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Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Stanford University. Stanford. CA 94305. U.S.A.

~hstrsct-A stress analysts of fiber-reinforced composite cylinders and cylindrical segments is

presented. The analysis apphcs to thin 3s well as to thick walled cylinders with no restriction on
fibcr oncntcltion. other than that an individual fiber must remain at the same radial distance from
the a\is. The cylinder may be subjcvrted to hygrothermal and mcThanical loads which may vary in
the radial and circumferential. but not in the axial directions. Equations are derived which can be
uccd to calculate the displacements. strains and stresses inside the material.


Cylinders and cylindrical scgmcnts arc important structural clcmcnts. For this reason many
proccdurcs have been put forth to analyst such elcmcnts made of isotropic materials.
Rclativcly few analyses have been proposal pertaining to fihcr-rcinforccd composite cyl-
Shell :lpproximations applic:thlc to closed cylinders have hecn prcscntcd by many
authors. and ;I dctnilctl survey can bc found in Noor CI trl. (1091). Analytical solutions
taking into account ttlrcc-dimcnsionnl variations in strcsscs and strains have been dcvelopcd
by C’hou and Achcnbach (1972). Noor and Rnrig (1974). Srinivas (1974). Grigorcnko CI
(I/, (1974). Ch~~ndrash~kh~~ri~and Gopalnkrishnan (1982). Hycr CI rrl. (1986). Rcn (1987).
I lycr ( I 98X). Roy and Tsai ( 198X). Noor am! Pctcrs ( I9X9). Spcnccr et rrl. ( I990). Varadan
and Hhnsk:lr (1991) and Lee and Springer (1990). All thcsc investigators, except the last.
analyst only orthotropic cylinders. Ltx and Springer’s an;llysis is for composite cylinders
of arbitrary layup. but treats only radial stress distributions. No analysis seems to be
;Ivailable for gcncrally anisotropic thick composite cylinders in which the strcsscs and strains
vary both radially and circumfcrcntially. Also. thsrc appcrtrs to be no literature pertaining
to the stress analysis of cylindrical segments.
Owing to the importance of the problem and to the lack of suitable analytical
approaches, this investigation was undertaken to study the hygrothcrmal-mechanical
behavior of composite cylinders. In particular, the objective was to develop analyses for
calculating the behavior of fiber reinforced composite cylinders 2nd cylindrical scgmcnts
subjected to tcmpcraturc, moisture and mechanical loads. [n this paper the governing
equations arc dcscribcd. Solutions ilpplic:~blc to closed cylinders xc presented in a com-
panion paper (Kolkir CI rrl.. I992). Solutions for cylindrical scgmcnts and flat plates joined
by rounded corners will bc prcscntcd in subsequent publications.
An an:llytical approach was cmploycd in this investigation instead of ;L finite element
method. For Iargc, thick structures finite clcmncntanalysis may require cxccssive computer
memory and computational time; in contrast. the method proposed hcrc requires less
computational clrort.


WC consider a cylinder. or cylindrical segment (arc 0,). made of tt layers of uni-

directional tibcr reinforced composites (Figs I and 2). There is no restriction on either the

t On leave from the Technical University of Budapest. Department of Reinforced Concrete Structures. 1521
flungary. Budapest.

Is00 L. P. Korrkt and G. S. SPRINGER

Fig. I. Geometry of the closed cylinder.

number of plies or the orientation (ply-angle) of the fibers in each ply. Hcncc the cylinder
may be “thick” and the lilyup may bc unsymmctric. Howcvcr, the cylinder must bc long,
so that the length L is large compared to the thickness h and to the inncr r’ itnd outer r”
radii (/r/L << I. F/L << I. r’/L << I). Thcsc approximations imply that cdgc efTccts arc
The inner and outer surfaces of clod cylinders may bc lixsd or free (Fig. 3). The
lcngthwisc cdgcs of cylindrical scgmcnts may bc lixcd, simply supported, or free (Fig. 4).
Both the cylinder and the cylindrical scgmcnt may bc subjcctcd to hygrothcrm:ll and
mcchanicill loads. Thcsc loads may vary in the radial r and circumfcrcntial 0 directions,

Fig. 2. Geometry of the cyhndrical sqmcnl

Stress analysis of cylinders and cylindrical segments 1501

Both surfaces Inner surface is f~xcd.

