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Nl { Republic of he Philippines
Camp Crame, Quezon City


(Attn: Chairman, ICA Committee)


SUBJECT : Approval trAmendmentofPNPMC. No.20ll{15


1. References:
a. Approval of PNP MC entitled: Amending Memorandum Circular No. 20'11-
015, entitled: 'Systematic Steps in the Procurement and Distribution of lnitial
Clothing Allowancq (lQA) ltems for New PNP Recruits; and
b. Lateral Coordination dated October 28,2016.
2. This pertains to the approval of CPNP to the amendment of Memorandum
Circular No. 201'l-0'15 entitled: "Systematic Steps in the Procurement and Distribution of
lnitial Clothing Allowance (lCA) ltems for New PNP Recruits."

3. PSSUPT EFIPANIO A BRAGAIS JR., Chief, CCED made a lateral coordination

with the then Chairman, ICA Committee PCSUPT JOEL CRISOSTOMO GARCIA,
DDPRM regarding the amendment to the PNP MC No. 2011-015. As per coordination,
the following are the guidance of DDPRM:

a. The policy which pertains to the lnitial Clothing Allowance (lCA) for the new
PNP recruits falls under the concem of DPRM;
b. The DPRM will be the Directorate concemed with the implementation of the
amendment upon approval of CPNP; and
c. The implementalion of the amended MC will be included in the cascading
program of DPRM.

4. Please be informed, that the approved PNP MC has not yet been submitted to
DHRDD for the appropriate numbering.

5. ln this regard, attached is the original copy of the approved MC for your
appropriate action.

Police Director

\ol16 t
mfl6iw _yl i.c
st 90zL
El E
d the Philippines
Rep.Jbfic t
Carp Crame, Quezon City

FOR ..

2t OcT 20$
ti stP 2016

SUBJECT Revbion of PNP tC No. 2011-015
(Procuremenl and Distribution of ICA ftems for PNP Recruits)
1. References:
a. Memorandum from AD, LS dated September 13, 2016 with subject:
Proposed Revision of PNP MC No. 2011-015 (Procurernent and
Distribution of lnitial Glothing Allowance CIab "A');
b. Memorandum from SLO to DRD dated August 15, 2016 with subject:
comments of the sLo to TDCA (Iab "B',); .
c. Undated comments and recomrnendations from SLO, TDCA Oab "C");
d. Technical Working Group on lnitial Clothing Allowance (WVG, ICA)
Resolution No. 2016-01 Oab "D"):
e. Comments and Recommendations ftom DStaff and NSUs Oab "E");
f. Comments and Recommendations of ICA TWG (tab 'F ); and
g. Memorandum Circular No. 20'11-015 dated June 24,2011 with subject:
'Systematic Steps in the Procurement, aod Distribulion of lnitial Clothing
Allowance (lCA) ltems fti thb New PNP Recruils' (tab "GJ.
2. This pertains to the comr[e.nts and recdmmerdatiorii of the SLO, TDCA to
the proposed revision of PNP MC 1 l,,lo, ' 201 'l-015 entilled: 'Systematic Sbps in the
( Procurement and Distribution of lniti{..Qbthing.Allorance- (lCA) Il.ems for the Neur PNP
Recruits (See attached Tab "C'). r 1

3. Be informed that this tDirforae refened the said comments and

revidtlv:**hat opinion. (See attached
recommendatbns to the AD, LS for furtrer Tab
"A" and "B).

4. The subsequent correclions frorn tle LS were already incorporated on the

attached proposed revision of PNP MC No. 2011{15.

5. ln this regard,. request appro\rausignature on the propoeed revision of the

PNP MC No. 2011{15 entitled: 'Systematic Steps in the Procurement and Distribution
of lnitial Clothing Allowance (lCA) ltems for Nanr PNP RecruiE."

