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partea de vorbire Traducere/ inteles Exemplu de propozitie / Traducere

This amount of weight loss is abnormal for
abnormal women your age. // Aceasta pierdere in
adj greutate nu este normala pentru o femeie de
varsta ta.
I can’t sleep because my knees ache in the
durere night. // Nu pot dormi deoarece genunchii ma
dor noaptea.
We knew the baby was coming right away
acute because the woman’s labour pains
adj were acute. // Stiam ca urmeaza sa nasca
deoarece durerele sarcinii erau acute.
allergy noun Your son is extremely allergic to peanuts. //
allergic adj Fiul tau este foarte alergic la alune.
We called the ambulance when Josh stopped
ambulanta breathing. // Am chemat ambulanta cand Josh
s-a oprit din respirat.
I can’t remember the accident because I
amnezie had amnesia. // Nu-mi amintesc accidentul
deoarece am avut amnezie.
We had to amputate his leg because the
amputation noun infection spread so quickly. // A trebuit sa-i
amputate verb amputam piciorul deoarece infectia se
raspandea rapid.
anemie- atunci cand
anaemia noun I have low energy because I am anaemic. //
corpul nu are destule
anaemic adj Nu am energie deoarece sunt anemic.
celule rosii
antibiotice- medicamente My throat infection went away after I started
ce ucid bacteriile si the antibiotics. // Infectia din gat a disparut
vindeca infectiile dupa ce am inceput sa iau antibiotice.
antidepresive- The anti-depressants helped me get on with
anti-depressant medicamente pentru a life after Lucy died. // Antidepresivele m-au
noun vindeca nelinistea, ajutat sa-mi continui viata dupa ce Lucy a
tristetea , anxietatea murit.
I’ve made you an appointment with a
intalnire specialist in three week’s time. // Ti-am facut o
programare cu un specialist in trei saptamani.
My grandmother can’t knit anymore because
arthritis the arthritis in her hands is so bad. // Bunica
noun mea nu mai poate croseta deoarece artrita la
maini este foarte rea.
I carry an inhaler when I run because I
asthma (attack)
astm have asthma. // Am la mine un inhalator cand
alerg deoarece am astm.
To prevent the spread of bacteria it is
important that nurses wash their hands often.
bacterie // Pentru a impedica raspandirea bacteriilor
este important ca asistentele sa se spele pe
maini des.
If you don’t get up and take a walk, you will
bedsore rana ce lasa pacientul la
develop painful bedsores. // Daca nu te ridici
noun pat
si mergi vei avea multe dureri de stat in pat.
We’re hoping that the tests will show that the
benign lump in your breast is benign. // Speram ca
benign (nu e canceros)
adj testele sa arate ca umflatura din san este
biopsy The biopsy ruled out a number of illnesses. //
noun Biopsia a inlaturat un numar de boli.
You will be happy to know that your blood
blood count numarul de celule rosii si count is almost back to normal. // Vei fi fericit
noun albe sa afli ca numarul celulelor a revenit la
Blood donors have to answer questions
blood donor about their medical history. // Donatorii de
donator de sange
noun sange trebuie sa raspunda la intrebari legate
de istoricul lor medical.
High blood pressure puts you at risk of
blood pressure having a heart attack. //Tensiunea arteriala
tensiune arteriala
noun ridicata te poate pune la un risc de atac de
You will probably always have to wear
brace bandaj (puternic)proteza, a brace on your ankle when you jog. // E
noun acolada posibil sa trebuiasca sa ai un bandaj cand
alergi la glezna.
We thought it was going to be a breech birth,
pozitia unui copil nenascut
breech but the baby turned himself around. //
in care picioarele sunt jos
adj Credeam ca va fi o nastere inversa dar copilul
si capul sus
s-a intors.
We thought it was just a sprain, but it turned
broken out his leg was broken. // Credeam ca a fost
adj doar o enttorsa dar se pare ca piciorul este
The woman was badly bruised when she
bruise noun came into the emergency room. // Femeia
bruised adj avea multe vanatai cand a venit in camera de
Caesarean section, The baby was so large that we had to perform
C-section cezariana a Caesarean section. // Bebelusul era asa de
noun mare incat a trebuit sa facem cezariana.
