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Elements of Experiential Consumption: An Exploratory Study

Brian Lofman, University of Connecticut^

An exploratory study was undertaken to is to compare the salience of tliese elements across
uncover the elements of experiential consumption. consumption experiences reflecting differing value
Cont2nt analysis of respondent protocols indicates orientations. Research is conducted on consumption
that there arc six primary elements: setting, experiences involving extrinsically valued and
sensation, thought, feeling, activity, and evaluation. intrinsically valued market offerings. The
Thes; inductively generated elements are similar to distinction between extrinsic and intrinsic values is
the ceductive constructs in Hirschman and reflected in two different types of consumption:
Holbrook's (1986) Thought-Emotion-Activity-Value instrumental consumption iind hedonic consumption.
(TEJ'.V) Model. Differences in experiential
consumption are highlighted by comparing the BACKGROUND
salie ice of factors in instrumental and hedonic
consumption experiences. The results suggest that, Psychological Theories
in ccintrast to instrumental consumption, hedonic The instrumental/hedonic distinction in the
consJmption involves relatively greater emotional consumer behavior literature is based on
processing and more activity and evaluation, but psychological theories, particularly those from the
comjiaratively less overall cognitive processing and
phenomenological or humanistic school that
sensory stimulation.
theorize a dichotomy in sensory perceptual states.
As originally formulated by Koch (1956), behavior
Experience is the best teacher. may be extrinsically motivated or intrinsically
- Unlcnown motivated. Whereas extrinsic motivation underlies
consumption as a means toward an end (utilitarian or
INTRODUC^O^J instrumental consumption), intrinsic motivation
Researchers are increasingly finding and underlies consumption as an end in itself (hedonic
acknowledging that tliere is a broad range of consumption).
cons jmption beyond brand choice and purchase Schachtel (1959) contrasted two modes of
beha/ior. Such recognition better reflects the fact perception, secondary autocentricity and
that Jie verb, "to consume," can be defined in many allocentricity. In secondary autocentricity, the
ways: to use up; to squander, spend wastefully; to perceiver views objects in terms of the needs or uses
eat i p , devour; to absorb the attention of, engross; they may serve, thereby engaging in problem
to absorb the mental or emotional faculties; to take solving and approach-avoidance behavior. In
to oneself, receive into one's system, incorporate; allocentric perception, the perceiver is completely
to penetrate deeply; to possess entirely. These absorbed in the object.
distinctions give a flavor for the varied nature of Maslow (1962) compared two tyjjes of
cons jmption and collectively point to the need to cognitive activity, cognition and b-cognition.
examine more broadly the realm of experiential Cognition involves comparing, judging, and
consimption: the experiences consumers have while evaluating; b-cognition involves experiencing the
usinj;, consuming, and possessing market offerings object as a whole, apart from any particular purpose.
(e.g.. see Belk 1988; Thompson, Locander, and Maslow's "being-psychology" is oriented to ends as
Pollio 1989). opposed to means, such as end-experiences (pp. 73-
Studies based on assumptions implicit in the 74).
experiential perspective (Holbrook and Hirschman In a review of psychological literature,
1982) have emphasized esthetic products and Tellegen (1981) proposed fundeimental differences
emotional processing. Havlena and Holbrook between what he termed the instrumental and
(198o) studied eight broad types of human experiential sets. The instrumental set refers to "a
experience, only some of which involved market state of readiness to engage in active, realistic,
offerings. Additionally, in order to contrast two voluntary, and relatively effortful planning, decision
major typologies of emotion (Melirabian and Russell making, and goal-directed behavior," whereas the
1974; Plutchik 1980), their research focused on experiential set represents "a state of receptivity or
experiences evoking strong feelings and emotions. openness ... to undergo whatever experiential
Scholars need to gain a broader understanding of the events, sensory or imaginal, that may occur, with a
differences in experiential consumption across the tendency to dwell on, rather than go beyond, the
market offering spectrum. experiences themselves and the objects they
The purpose of this research is twofold. The represent" (p. 222).
first objective is to identify inductively the elements
of experiential consumption. Tlie second objective Consumer Research
In the early 1980s, theorists began to
question the assumption of the rational consumer
TThe author gratefully acknowledges the support and and postulate that consumers engage in both
invaluable assistance of Susan Spiggle and Robin cognitive and emotional processing (Zajonc 1980;
Higie. Zajonc and Markus 1982). Researchers have made a
729 Advances in Consumer Research
Volume 18, © 1991
730 / Elements of Experiental Consumption: An Exploratory Study

