humidity, air temperature and as a growing medium and provides essential nutrient for sus-
light intensity). The second fault detection is based on the tain plant growth. However, it is conducted without any grow-
biological faults occurring in the system (transpiration rate) ing medium (Lakkireddy et al. 2012). In the system, the nursery
(Ferentinos et al. 2003a; Ferentinos and Albright 2003b). plants might be either raised as seedlings using specially
The obtained real-time data from the system could apply to designed lattice pots or cuttings could be placed directly into
maintain the growth chamber temperature, ventilation from the system for rapid root formation. Lattice pots allow the
growth chamber, light intensity, and available water nutrients root system to develop down into the growth chamber where
solutions properties (Tik et al. 2009; Sahu and Mazumdar it is regularly misted with nutrient under controlled conditions.
2012; Song et al. 2012). Zobel et al. (1976) reported that root zone environmental con-
ditions play a significant role in healthy plant growth and
attaining the excellent quality of seed production. Siddique
Mechanization and optimizing of root
et al. (2015) revealed that only efficient root system provides
environment in aeroponics cultivation system
unobstructed growth space for the plant under atomization
Throughout history and literature review, man has endea- conditions. Soffer and Burger (1988) reported that once plant
vored to understand and manipulate his surrounding located in the atomization system roots start to get most favor-
environment. One aspect of his investigation was the plant, able root aeration system. The lower portion of the plant
and their ability to survive and flourish under distinct situ- entirely suspends in the mist air environment and provide
ations. The research results indicated that direct and adequate root organism to gain the required factors. The base of the cut-
supply of mineral nutrients is a significant factor in the cre- ting is supplied with high levels of oxygen and moisture in a
ation of the root domain environment. Hayden (2006) humid environment and helps the plant to get 100% of the
reported that plant root development and growth laid on sev- fresh oxygen from the air to promote and support root metab-
eral factors include the initiation, elongation, and spreading olism and accelerates formation. The increasing metabolism
out of fresh root axes. Plant root structure responds to the rate of plant growth was reported up to 10 times greater than
root zone environment by substituting in growth and branch- soil system (Stoner 1983; Chiipanthenga et al. 2012).
ing systems as well the variations in plant hormone synthesis
and response probably mediate these plastic responses to the
Nutrient solution management in aeroponics system
root zone environment as well as contribute to genetic var-
iances in root architecture and plasticity. Jonathan et al. Aeroponics uses less water and nutrients because the plant
(2012) revealed that plant root growth and development roots are sprayed at intervals using a precise droplet size
depends on an adequate quantity of carbohydrates supply that could utilize most efficiently by osmosis to nourish the
from surrounding photosynthesis concentration and avail- plant. The nutrient solution is an aqueous solution mainly
able environmental conditions. Therefore, many roots sur- containing soluble salts of necessary components for higher
rounding environmental conditions that influence plant yield (Steiner 1968). The essential inorganics ions
photosynthesis, including water availability, light intensity, have important and clear physiological role and their absence
temperature, and nutrient availability may impact on root prevents the plant life growth stage (Taiz and Zeiger 1998).
growth by affecting carbohydrate supply to the plant roots However, the nutrient composition depends on the plant cul-
(Kawasaki et al. 2014). Compared with the other traditional tivation method, the kind of medium, growth stage, weather,
cultivation methods, aerosol culture becomes the advantages method of applying nutrient solution, etc (Guang-jae et al.
of free extension of the root system, (Vincenzoni 1977; 2007). The plants need 17 essential inorganics nutrient for
Sumarni et al. 2013) direct and sufficient oxygen uptake, maintaining optimum health and significant yield (Kochian
rapid and convenient water absorption, and full 2000; Bailey and Nelson 2012). Rolot et al. (2002) reported

Figure 8. The proposed architecture of control and communication mechanism between human operator and Aeroponics system (Pala et al. 2014).