There are many different options when it
cancer comes to treating cancer. // Exista foarte
noun multe optiuni atunci cand vine vorba de
tratarea cancerului.
cardiopulmonary You saved your brother’s life by
resuscitarea cardiaca si
resuscitation (CPR) performing CPR. // Ai salvat viata fratelui tau
sangvina, primul ajutor
noun cand ai dat primul ajutor.
cast My leg was in a cast for graduation. // Piciorul
noun meu a fost in ghips la absolvire.
If you want a place to pray, the chapel is on
chapel, chapeline
capela the third floor. // Daca ai nevoie de un loc
unde sa te rogi, capela este la etajul 3.
My mother has already had three rounds
chimioterapie of chemotherapy. // mama mea a avut deja
trei tratamente cu chimioterapie.
It is best to get chickenpox as a child so that
chickenpox you don’t get it worse as an adult.// Cel mai
noun bine este sa ai varicela in copilarie sa nu o
patesti mai rau cand esti adult.
We only call the coroner if we think a death is
coroner suspicious. // Chemam medicul legist doar
medic legist
noun daca consideram ca moartea a fost
You can’t see her right now; she’s in critical
critical condition
conditie criticala condition. // Nu o poti vedea acum, este in
stare critica.
I’d rather hop on one foot than use crutches.
carje // Mai bine sar intr-un picior decat sa folosesc
We’re going to remove the cysts just to be on
chist the safe side. // Vom inlatura chistul doar ca
sa fim siguri.
The accident left the patient both deaf and
surd blind. // Accidentul a lasat pacientul atat surd
cat si orb.
The tests show that you have an
deficienta iron deficiency. // Testele au aratat ca ai o
deficienta de fier.
It is easy for the elderly to
dehydrated become dehydrated in this heat. // Este foarte
adj usor pentru batrani sa se deshidrateze in
aceasta caldura.
It is hard to watch a loved one suffering
dementa, nebunie with dementia. // Este foarte trist sa vezi o
persoana draga ce sufera de dementa.
People with diabetes have to constantly
diabetes check their blood sugar levels. // Oamenii cu
noun diabet trebuie sa verifice constant nivelul de
zahar din sange.
The doctor would prefer to share
diagnosis the diagnosis with the patient himself. //
noun Doctorul prefera sa spuna diagnosticul direct
This pain medication should relieve some of
discomfort, durere mica your discomfort. // Medicamentele de durere
ar trebui sa inlature discomfortul.
I understand that this disease runs in your
boala family. // Inteleg ca aceasta boala are istorie in
familia ta.
dislocated disclocat (cand vine vorba You will have to wear a sling because of
adj de oase) your dislocated shoulder.
It is important that children know which
emergency number to dial in case of an emergency. //
noun Este important ca si copii sa stie ce numar sa
apeleze in caz de urgenta.
The child was rushed into the ER after he had
ER (emergency a severe allergic reaction to a bee sting. //
room) camera de urgente Copilul a fost dus rapid in camera de urgente
noun dupa ce a avut o reactie alergica la o
intepatura de albina.
This cream is for external use only. Do not
external get it near your ears, eyes, or mouth. //
adj Aceasta crema este doar pentru uz extern. Nu
apropia de ochi, urechi sau gura.
We had two false negative pregnancy tests,
false negative so we didn’t know we were having a baby. //
un test care vine gresit
noun Am avut doua rezultate fals negative la testele
negativ, fals negativ.
adj de sarcina, asadar nu stiam ca vom avea un
The doctor was concerned about my family
family history history of skin cancer. // Doctorul era
istoricul familiei
noun ingrijorat despre istoricul familiei in ceea ce
priveste cancerul de piele.
