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Hello everyone! My name is Linh.

Today, I will be talking about the necessity to have

global citizenship education throughout the world. It is important to have global citizenship
education as the main framework throughout the world. Because if it is so, then the major global
challenges would be solved much faster, easier and better. In the book “Global Education
Citizenship”, the authors mention that “global citizenship education realistically must be set
against the contemporary realities. As a form of education it must actively engage with these
very issues” (pg.12). Many issues and global challenges are always happening, people should be
aware of and contribute to make changes at all times. This indicates that global citizenship
should not only have taught from the earliest grades of school but also should be the main
framework for education. It is good to teach and educate the kids how to be global citizens.
Unfortunately, it is very limited on what to teach them. For example, it will be good that they
should have critical thinking and think about others’ perspective. They can learn about simple
things such as climate change, poverty; yet, they will not be able to fully understand about more
complicated global challenges like war, nuclear weapons, energy shortages, etc. Besides, if it
was only taught from the earliest grade of school, kids are too young and they will eventually
forget and not fully engaged in those challenges in the future. This is also said in the article
“Spiritual Resilience Post-September 11”, they say that “it became evident at least on an
anecdotal basis that young people, supposedly the participating citizens of the future, lacked
knowledge about their own political system” (pg.218). Sadly, this can be taken as that nowadays,
young people do not even know about their own country political system. If so, then how do they
know about things happening in the world. For that reason, it shows that it is very significant to
have global citizenship education as the main framework. However, if only one country or a few
countries concern about the world, it would not make that much of a change. Therefore, it is
important to have global citizenship education around the world. One of the countries in the
world starts teaching their young kids about global citizenship is Canada. They teach their kids
about global citizenship throughout the years from Grade 1 to Grade 12. After completing all the
course, in the book, “Global Citizenship Education”, it says that “a key expectation is that
students completing the courses will be able to explain the rights and responsibilities of
individuals, citizens, groups and states in the international community” (pg.118). This shows that
Canada extremely cares about their students, their citizens to get well rounded education about
being aware of things happen globally. If one country, Canada, is able to give their kids global
citizenship education, other countries around the world can also do it. It shows the possibilities
of teaching global citizenship as the main framework for education throughout the world.
A global citizen, which is someone that is aware, have critical thinking and fully engaged
with global problems. It is very important and necessary to teach global citizenship throughout
the world. It should not only be taught at the earliest grades of school, but it also should be
taught as the main framework for education. As teaching young kids about global citizenship, not
only it helps build the foundation for the kids to develop critical thinking, communication, but it
also helps the kids have a habit of engaging with the world and things that are happening
globally around them as the global citizenship is taught as the main framework throughout the
world. Major global challenges have never been solved completely because the leaders of the
world are still somehow selfish when they only want to approach the problems in their own way.
If global citizenship education was taught throughout the world, individuals would not only think
for their own place, town, or nation, but they will develop a thinking about others as well. They
would have many different perspectives about certain problems which will benefit everyone as a
whole. When everyone in the world has that set of mind, the ways in which all the major global
challenges are met change in a way that they will be solved much better, easier and faster. There
will not be any different views or conflicts between the leaders of the world, and everyone in this
planet will come together to make the world become a greater place.

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