conceptual distinction between behavior based on achieving some goal or end state. 'That is, they are
utilitarian or instrumental values and behavior based means to some other end, not intrinsically valued
on pleasure seeking or hedonic values (e.g., see Tse, for themselves." The instructions used to elicit an
Belk, and Zhou 1989). Additionally, scholars have HC experience read "Other market offerings are
focused increasingly on hedonic consumption as a sought, acquired, and/or consumed for the
distinct area of study (Ahtola 1985; Hirschman and experiences they provide. That is, the experiences
Holbrook 1982; Holbrook et al. 1984). during consumption represent ends in themselves".
Holbrook and Hirschman (1982) proposed an After reading the definitions, subjects responded to;
experiential perspective of consumer behavior as an 'Think of a market offering that fits into the
alternative to the information processing and [first/second] category. Please make a list of the
purchase decision making approach. Subsequently, images, associations, and words which reflect what
they developed a framework that included value you think and how you feel when you recall your
(Holbrook and Corfman 1985), cognition most recent experience in using or consuming that
(Hirschman 1985a), emotion (Holbrook 1986), and market offering. Number each item on the list.
holistic-intuitive consciousness (Hirschman 1985b) Each item may be a single word, a phrase, or more."
in experiential consumption. Hirschman and This open end approach was used to elicit verbal
Holbrook (1986) proposed the Tliought-Emotion- statements reflecting feelings, perceptions, desired
Activity-Value (TEAV) Model, suggesting that it states, and so on which relate to the experiential
encompasses all forms of consumption, including domain (Fennell 1985, p. 548). No time limit was
those implicit in the Cognition-Affect-Behavior- set for protocol completion, but most subjects
Satisfaction (CABS) Model (Engel, Kollat, and completed both protocols within fifteen minutes.
Blackwell 1968; Howard and Sheth 1969; Nicosia One hundred and two protocols were generated for
1966). Each of the four constructs in TEAV is a each type of consumption experience.
broadened conceptualization of the respective
constructs in CABS. In addition to cognition, Content Analysis
"Thought" includes dreaming, imagining, and Subsets of the protocols were content
fantasizing. "Emotion" involves diverse types of analyzed to determine the appropriate classification
feelings, expressive behaviors, and physiological scheme. Category development progressed through
responses. "Activity" includes physical and mental several stages; the number of categories increased
events relating to both action and reaction. "Value" over the iterative coding process. After the
pertains to evaluative judgments in consumption. categories had been developed inductively, they were
TEAV assumes that consumption experiences are collapsed into a smaller number of categories
complex processes and suggests interdepwndencies representing the elements of experiential
among its constructs and hence nonlinearity. consumption, including Setting, Sensation,
In sum, researchers have painted two Thought, Feeling, Activity, and Evaluation. Tlie
contrasting, though not necessarily opposing, operationalization for each category is provided in
pictures of the consumer. One stream of research — the Appendix. Two judges other than the author
the instrumentally oriented — assumes a rational, independently coded the protocols. The interjudge
information processing problem solver who follows reliability (percentage of agreement) for all
a purchase decision making strategy to fulfill a responses is 93 percent, ranging from 84 percent to
specific need. A second stream — tlie hedonic 98 percent for the categories and subcategories. A
third judge resolved all disagreements.
orientation — assumes an experiential being who
consumes for enjoyment. Collectively, theory and
research indicates that the consumer is both Comparison with TEAV Model Constructs
instrumentally and hedonically oriented, suggesting The Tliought, Feeling, Activity, and
that experiential consumption may be classified as Evaluation elements derived in this empirical study
primarily hedonic, primarily instrumental, or some are similar to the respective constructs in Hirschman
mix of the two. and Holbrook's (1986) TEAV Model. "Thought"
encompasses not only cognitive processing
AN EXPLORATORY STUDY regarding the market offering itself, but also
The purpwse of the present study is to imaginal processing as refiected in associations
uncover elements in experiential consumption and to made during consumption. "Feeling" in this
contrast the salience of these elements in research is equivalent to "Emotion," but better
represents protocol responses such as "makes me
instrumental consumption (IC) and hedonic
feel happy" and "feeling thirsty." "Activity" in this
consumption (HC). The research requires respondents
study is the same as its counterpart in TEAV.
to report on experiences involving extrinsically and
"Evaluation" is a more appropriate term than the
intrinsically valued market offerings.
broader conceptualization "Value." In this research,
evaluative responses refiected self-oriented
Method and Measurement
(economic, hedonic) value but not otiier-oriented
One hundred and four undergraduate students at
value, which is more likely to be evident in human
a northeastern university responded to a pencil and
relational experiences rather than market offering
paper questiormaire. The instructions used to elicit
consumption. "Setting" in this study is related to
an IC experience read "Some market offerings are
"Environment (Information)" — an input to the
sought, acquired, and/or consumed for their use in
Advances in Consumer Research (Volume 18) I 731