the main necessary nutrient components required for vigor- elements for plant life (Lakkireddy et al. 2012). There are sev-
ous plant growth included phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), potass- eral nutrient solutions recipes and Table 2 shows some of
ium (K), nitrogen (N), and zinc (Zn). The carbon (C) and them. These recipes are mostly used in the aeroponics system
oxygen (O) is directly supplied from the atmosphere. The until now. The success or failure of the system primarily
plant cannot exist without the deficiency of these elements, depends on the strict nutrient management. Therefore, it is
and these elements cannot be exchanged with any other important to manipulate and adjust the EC and pH level of
nutrients. Therefore, in the aeroponics system, the plant is water nutrient solution. Moreover, replace the nutrient sol-
grown without soil by providing nutrient mist through atomi- ution after every 2 to 3 days or whenever necessary.
zation nozzles. It is important to supply accurate essential
nutrient on proper time with required concentration. Up to
now, different researchers used different nutrients concen- Aeroponics engineering and potential challenges
tration for preparing the nutrient-rich water. Dennis, Hoag-
The aeroponics system is the modern technique of the plant
land, and Daniel recognized several recipes for preparing
cultivation. Until now, it is not entirely implemented around
the mineral nutrient solution for water culture. Knop and
the world. The system has many potential challenges which
other plant physiologists revealed that K, Mg, Ca, Fe, and P
could be answered through research studies. Bucksetha
along with S, C, N, H, and O are all essential nutrient
et al. (2016) and Stoner and Clawson (1998) revealed that
in the aeroponics system the main problem is related to
water nutrient droplet size. The larger droplets permit the
Table 2. Some essential mineral elements concentration by different authors. less supply of the oxygen availability in the root zone. The
Steiner Cooper Hewitt Hoagland and smaller droplets produce too much root hair without devel-
(1984) (1988) (1966) Arnon (1938)
oping a lateral root system for sustainable growth. Currently,
Nutrient mg L−1 most of the studies on the aeroponics system are based on the
N 168 200–236 168 210 growth, yield, and quality of the plant. However, only limited
P 31 60 41 31
K 273 300 156 234 studies had been carried out to determine the influence of
Ca 180 170–185 160 160 various droplet sizes on plant yield and nutrient physio-
Mg 48 50 36 34 chemical properties of the nutrient solution. The main poten-
S 336 68 48 64
Fe 2–4 12 2.8 2.5 tial challenge and drawback of the system is constant power
Cu 0.02 0.1 0.064 0.02 supply throughout the plant growth. Any prolonged rupture
Zn 0.11 0.1 0.065 0.05 of power energy shut down the nutrient supply and contrib-
Mn 0.62 2.0 0.54 0.5
B 0.44 0.3 0.54 0.5 utes to permanent plant damage. The mineralization of the
Mo Not 0.2 0.04 0.01 ultrasonic transducers requires attention and may be prone
considered to potential components failure.

Advantages of aeroponics system and decrease the seed production cost which represents the
system as more convenient to growers. The sequential plant
Martin-Laurent et al. (1999) suggested that Aeroponics tech-
harvesting is required, and the initial cost could be obtained
nique is a current innovative and appropriate technology. It
quickly. The system must analyze with new cultivars and
has the potential to cultivate plants in large quantities, tree
the artificial conditions including extra lights, temperature
saplings associated with soil micro-organisms, such as AM
and humidity control system. The artificial conditions should
fungi, for reforestation of degraded land in the humid regions.
be equipped in the greenhouse for the plant cultivation at
Aeroponics is an indoor horticulture practice. It is the best to
different latitudes. The study of root temperature is not as
adopt aeroponics in areas where the soil is not suitable for
well documented. The interrelationships among root and
plant growth. Aeroponics is an incredible amount of water
shoot temperature influence on growth are still unidentified.
as little as compared with other plant growing systems. The
The evaluation, assessment, and utilization of aeroponics sys-
system reduces the labor cost, consumes less water usage by
tem for commercial plant developing purpose are not studied.