(. 6. Request approval of para 5

\ r^/s;l
Police Clirector

ffirlmmrnffi OCPNP
{p, hk r Hi810m
lilflli lllLltm

Republic of the Philippines

Camp Crame, Quezon City

I)Ec 0 2 2016



a. PNP Memorandum Circular No. 2011{15;

b. NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2008-446 dated August 11, 2008 with subject:
"Presuibing the Grant of lnilial Clothing Allorance (lCA) to New PNP
Recruits, Amending for this Purpose ltem No. 1 of NAPOLCOM Resolution
c. NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2007-182 dated April 12, 2W7 with subject:
Amending the Provisions of ltems No. 17 and 18 respeclively, of
NAPOLCOM Resolutbn No. 96{X}3," entitled: "Rationalizing the Structure of
Allovvances and Personal Pays Over and Above the Basic Pay and
LongetMty Pay of Unibrmed Personnel of the Philippine National Police";
d. PNP LOI 06109 'Tamang Bihis Alpha,' dated February 23, 2009;
e. ICA TWG Resolution No. 201ilX entitled: "Updated List of ltems in the lnitial
Clothing Allqrance";
f. ICA TWG Resolution No. 2010-003 dated November 4, 2O1O with subject:
'Scheme on tie Procurement of the lnitial Clothing Allowane (lCA) ltems for
New PNP Recruils'; and
g. ICA TWG Resolution No. 2010{02 dated September 8, 2010 with subiect:
Amerding TWG Resolution No. 201&001 dated March 25, 2010, entided:
"Prescribing the Grant of lnitial Clothiqg Allorrance (lCA) to Nery PHP
Recruits, Amending for this Purpose ltem No. 1 of NAPOLCOM Resolution
No. 2007-182."


This Memorandum Circular (MC) prescribes neur policies, guidelires, and

procedures in ttre aoquisition and distsibution of he lnitial Clothing Allowance (lCA)
items for the nar PNP recnriB. lt was corEeptualized to create Recruits Acquisition
Committee (RAC) which will be dirocty in charge with the acquisition ol ICA iterns, in
compliance with the existing NAPOLCOM Resolution and other relenar* issuancc.

Page I of 12
It aims to ensure that ICA items are in conformity with the existing standard
specifications and will be acquired only from the qualified suppliers/pmponenb. lt also
aims to facilitate the timely acquisition and delivery of the ICA itenrs for the nerr PNP


PNP MC No. 2011415 was implenrented on June 24,2011to provk e systernatic

procedures in the proanrernent and distribution of ICA items for the nq,v PNP recruits.
Despite its implementation, the following problems still persisted, specificalty during the
acquisition stage:

a. Delivery of substandad and defective police items;

b. Procurement of ICA items from proponents (manufacturefs, suppliers, and
distributors) without valid Certificate of Conformity (COC) issued by the
Direc{orate for Research and Development;
c. Endorsement of some active PNP personnel to favor a particular supplbr,
deabr or distributor of police uniforms, insignias, accoutrements, and other
police items;
d. Delay in the delivery and issuance of ICA ilems; and
e. Lact of awareness of Police Regional ffices (PROs) on the authorized
suppliers of the prescribed PNP uniforms.

Thus, new procedures and guidelin* were formulaEd to address the

aforementioned problerns. Additional crmmittee was likewise included to directty take
part in the acquisition of ICA items for the new PNP recruits.


Wth minimal revisions, the folloring definition of terms urcre lified and adopted
from the previous MC:

a. Blacklisted Proponent - refers to the previously authorized proponent of the

PNP ufro was subsequently precluded from transacting business with the
PNP for violating existing policies, rules and regulatons.

b. Cefificate of Coniormity (COC) - refers to a written document issued by

the Directorate for Research and Development (DRD) to a qualified
proponent which has a validity of one year from lhe date of issuance. This
certificate is being required to all the suppliers and proponents of PNP
uniforms, insignias and accoutrements.

c. DisHbulion - refers to the mo\rement of goods and services from the source
through a distributbn channel, right to the customer, @nsumer or end-user.

d. Distributor - refers to a person or firm who markets goods on a large scale

e. lnitial Clothing Allowance [CA) - reiars to police uniforms, insignias, and

accoubernents to be used by the nerv PNP recruits upon entry into the

Page 2 of 12
f. IGA Committse - refurs to the Committee, both in the National and Regional
level, tasked to supervise the systematic acquisition and dishibution of ICA

g. ICA Secr?tariat - referc to a uorking administrative and operational stafi of

the PRO and National Support Unit (NSU) lnitial Clothing Allorvance

h- Uanufacfurer - a person or firm producing items or goods on a large scale

by hand or machine or both, especially with a dMsion of labor.

