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D E U L A lt A 'l' I O N

or TQB




"IJnilL u¡t011 tbo !oumlallon o! tho a¡1<1atlo, auJ ¡,r,,¡,t.uu, J11»1U Cliri•L himaolt
1H,l11g U,o chi11í oonu:r aluno." E1·11uutt, 2::)J. •


IN prcecnting to tbc public this eynopsis or our

fo.ith, wo wisb to havo it distinctly undcrstood thn.t
wo havo no nrticles of faithJ.,creed, or disci_plinr.,
asido from tho Iliblo. ,ve do not put forth· this
as hn.vin, 1P~ ~_µthorit.Y_with our peop~c1 nor is it
<l'csi_gned to eccuro uniformity o.mong them, ns a
system of fn.ith, but is o. briof stn.tement or wha.t
is, and ha.e becn, with grcat unanimity, hcld
by thcm. ,vo oftcn find it nccessary to mect in-
quiries on thie eubject, o.nd eometimes to correct
false eta.tcmcnte circulated against us, and to re-
move orronooulJ impressions which have obtained
with thoee who ha.ve n9t had an opportunity to
becomo acquaintcd with our iaith and practice.
Our only objoct is to mcet this neceseity.
As Scvcnth~day Adventista we deaire simply
that our position shall bo understood ; and wo aro
tho moro eolicitous for this beco.use thoro aro mo.ny
who call thcmsclves Adventista who hold viows
with which wo can ho.vo no aympathy, somo of
which, we think, are subversive or tbe plainest
and most importo.nt principlea set forth in the
word of God:
As compared with other , Ad~cntiats, Seventh ·
,lny Atl,·('nti"t~ ,liff,•r from ottc d:t'414 iri h·lini,•g
in the unconscious eta.to of the den.el, n.nd the finu.l livctl our oxu.mplc, dioq our su.crifico, wn.s raisotl
dcstruction of the unrcpentant wicked ; from for our justifico.tion, n.sccndcd on high to be our
anothcr, in bclieving in tho perpetuity of the la.w <;>nly mediator in the sa.nctuo.ry in llou.ven whero
of God n.s summarily containcd in tho ton com- with his own blood ho .makes atonoment 'ror ou;
mo.ndmcnta; in tho opera.tion of tho IIoly Spirit sins; which ~toncmcnt eo fa.r from boing mu.de on
in tho church, and in sctting no times for tho ad- tb.o c~oss,_ wh1ch was but tho offcring of tho sacri-
. vcnt to oceur ; from all, in tho observanco of tho fico, 1s. tho ..v,~ {:¡,cJt 11ortion of hia ,r.o.tk .o.s t?riest•
ecvcnth da.y of tho wcek o.s tho Sa.bbath oí tho accordmg to iñe oxamplo of tho Lcvitical pricst-
Lord, and in ma.ny applications of tho prophctic hood, which forcahn.<lowctl nnd profigurcJ. tho min-
scripturcs. istry of our Lord in llcavcn. Seo Lcv. 16; IIch.
,Vith thC!O remo.rks, WO nsk tho a.ttcntion of tho 8 : ,1, 5 ; D: 6, 7 ; &c.
render to thc following propositions, which nim to
bo a. concise statcmcnt of tho more prowincnt fea.- -III-
turca of our faith.
Tha.t tho .lloly .S.cripturcs, ., of. tho Oltl and
-I- Ncw .Tcst~mcnts, wcro givcn by inapirn.tion of
God, contam a. full rcvclation of his will to man
Tlmt there is onc God, a personal, spiritua.l o..nd n.ro tho only infallihlcu·1.l.liUlf LLü.h..~nd prac~
bcing, tbc crco.tor of u.U things, omnipotcnt, om- t1co.
nh;cicnt, aml eternal, infinito in wisdom, l10Iincss,
justico, goodncss, truth, and merey ; unchaugo- -IV-
o.Llc, o.ntl cvcrywhero prcscnt by his reprcsonta-
tivc, too lloly Spirit. Pe. 139: 7. Tha.t Ilaptism is an ordinanco of the Chris-
tian church, to follow füith and rcpcntnncc nn
or<lina.nco by which wo commcmornto tho r:sur-
rcction oí Chriet, as by this o.et wo show our foith
Tha.t thcro is one Lord Jesus Christ, thc Son in his buria.l an_d rcsurrection, o.nd throµgh thut,
of tho Eternal Fa.thcr,''tho ono by whom Gotl . of tho rcsurrcction of all tho snints at tho Iast
crcatcd aH tbings, and by whom thcy do consist ; do.y; o.nd that no other modo fitly representa thcso
that be ·took on him thc nn.turo of tho secd of facts thnn thnt which tho Scripturcs prescribe
Al,raham for tho rcdcmption of our fallen rn.cc; .n·o.moly, immcrsion. Uorn. G: 3-5; Col. 2: 12. ,
that 11c tlwélt urnong mcn full of gracc and truth,
fi l 1t:CJ.All..l.TIO~ o•• l'RINCJI'LES. UECLAllATION 01" l,RINCJI'LE8. 7

