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To Be Great Again, America Needs Immigrants

When debating on how to improve the economy of America, it is critical to consider;

innovations that come from the universities, flexibility of a workforce, the dynamism of

entrepreneurs and a more itinerant population who are flexible and able to switch location in

search of job opportunities.

Although most of the economic discussions pay greater attention to ways more punitive

measures to revive declining productivity growth, this should not be the case as these attempts

downplay the actual point of focus. America’s economy is determined not only by the output per

employee but also by the number of personnel joining the labour force. America’s workforce

comprises of the natives and immigrants who have attained the legal working age. However, for

the last two decades, the United States’ plus in productivity growth has lessened piercingly, while

its population advantages compared to both Europe and Japan, have fundamentally held stable.

There is a tendency of slowing productivity growth and increased progress in the

productivity growth between the leading developed countries. Sharma attributes this to the ease at

which production technology spreads across nations. However, he states that the trend of change

across productivity spans within the developed nations. Regardless of which two countries

compare, the pattern is constant. Therefore, the efforts of any state to regain remunerative

advantage by reviving productivity without increasing its population are infeasible.

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Ruchir Sharma compares the economy of the United States and that of Japan and Europe

in which he notices that they all have grown at a rate of 0.6 per cent each year. However, he

states that the economy of the United States is higher than that of Europe and Japan. His

justification for this scenario is that the United States has embraced immigrants and had more

birth rates than its competitors. He further explains that if the population of the United States

were growing at a rate similar to that of Japan, its position in the world economy would scale at

15 per cent and not the 25 per cent that it currently holds (Sharma, pg.2).

Population growth is the foundation of increasing economic productivity. The writer of

the article emphasises this by comparing the economy of countries that embrace immigration

such as Canada to that of states that limit immigration such as Japan. In comparison, Canada is

experiencing faster economic growth than Japan. The policies drafted by president Trump aim at

reducing the immigrant's flow to the United States. The idea to cut on the immigrants’ flow will

handicap the global economic growth of the state. First of all, workers are the primary source of

financial strength implying that a restriction on immigration reduces the population of a nation. A

reduced population may fail to provide adequate labour power which will impact the economic

productivity of the state. While the United States is focusing on reducing the “net flow of

immigrants” (Sharma, pg.3), countries such as France are offering baby bonuses to help raise the

birth rate and consequently the economic productivity.

In the United States where policies are restricting immigration, the economy will change

from global to a domestic level. In the article, Sharma states that as much as the United States

limits migration, the more it will undermine its economic growth which will consequently make

its remunerative rivals outshine it in the global market.

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