PNP AuthorizedlGlualified Proponentr - refer to manufac'turers, suppliers,

and distributors issued with Certificate of Conformity (COC) by the DRD after
the prototype/sample of police ilems have passed the test and evaluation
conducted by DRD and other govemment testing institutions.

j. Procurement of ICA lbms - refers to the systematic and timely purcfiasing

of ICA items pursuant to the existing standards required.

k. Recruits Acquicition Commitbs {RAC) - refers to a committee cornpoaed

of elected ofiicers of the new PNP rec-ruits; the Committee is created to
represent the entire PNP recruits, specifically in the acquisition of ICA items,
under the supervision of the ICA Committee.

l. Supplier -
refers generally, to any dealer, trader or businessman dealing,
producing or manufacturing supplies.

m. Technical Peconnel -
reier to persons knowledgeable in the technical
aspecls of specific producb.


a, Policiee:

1) fhe ICA shall be made available as soon as possible and shall be

distributed to all new PNP recruits through disbursement voucher/payroll,
purcuant to the requirements of the NAPOLCOM;

2) To ensure that the recruils will properly utilize the allowance according to
its purpose, the ICA Committee shall be created in the Police Regional
Offices (PROs) and National Supporl Units (NSUs). The Committee shall
be responsible in supervising and fucilitating the acqubitbn or purchase of
ICA items for the PNP recruits. A Recruits Acquisition Committee (RAC)
shall likewise be formed to be composed of the elected officers from
among the new PNP recruits. lt shall be direcdy responsible in dealing
with qualified proponenB with respect to collective acquisition/purchase of
the ICA ilerns;

3) ICA items shall only be procured from PNP qualifted proponents;

Page 3 of 12
4) All purchased ICA items must conform with NAPOLCOM-approved
standard specifications to ensure unifomity of the ilems and to guarantee
their superior quality, craftsmanship, and durability;

5) For purposes of uniformity and collective acguisifon, the follouving shall

compose the ICA items for PNP recruit based on TWG on ICA Resolution
No. 201641 dated June 8, 2016 with the latest rctail price, whicft shall be
subject to annual inflation rate:

No. Nomanclafurr Quantity Unit Prlce Totel

PNP Athletic Uniform
1 i Athletic Blue T-shirt 4pcs 200.00 800.00
> Athletic Blue Shorts 3pcs 300.00 900.00
Low Cut Dress Stloes
I pr 1, 400.00 1, 400.00
Clarino (rubber sole)
1 Field Service Uniform (FSU)
2prs 1, 800.00 3, 600.00
wilh compbb patches
Olive Drab Cotton T-shirt
4 (undergarment for 5pcs 220.O0 1, 100.00
Camo Green FS
5 Police Field Cap 1pc 400.00 400.00
IPNP Blue Belt without 'lpc 100.00 100.00
I Buckle
PNP Black belt with Skeleton
1pc 350.00 350.00
o All Black Tropical Police 1pr 1,620.00 1, 620.00
PNP General Offce Attire
o (GOA) with complete 2prs 1,200.00 2, 400 00
White V-Neck T-shirt
10 (undergarment for PNP GOA 5pcs 150.00 750.00
11. PNP Nameplate lpc 180.00 180.00

Brass Whistle with
1pc 100.00 100.00
retractable string
13. Patrol Shoes 1pr 1, 600.00 1, 600.00

Pershing Cap for 'l pc 900.00 900.00
Male/Female Headgear
Pistol Belt with accessories
(holster, magazine, handcuff
'15. 1 set 1, 200.00 1,200.00
and notebook case, ard belt
16 Grab Bag (ne{v specs) 1pc 1, 400.00 1, 400.00
Black Cotton Socks used for 4prs 100.00 400.00
All Tropical Police Boots
Black Nylon Socks for Lour 4prs 100.00 400.00
Cut Dress Shoes br Male

Page 4 of 12
Panty Hos€ Stod<irp for
White Cotton Socks for PNP
19. 4prs 100.00 400.00
Traininq Rubber Shoes
TOTAL 20,q8.00

6) The ICA Committee shall coordinate with the concemed recruitment

Offices in DPRM or in difurent PROSNSUS for the enduct of special
ele.ibn to choose the Prmident and members of the RAC. The elected
officers shall serye as the representative of all recruits in the collective
acquisition of their ICA items;