UC free outer is free

Inner surface is free. Both surfaces

outer is fixed arc fixed

Fig. 3. The conditions on the inner and outer surfaces of the closed cylinder.

but must be independent of the axial coordinate s. Thus. the temperature AT and the
moisture content AC inside the composite may vary with r and 0 but not with x. Here AT
and AC arc known tcmpcraturc and moisture content rclativc to prescribed rcfcrcnce values
7; and cr

AT(O.r) = T-T,. Ac(O,r) = c-c,. (I)

Mcchanicnl loads may bc imposed along the cdgcs and on the surlhccs ils shown in
I:igs 5 i\nd 6.
f:or ;I closed cylinder. lo;~ds can be imposed on the inner and outer surfaces in the
radial. t~lIlgClltiill, and ilXi;ll tlircctions. These loitds, dcnotcd by 1~:. /),‘I./J: antI /I:‘. pi,‘, py,
may vary with 0 but not with s. Axial loads may also be placed along the edges of the
closed cylinders and these loads are denoted by N,. In addition, the cylinder may be
subjcctcd to ;I torque Tund il bending moment M. The only restriction on the mechanical

One edge is bed.

Both edges are fmed
one is hinged

One edge is fixed.

Both edges arc hinged one i3 free

Fig. -l. The conditions along the lengthwise edges of the cylindrical segment.
I502 L. P. KOL~~R and G. S. SPRINGER

A cylindrical sc~~ncnt with ctlgcs unsupportctl may have ctlgc lads on thcrn as shown
in I:ig. 6. Thcrc Inay hc axial Q, arid shc;tr lo;ids QJ on the ctlgcs. The Icngthwisc, straight
ctlgcs may ;iI\o hc sub,jcctctl lo Io;irls Q, which act normal to the pl;inc ol’synimctry, or to
distrihutetl moments Q ,. All thcsc loads must hc intlcpcrrdcnt ofs. In addition, the segment
may hc suhjcctcd to ;I torque 7’;11d ;I hcntling rnomcnt .\/. As in the GISC ofcloscd cylintlcrs.
the only rcstriclion 0~1 tlicsc lo;ds is that the I~ds must hc in quilibrium ad must not
result in rigid body motion.

4 P.’
Stress analysis of cylinders and cylindrical segments 1503

A cylindrical segment supported along both of its longitudinal edges (simply supported
or tixed) or built in along one edge and free along the other (Fig. 4) may be subjected to
radial. circumferential. and axial loads on the inner and outer surfaces (Fig. 6). These loads
may depend on P but must be independent of .r.
The objective is to find the stresses and strains inside the composite under the combined
temperature, moisture and mechanical loads described above.


The analysis is applicable to loads which result in small deformations and linearly
elastic material behavior. As described in the problem statement, all the loads. and hence
all resulting strains and stresses are independent of the axial coordinate X. Then. the
equations of equilibrium are (Love, 1944)

‘whcrc. as usual. u and r represent normal and shear stresses. The strain displacement
relations arc (LOW. 1944)

whcrc I: is Lhc normal strain and ; is the engineering shear strain. U.P and IL’ are the
tlispkcnicnts in the .y, II and r directions.
I:ur the /III Iaycr (ply), in the .v. 0. r oli-axiscoordinate system the stress-strain relation-
ship is (‘l’s;ii, IOXX)


I:,,- z,,AT- /I,,Ac



Y,tr- r,,, AT- /I,,,Ac ~

whcrc C’,, ( = C,,. i.j = I,. ,6) are the components of the stiffness matrix; r and /I are the
thermal and moisture expansion coefficients.

Tcmpcraturc and moisture affect the strain in a similar manner. For simplicity, here-
after WC inclucls only AT in the analysis. with the understanding that the moisture content
AL. can be included in an identical manner as the temperature.
The known tcmperaturc AT may be a function of r and 0, and may be expressed in
the form of ;I Fourier scrics in the II direction and in the form of a power series in the r


where AT,, and AT; are constants and are given by Kollir et al. (1992). When r is in
parentheses. i is an exponent (not a superscript indicating inner radius).