The doctor made a fatal error when he wrote
fatal fatal, ce a provocat the wrong prescription. // Doctorul a facut o
adj moartea eroare fatala atunci cand a prescris
He is very feverish, and his temperature is
fever noun
febra near danger point. // Are febra si temperatura
feverish adj
este aproape de un punct critic.
People who have the flu should not visit
flu (influenza)
raceala hospital patients. // Oamenii care sunt raciti nu
ar trebui sa viziteze pacientii din spitale.
Your wrist is fractured and needs a cast. //
fracture noun
fractura Incheietura ta este fracturata si are nevoie de
fractured adj
Flowers are not allowed in the ward to avoid
germ the risk of germs being brought in. // Florile nu
noun sunt permise in salon pentru a evita riscul de
a aduce germeni inauntru.
The disease is part genetic and part
genetic environmental. // Boala este datorata o parte
genetic si o parte mediului.
crestere (sub piele, cand That growth on your shoulder is starting to
vine vorba de tesut), worry me. // Umflatura de pe umarul tau
umflatura incepe sa ma ingrijoreze
People who smoke are at greater risk of
heart attack
atac de cord having a heart attack. // Oamenii ce fumeaza
au un risc ridicat de a avea atac de cord.
HIV can be passed down from the mother to
virusul HIV her fetus. // HIV poate fi transmis de la mama
la bebelus.
I broke out in hives after I ate that potato
urticarie casserole. // Am avut urticarie dupa ce am
mancat acea caserola cu cartofi.
Her illness went away when she started
illness noun boala, stare de boala, de
eating better. // Starea de boala i-a disparut
ill adj rau
dupa ce a inceput sa manance mai bine.
You can’t have visitors because your immune
immune system
sistemul imunitar system is low. // Nu poti avea vizitatori
deoarece sistemul tau imunitar este slabit.
imunizare (de obicei cand
Babies are immunized three times in their
immunizationnoun vine vorba de o injectie,
first year. // Bebelusii sunt imunizati (vaccinati)
immunize verb vaccin pentru a proteja de
de trei ori in primul an.
o anumita boala)
incision I had to have stitches to close the incision. //
noun A trebuit sa am copci pentru a inchide incizia.
We have to do more x-rays because the first
inconclusive ones were inconclusive. // Trebuie sa facem
neclar, neconcludent
adj mai multe radiografii deoarece primele
rezultate au fost neconcludente.
The nurse will demonstrate how to bathe
copil, copilas an infant. // Asistenta va demonstra cum
trebuie sa fie spalat un copilas.
The wound should be covered when you swim
infection noun to prevent it from becoming infected. // Rana
infected adj ar trebui sa fie acoperita atunci cand inoti
pentru a preveni sa fie infectata.
My right ankle was so inflamed it was twice
inflamed the size of my left one. // Glezna dreapta a
adj fost asa de inflamata ca era de doua ori cat
cea din stanga.
Her injuries were minor; just a few cuts and
rana, lovitura, leziune bruises. // Leziunile ei erau minore, doar
cateva taieturi si vanatai.
She will remain in the ICU until she can
intensive care unit
unitatea de terapie breathe on her own. // Ea va sta in terapie
intensiva intensiva pana cand poate respira pe cont
The doctors will be monitoring her for
intern any internal bleeding. // Doctorii o vor
monitoriza pentru sangerari interne.
If you are allergic to this medication your skin
itchy will get red and itchy. // Daca esti alergic la
senzatie de mancarime
adj acest medicament pielea ta va deveni rosie si
te va manca.
The toddler was so dehydrated that the doctor
IV decided to get him on an IV. // Copilul era asa
noun de deshidratat incat doctorul a decis sa treaca
pe intravenos.
The lab results have come in and you are
lab results
rezultate de laborator free to go home. // Rezultatele de laborator au
ajuns si esti liber sa mergi acasa.
I’ll take these samples down to the lab on my
lab (laboratory)
laborator way out. // Voi lua aceste mostre la laborator
cand ies.
The woman has severe brain damage and is
life support aparate de sustinere a currently on life support. // Femeia are rani la
noun vietii creier si este momentan pe aparate de
sustinere a vietii.