7) Contrac{s for the supply and delivery of the ICA items shall be executed
by and bet^€en qualified proponenUs and the elected President of the
RAC as the representative of the recruits;

8) Prior to entering into contracts by the parties, a PNP Legal Ofhcer may be
requested to revi€w the same to ensure that the following terms and
conditions are reflected th€rein:

a) Delivery of ICA items to the units shall be divided into two tranches.
First tranche will be delivered three days prior to the scheduled oath-
taking; Second tranche lo be delivered 30 days after the oath-taking;
b) Wananty provision to ensure tlrat lhe delivered items are free ftom any
c) lmposition of administrative sanctions by blacklisting and revocation of
the Certifiete of Conformity in case of breach of contracl; and
d) The following documents shall torm part of the contracts:

d.1 ) NAPOLCOM approved specifications;

d.2) NAPOLCOM Resolutions related to the lssuance of lnitial Clothing

Allorance; and
d.3) PNP lvlemorandum Circulars on the issuance of lnital Clothing


1) The NHQ-ICA Committee shall be seated to plan the acguisition of all ICA
items of all PNP recruils in the PROs and NSUs. The Commiftee shall be
composed of the following:

Ex-O, DPRM Chairman

ExO, DL Vice-Chairman
Ex-O, DC Member
Ex€, DHRDD Member
Ex-O, DRD Member
Chief of Staff, LS Member
PPD, DPRM Secretariat

Page 5 of 12
2) ICA Committee shall atso be created in the PROs and NSUs \trith PO1
Regular and Afirition Recruitrnent Quota/Program to facilitate and
supervise the proorrernent and distribution of all ICA items to new PNP
recruits. The Committee shall be composed of the following:

C, RPHRDD/Admin Officer Vice-Chairman
C, RCDiBudset fficer Member
C, RLD or RLDD/Logisties Ofiicer Member
Class President Member
Class Officer/Member I Member
AC, RPHRDD/ Dep Admin Secretariat

3) Tfie Regional Personnel and Human Resource Devebpment Division

(RPHRDD) of PROs and Administrative Seclion of NSUs are the
designated Secretariat of ICA Committee, which will be responsible for the
supervision of ICA acquisition and distribution, and the repository of all
ICA records:

4) A Recruils Acquisition Committee (RAC) shall be created from among the

recruits eleeted officers, as follorvs:

Class President Chairman

Vice-President Vice-Chairman
2 members (male and female) Members

5) The Quality Control Team (QCT) shall assist the ICA Committee of PROs
and NSUs during the procurement of ICA to ensure that the delivered
items conformed to the stardard specfficatons.


1) The lNlTlAL CLOTHING ALLOWANCE COMMITTEE shall have the folloring


a) ICA Committee shall convene within three days after the Psychological
and Psychiatric Screening of the PNP recruits;
b) ICA Commitlee shall facilitate the sebctbn of ofhcers of the PNP recruits
to compose the RAC. The selection of the PNP reeruit officers shall be
conducted afler the release of the Psychological and Psychiatric
Screening result and in the event that an elected ofhcer/member is
disqualified to proceed in the next stage of the recruitment process
(Physical, Medical and Dental Examination or Complete Backgrcund
lnvestigation), a special election shall be conducted to replace the
disqualified RAC member applicant;
c) Ensure that the ICA fund is available for diskibdion to the new PNP
recruits as soon as possible;

Page 6 of 12
d) Coordinate with the oonoerned recruitnent ofhces of DPRM or in the
different PROs for the conducl of special elec{ion br purpces of
selec-ting the offcers of the RAC;
e) Advise the RAC of the availability of ICA tunds;
f) Convene the Committee and invite the members of the RAC for the
purpose ol planning the acquisition of the ICA items. The following shall
be discussed during the pregaration stage:

f.1) Latest list of items to be procured;

t.2)Pnc* of ICA items;
f.3) List of qualified proponents;
f.4) Standard required by NAPOLCOM;
f.5) Terms ard Conditions sf the Contracl:
f.6) Procedures in the acquisition of ICA items; and
f.7) List of first and second tranches of ICA items (as stated in 8.c.1).

