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NO. BP : 1811316030


Viruses are microorganism that can spread disease, either by air or physical
contact with sufferers. If the virus moves from a person with certain diseases then the
next infected person has the same disease. This happens if the body has low immunity
because the virus will be very easy to approach the body will be very easy to
approach the body with weak immunity. The virus works by taking over the cell
nucleus by then converting it to be used as a breeding medium, so it is referred to as
pathogenic microorganisms. Diseases caused by viruses are of various types such as
influenza, measles, and dengue fever.

Influenza, better known as the flu, is an infectious disease caused by the RNA
virus from the family Orthomyxoviridae (influenza virus). The most common
symptoms of this disease are chills, fever, sore throat, muscle aches, severe headache,
coughing, weakness, and general discomfort. Usually, influenza is transmitted
through the air through coughing or sneezing, which will cause aerosols that contain
viruses. Influenza can also be transmitted through direct contact with snot, or through
contact with contaminated surfaces. Airborne aerosols are thought to cause the
majority of infections, although which transmission pathways most play a role in this
disease is not yet known. Influenza viruses can be activated by sunlight, disinfectants,
and detergents. Frequent hand washing will reduce the risk of infection because the
virus can be inactivated with soap.

Measles / Rubella is a highly contagious viral infection, which is

characterized by fever, cough, conjunctivitis and skin rash. This disease is caused by
infection with the measles virus in the Paramixovirus group. Transmission of
infection occurs because of inhalation of saliva splashes of people with measles.
Patients can transmit this infection within 2-4 days before the onset of the skin rash
and 4 days after the skin rash is present. Before measles vaccination was widely used,
measles outbreaks occur every 2-3 years, especially in pre-school children and
elementary school children. If someone has had measles, he will usually be immune
to this disease for the rest of his life.

Dengue fever or dengue fever is an infection caused by the dengue virus.

Mosquitoes or some types of mosquitoes transmit (or spread) dengue viruses. Dengue
fever is also referred to as "breakbone fever" or "bonebreak fever", because the fever
can cause sufferers to experience severe pain as if their bones were broken. A number
of symptoms of dengue fever are fever; headache; reddish skin that looks like
measles; and muscle and joint pain. In some patients, dengue fever can change into
one of two life-threatening forms. The first is dengue fever, which causes bleeding,
vascular leakage, and low blood platelet levels. The second is the dengue shock
syndrome, which causes dangerous low blood pressure. If someone has dengue fever,
usually he can recover only by drinking enough fluids, as long as the disease is still
mild or not severe. If someone has a more severe case, he may need intravenous
fluids, or blood transfusions.

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