-V- -VII-

'J.'ha.t tlic ncw birth compriscs thc ·cntiro chango . That tho world'e hietory from spccifictl dates
11ccc:i~ary to fit us for thc kingdom of Go<l, in tho past, thc riec a.nd fa.U of cmpircs, a.nd chrono-
nn<l consists of two parts: first, a moral chango, logical aucccssion of evcnts down to tho_ ectting up
wrought by convcrsion sml a Christian lifc; sec- of God's ovcrlasting kingdom, aro outlincd in nu-
ond, a physica.l changc nt thc accond coming of mcrous groat cha.ins of prophccy ; o.nd that thcso
Christ, whcrchy, if dca.<l, wo aro ra.isctl incorrupt- prophcciee are now all f ulfillcd excopt tho closing
ible, nntl if living, are changctl to immortality in sccnea. ·
a. momcnt, in tho twinkling of an oye. John 3: -VIII-
3, 5; Luko 20: 3G.
That tho doctrino of tho world'e convcrsion
-VI- o.nd temporal millennium is o. fable of theso la.st
days, calcula.ted to lull roen into a. ato.to of carnal
,vo bclievc thnt prophccy is o. part of God'e eecurity, and causo them to be ovcrtn.kcn by tho
revclation to m1m; that it is includcd h1 that grca.t de.y of tho Lord o.a by a thicf in the night ;
Rcripturc which is profitablo for instruction, 2 Tim. thn.t the eccond coming of Christ is to procedo, ·not
3 : 16 ; tlui.t it is dcsignccl for ue nnd our childrcn: follow, tho millennium; for until tho Lord u.ppeare
J>cut. 2!l: 20 ; tho.t so far from bcing cnshroudetl tho papal power, with ali ita abominations, is to
in impcnctralllc mystcry, it i~ thn.t which espccia.lly continuo, tho wheat and tares grow togethcr, and
constitutcs tho wortl of Gotl e. la.mp to our fcet cvil men and scducors wax worse and worse, as
and a light to our path, Ps. 119: 105, 2 Pot. 2 :·' 0
tbo word of God declares.
lU; that n. blcssing is pronounccd upon thoso who
stu,ly it, ltcv. 1 :1-3; nnd that, conscquently, it -IX-
i~ to be unclcrstooll by tho pcoplo of God euffi-
cicntly to show thcm thcir position in tho world,e That tho mistako or Adventista in 1844 pcr-
hiatory, o.nd thc spccial dutics rcquircd o.t thcir taincd to tho na.turo or tho cvcnt thon to trans-
ho.nds. pire, not to tho time ; that no prophetio pcriod is
givon to roach to tho eccond advcnt, but that tho
longcst ono, tho two thousand and thrco hundrod
dnye of Dan. 8: 14, torminatcd in tbo.t yoar, and
ffF.Cl,ARATroN O}' l'lllNCJI 1 I.EH. U
stonc, nntl <lcpositod in thc ark, which wns in con-
hrought us to o.n cvont cnllcd tho clon.nsing or tl,c eequenco callotl tho "o.rk of tho covcnant;- or
so.nctuary. tcst:i.mcnt. N um. 10 : 83, llcb. 9 : 4, &c. ; that
this law is immutable and pcrpotual, bcing o. tran-
-X- script of the ta.bles dopositcd in tho ark iu thc
true aanctuary on high, which is also, for the samc
Tbat the sanotuary of tho now covcnn.nt is rcu.son, callcd the o.tk of God's tcstamcnt; for
the tabernaclo or God in Ileaven, or which Pa.ul
under tho soun<ling of tho scvcnth truwpct wo n.ro
speake in Ilebrews 8, and onward, of which our
told that "tho templo of God wn.s opcnctl in
Lord, as grcat High Pricst, is minieter ; that tbis
IIca.vcn, and thcro wu.s sccn in his templo tho o.rk
eanctuary is the antitypo of tho Mosaic tabcrnaclo,
of bis tcstamont.'' Rev. 11 : 10.
and that tho prieetly work of our Lord, eonnoctcd
thorowith, is the antitypo of tho work of tho J cw-
iah pricsts of tho former dispcnso.tion. IIob. 8 :
1-5, &c. ; tha.t this is tho ea.nctuary tobo cleo.nsod That the fourth, commandmcnt of this ln.w
o.t tho cnd of tho 2300 du.ye, what is tormcd ita rcquircs that we devoto tho sovcnth dn.y of ca.ch
cleansing bcing in this en.so, as in tho typo, simply woek, commonly co.llccl Saturtlay, to aLstincnco
tho cntrance of tho high priest into the most holy from our own labor, o.nd to tho performn.nco of
placo, to finish tho round of eervice connectod eo.cred and rcligious dutics; thn.t this is tho only
thcrcwith, by blotting out and removing from tho wcckly So.bbath known to tho Iliblc, bcing tho
eo.nctuary the sine which h_ad bcen transferrod to day thn.t wo.s set apart bcforc pn.rn.diso was lost,
it by means of tho ministration in tbo ñrst apo.rt- Gen. 2 : 2, 3, nnd which will bo obscrvcd in para-
ment, IIcb. 9 : 22, 28 ; o.nd that this work, in ; diso rostorcd, Isa. Gü : 22, 23; thn.t tito fu.eta upon
tho antitypo, commencing in 1844, occupios o. bricr ' which tho Snbbo.th institution ia bascd confin u it
but indcfinito space, e.t tho conclusion of ·which tho to the sovcnth da.y, o.s thoy are not true nf any
work of merey for the world is fiuished. othcr do.y; and thn.t tho terma, Jcwish SaLbath
o.nd Christian So.bbn.th, ns npplicd to tLc wockly
. rcst-do.y, aro no.mea of human invontion, un-
scriptural in fu.et, and .falso in mcaning.
Thn.t God'a moral requirements aro tho so.me
upon all roen in o.U dispenso.tions ; tho.t thcso o.ro
summnrily conto.inod in tho commnntlmcnts epokcn
by Jchovah from Sino.i, cngra.ven on tho tn.blcs of
10 l>ECL.\ltATION <H' l'IUNCII'LES, DECI,AllATlO~ Oi' l'lUNCll'LE::;, 11