Strains and displucrments

The strains inside the composite may depend on r and d. For analytical convenience
we express the strain in three parts

de. r) = E,(r) fEF(e. r) +Q,(O, r). (6)

E, is the function of r only. Emand cB depend on both 8 and r. Furthermore, the solution is
developed in such a way that in the case of E, and &F the axis of the cylinder remains straight.
while in the case of Ed the axis of the cylinder is curved. The displacements corresponding
to each of these strains are identified by the subscripts o, F and B. and are

The superscript I refers to the Ith layer. To simplify the notation. we omit this superscript
when dealing with one layer in Sections 4-7. We retain the superscript I when analysing
multilayer laminates in Section 9.
Our task is now to derive the appropriate relationships for the nine displacement terms
on the right-hand side of cqn (7).

First WC analyst a prohlcm in which the strains. and conscqucntly the strcsscs. vary in
the r dircclion only. In this cast the tcmpcraturc within the composite must vary with r
only. This condition is tno~ whc11.j = 0 in cqn (5). Thus the expression for AT becomes

AT = c AT,,(r)’ (8)

whcrc AT,,, is dcfincd in Kollir et d. (1993).

The cylinder or cylindrical scgmcnt may undergo thrcr translations and three rotations
about the .Y..I’,: ;IXCS. In the problems considcrcd hcrc all these rigid body motions arc
absent. Howcvcr, for the purpose of the analysis we retain two of these motions: the
displacement along and the rotation about the .Y axis. Then. the most grncral form of the
displacement field, which satisfies the condition that the strain is :I function of r only. is

where II,. u,,. L’,, L‘,, arc constants. By using these displacements, the strains [cqn (3)] and
the stresses [eqn (4)] are evaluated. and the resulting stresses are substituted into eqns (2).
This procedure yields

= 0
Stress analysis of plinden and cylindrical segments

Table I. Dcfinitron of the parameters in eqns (IO) and (13)

The first two of the above equations result in the following cxprossions for tl,. (;

EL~lliltiU!l ( I OC)yields

Sr, S:, j3, A,, i. and j;(t) are parameters defined in Table I. R is a reference radius. A
suitable choice for R is the radius of the mid-surface. u,, &,, tic, ud, uU,!,+,,v,, o,,, A,, A2
are as yet undetermined constants, Thus, there are a total of 10 unknown constants for
each ply.
Inspection of eqns (I I) and (12) shows that ud is the rigid body displacement in the
axial direction, and cd(r/R) represents angular displacements about the x-axis.
The strains and stresses calculated from the above displacements nor LJ~,W,are identified
by the subscript o. i.e. the resulting strain components are : c,,, ctlu, E,, yNro.ysro, yxou, and
the resulting stress components are : TV,,.(T<,~,crro,rule, rxror T,~~.



Next we consider a cylinder, or a cylindrical segment, in which the strains and the
stresses may vary with r and 0. but where the axis of the cylinder remains straight. The
radii of curvature of the axis arc related to the displacements through the expressions

xY and K’ are the radii ofcurvature in the s-y and s-z planes.
The following form of displacements satisfies the requjrement that the axis remains
I.506 L. P. KOLL~R and G. S. SPRINGER


Note that the summation of the series starts at ,j = I. The 0th term was discussed in
the previous section. Correspondingly. the temperature [eqn (5)] is also only evaluated for
j 2 I. i.e.

In the following WC derive expressions for II,. r,, u’, and II: $, 11,:. For simplicity we
only show the derivation fhr one of the terms in each of the displaccmcnts in cqn ( IS) and
in the tcmpcrnturc [cqn ( I h)]. The terms tu bc discussed in detail arc ( j > I )

Subscqucntly. the results will bc gcncralizcd to include cvcry term ol’(Iic scrics.
The strains [cqn (3)] art’ calculated with the displacomcnts given by cqn (I 7). The
stresses [cqn (4)] arc then cvaluatcd with thcsc sttxins togcthcr with the kmpcrxturc given
in cqn (I 7). Substitution of the resulting strcsscs into the cquilihrium equations [cqn (?)I

where R,; and the parameters B,, B2, 61, are defined in Tublc 2. Equation (I8) is ;I si.xuth
order ordinary equidimensional differential equation system. Solution of these equations
yields u,(f). l*,(r). b\,,(r).