Instrumental and Hedonic Market Offerings
Market Offerint? Cate!?orv Instrumental Hedonic
Appli ance/Automobile 14 0
Beaul y/Health/Hygiene 42 4
Cassette/CD/Radio 0 24
Clothing 4 13
Cone 2rt/Sporting Event 0 5
Food/Alcohol/Restaurant 9 30
Miscellaneous Nondurable 7 2
Movi;/TV 0 19
Participatory Game/Vacation 1 5
Service 25 0

All 102 102

consimption process in TEAV — in that objects in Distribution of Market Offerings

tlic immediate environment serve as sources of Tlie market offerings are categorized in Table
infonnation for the consumer. 1 according to whether they were perceived as
Tliere are two minor differences between the instrumental (extrinsically valued) or hedonic
inductively generated elements in this research and (intrinsically valued) by the respondents. There was
the d'iductively generated constructs in TEAV. First, considerable agreement among respondents.
whereas functional and psychosocial benefits are Appliances, automobiles, and a variety of services
included within "Thought" in this study, they appear (e.g., college, haircutting, travel agency) were
to correspond to the reasons, motives, wants, and viewed as instrumental market offerings and valued
wishes treated within the "Person (Motivation)" extrinsically. Music related products, live events,
construct, another input to the consumption process and movies and television programs were perceived
in TEAV. Functional and psychosocial benefits as as hedonic market offerings and valued intrinsically.
well as concrete and abstract attributes are links in a However, some of the market offerings (e.g.,
mean;-end chain, which is a hierarchical Icnowledge clothing) were seen as instrumental by some
structure containing attributes, consequences respondents but as hedonic by others, indicating
(benefits), and values (Gutman 1982; Peter and that at least some market offerings may be valued
Olsor. 1989). Beyond its use in understanding both extrinsically and intrinsically.
product knowledge, then, the means-end chain may
be ussful in understanding experiential consumption. Distribution of Protocol Responses
Second, since sensory imagery is a mental The total number of responses for the 102 IC
event, it could be considered a part of 'Thought" as experiences was 506, each protocol averaging 5.0
it is in TEAV (see Hirschman 1985a; Hirschman and responses. The total number of responses for the
Holbiook 1982). However, "Sensation" is U-eated as 102 HC experiences was 52,1, or 5.1 responses per
a dislinct element in this study to reflect the protocol. The range in the number of responses was
impoitance of the translation or interpretation of the two to thirteen for each type of consumption
market offering during consumption and to experience.
emphisize the distinction between sensory The percentages of responses falling into the
processing and cognitive processing. elements by consumption type are reported in Table
Both tlie elements in this research and the 2. The results of the difference between proportions
const! ucts in TEAV dovetail with the conceptual significance tests indicate significant differences in
approach of Richardson (1984), who defines the relative salience of elements in IC and HC.
experience as "an event to be described in terms of a Thought is clearly the most salient element for both
sensory, imaginal and affective complex" (p. 195). IC and HC: it accounts for over three-fifths of IC
Interestingly, Richardson advocates incorporating responses, but less than one-half of HC responses.
the er.periential dimension along with the oft-studied However, significant differences exist only for the
behavioral and physiological dimensions of Benefits category and its Functional and
psychology, just as some consumer researchers have Psychosocial subcategories: Benefits represent over
begur to consider experiential consumption in one-third of IC responses, but less than one-sixth of
addition to infonnation processing and other HC responses. Sensation also accounts for a
cogni'-ive oriented approaches to consumer behavior. significantly larger percentage of IC responses than
HC responses.
The percentages corresponding to Feeling,
Activity, and Evaluation are greater for HC than IC.
732 / Elements of Experiental Consumption: An Exploratory Study

