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1. Process 1-2: Isentropic Compression:

This process involves the motion of piston from TDC to BDC. The air that is sucked into cylinder
during suction stroke undergoes reversible adiabatic (isentropic) compression. Since the air is
compressed, the pressure increases from P1 to P2, the volume decreases from V1 to V2,
temperature rises from T1 to T2, and entropy remains constant.

2. Process 2-3: Constant Volume Heat Addition:

This process is an isochoric process i.e. the heat is added to the air at constant volume. The piston
in this process rest for a moment at TDC and during this time heat is added to the air through
external source. Due to the heat addition, the pressure increases from P2 to P3, pressure, volume
remains constant(i.e. V2=V3), temperature increases from T2 to T3 and entropy increases from S2
to S3.

The amount of heat added is given by

3. Process 3-4: Isentropic Expansion:

In this process, the isentropic (reversible adiabatic) expansion of air takes place. The piston moves
from TDC to BDC. Power is obtained in this process which is used to do some work. Since this
process involves expansion of air, so the pressure decreases from P3 to P4, volume increases from
V3 to V4, temperature falls from T3 to T4 and entropy remains unchanged (i.e. S3=S4).

4. Constant Volume Heat Rejection:

In this process, the piston rest for a moment at BDC and rejection of heat takes place at constant
volume. The pressure decreases from P4 to P1, Volume remains constant (i.e. V4=V1),
temperature falls from T4 to T1.

The amount of heat rejected in this process is given by

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