The victim was shot in two places but the
life-threatening bullet wounds are not life-threatening. //
ce ameninta viata
adj Victima a fost impuscata in doua locuri dar
ranile nu-i ameninta viata.
If you are feeling light-headed again, lie down
ametit and call me. // Daca te simti ametit iar, intinde-
te si suna-ma.
I’m afraid at least one of the tumours
malign is malignant. // Ma tem ca cel putin una din
tumori este maligna.
After eight years of medical school I can
medical school
finally practice medicine. // Dupa 8 ani de
(med. school) scoala medicala
scoala medicala pot practica in sfarsit
You have to support her neck because she is
nou nascut still a newborn. // Trebuie sa-i sprijini gatul
deoarece inca este un nou-nascut.
The needle will make your lower body
amortit feel numb. // Acul va face ca partea de jos a
corpului sa fie amortita.
OR (operating You must wear a face mask and gloves while
room) sala de operatii you are in the OR. // Trebuie sa porti o masca
noun si manusi cand esti in sala de operatii.
The operation lasted seven hours, but it was
operation noun
operatie successful. // Operatia a durat 7 ore dar a fost
operate on verb
un succes.
We gave your husband some medicine to
pain relieve some of the pain. // I-am dat sotului
noun dumneavoastra niste medicamente pentru
pain killer, pain analgezic, calmant (de
You can take two pain killers every four
reliever obicei cand e vorba de
hours. // Poti lua 2 analgezice la fiecare 4 ore.
noun pastile)
We thought her legs were paralyzed for life,
paralyzed but she is learning how to walk. // Credeam ca
adj picioarele ei au fost paralizate pe viata dar ea
invata cum sa mearga.
patient The patients in Room 4 are not getting along.
noun // Pacientii din camera 4 nu se inteleg.
Ask the pharmacist if there is a generic brand
farmacist of this medication.// Intreaba farmacistul daca
exista medicamente generice de acest tip.
pharmacy, You should be able to buy a bandage at
drugstore farmacie the pharmacy. // Ar trebui sa gasesti un
noun bandaj la farmacie.
Ask your family physician to refer you to a
doctor specialist. // Roaga doctorul de familie sa te
trimita la un specialist.
poison noun The child was bitten by a poisonous snake. //
poisonous adj Copilul a fost muscat de un sarpe otravitor.
The woman was well prepared for labour
prenatal prenatal, inainte de because she took the prenatal classes. //
adj nastere Femeia era bine pregatita pentru nastere
deoarece a luat lectii prenatale.
You will need to visit your doctor to get
prescriptionnoun reteta (pentru pastile,
another prescription. // Va trebui sa vizitezi
prescribe verb farmacie, etc)
doctorul tau pentru o alta reteta.
You will have to pay for a private hospital
privacy noun room if you don’t want a room-mate. // Va
intimitate , privat
private adj trebui sa platesti pentru o camera privata daca
nu doresti un coleg de salon.
If the radiation doesn’t kill all of the abnormal
radiation cells, the cancer will come back.// Daca
noun radiatia nu ucide toate celulele anormale,
cancerul va reveni.
John is a resident under Dr Brown. // John
resident resedinta, pacient
este un pacient al doctorului Brown.
I’d like to see you a year from now for
routine check-up
verificare de rutina a routine check-up. // As dori sa te vad peste
un an la un control de rutina.
scrubs halat (special pentru I have some extra scrubs in my locker. // Am
noun doctori sau asistente) niste halate in plus in vestiarul meu.
a spala mainile (inainte I have to scrub up and get ready for surgery.
scrub up
sau dupa vizita unui // Trebuie sa ma spal pe maini si sa ma
pacient de obicei) pregatesc pentru operatie.
I went to another doctor to get a second
second opinion opinion about these headaches. // Am mers
o a doua opinie
noun la alt doctor pentru a primi o a doua opinie in
legatura cu durerile de cap.
People who suffer from epilepsy are prone
criza, convulsie to seizures. // Oamenii care au epilepsie sunt
predispusi la crize.
