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A Star for Christmas

Cushion measures 14” square

Pattern by Anorina Morris

Pattern by Anorina Morris --- www.sameliasmum.com


Assorted Christmas print fabric scraps for the EPP diamonds and jewels
1 FQ white tone on tone (background)
1 FQ print fabric (cushion back)
Perle 8 cotton or cotton floss – red (DMC 666)
Size 7 Crewel Needle (embroidery)
Transfer pen or marker
Size 10 Straw Needle (applique)
Neutral cotton for piecing
2" diamond and jewel EPP papers or cardboard to create your own template
18” square of Parlan or fusible Pellon


1. Trace the diamond and jewel shape on to template plastic and cut out directly on the lines.
2. Use the template to trace 12 diamond shapes and 6 jewel shapes onto plain paper.
3. Cut these out directly on the lines.

Choose the fabrics and layout for the paper pieced shape. Place the paper template in the centre (hold
with a pin if necessary) and baste onto the paper using your desired method.

I glue basted my EPP pieces with a Sue Daley glue stick.

Pattern by Anorina Morris --- www.sameliasmum.com

Once all of the paper pieces are basted, press with a warm iron. Refer to the photo (below) and arrange
the paper pieces on a large flat surface ensuring a good balance of colour.

Pattern by Anorina Morris --- www.sameliasmum.com

Choose the first two paper pieces, place them right sides together with the edges aligned and slip stitch
with a neutral cotton thread.

Choose the next adjoining piece and repeat this until all of the pieces are joined. Press well.


1. Press the white tone-on-tone FQ well. Press the parlan to the back of the FQ with a hot dry iron.
2. Trace the embroidery on to the centre of the FQ.
3. Back-stitch the design, using the Perle 8 or 3 strands of cotton floss.

Pattern by Anorina Morris --- www.sameliasmum.com

1. Remove the papers from the paper pieced diamonds and jewels. Press with a hot iron to ensure the
seams stay well creased. Use a little bit of spray starch if necessary.
2. Place the pieced section over the embroidered FQ and centre the stitched design in the middle.
3. Dot a tiny amount of glue (I used Roxanne’s glue) just below each point and press down onto the FQ.
Alternately, you can use pins to keep the piece in place.

4. Use neutral thread to hand applique the EPP "star" to the background fabric. Trim and turn the excess
fabric “ears” under as you go. Press well once both the inner edge and the outer edges of the star is
appliqued completely.
5. With the red perle 8 cotton or 3 strands of floss, sew a running stitch around the outer and inner edges of
the star.

Pattern by Anorina Morris --- www.sameliasmum.com

The cushion top is now complete. Press well and trim the cushion top to 15” square.
Cushion Backing

1. Cut a piece 15" square.

2. Place this backing square on a flat surface with the right side facing up. Place the cushion top on top,
with the right side facing down and edges aligned.
3. Pin both layers in place.
4. Sew around all 4 sides, leaving a 5" gap for turning.
5. Clip the corners and turn out the cushion.
6. Push out the corners of the cushion and then press.
7. Place the cushion insert inside and slip-stitch the opening closed with neutral cotton thread.

Pattern by Anorina Morris --- www.sameliasmum.com

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