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Doctor: Hello and welcome to this program. My name is Camila.

Today we are
talking about acne. Acne is not just for kids. Millions of people of all ages suffer
from acne. We asked dermatologist Nadia Tantalean to join us. Welcome Dr.
Tantalean. She is here today she is going to share some reasons for acne. First
of all let’s see what acne or a pimple really is.

Dermatologist: Acne starts in the pores of our skin and pores are really
composed of a follicle, a hair follicle a hair grows out of there and then we also
have a sebaceous gland which is actually an oil gland and it produces oil that
essentially lubricates our skin so people with oily skin have just a lot more
natural lubrication. The issue it that this oil can trap skin in these pores and if
there is bacterial presence these microorganisms can create a local infection
there and that is when you get acne or pimples.

Doctor: It is really important to remember about it when you get a pimple is

not to squeeze it because you can actually spread the infection throughout
your face.

Dermatologist: Yes, that’s right. I have some tips for things that often are
responsible that most of you have never heard of before. Surprising first
reason for acne is your pillow. There is dirt, oil and bacteria from your face,
from your hands. This get into your pillowcase, then all that transfer to your

Doctor: So general recommendation is to wash once a week your pillowcase.

Dermatologist: But here is the double surprise the pillowcase is part of the
problem. The big problem is the actual pillow itself. There is bacteria and other
kind of contaminants.
Doctor: So, we have to wash pillows every six months.

Dermatologist: Another reason is hand cream. Hand cream is not supposed to

touch your face.

Doctor: So look for hand cream free of coconut oil, algae extract, sodium
chloride, lauryl sulfate, isocetyl stearate.

Dermatologist: Also the use of multivitamins that contain iodine can cause

Doctor: Try getting a multivitamin without iodine being added to it. Look for
products that contains benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, sulfur, and retinol.
These are all great products that can help to fight your acne.

Dermatologist: We are going to tell you some more tips to prevent acne or to
treat acne. Remember to hydrate yourself. You have to drink about two liters
of water every day. Also you have to eat healthy food, a lot of fruit,
antioxidants, anything which is brightly colored red, orange, yellow such as
peppers, carrots, tomatoes, beetroots, oranges, plums, watermelon, etc. They
are extremely good to keep all the toxins away from your skin.

Doctor: Thank you for your visit dr. Tantalean. We hope to see you again soon.

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