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If you want to know how to increase the results of your Facebook campaigns
quickly...congratulations, you're in the right place!

This Special Report will show you 30 shortcuts that our marketing team in LeadsBridge have used
dozens of times to grow and scale a Facebook Ads campaign easily and literally overnight!

Does it sound good, Right? Well, let’s start from the basics…

1.Use the Facebook Pixel

The new Facebook pixel is a great tool to increase your results with Facebook Ads by measuring,
optimizing and building audiences for your campaigns. In fact, the Facebook Pixel allows you to run
retargeting campaigns based on user’s behavior on your blog or website, by creating very specific
custom audiences.

Tip - Click here if you want to learn how to install Facebook Pixel on your website. To get the most
out from this tool, let Leadsbridge help you. Learn how to use our “Pixel Enhancer” and start
creating dozens of behavioral Custom Audiences without stress by clicking HERE.

2. Social clicks to reduce CPC

The amount of Social Clicks on a Facebook Ad (likes,responses, clicks, etc.) can affect the CPC and
the relevance score of your ads. Don’t treat your campaigns like boring sales messages! If you want
to reduce your CPC and increase your relevance score , you should try to engage more people by
writing, for example, good headlines and strong Call To Actions. Don’t forget to be helpful and share
good contents to the right audiences.

As soon as your campaign has been approved, you can share the ad as a normal post and start
getting likes, shares and a good relevance score, so you can manipulate your relevance score and
have a better start which is crucial for a successful and cheaper ad campaign.

3. Try Facebook Canvas

Facebook Canvas is a tool widely used by professional Facebook advertisers. This format allowed our
team in Leadsbridge to dramatically cut advertising costs. Facebook Canvas is a way to provide an
immersive experience through ads for mobile devices users. Try it yourself, starting with a small
budget. You’ll get amazing results!

This kind of ad has been released by Facebook to increase engagement and awareness of your
Brand, what we realized in LeadsBridge that do something “different” from the other advertisers will
give you an unfair advantage. Facebook gives you these kind of secret weapons, it’s time to overtake
the standard ads!

Click here for more details.

4. Split test, at least images

If you want to reduce the cost of your Facebook campaigns, it is crucial to find the right images that
amaze your target audience. This is a simple test you can do effortlessly in less the 30 seconds:
create two ads in the same ad set with two different images. Text, links and headlines must be
identical. When you run the campaign, Facebook’s algorithm will simply choose the most convenient
one for your goals.

5. Use Lead Ads to collect leads

Lead Ads is a new ad type recently introduced by Facebook to help you collect leads thanks to a pre-
filled form, and it works like crazy!

But there’s a small problem: the platform requires you to export and import leads every day, so you
can’t send a welcome email or a call right away, when a lead comes in.

This can compromise the lead quality and effectiveness of your Marketing and Advertising efforts.
You can fix this problem easily by using LeadsBridge Lead Ads Sync which boost your Lead Ads put

them on autopilot, integrating them with over 55 CRM and email marketing software.

LeadsBridge Lead Ads Sync sends every collected lead to your CRM/Autoresponder instantly, in real-
time. You can run Lead Ads campaigns and instantly send subscribers your opt-in offer or an SMS,
without any complex manual work.

Watch it in action HERE!

6. Identify specific and niche targets

Here's another way to reduce your advertising costs: try to identify a specific target audience within
your market.

Then, create a campaign for every niche, with a specific copy, images etc.

This strategy allows you to use the right words to describe your products and services, intercepting
the real desires/needs/problems of your target audience.

7. Retarget people who visited your “About” page

Visitors of your “About Us” web page are a good audience for retargeting.
The reason is simple: compared to the cold traffic, these people wanted to know more about your
company and it is easier for you to convert them into prospects or clients.

Tip - you can create a lot of Custom Audiences from your website, but it needs time and strong
technical skills to get the most out of this strategy. If you find this activity too time consuming, let
Leadsbridge’s Pixel Enhancer do the dirty job for you.
Discover how to create dozens of Behavioral Custom Audiences without stress by clicking HERE.

8. CTA Split testing

Sometimes a great Call To Action can increase conversions up to 10 - 15%. You can make a simple
and effective split test by comparing two identical ads, which only differ in terms of except for the
call to action, in order to identify the best one.

9. Reduce fields in your forms

If you enter too many fields in the registration form of your landing page, a lot of people will not fill
them. Sometimes people do not like to give you too many informations. They may be in hurry, and
they have no time to waste. Unless it is absolutely necessary, minimize the fields in your opt-in forms
to increase the number of leads.

Less information you ask with your form, more leads you’ll get. Just try the perfect number of fields,
because in the other hand, asking few information can be decrease the quality of your leads.

Same is true for Facebook Lead Gen Ads forms. Trying to figure out which is the best form for your
business will guarantee less work and a better revenue ;).