~l.'ltat ns tho man of ein, tho papacy, ha.a 1'hnt tho Spirit of God wa.s promiscd to ma.n-
thought to chango times n.nd lnws (tho la.ws of ifcst itaclf in the church through ccrtain gifts,
God), Dan 7: 25, n.nd has misled almost all Chris- enumerated cspecially in 1 Cor. 12 and Epb. 4 ;
tcnuom in rcgarcl to tho fourth commandment, wo that theee.gifts are not designcd to supcrscde, or
fin<l n prophccy of a rcform in this respoct to be ta.ke the placo of, the Biblo, which is eufficient to
wrought nmong bcliovore just before the coming make us wiso unto ealvation, any moro than tho
of Chriat. !J3a.. 56 : 1, 2, 1 Pot. 1 : 5, Rev. 14: Diblo can tako tho placo of the IIoly Spirit; that
12, &c. in epecifying tho various channola of its opera-
tion, tha.t Spirit has simply mado provision for
-XIV- its own existcnco a.nd prcsenco with tho peoplo of
God to the cnd of timo, to lead to an undcrato.nd-
That ns tho natural or carnal hcart is at ing oí tho.t word which it ha.d inspirad, to con-
cnmity with God and his Iat, this cnmity can bo vinco of ein, and work a tranaformation :in tho
eubdued only by s radical transformation ·oí tiro hoa.rt o.nd lifo; and that those who deny to tho .
afTcctione, tho exchango of unholy for holy prin- Spirit ita placo and operation, do plainly deny that
cipies; thn.t thie traneformo.tion followa ropent- part or the Diblo whioh aesigns to it this work and ·
nnco n.ml faith, ie tho r.pccia.1 work of the Iloly position.
Spirit, nml conslitutce regencration or convorsion.
That God, in accordn.nco with bis uniCorm
That as n.11 havo violatcd tho law oí God, doalinga with the raoe, sonda forth a proclamation
u.mi cnnnot of themsclvcs render obedicnco to his of the approach of tho eecond advont of Christ;
just rc,tuircmcnte, wo aro dcpcndcnt on Christ, that thie work is symbolizcd by Ího thrco messagcs
first, for justification from our past offencce, and, of Itov. 14, tho last ono bringing to viow tho work
eccondly, for grnco whcrcby to render accopta.blo of rcform on tho law of God, that hie peoplc may
ohc<lícnco to his holy la.w in timo to como. ncquire a completo rco.dincss Cor thl\t ovcnt.
1:! HF..Cl,ARATlOS OF }lnJNCfl 1 f.F.S. UECLAllA'l'ION úlo' l'ltINCll'LE~. 13