Sdurion qf’ Ihe l~ornc!ycnc~olrs r~yirtrliofr

When the tcmpcraturc dilTerence is xro (AT = 0), fl,. U, and N, arc‘ zero (Table 2).
and eqn (I 8) reduces to

For this homogeneousequidimcnsional diflixcntial equation system. wcscck ;I solution

of the form

fi f; f ;’

U,(f) = G)’
0 E , l.,(f)
= G;. ~
. W,(f) = c;;
0 R

T.~blr 2. Ddimtion of the symbols in rqn ( 18)

where 7. C;. Cr. G; XL‘ constants. Ry substituting eqn (20) into eqn (19). and after algebraic
manipulations, we obtain

E(y) G:’ = 0


where the matrix E dcpcnds on the cxponont ;’ and is dctined in Trtblc 3.

For a non-trivial solution ofcqn (?I), the dctcrminant ol’thc EI matrix must bc zero

dct (E) = 0. (22)

The dctcrminant of E is a sixth order polynomial in 1. Sincc thcrc arc only even powers of
7. the polynomial can bc reduced to ;I third order one, and this greatly simplitics the solution.

The case &en j(n/f?,) # I. When j(z/O,) # I, eqn (22) provides six independent
solutions for y, and these we denote as 7,. y2,. . . .y6. Note that y,, y:, . . . . y6 can be real or
complex numbers. The displacements [see eqn (20)] corresponding to each of the six y

Table 3. The matrix E in eqn(2 I)


values can be expressed as

where k = I. 2.. . . .6.

The solution of the homogtncous equation [cqn (IU)] is then the sum of the six

Thcsc equations contain IS constants G:;. (;;,, (;I; (A- = I. 2. . . 6). The vectors
G;I. G$]’ must satisfy cqn (71). I lcncc only six of thcsc I8 G-v;ducs arc indcpcndcnt.
WC may sclcct cithcr G:;. GjA or GI; as an intlcpcndont variable and dcnote the one sclcctctl
by the symbol GIA. Thus WC write

By substituting the tirst, second or third of eqn (25) into cqn (21) we obtain




where E,,. El?. etc. arc the elements of the matrix E (see Table 3) with ;’ replaced by ;‘k.
WC select the one of the above three equations for which the coefficient matrix is non-
singular. Once the six unknowns G,, (k = I, 2.. . . ,6) arc known. G;;, GI; and G;i can be
evaluated from the applicable expression in eqn (26).

T/IL* C’IISL II’/ICIZj(n/O,,) = I. The above solution is inapplicable when j(n (I,,) = I. In
this case the determinant of the matrix E has only five independent roots. It can be shown.
e.g. by the use of a symbolic manipulator. such as “Mathematics” (Wolfram. 1985). that
t\vo of the 7 roots have the same value and arc equal to zero. WC arbitrarily select ys and
Stress analysis of cylmkrs and cylindrical segmmts 1300

;I~ as the identical terms

Now. the expressions for the displacements in eqn (23) become

= Grtir r;,““(r) = GF~, ,,~~rn(~) = G;6.

We evaluate GJ’S,GF5 and G$. GJ6 from eqn (26). The components of E (Et ,, E,:, etc.) are
calculated by setting (in Table 3) 7 = 7s = 0 and ;’ = yh = 0. The result is

G:, = 0. G;$ = -G,+ G;‘? = G,>. Gyh = 0. G;* = -G,,. r$, = G,,. (30)

With reference to eqn (15) it can be shown that G , 5 and G,, represent rigid body
displacements in the 0 = 0 direction.
Since ;*< = y,,. the dis$tcements given by eqns (28) and (29) are identical. We now
‘seek an intlcpcndent sixth solution of the form

whcrc hl and N arc tlclinecl in Table 4. Equation (32) requires that the following cqualitics
bc s;ttisficd


The cocfiicient matrix hl in the first of eqn (33) is singular, and hence the solution of
thiscquation for [LJ6 p;, c6]’ contains one arbitrary parameter. We denote this parameter
by G,, and write

,t, = 0. E;, = -G,&, t1’6 =LG,,. (34)

Table 4. The matrices in cqn (31)

c-6, c:, C:,

31 = c:, (C,:+C,,)
[ c-2, (C::+C,,)


[ -C,,

0 I

Substitution of eqns (34) in&o the second of eqn (33) yields

where (simitarty to Gin) A;6 is an arbitrary parameter.