10. Use CRM retargeting

With Facebook you can target your Email/Phone database by simply importing your lists into

Custom Audiences are usually cheaper than Audiences based on interests, because you can offer
services and products to prospects and customers who already know you, without wasting money by
showing your ads to cold people and people who are not ready to buy.

Custom Audiences are one of the best features of Facebook Ads, and LeadsBridge puts them on
autopilot, syncing your CRM with Facebook and giving your Ads continuously fresh audience to use
in your retargeting campaigns.

Your CRM or your email marketing software is the heart of your business. Is the place where are all
your business data and it’s a pity to not take advantage of these data.

• You can use these data to show an ad to only people who bought from you multiple products and
try to sell them a high-dollar product/service.
• You can target your raven fans, people who open and click on each email you send to create a
super social-proof for your ad.
• You can target people who are slipping away from your business, to re-engage them and have a
more responsive list, or just to see if they are yet interested in what you are doing.

Possibilities are endless. The core of your business is on your CRM, just put it working together with
your ads, you’ll get exceptional results!

To do it, you can use our LeadsBridge Custom Audience Sync which put your CRM working together
with Facebook Ads and giving you the perfect audiences to use in your retargeting campaigns.

Click here to learn more about it.

11. Separe panoramas

To maximize the results of your campaigns, you need to separate the different panoramas. Some ads
work better in the news feed; others, could be more effective in the right column or on mobile

By separating the panoramas you can easily analyze the results of your ads and scale the most
effective campaign.

12. Use freebies

When you ask your audience to leave their email, name or phone number, offer something in return!

Freebies are free content, usually in PDF, video or audio format, that gives valuable informations to
your customers.

With freebies people will be more inclined to leave their contact details. In addition, if the content is
really useful, you will have done the first step to win your prospect’s trust.

Freebies can boost your conversions because of the value demonstrated with your potential
customers. This gives you an advantage because it bring your leads to your brand.

13. Use Lead Ads Survey

With Facebook Ads Lead you can create surveys and ask questions to your audience. By doing this,
you will get two benefits at the same time:
1. Generate hundreds of qualified leads thanks to the pre-filled forms of Facebook Lead Ads.
2. You will have a clear overview of what your audience needs, so you can offer your products and
services with the right message.

14. Video engagement retargeting

People likes videos and Facebook has recently released a feature that allows you to create a Custom
Audience starting from video’s engagement. If you want to dramatically increase the conversions of
your campaigns, try this users retargeting technique. Results will surprise you!

15. Use other countries to boost your ads

The effectiveness of your ad depends greatly on how Facebook users react to it.

Often, more likes and shares on your ads can help you reach more people thanks to the social proof
the ad demonstrates.

If you want to increase likes and comments, try to show your ad in other countries first, where
Facebook users are more reactive and like-friendly :).

16. Retarget with Lead Ads only those who have seen your landing

According to statistics, most viewers of your landing page did not leave you their contacts, although
they are interested in you offer, lead magnet or advice.

If you want to convert them, create a custom audience of all users who have seen your landing page
and exclude the ones who opted in. Then, retarget and convert them by creating urgency and social
proof in your ad.


Tip - you can create a lot of Custom Audiences from your website, but it needs time and strong
technical skills to get the most of this strategy. If this is activity is time consuming for you, let
Leadsbridge’s Pixel Enhancer do the dirty job. Discover how to create dozens of Behavioral Custom
Audiences without stress by clicking HERE.

17. Track conversion values

When you set up your Facebook Ads make sure to track conversions, in order to understand which
campaigns perform better. Thanks to the advanced tracking, you can also identify which ad is more
profitable for your business goals so you will be able to scale the best campaigns.

What we think is that conversions shouldn’t be a number like “zero” or “one” but should give you
the real revenue you are generating from them.

If you are selling just a single product or multiple product at the same price, this wouldn’t be a
problem at all. But if you are selling multiple products which have different prices, you should know
how much revenue your Ad campaigns are bringing to your business.

That’s why you should use this Facebook Pixel event if you want to track conversions values:

fbq('track', 'Purchase', {value: '0.00', currency: 'USD'});

I know that this could be complicated,
especially if you haven’t a developer in your
company, but you can still use the LeadsBridge
Pixel Enhancer, which does not require tech
skills to set it up. It has a marketer-friendly
interface and you can set conversion values in 3
minutes flat ;).

Click here to watch a video of it.

18. Collect leads with coupons and lead ads

If you do not have a lead magnet or a free content to offer, you can still collect leads by using the
strategy "Coupon + Lead Ads". A coupon can be a free trial or a discount on your products. People
willingly give you their email if you give them something back!

If your business is suited to this strategy, LeadsBridge’s Lead Ads Automation tool connects your
Facebook Lead Generation Ads and send a single-use coupon code to your leads as soon as they
submit the form.

Click here for more details.

19. Messenger is your friend

Often, people are interested in your services, but they want a direct contact with you.

