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Nurul Agustin, Ecyclovira Rizki Aini, Naily Chumaidah

Department of Physics
Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Semarang State University
School Year 2018/2019

INTRODUCTION The speed of the wave depends on the

nature of the medium in which it
The waves that easy to imagine are propagates. The wave velocity on the
mechanical waves, these waves cause motion stretched rope, for example, depends on the
on the medium where the waves propagate. tension of the rope, FT, and on the mass of
Some examples of mechanical waves are sound the rope per unit length, m / L. For waves
waves, surface waves and waves on a rope. g
with small amplitude, the relationship is
objects where the disturbance spreads
(Giancoli, 2001: 382-383).
(Sutrisno,1979: 2-5).
If we shake one end of the rope (or spring)
and the other end fixed, a continuous wave will
propagate to the fixed end and be reflected
back, in reverse. While we vibrate the rope,
there will be waves that propagate in both
directions, and waves that propagate to the fixed METHOD
end will interfere with the reflected waves
returning. Usually there will be chaos. But if we In the experiment, we use statif as a place
vibrate the string with the right frequency, the to tie the rope, audio frequency generator,
two waves will interfere in such a way that a vibrator to vibrate the ropes and various types
standing wave with a large amplitude will be of rope such as dadung rope, nilon rope, scout
produced. These waves are called "standing rope, and mattress rope. In this experiement, the
waves" because they don't seem to rope is vibrated by using a vibrator that has
propagate(Giancoli, 2001: 392). been connected to the audio frequency
generator to adjust the frequency, the rope is
tied to the statif with the fixed and free boundary.
In this experiement, the number of waves is
determined as many as 1.5 waves, so we look
for the frequency needed to form 1.5 waves,
then record the formation of waves, then
analyzed using a tracker to find amplitude and
Figure 1.1 Standing wave wavelengt.
The length of one wave is equal to the
distance traveled in one period. The distance
between two vertices or two consecutive
stomachs is called half wavelength. The high
points in the wave are called peak, the lowest
points are called valleys. Amplitude is the
maximum height of the peak, or the maximum
depth of the valley, relative to the normal (or
balanced) level.
Figure 2.1 Setting of Tools
RESULT AND DISCUSSION Relation Between Velocity and
1. Fixed Boundary Various Rope
In this experiment, we use Tracker video 5
analysis to determine the amplitude and 4.5
wavelength. The result of the wavelength 4

Velocity (m/s)
obtained is then to determine the wave velocity, 3.5
with the equation: 3
1.5 40
1 cm
Dad Matt Scou cm
ung ress t 60
rope rope rope cm
40 cm 3.5 2.92 3 3.87
50 cm 2.6 3.2 3.3 4.1
60 cm 3 3.8 3.3 4.3
Various of rope

Graph 3.1 Relation Between Velocity and

Various Rope
Figure 3.1 Analysis of stationary wave
using Trcaker Based on the formula of density, density
depend on length and mass of the rope, the
Beside the theory of Giancolli that wave velocity calculation data for the density of the rope can
depend on density of rope, it means if the be seen in the attachment section. The velocity
density of the rope gets bigger, the speed will be of rope in propagating depend on density of
smaller rope, if the density greater, the velocity will be
smaller. However, there are several tracker
analysis data that do not match with Giancolli
statement, where the velocity is not constant
This graph display the relation between
decreases when the density of the rope
velocity where it is obtained from the calculation
increases. This can be caused by a lack of focus
between frequency and wavelength. The
on the camera in recording vibration propagation
frequency here is the frequency needed to form
and other human errors such as being less
1.5 waves for each type and length of rope, type
thorough in analyzing using a tracker.
and length determine the density of rope. While
Based on the results of the experiment it
the wavelength is obtained from the analysis
was also found that the longer the rope, the
greater the frequency needed to vibrate the rope
to form 1.5 waves
2. Free Boundary

Figure 3.2 Stationary wave: Free

Based on the experiment, there is no free REFERENCES
boundary formed, where the rope does not
move up and down and the vibration does not Halliday & Resnick. 2010. Fisika Jilid 1. Jakarta
start from the belly, but from a node like the : Erlangga
fixed boundary, because the free end is only
Sutrisno. 1984. Fisika Dasar : Gelombang dan
formed in ideal conditions, namely if the friction
is zero, and at the time of experiment can not Optik. Bandung : ITB
reach the ideal condition.
Giancoli, douglas C. 2001. Fisika Jilid 1.
Jakarta: Erlangga
1. Wave velocity is directly proportional to
2. Wave velocity is inversely proportional to
3. Frequency is directly proportional to length of
4. Free boundary is only formed in ideal

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