The displacements given in eqn (78) and eqn (31 f are ail appropriate sofutions. Hence.
if we multiply the dispiacements in eqn (28) by the constant $,lG,, and add the resulting
displacements to the dispIacements in eqn (3 I I. we obtain another set of acceptabie dis-
placements. The results are



Equation (36) is the sixth indcpcnticnl solution WC have been seeking. The home-
geneous solution for j(rc/O,,) = I thus becomes

where for (k = 1,2,...,5}

and fork = 6

These equations contain a total of six unknowns G,, (X-= I, 2, *. . ,6).

Pirrricu ftir srtltrtif~~ f.f tiwifrltontrl~cneoics ryut~ric~tfeqn( I S)]

A particular solution of the inhomogcneous equation [(cqn IS)] can bc written in the
Stress analysis of cylinders and cylindrical se_gnents 1511

Substitution of eqn (41) into eqn (18) yields

The matrix F, is the same as the E matrix in Table 3. with ;’ replaced by (i+ I). The
parameters y,. q:. q, are given in Table 2. The vector [P;, P;, P;;lT is obtained from the


41/ fi;
P;, = (F,) ‘AT,,,R”’ (43)
P;: 0,

The matrix F is singular when any one of the roots of eqn (22) (i’,.~~,. . . ,yh) is
equal to (i+ I). This difficulty could bc ovcrcomc with considcrablc mathematical and
computational complexity. Altcrnativcly, thissingularitycan bc removed without significant
loss in accuracy by changing slightly one of the stityncss values in eqn (4).

Grt~~crl .whIion of I/w if~llotrrr~~jc~trc~r,lrs c~qirirliorr [qn ( I X)]

Solution of cqn (18) is the sum ol’thc homogcncous and the inhomogcncous solutions

The inhomogonrous displaccmcnts arc given in cqn (41) and the homogcncous dis-
placements by cqns (38).-(40) f’or j(n/U,,) = I and by cqns (23) -(24) for j(n/U,,) # I.

The analysis presented thus far pertains only to the first part of the series [eqns (15)
and (I 7)j. The second part of this series is

-u:(r) cosj F 0,
-of(r) cos j s0,
$‘W sini F 6
[ * ‘Isin
,?. AT,,(r) j:O. (45)

The solution for these terms proceeds along the same line as for the “unstarred” terms
in eqns (I 5) -(44). We mrrcly need to replace in eqns (I 8)-(44) the “unstarred” constants
(G. f., L, R) with “starred” constants (G*. L*. c*, R’).



We consider the problem of a cylinder whose axis has curvatures in the .v-_vand I-Z
plants (a’. I?). We now write the displacements in the form

The first displacements on the right-hand side (superscript y) are the displacements due to
1512 L. P. KOLL.~Rand G. S. SPRIHGER

curvature in the X-J plane. and the second terms (superscript z) are the displacements due
to the curvature in the X-Z plane. First. we derive expressions for us, L.;. w&. These
displacements are written as

$(I. e. r) = K~.YT
cos e + ur, (r) sin 8. L.~,(.Y,e, r) = ~~-G sin e + t-&p) sin 8.

t~g(.~,8, r) = - d -$cos e + rl,;;tr) cos e. (47)

These displacements together with the st rain-displacement eqn (3). stress-strain eqn (4)
and the equilibrium equation (2) yield

A,, A,: A,,-

A:, A:2 A:1
A!, A!: A!,.

A,, is the same as Q,, in Table 2 with j(z/t),,) set equal to I.