g) Coordinate with the DRD for the issuance of the latest list of qualifted
proponents for the supply and delivery of ICA ilems;
h) lssue formal notice or invitation to the qualified proponents to join the
collective acquisition of ICA items;
i) Set the date for the collec{ive purchaser/acquisition of ICA items;
.i) Ensure the execution of the contract by the parties;
k) lmpose or recommend the imposition of the required administrative
penalties of bhcklis$ng andlor cancellation of COC, after compliance with
the due prooess requiremenE;
l) Assist the RAC to ensure that fie delivered items are in conformity with
the standard specifi cations;
m) Check whether the participatiqg suppliers have vallJ Certificate of
Conformity issue<l by the PNP, DRD;
n) Each ICA Committee shall create their orrrn Quality Control Team (QCT)
to assist during ICA procurement;
o) The QCT shall be created to assist the ICA Committee and RAC in
ensuring compliance with standard specifications, as well as in the
conduct of evaluation and inspec'tion of all manufacturers, tailors, deabs,
suppliers, and sellers of PNP uniforms, insignias, and all other
aEourement$ on ICA items during the ICA procurement; and
p) Chect the compliance of the delivered items with the approved
NAPOLCOM specificatbns.

2) fhe RECRUITS ACQUISITION COMMITTEE (RAC) shall have the following


al Convene the RAC to pbn for the acguisition of the ICA items:
b) lnfom all the recruits of the schedule of colleclive acquisition/purchase of
c) Select ICA items from among the samples submitted by the qualified
suppliers/proponents, and render report to all new PNP recruits
immediately after the selectbn process. The selection of ICA iterns by
the RAC shall be done by seset balk t for each and e\rery item;

Page 7 of 12
d) Execute a contrac{ with a supplier/s. The contract shall be refened to a
PNP Legal Officer br review through the ICA Committee prior to the
actual signirp thereof;
e) Upon the delivery of ICA items, inform and consuh with ICA Committee
and QCT for them to unilaterally check if the delivered items confonn with
the NAPOLCOM-approved specffications, and if conforming, ac@pt the
delivered items;
0 Nott the ICA Committee immediately for possible imposition of
administrative penalties, in case tlp supplier failed to comply with their
obligations; and
S) lnform the ICA Committee within 24-hour period from delivery and
completion of the supplie/s oblQation to facilitate the immediate rehase
of ICA allowance, wtrich will be used for payment of the delivered ICA



The acquisilbn stage shall comrn€nce immediately aier the termination of

the Psychological Screening of the recruitrnenl process or prior to the
processing of appoinfnents of the new PNP recruits. For this purpose, the
following are the procedures to be undertaken:

a) DRD disseminates to all PROs and NSUs the latest ICA guidelines and
complete list of suppliers issued wilh Certificate of Conformity as to the
material composition and/or workmanship. This should be done within 30
days before the sche<luled oath-taking of the new PNP recruits. During the
30day period, a pre{ualification of suppliers,/proponents for the supply of
police recruils ICA items should be deliberated. Thereafter, the updabd
list of qualified suppliers/proponents with issued Certificate of Conformity
must be done immediately ior guklance of the ICA Committee;

b) New PNP Recruits, under the supervision of the Regional Personnel

Human Resource and Doc{rine Development (RPHRDD)
PROs/Administrative Officer, NSUs and Regional Trainings Schools (RTS)
in coordinatbn wi$ DPRM, shall conduct special elec{ion to choose the
president and members of the RAC within ffieen lrorking days before their
oath taking. The class president and the other elected offcer-mernbers of
RAC shall be automaticalty beconre the claes representatives to the ICA

c) DRDA/DDA being the Chairman, ICA CommitEe shall call for a meeting
30 days before the scheduled oath-taking of the rew PNP recruits to
discuss and plan lhe procurement of ICA items;

Page E of 12
d) ICA Committee shall send out lnvitation Letters to all qualifled
suppliers/proponents, specifying among others, the fdlo,ving:

a.1) The ICA items to be supplied;

a.2) Requirement of submission of at least one sample on every ICA item
that passed the standard specifications; and
a.3) Schedule of the colbciive acguisition activities and its venue.