Percentage of Total Responses for Elements of Instrumental and Hedonic Consumption

Element Instrumental Hedonic (t-value)*

Al. Setting 5.7% 7.7% (-1.26)

B2. Sensation 9.3% 4.8% (2.80)++

C. Thought 62.6% 48.0% (4.63)+++

C3. Attributes 14.6% 19.2% (-1.94)

C3a. Concrete 4.9% 5.8% (-0.63)
C3b. Abstract 9.7% 13.4% (-1.82)

C4. Benefits 35.6% 15.7% (7.21)+++

C4a. Functional 23.9% 9.4% (6.17)+++
C4b. Psychosocial 11.7% 6.3% (2.98)++

C5. Associations 12.5% 13.1% (-0.28)

D. Feeling 13.4% 20.3% (-2.91)++

D6. Emotion/Mood 9.1% 15.0% (-2.86)++

D7. Physiological 4.3% 5.4% (-0.80)

E8. Activity 4.0% 1.1% (-2.50)+

F9. Evaluation 2.6% 9.2% (-4.43)

10. Miscellaneou.s 2.4% 2.3% fO.LD

Total (A1,B2,C,D,E8,F9,1O) 100.0% 100.0%

*Significance tests for differences between IC and HC

+p<0.05 for a two-tailed test.
++p<0.01 for a two-tailed test.
+p<0.001 for a two-tailed test.

Although Feeling encompasses a larger percentage between hedonic and instrumental consumption
of HC responses than IC resfwnses, a significant appear to relate to the type of market offering (Table
difference exists only for Emotion/Mood. The 1), suggesting the possibility of placing market
percentage of responses falling into Setting are not offerings on an instrumental/hedonic scale.
significantly different for IC and HC. These empirical findings support a broadened
definition of thought in experiential consumption
Discussion (Hirschman 1985a). Further, the results and the
The results of this study suggest that implications derived from them support the
instrumental consumption is grounded in the conceptual importance which has been placed on
consumer's immediate experiential world, particularly emotion in hedonic consumption (Holbrook and
the consumer's narrow relationship with the market Hirschman 1982; Holbrook 1986). Finally, the
offering. Relative to hedonic consumption, the findings demonstrate the importance of studying
consumer is more likely to link the market offering instrumental consumption experiences in addition to
with both functional and psychosocial needs, continuing research to better understand hedonics
perhaps through structured thought and logical (Hirschman and Holbrook 1982).
reasoning. Hedonic consumption involves
experiences which seem to diffuse through the MEASUREMENT ISSUES
consumer's extended experiential world. Relative to A weakness of this study relates to the
instrumental consumption, the consumer is more limitations of consumer self-report. Although there
likely to experience emotional reactions and to be is considerable controversy regarding the extent of
actively involved in the experience. The differences self-report problems in consumer research, it is
Advances in Consumer Research (Volume 18) / 733