By comparing cqns (48) and (IS) we observe that the homogeneous form of these
equations (i.e. the right-hand sides set equal to zero) arc similar. Thus, by referring to cqns




Note the similarity with eqns (39) and (40) ;H and J correspond to G and K, the only
din‘erence being that Hand Jare now evaluated by eqns (25), (26) and (37) withi = I.
The exponents ‘/k are the five independent roots of eqn (22) with j(n,‘O,) = I and
with yT = 0. The above homogeneous solutions [eqns (49)-(51)] contain six independent
constants Hi (k= I, 2,. . . ,6), where H: represents rigid body motion in the 6’= 0 direction.
A particular solution of the inhomogeneous equation [eqn (48)] is

2 2

uK”h(r) = 9”
0 f , Lf,‘“h(r)= 9’
f , tvl;‘“h(r) = SY” f
U . (52)

Substitution ofeqn (52) into eqn (48) yields

CM-4C,, cz,- zc,, c?6+2(c,o+c,J) I’
Cx-6C4, - 3c,,+ czz cz?+3c,J+2c23
c~,,-2(c~,+c,5) c22-cU-2cz, C?Z+C,J-4CJ>

* -cl,
[ 2C,I -cz, 1
. (53)
Stress analysis of cylinders and cylindrical segments 1513

The displacements caused by curvature K? are [eqns (47). (49) and (52)]

ui(.‘c.0. r) = K”.KTcos e+~gf) sin 8 = tiY.~rcos B+(~~~““(r)+u~‘“~(f)) sin 0

ri(x.8. sin 8 = d $ sin e+(rkhom(r) +r;nh(r)) sin e
r) = K! -$ sin e+L.jf(r)

= -+&OS e+tcf+)~~~ 8 = -Ky$cos e+(,,.~h"m(r)+I,,itlnh(r))COS
e. (54

The displacements caused by curvature K’ can be derived in a similar manner. The

result is

u~(x.e,r) = h-‘xr sin e-u;,(r)cos 0 = h.‘xr sin e-(rl;fh”“(T)+Il;;nh(r)) cos e

I$ (x, 8. r) = - h-2G cos 8- tT;c(g cos e= - KZ.k cos 8 - (c;(h”yr) + cs;nh(r) ) cos 0

~;(x,e.f) = -I?*; sin e+)qf) sin 8 = -ti’$ sin e+(,(.~hom(r)+Il’;l’“h(f))sin 0. (55)

The homogeneous and particular solutions are the same as given before by eqns (49)
and (52) for the _rcomponent. The differences are that r/t”, Hi’, ff;‘“. HI, J’,“, Jr and 12
arc replaced by HI”, H;‘. Hi”. H;, Jc. J’,’ and I/.


Using the cxprcssions for the displaccmcnts dorivcd in the foregoing sections, the
strains can bc calculated from cqn (3) and the strcsscs from cqn (4). In the analysis 01
cylinrlcrs and cylindrical segments we will make use of the strcsscs obtained in this manner.
Thcreforc, the strcsscs are tabulated in Table 5. The results in this table show that the
dcpcndrnce 01'the stresses on r and 0 arc separated. The stress components with a “hut”
depend only on the radius r.


The expressions for displacements contain a number of unknown constants, as sum-

marized in Table 6. These constants must be determined by applying continuity conditions
across ply interfaces, conditions for no rigid body motion, and appropriate boundary


At each ply interface the displacements and three of the stresses (a,. r,,,. rrx) must be
the same in adjacent layers. Thus, at the interface between the I and I+ I layers (Fig. 7) the
continuity conditions given in Tables 7-10 must be satisfied.
For u,. u, and W, the equations in Table 8 represent (n- I)*10 equations for a
composite made of n layers. Each layer contains IO unknowns, so the total number of
unknowns is lO*n. From the above set of equations all but IO of these unknowns can be
For UF, CFand b(‘rthe equationsin Table 9 represent (f?- 1)*6*7 eqI.dOnS for an n
ply composite for every Fourier term. In each layer there are 6+2 unknowns for each term.
Of these (n- 1)+6*2 can be determined from these equations. There remain 6*2 unknowns
for each term.