98%, fertilizer usage by 60%, pesticide and herbicides usage
However, most of the studies are focused on root research, as
by 100% and maximize plant yield by 45% to 75% than either
root microorganisms and root responses to drought. Each
hydroponics or geoponics system (Stoner 1983; NASA 2006).
plant needs a specific optimum supply of the nutrient sol-
The nutrient solution could be recycled easily for reuse. The
ution at specific growth point. So, the optimum concentration
system allows for vertical farming, thus increasing the yield by
of nutrient solution for each plant should be investigated and
more space for the plant. The possibilities of multiple harvests
distinguished. The plant spacing should be figured out for
of a single perennial crop and accelerated cultivation cycle
each cultivar. Different plant materials such as cuttings and
due to the increased rate of growth and maturation. The
tuber sprouts should be compared in the system. In the aero-
mature plant could be removed easily at any time without dis-
ponics system, the traditional methods of pest/disease control
turbance another plant. The diseases could not expand
are not applicable thus the modern diseases control should be
quickly because of clean root material free from soil, soil-
developed. Based on weather and field production conditions,
borne organisms and adulteration from foreign plant species
the best plant production period should be determined for
contaminants. While in other soil-less system plant diseases
each plant. The artificial lighting could be used to grow the
could spread through nutrient distribution in growth
chamber from plant to plant. The plant receives 100% of
the available carbon dioxide and oxygen to the leaves,
stems, roots, and accelerating growth with reducing rooting Future application prospects
time. The system is not subjected to weather conditions.
Previous research works done on the aeroponics system are in
The plants could be grown and harvest throughout the year
favor to adopt this cultivation system. In a relatively short
without any interference of soil, pesticides, and residue. It is
period, the aeroponics system has adopted in many situations
environmentally friendly and economically efficient plant
from outdoor field culture to indoor greenhouse culture. It is
growing system.
also recommended as a highly specialized culture in the space
application and space-age technique. At the same time, the
system could be used in developing countries of the Third
Disadvantages of aeroponics system World to accommodate intensive food production in the lim-
ited area. In future, aeroponics would effectively use in those
regions where fresh water and fertile soils will not be accessi-
. Expensive for long scale production
ble. Thus, it could be the potential application for food pro-
. The plant grower must need a specific level of proficiency
duction in those regions having vast parts of the nonarable
to operate the system.
land, small area and big population, and as well in desert
. The grower must have the information about the appro-
regions. The system could be highly practiced to grow veg-
priate quantity of required nutrient for plant growth in
etables in small countries whose chief industry is tourism.
the system.
The tourist facilities restaurants and hotels might grow
. It is important to supply the required concentration of the
their own fresh vegetables and provide fresh food to the
nutrients. There is no any solid culture to absorb the excess
nutrients if supply excess plant will die.
. The system design material is little expensive. As the well-
designed system requires advanced equipment. It mainly Conclusion
constant high-pressure pumps, atomization nozzles, EC,
This review paper of the existing literature revealed as the
and pH measuring devices, temperature, light intensity
population increases. The demands for clean and fresh food
and humidity sensors and timer to control the system.
increases alarmingly with the population. People will turn
to new plant growing technologies to fill up increasing food
demands. Moreover, this review article concluded that aero-
What we know and what remains to be known in
ponics is the modern, innovative and informative technology
aeroponics system
for plant cultivation without corporation of the soil. The sys-
Presently, aeroponics cultivation is implicated for growing tem is the best plant growing technology in many aspects
vegetable crops. It is a relatively new technology. Therefore, comparing with different cultivation system. The system is
enough material about the system is yet distant. Otazú quickly increasing momentum, popularity and fastest grow-
(2014) declared that in aeroponics system production is ing sector of modern agriculture. It would be effectively
essentially sensitive to climate and the vegetative period employed in various countries for vegetable production
increase by 1–2 months. It can substantially increase income where natural resources are insufficient.

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