tion; thc righteous having part in tLo first rcsur-

rcction, which ta.kcs place u.t tho scconu auvcnt of
That the timo of the clcansing of tl10 eanc- Christ, tho wickctl iu tho sccond rcsurrcction,
tun.ry (ece proposition X), eynchronizing with tho which ta.kcs placo a. thousanU yoars thcrca.ftcr.
time of tho proclama#ou of tho thirJ measage, is Rcv. 20 : 4-6~
a. timo of investigative judgmont, first with refcr-
cnce to tho dead, and at tho closo of probation -XXII-
with rcferonco to tho living, to determine who of
Tho.t at tho laet trump, tho living rightcous
tbo myriads now sleeping in tho dust oí tho cn.rth
aro to bo changed in o. momcnt, in tho twiukliug
nro worthy oí a pa.rt in thc :first rcsurrcction, n.ntl
oí a.n cyc, nnd witb tho rcsurrcctccl rightcous ~ro
who of ita living multitudes o.ro worthy of trans-
to be caught up to mcet tho LorJ in tho nir, so
la.tion-points which must bo dotermined bcforc
forcver to bo with tbo Lord.
fho Lord appcare.
That thcso immorto.lizcd oncs aro thcn tnkcn
Tho.t tho grave, whithcr wo all tend, cx- to Hcavcn, to tho Ncw Jcrusalcm, the lí'a-
prcssed by tho IIcbrcw al,eol, a.nd tho Grock luid~s, thcr's houso in which thero are many mansions,
is u. placo of darkncss in which thcrc is no work, John 14: 1-3, ,whero they reign with Christ a thou-
dovico, wisdom, or knowlcdgo. Eccl. !) : 10. sand yca.rs, judging the worlJ and fallen angcls,
th11,t is, apportioning tho puniahmcnt to bo cxo-
·-xx-. oototl upon thcm at tho closo of tho ono thousantl
yc~rs; Uov. 20: 4; 1 Cor. G: 2, 3; thn.t during
That tho eta.to to which . wo o.ro rcduood by
this timo tho co.rth lios in a desolo.to o.nd chaotic
dea.th is one of eilcnco, innctivity, and cntiro un-
con<lition, Jcr. 4 : 20-27, dcscribod, o.s in tho bc-
. consciouaneea. Ps. 146: 4; Eccl. !J: 5, ü; Dan.
ginning by tho Groek term abUBsos (,ifi,,aaor) bot-
12: 2, &c. tomlcss pit (Scptuagint of Gen. 1: 2); o.nd that
-XXI- boro Satan is confincd during tho thousllrnl ycars,
Il.cv. 20: 1, 2, and bero finally tlcstroycd, llcv.
Thnt out of tbis prison bouao or thc gravo 20: 10; !\!al. 4: 1; tho thcator of tho ruin ho hu.,
mankin,1 are to he brought by a bodily rcsurrcc- wrought in tho universo, ucing a¡>proprin.toly uuulo

for a time hiR gloomy prison hom~c, nrnl thcn thc

place of his finnl rxccution.

That n.t thc cml of tho thousand yenrs, thc
Lord <lcsconds with bis pcople and tho Ncw Jcru-
sa.lcm, ltcv. 21 : 2, tho wickcd dcad o.ro raiscd nnd
come up upon tho eurfüco of tho yct unrcno~ed
carth, o.nd gathcr about tho city, thc camp of tho
saints, Itov. 20: O, ancl firo comes down from God
ont of hea.vcn nnd dcvours thcm. Thcy o.ro then
consumc<l root an1l branch, l\Ial. 4 : 1, becoming
ns though thcy had not bccn. Obu.d. 15, 16. In
thia cvcrlasting dcstruction from tho prcscncc of
tho Lord, 2 Thcss. 1: D, tho wickcd mcct tho ov-
crlasting punishmont thrcatencd against thcm,
l\Iatt. 25 : 46. This is tho pcrdition of ungodly
mon, tho firo which consumos tbom boing tho firo
for which " tho hcn.vens o.nd tho carth which o.ro
now " aro kopt in atore, which shn.11 mclt evcn thc
clemente with its intonsity, e.nd purgo tho oarth
from tho dcepcst etains of tho curso of sin. 2 Pct.
3: 7-12.
Thnt a ncw henvcns o.nd carth ehnll epring
by thc powcr of God from thc ashcs of thc olcl, to
be, with tho Ncw Jcrusa.lem for its mctropolis and
capital, tho eternal inbcritn.ncc of tho sainte, tho
plnco whcrc tho rightcous eho.11 cvcrmoro dwoll . .
~ P<'L n: 1 !1 : P~. ~7 : 11, 2fl ; 1\fatt. r,: r,.

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