widely acknowledged that such problems exist to consumption may be grounded in the consumer's
somi; degree (e.g., see Nisbett and Wilson 1977). immediate experiential world, hedonic consumption
The present study may suffer from inaccuracy as it may diffuse through the consumer's extended
relates to incompleteness of information (Rip experiential world.
198C0. As defined by Hirschman and Holbrook Consumer researchers clearly need to continue
(1986, p. 219), the consumption experience is "an striving for a broader and deeper understanding of
emergent property that results from a complex the consumer-market offering dyad than can be
system of mutually overlapping interrelationships in understood in the limited context of behaviors such
constant reciprocal interaction with personal, as information search and purchase. This will
environmental, and situational inputs." The many require "a full investigation of the relationship
interactions inherent in the TEAV Model refiect the between people and objects" (Csikszentmihalyi and
assu;nption that the whole of the experience is Rochberg-Halton 1981, p. 173), may involve the
different than the mere sum of its constituent parts. introduction of radically new concepts, and should —
Theisfore, words can probably never adequately at the very least — provide scholars with interesting
describe a consumption experience; in particular, perspectives on consumption.
havLig subjects provide a list of words,
associations, and images is a fairly crude method of REFERENCES
conveying the experience of consumption. Whereas Ahtola, Olli T. (1985), "Hedonic and Utilitarian
com-jlete descriptions of phenomenological Aspects of Behavior: An Attitudinal
consumption experiences undoubtedly would have Perspective," in Advances in Consumer Research,
provided richer qualitative data, the analysis of such Vol. 5, eds. Elizabeth C. Hirschman and Morris
gestclts would have required methods (e.g., see B. Holbrook, Provo, UT: Association for
Geeitz 1973) beyond the exploratory scope of this Consumer Research, 7-10.
study. Belk, Russell W. (1988), "Possessions and the
A second problem relates to the fact that Extended Self," Jourrml of Consumer Research,
responses were summed across all respondents for 15 (September), 139-168.
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treat ng each experience individually. Thus, the Halton (1981). The Meaning of Things:
results of this study can not be applied to each and Domestic Symbols and the Self, Cambridge:
ever;/ case of experiential consumption. For Cambridge University Press.
example, it would be incorrect to posit that every Engel, Jiimes F., David T. Kollat, and Roger D.
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relatively more feeling than every experience of York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
instrumental consumption. Fennell, Geraldine (1985), 'Things of Heaven and
A third issue concerns the scojx; of this Earth: Phenomenology, Msirketing, and
exploratory study, which is limited to examining Consumer Research," in Advances in Consumer
varicus aspects of consumption within the context Research, Vol. 12, eds. Elizabeth C. Hirschman
of the experience itself. Further research might and MorTis B. Holbrook, Provo, UT:
contiast instrumental and hedonic consumption more Association for Consumer Research, 544-549.
systematically by controlling for type of market Geertz, Clifford (1973), The Interpretation of
offering and personal and situational factors. The Cultures: Selected Essays by Clifford Geertz,
concjptual distinction suggests that, for instance, New York: Basic Books.
hedonically oriented eating experiences involve Gutman, Jonathan (1982), "A Means-End Chain
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instnimentally oriented eating experiences. Processes," Journal of Marketing, 46 (Spring),
CONCLUSION Havlena, William J. and Morris B. Holbrook (1986),
The findings of this exploratory study "The Varieties of Consumption Experience:
indicate tliat researchers investigating experiential Comparing Two Typologies of Emotion in
consumption need to be concemed with a number of Consumer Behavior," Jourruil of Consumer
factors, including the environmental context or Research, 13 (December), 394-404.
sitiiaiion (Setting), various factors relating to the Hirschmiffl, Elizabeth C. (1985a), "Cognitive
consumer (Tliought, Feeling, Activity, Evaluation), Processes in Experiential Consumer Behavior,"
and Ihe consumer's stimulation through sensory in Research in Consumer Behavior: A Research
modalities (Sensation). Scholars should additionally Annual, Vol. 1, ed. Jagdish N. Sheth, Greenwich,
be a^/are of possible variations in experiential CT: JAI Press, 67-102.
consumption arising from differences in consumer (1985b), "Dual Consciousness and Altered
orien:ation, specifically, extrinsic versus intrinsic States: Implications for Consumer Research,"
value orientations. The study suggests that, in Journal of Business Research, 13 (June), 223-
comparison with instrumental consumption, hedonic 234.
consumption involves relatively greater emotional and Morris B. Holbrook (1982), "Hedonic
processing and more activity and evaluation, but Consumption: Emerging Concepts, Methods and
relatively less overall cognitive processing and Propositions," Journal of Marketing, 46
sensory stimulation. Whereas instrumental (Summer), 92-101.
734 / Elements of Experiental Consumption: An Exploratory Study

Coding Scheme
This coding scheme represents the resultant framework of the iterative coding process. The inductively
derived elements of consumption are indicated by capital letters, categories by numbers, and subcategories by
small letters. Note that some elements are also coding categories, as indicated by a number next to the
capital letter. For example, "Setting" is category " 1 " in addition to representing element "A".