e) A pre-acquisition conference shall be sc*reduled by the ICA Committee at

leasl seven days after the qualified supplbrslproponents urere notified to
give them chance to ask chrffications on lhe requirements of the PNP


a) The actual collecllve acquisition (actlal selection) of ICA items shall be

scheduled at least three days afier the pre-acquisition conference. The
selec{ion process shall be exclusively done by the RAC through secret
balloting. ln order to maintain faimess an<l impartiality and to avoid
influence from sonre supplierE/proponents, the submitted samples shall
bear no bnnd name€ or labetr of the suppliers. For nameplate/cloth, the
name DELA GRUZ must only be used and for the badge, the badge
number must be "012345"

b) The ICA items shall be ranked by the RAC fiom the most prefened to the
bast prefened. Afier which, the suppliers;/proponents shall be informed of
the result of the selec{ion process conducted by the RAC;

The criteria to be follored in the selection of the prefened items shall be

as follorrns:

d.1) Lowest unit price;

d.2) Proponents with issued COC; and
d.3) Color, dimension and features of the ltems shall resemble the
sampbs of the items sehcted.

c) The most preferred item shall irnmediately undergo the postquallfication

test by submitting ils sample to the QCT for examination. lf the sample
submitted by the supplbr failed the required test, the next second
prefened item shall be subjectd to the same test. Should the sample of
the second prefened item still failed, the same test shall be done to the
remaining supplier until a proponenl has passed the qualification
standard. The item that passed the post{ualification requiremenb shall
be declared as the winning ICA item and the contract shall be
immediately awarded to its supplier. The test and evaluation shall be
undertaken by the QCT based on the NAPOLCOM approved standard

d) lf no supplier passed the post qualification, the ICA Committee shall go

back to the first procedure of this MC. The ICA Committee shall

Page 9 of 12
make a report addressed to NHQ ICA TWG (Attn: ICA TWG, Secrefariat)
for their information;

e) A Supply Contast shall then be executed by and between the RAG

President and the winning supplierlproponent; and

f) A Notice to Proceed (NTP) shall be issued, indicating therein the specific

date of delivery of ICA item.


a) The delivery of the procured items shall be made in the folloring


a.'t) At least three days prbr to the scheduhd oalh taking, for the follodng

a.1.a) Athbtic Short:

a.1.b) Athhtic shift:
a.1.c) Camouflage Green Field Service Uniform (FSU);
a.1 .d) All Black Tropical Police Boots;
a.1 .e) Blad< Cotton Socks (for all-black tropical police boots);
a.1 .f ) Olive Drab Green T-shirt (undergarment for FSU);
a.1.e) Blad< Beft with Square Skeleton Buckle (Brass); and
a.1.9) Grab Bag.

a.2) Within 30 days from the date of oath taking, for the following items:

a.2.a) PNP GOA Uniform Clypes "B" and "C'); and

a.3.b) Others.

b) lndivdual measuremenl for the applkabb ICA items shall be done as

soon as the winning supplier is declared.

c) During the dolivery of ICA items, the ICA Committee, QCT, and RAC shall
convene to ensure the comphteness d the items, check, and evaluate the
quality prior to "Corditional Acceptance" by the ICA Committee; ard

d) Afier the inspeclion and evaluation, the selectedfuinning

suppliers/proponents together with the PNP Recruits Acquisition
Committee shall distribute the ICA itorns to all the recrurts for fitting.
Conrplaints or noted deEcts on ICA items should be immediately and
property addrcssed by the concerned supplbrs/proponents within 15
days from the date of receipt of the complaint or defects noted. After
which, "Final Acceptance," which is sctredubd 30 days ater the
inspection and evaluation may be conducted.

Page 10 of 12

a) ln case the supplier failed to deliver the ICA items within the delivery
period, the RAC shall rescind/terminate the contract, without prejudice to
other course of ac'tion and remedies available to it; and

b) Accordingly, the procedures provided under para I (b) shall be performed

for purpose of r+procurement. lf the procedure still fails, it shall be
repeated until a contract is awarded to a new supplier.


a Any PNP personnel wtro shall be found rneddling or influencing the new PNP
recruits in the selection of qualified suppliers/proponents for the procurement
of IGA items shall be dealt with accordingly under existing rules and

b. Any PNP personnel who will act as manufaciturer, supplier or distributor of

ICA ilenrs, if evidenca warants, shall be criminally and adminisfatively

c Upon submission of written ICA procurement report of the ICA Committee of

the concemed PROs or NSU3, the PNP through the DRD, after validating
the veracity of the report, shall impose an administrawe penalty of
cancellation or revocation of COC and/or blacklisting the supplier in joining
ICA procurements for a period of turo years, based on any of the following

1) Failure to deliver in tull the procured items on the date stipulated in the
contract without any valid rcasons;
2) Delivery of sub-standard or defeclive ICA items; and
3) Failure to replace lhe debctive items within the period of fifteen days.