Sometimes they have some questions about your products or they just need to know that behind
your company there is a real person, a reliable person.

In the last year, Facebook improved its Messenger to fit your business needs. We talked a lot about it
in this post.

You can hug this tool in your business strategy; Messenger is a really powerful tool to create
engagement and convert leads, remember you are still using a social network, people expect you are
social :).

To bring Messenger into Facebook Ads (the new Messenger Ads), you can now push Messenger
conversations instead of a classic links. So, people who are looking for a real person to talk with, will
get in touch with you easily!

20. Use content marketing to engage with a slightly different


Depending on the content you offer, you can attract a particular type of audience. To reach more
people, you can provide informations from a slightly different angle each time, in order to create
more engagement.

For example, if you sell cars you can create a section on your blog that collects content about luxury
cars. Another section or category can talk about sport cars. With Facebook Pixel you can create
several Custom Audiences based on the type of content of your blog or website.

It allows you to convert more visitors through Facebook Ads Retargeting with specific, advertising
messages and also expanding this specific audience with a Lookalike audience.

21. Never run a campaign without retargeting

When you run a campaign do not forget to create at least one parallel retargeting Facebook Ad, for
example by creating a custom audience for those who have clicked on your ad without buying your
services or products. With this simple strategy you will be able to maximize your advertising

22. Dress your Ad as an organic post

Nobody likes advertising but advertisers!

If you do not want to be ignored by your audience, try to dress your ad like an organic post on

Create a catchy headline, avoid sales words and always remember to offer some useful content in
your ads.

It is counterintuitive, I know, but due to these simple tricks your ads can gain a really impressive
impact, thus creating more engagement, conversions...and sales!

23. Analyze your most relevance ads

Always analyze the relevance of your ads according to the target audience.

In fact, relevance score is one of the most important parameters for a successful Facebook campaign.

If your Ad is insignificant for your target audience, it will be difficult to reach your target audience on
Facebook. If you are testing different messages, analyze why certain ads get the most out and why
other didn’t.

This will guide you to create always converting ads, without any stupid trick.

24. Recycle your previous successful ads

If some of your ads have got a great amount of like, clicks and shares, just repurpose them using the
post promotion method.

Instead of create a new ad, just use the old one that was so successful and put it in your new
campaign with a different target.

This could be done also with dark posts, you just need the post ID and Facebook will recognize it.

25. Test Lookalike audiences

If your ads don’t convert enough, test different lookalikes and discover which ones convert best.

If you create a Lookalike, in fact, Facebook will automatically set an audience of people with similar
characteristics, without finding always new interests for your ads.

This is an extremely easy and fast method to achieve more results in a short time.

To create a Lookalike Audience, just select a Custom Audience from your list in the Audiences tab
and press the "Create Similar Audience" button.

26. Slam the door in your target's face

People on Facebook are extremely distracted. When you set up your ads, try to be direct and
persuasive by leveraging your audience's problems. This allows you to attract more attention due to
an interruption-strategy!

27. Use your fan base to create better ads

There are many ways to use your fan base to create better ads, for example by creating a Lookalike
audience for your Campaigns.

Facebook will automatically identify your potential customers according to their interests and
characteristics. To create a Fan Base Lookalike Audience, click first on “Create Saved Audience” from
your list in the Audiences tab and press the "People Who Likes Your Page" button from the list “Add
a connection type”.

Then create a lookalike from this audience and run your campaigns.


28. Don't overuse "free"

If your ad relates to a content or a free consultation, do not overuse the word “free”.

People give little value to “free stuff”, so be focused on the benefits that your prospects will get
through your free services and products.

If your target audience see only “free stuff” from you will gladly think there is something else after
the first click. As always, do not overdo anything, rather tries to change the message.

29. Use the 80/20 Rule

The 80 / 20 rule (also known as the Pareto Principle) states that 80% of the outcome comes from 20%
of the causes.

When you run a Facebook Ads Campaign, always try to understand which campaigns work better
and just put more resources on them.

If you are using always the same target, this rule is a must, you need to create the perfect funnel,
otherwise the risk of stopping using Facebook Ads for your business is below the door.

30. Lead Ads form retargeting

Facebook Lead Ads is a very effective way to retarget and convert website visitors into prospects.
Due to its pre-filled forms, Facebook lead Ads allows you to collect valuable users data with just few

Facebook Lead Ads works really well when you target Interests targets, and the best tactic to get
more from them is to use form audiences to re-engage people who click on your form but don’t
submit it.


Hope you enjoy this little hacks and I’m sure you can do a lot more to generate revenue from
Facebook Ads :).

Please as always, feel free to reach out any time here if you may have questions about this pdf or
about LeadsBridge, we are always excited to bring our followers to the next level!

Please, if you get some great piece of content in this PDF, help us spread the World adding it to
Buffer, with a sweet tweet or sharing it on Facebook!


Stefan and Gabriel



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