Table 5. The displacement. temperature and stress terms

Unknowns CT;, k = 1.2.....6 h.‘. If:*

(01x layer) G:; j = I.Z..... numhcr of f:ouricr terms k = I.?.....6
I/. II;

( 2 . h)tr
for cxh IJourwr term

(7*6)(,1--l) (‘*6)(n- I)
for each Fourier term

G;, = 0. c;; = 0 fry = 0. f/y = ()

Boundary conditions x
if there arc no rigid
body motions

C -th layer

Fig. 7. Nurnhcrlrlg of ~hcplies

Stress analysis of cylinders and cylindrical segments ISIS

Table 7. The continuity conditions at the interface between the I and (I+ I) layers

u’(x. 0. r) = U’+ ’ (.c.0. r)

Table R. The continuity conditions for us,. I’_,. w,,

The displacement continuity condttions

11: = 11:+ ’

II:, = u:+’
t&r) = u;* ‘(r) (r = r” ‘)

,.: = ,.,i’ ’
,.: = (.:+1
r$r) = r; ‘(r) (r = rl’ ‘)

w*‘.(r)= 1,;1’‘(r) (r = I” ‘)

Tllc stress continuity condilions

fl!,.(r) = 4,: ‘(I)

r!,,..(r) -z r!,:,,‘(r) (r 3 2’ ‘)

r:,,.(r) = r!:.,‘(r)

Tablc 9. The continuity conditions for u, , t’, . )I’,.

Thr displacement continuity conditions

U;(r) = I#;* ‘(r) l,;*(r) = “:’ I.(r)

r:(r) = r\“(r) t’;*(r) = t’;“*(r) (r = /+ 1)

W;(r) = ,ri’ ‘(r) W;*(r) = ,v; I.(r)

The stress continuity conditions

4,(r) = d:,’ ‘(r) f?:;(r) = dj; I.(r)

C,,(r) = i:,:,‘(r) i:;,(r) = i;,:,“(r) (r = ,‘,I)

C.,(r) = i::, ‘(I) i::,(r) = i!,+,‘.(r)

Table IO. The continuity conditions for u,,, cH. rvr,

The displacement continuity conditions

t&r) = u/{““(r) u;;(r) = u/;““(r)

c:;(r) = r;:* ‘U(r) t’:{(r) = r;: ‘V(r) (r = I” ‘)

W:;(r) = W$+ ‘b(r) r&$(r) = H.;;+ “Y(1)

7%~ stress continuity conditions

ci(;(r) = cqb’‘k(r) djj;(r) = 6:; ‘h(r)

i&(r) = i::‘,‘“(r) i&(r) = $,:,“‘(r) (r = r’+ ‘)

S!&(r) = q$ u*(r) i&(r) = ig; ‘h(r)

1516 L. P. KOLL~ and G. S. SPRISGER

For II~. L’~ and wB the equations in Table IO represent (n- I )*6*2 equations for a
composite made of n layers. Each layer contains 6’2 unknowns. Furthermore K* and .K’ are
also unknowns. Hence the total number of unknouns is 6*2*n+Z. From the aboLe set of
equations all but I-1 of these unknowns can be determined.


As was discussed above (eqns I I. I 2. 28 and 50). rigid bodv motion is represented bq
the constants 11:. &. G:,, Gy!. Hy. H’,‘. In the absence of rigid b6dy motion these constants
must be zero in one of the plies. For convenience. kve prescribe these constants for the
innermost ply. Thus. for the displacements II,,. I’,. II’,, we have

It: = 0. 1.: = 0. (56)

For llF. I’~. I\‘~.(i(n;B,) = I) and for 11~.L’~. N’~the conditions for no rigid body motion are

CT,‘,= 0. G;; =0 (57)

H:‘=O. H:‘=O.

Equations (56)-(58) climirx~tc 3 *2 = 6 constants. The remaining constants must bc

found with the aid of the continuity and boundary conditions.


The conditions for rigid body motions and lhc continuity conditions provitlc some but
not all the equations ncctlctl to clotcrminc all the t~rtlinow~~ cons~~~~ts in T;thlc 0. 7‘11~
;ttl~li[iotial cqitations rcquirctl Lo tlctcrminc all llic cc~nslanls arc provirlccl hy the bountl;lry
conditions. Appropriate boundary conditions for closctl cylintlcrs arc prcscnwd in ;t COIII-

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Rcn. J. G. ( 1%:). Exxr solutions for laminated cylind~~~1 shells in cylindrical bending. Carp. .%I. T’cfi. 29.
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Sptmccr. .A. J. Xl.. Waon. P. and Rogers. T. G. ( 1990). Stress analysis ofanisotropic laminated circular cylindrical
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.-f S~~.sttwr

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