For purposes of this provision, the efbctivity of the 2-year period for
bladdisting shall be reckoned from the time the bladdisting notice is issued
to the suppliec and

d. Black listed supplier/proponent shall be disqualifted f,om traosac'ting

business related to ICA with the PNP for 2 years'


All policies, guklelinee, issuances, rules, and regulations pertaining to the PNP
ICA contriry to this MC are hereby revoked/rescinded for purpmes of consisGncy and

Page ll of12
This MC shall take effect after 15 days from filing a copy thereof at the UP Law
Center in @nsonance with Section 3, Chapter 2, Book Vll of Executive Order 292,
othenruise known as the "Revised Administrative Code of 1987," as amended.

Police General
Chief, PN

CPNP ra, -ro soszszz

DlrB, tlsus illliillilllllilXiltlllflll llillfli{ll
RDr, PROS so67572
Copy tumish€d:
Cdrmand Group

Page 12 of 12


Soloctlon of Rocrultmont

Convenlng of ICA +
Acqul.ltion Commlttoe
(RAC) f.cllibted by ICA
Gommltlaa + Convenlng o, ICA
Commmeo anai lhe Commlttoe togatha,
Psychologlc.l and wlth RAC snd OCt
Prychlrtrlc Screonlng for pl.nnlng of thc
ottheP P rocrulta

+ Seloctlon of comporltlon
of quallty Control Totm
(acr) + acqullltlon ol ICA

3'd week of May lrt week (5s day) of June

3'd week of september 1't week (5th day) of September


f '.'*'l

acu.l &llctlon
Pr..&qul.ttlott ol ICA lt mr

Sond out lnvlt 0on ..dn0 Sch.dullng ol Evaluatlor
Actlal gtLctlon d.r..ti.rtt. of ralactad
Lcltar to oll 13

dayr.ft r tlt. ol ICA lt fi. pracqobldon Itir| by

qualtlLd tupplh.t 17
qu.llflcd tuPP$an ocr
by ICA Commlttoo
w.rl notm.d)

2d week (3d day) ofJune

ls week (5'h day) ol June october
4th weet (3'd day)of MaY 1't week (5t day) oflune i 2"d week {3d day) of Pr!sad
4ti week (3'd day) of September l't week (5th day) ol october
f week (5s dsy) of octob€r

Errcutlon ot Supply ot

Cortl.ct bdsr.n th.
ltluanca ol llotlca ltxaaul.arafit ioa
RAC Pr..ldfil ard
Oqllvory lnd AccoPttnca to Paocad FSU, Bhck Troplcrl
Ilnnlne .upplb.
Bod. and oth.r lrcllltrt d by lcA
[.mr lmhdtd ln Comrnltlta
th. l'r t nche


5th week (5'h day) of August

5m week (5s day) of December

dryr b.6oro th.

'Hn l A.caftlltca
3'd week {5th day} of September
Convanhg ot ICA 3d week (5rh day) of January

t'r d.llv.ry ol lca lndlvldual ColttmltL., RAC
hrm. lnclud.d ln moaau0rranl tor and Qcl to oiturt
tha { n trarchi GOA sntionn thc comDlaLnatr ol ADproDrht lrld
ICA lt n! lmm.dlrt
(l d.y. b.lor th. l3r.d ol th. coTrrton ot
.ch.dulad O.th tr.lnlng) CorttpLlnL o. notar,
Trthgl lnrpcclton aod ffict on ICA
avaluatlon Itairt (lt d.y.b.roD th.
Flml Accaptrnco
46 week (3'd day) ofJune 1't to 2d weck of July
46 week (3d day)of october 1'r to 2d week of November Fft nC of GOA

2d week (5s day) of october

2d week (5s day) of February

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