The woman was in shock after being pulled
șoc from the river. // Femeia a fost in soc dupa ce
a fost scoasa din rau.
side effects One of the side effects of antidepressants is
efecte secundare
noun a loss of appetite. // Unul din efectele
secundare ale antidepresivelor este pierderea
sore I have a sore throat and a runny nose. // Am
adj un gat inflamat si un nas care curge.
Ever since I injured my leg I’ve been having
spasm muscle spasms in my upper thigh. // De cand
noun mi-am ranit piciorul am avut niste spasme
musculare in partea de sus a coapsei.
My family doctor is sending me to
specialist a specialist. // Doctorul de familie m-a trimis
sa vad un specialist.
sprain I sprained my knee playing soccer. // Mi-am
entorsa, luxatie
noun/verb luxat genunchiul cand jucam fotbal.
You can see your husband now; he is in
stable condition
conditie stabila a stable condition. // Iti poti vedea sotul, are
conditie stabila.
sting It may sting when I insert the needle. // E
intepatura, usturatura
noun/verb posibil sa te intepe cand voi introduce acul.
You need to take some time off work and
stress noun
stres relieve some of your stress. // Trebuie sa iti
stressed adj
iei zile libere de la servici si sa inlaturi stresul.
I knew my ankle was sprained because it was
swelling noun
umflatura so swollen. // Am stiut ca am piciorul luxat
swollen adj
deoarece era asa de umflat
symptoms You have all of the symptoms of a diabetic. //
noun Ai toate simptomele unui diabetic.
We brought Jesse to emergency because he
temperature was running a (high) temperature. // L-am
noun adus pe Jesse deoarece avea temperatura
tender The incision was tender after the surgery. //
delicat, dureros la atingere
adj Incizia era delicata la atingere dupa operatie.
The test results came back negative. You
test results
rezultatele analizelor aren’t pregnant. // Rezultatele analizelor au
venit negative, nu esti insarcinata.
I was able to go back to work a few weeks
therapy after starting the therapy. // Am putut sa ma
noun intorc la munca dupa cateva saptamani de la
inceperea terapiei.
transplant The heart transplant saved your life. //
noun Transplantul de inima ti-a salvat viata.
The ultrasound shows that we are expecting
ultrasunete a baby boy. // Ultrasunetele arata ca ne
asteptam la un baiat.
I had an emergency C-section because
the umbilical cord was wrapped around the
umbilical cord
cordon ombilical baby’s neck. // Am avut o cezariana de
urgenta deoarece cordonul ombilical era in
jurul gatului.
I hit my head on the steering wheel and was
unconscious still unconscious when the ambulance
adj arrived. // Mi-am lovit capul de volan si eram
inconstient cand ambulanta a ajuns.
The urine sample tells us how much alcohol
urine sample
mostra de urina is in your blood. // Mostra de urina ne spune
cat alcool este in sangele tau.
I’m just looking for the best vein in which to
vena insert the needle. // Caut doar cea mai buna
vena in care sa introduc acul.
The virus is contractable through the
virus exchange of bodily fluids. // Virusul poate fi
contactat prin schimb de fluide.
I’m afraid you’ll have to come back
visiting hours
ore de vizitare during visiting hours. // Ma tem ca va trebui
sa te intorci in timpul orelor de vizitare.
The pregnant woman can’t stop vomiting. //
voma Femeia insarcinata nu se poate opri din
I should warn you that we’re entering the
sectie mental health ward. // Trebuie sa te avertizez
ca trecem pe langa sectia de boli mintale.
If you get in the wheelchair I’ll take you down
scaun cu rotile to see the garden. // Daca te pui in scaunul cu
rotile te voi duce sa vezi gradina.
The wounded soldiers are being airlifted to
wound noun
rana the hospital. // Soldatii raniti sunt adusi aerian
wounded adj
la spital.
The technician took x-rays of my shoulder to
x-ray make sure it wasn’t broken. // Tehnicianul a
noun/verb facut o radiografie la umar sa se asigure ca nu
e rupt.

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