Al. Setting (or experiential input) — refers to objects and people in the immediate physical environment as
well as atmospheric and other environmental intangibles which help describe the time and place of the
experience. For example, "scissors," "beach," and "friends" are physical elements in experiential
settings. "Spring," "dark theater," and "romantic dinner" are environmental intangibles.

B2. Sensation (or sensory stimulation) — refers to the consumer's translation of the market offering through
sensory processes/modalities. Hearing, seeing, tasting, smelling, and touching are various sensory
modalities. "Minty" and "smells like papaya" are sensations or sensory imagery.

C. Thought — refers to attributes, benefits, and associations in consumption.

3. Attributes — relate to how various aspects of the market offering are perceived.
3a. Concrete Attributes — refer to the physical elements and qualities or sensory descriptions
associated with a specific market offering. "Tiny," "thick," and "S14" are concrete attributes.
3b. Abstract Attributes — refer to the nonphysical qualities associated with a specific market offering.
"Good quality," "long-lasting," "reliable," and "good service" are abstract attributes.
4. Benefits (or Disadvantages) — relate to how the market offering may satisfy (or fail to satisfy) the
consumer's personal needs and desires.
4a. Functional Benefits (or Disadvantages) — refer to the instrumental or special purpose needs which
may be satisfied (or fail to be satisfied) through consumption of the particular market offering.
Typically, these benefits relate to physiological or other life sustaining and maintenance needs.
"Prevents wrinkles," "decreases use of hairspray," "gets telephone messages when not home," and
"makes me thin" are functional benefits.
4b. Psychosocial Benefits (or Disadvantages) - refer to the psychological or social needs which may
be satisfied (or fail to be satisfied) through consumption of the particular market offering.
Typically, such benefits relate to self-esteem, status, or self-actualization. "Others notice it,"
"pleasing parents," and "broadening horizons" are psychosocial benefits.
5. Associations — refer to thoughts linking the consumed market offering to other market offerings,
objects, symbols, concepts, people, places, or events beyond the consumption experience itself.
"Victoria Principal," "the characters are similar to people I know," and "thought of good old days of
high school" are examples of associational imagery.

D. Feeling — refers to affective responses in consumption, including diverse types of feelings that
consumption may bring about in the consumer or that the consumer may bring to the consumption
6. Emotion and Mood State — refer to the relatively intense feelings the consumer experiences in
consumption, or to the relatively diffuse, prolonged states of feeling wliich may accompany
consumption. "Mad," "sad," "fear," "pride," and "envy" are emotions. "Curiosity," "mischievous,"
"devious," "passionate," and "adventuresome" are moods.
7. Physiological Feeling — refers to organically derived or organically related feelings (bodily states) in
consumption. "Hungry," "thirsty," "hot," "tired," and "nauseated" are organically derived feelings.
"Makes me energetic," "stimulated," and "relaxed" are organically related feelings.

E8. Activity — relates to behaviorally related events that occur during consumption. Mental activity refers to
intemal dialogue consisting of a running commentary or narrative as though the consumer is relating the
event to another person. "Thinking about the other person I'm talking to" and "Choosing from the best
available items" are mental activities. Motor activity refers to physical movement during consumption.
"Swimming in the ocean," "getting dressed up," and "made believe I played guitar and sang to it" are
motor activities.

F9. Evaluation (or experiential output) — refers to an overall appraisal of a market offering in the context of
the particular consumption experience. Evaluative responses may relate to market offering use, such as
"satisfied," "pleased with results," or "happy with the purchase." Also, evaluative responses may relate to
market offering appreciation, such as "fulfilling," "fun," "entertaining," or "incredible."

10. Miscellaneous — responses which do not fit into the categories and subcategories defined above.
Advances in Consumer Research (Volume 18) t 735

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