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MOLECULAR COMPOSITION OF CELLS  Sugary foods and fructose-rich fruits

are the best source of energy for people

Common set of chemicals in an organism
who are drained or tired.
◦ Carbon o Disaccharides
 They are composed of 2
◦ Oxygen
monosaccharides joined together
◦ Nitrogen through a process called
condensation reaction.
◦ Phosphorus
 In the process of condensation
◦ Sulfur reaction, dehydration synthesis
takes place.
◦ Hydrogen
 In dehydration synthesis, the water is
BIOMOLECULES extracted upon combining the two
◦ They are also called macromolecules or
 The result of condensation reaction is
organic molecules.
the formation of glycosidic bond, a
◦ These biomolecules serves as fuel for the type of covalent bond that links
metabolism or organisms. carbohydrate molecule to another
◦ Certain processes in your body may not
function properly if your are deficient of  Like Monosaccharides, Disaccharides
certain biomolecules. are also sweet and soluble in water.
 Some of them are used in the kitchen
◦ What you are consuming may not be the right either as food or ingredients
amount of biomolecules necessary  Examples:
◦ Some of these molecules may already be  Sucrose - Table Sugar (Fructose +
familiar to you as they are always present in Glucose)
certain nutritional labels of food products. - It comes from combining
glucose and fructose
4 Types of Biomolecules
 2. Lactose - Milk Sugar (Fructose +
1. Carbohydrates Galactose)
- Whey, a by-product of
◦ The term carbohydrate literally means
dairy production contains lactose and
“hydrated carbon”
is used in making bread, cookies,
◦ It has carbon-hydrogen-oxygen ratio (1:2:1)
cakes, doughnuts.
◦ These are biomolecules believed to be the
 3. Maltose - Malt or beer sugar
most abundant of all organic compounds.
◦ In plants, 75% of the dry weight of the plant is
carbohydrate in nature. - the least sweet among
◦ Carbohydrates includes simple and complex the disaccharide
sugars and is a well – known source of energy.
- common in making
◦ Types of Carbohydrates
o Monosaccharides
 Also called simple sugars o Polysaccharides
 Examples:  They are composed of a least 3
 1. Glucose – is the major source of monosaccharides
energy for all organisms.  They are not sweet.
 2. Fructose – can be found in most  They do not from crystals when water
plants such as sugar cane, sugar beets, molecules are removed.
corn  The actual structure of certain tissues
– used in food items or drinks to enhance or cellular parts may depend on the
their taste. polysaccharide’s molecular structure
 3. Galactose – are found in milk; usually which is either branched or linear.
a combination of glucose and fructose  Branched polysaccharide – water
 Monosaccharides provide immediate soluble
energy to the organism that takes them  Linear polysaccharide- forms a rigid
 Because monosaccharides are simple structure and non-water soluble.
sugars, they are smaller than the other  Most polysaccharides are used for
types of carbohydrates. energy storage
 Their size allows them to be absorbed 1. Starch
immediately through the digestive tract 2. Glycogen
all the way to the blood streams.  Polysaccharides have many health
1. They serve as immediate energy ◦ Hydrocarbons are organic compounds that are
reserve in the body made up or carbon and hydrogen and are
Mushrooms, berries, cereals and insoluble in water.
grains help stabilize the blood sugar ◦ When lipids are metabolized, they release
and provide vitamins and minerals. large amount of energy, and thus are useful to
Pectin is an important type of organisms.
polysaccharide, is a soluble fiber. It
goes through our digestive more ◦ Aside from functioning as a long-term storage,
slowly, making the person feel full for they also serve as insulation.
longer. ◦ TYPES OF LIPIDS:
 Pectin is found in the following fruits:
 Triglycerides
 Apples
 Oranges - It is a type of lipid which is composed of
 Grapefruits three molecules of fatty acids joined to one
 Bananas molecule of glycerol.
 Cabbages - Fatty Acids have 2 types
 Carrots
 When extracted from citrus fruits, 1. Saturated
pectin can be sold commercially as - Generally know as fats
white or brown powder and can be - Normally solid in room
used as a gelling agent in jams or temperature.
jellies. - They are found in animal fats such
 Some polysaccharides give structure as in pork and beef.
to organisms - Other food sources:
 1.Cellulose • Butter
- They are found in cell wall plants. • Lard
- Because cellulose is not soluble in • Cream
• Cheese
water it is easy to separate it from
• Some processed foods
other plant component.
- Associated with increased
- They can be found in commercially circulatory disorders.
used plants such as abaca, flax, 2. Unsaturated
cotton, and pineapple which are
often made into fabric and paper. - Mostly known as oils
- It cannot be digested by human. - They are normally liquid at room
When taken in, cellulose remains temperature.
- They are commonly found in
unchanged and goes through the
entire digestive tract.
Olive Oil
- However, certain animals can digest Coconut Oil
cellulose because of the organism in Corn Oil
their digestive tract.  Phospholipids
- When cellulose is broken down, its
sugar component is used as a food ◦ Have a structure similar to fats but with
source. additional components.
- Fungi can also break down cellulose  Steroids
into simpler sugars that can be
absorbed through their cell walls ◦ Steroids have four fused carbon rings.
made of chitin. ◦ There are different types of steroids
 2. Chitin according to the functional group attached
- is found in the cell walls of fungi and to their carbon skeleton.
the exoskeletons of some animals.
- Chitin has stronger hydrogen bonds ◦ In general, steroids help in regulating
metabolism, immune response,
which made it harder and more
reproduction, and other essential
stable than cellulose.
biological processes.
- Has antibacterial and antiviral
properties making it useful in ◦ They can be found in varied hormones,
medicine, cosmetics and other food nerve tissue, toad venoms, and plant
items. poisons.

2. Lipids ◦ 2 Functions:

◦ Lipids are biomolecules that contains chains of 1. Important component in the cell
hydrocarbons. membrane
2. Signaling molecules that activate steroid Examples:
hormone receptors
1. lisinopril, which lowers blood
◦ Steroid Hormone receptors are found in pressure by blocking the angiotensin-
the nucleus, cytosol, and in the plasma converting enzyme (ACE), leading to
membrane of the target cells. lower aldosterone secretion.
◦ Types of Steroids 2. spironolactone, a potassium-sparing
diuretic, which decreases blood
◦ CHOLESTEROL pressure by releasing fluid from the
- It is a sterol (steroid alcohol) body while retaining potassium.

- Cholesterol formation usually happens

in the major organs such as brain and  Waxes
blood vessels where it gets deposited on
its walls and linings. ◦ Generally, most animals use fats for long-term
energy storage. Your body breaks down fats
- It is a major component of the when you need extra fuel. Excess sugar in the
formation of bile salts and gallstones body can also be converted to fats. If you are
- It causes atherosclerosis. not physically active, these fats remain unused
for a long time, hence increasing your body
- Male sex hormone responsible for the 3. Proteins
development of secondary sex
characteristics such as: 4. Nucleic Acids

- lowering of pitch
- growth of facial and body hair
- Female sex hormones controlling
ovulation cycle.
- Released to achieve balance by
responding to stress, imbalances or
threats to an organisms body.
- helps in the regulation of energy
reserves in the body.
- It removes fatty acids from body
proteins to be used as energy.
- It is also a good remedy for
- functions includes
- Cortisol prevents the release of
substances in the body that cause
inflammation. It is used to treat
conditions resulting from
overactivity of the B-cell-mediated
antibody response.
◦ Aldosterone
- regulates the reabsorption of sodium
and chloride ions in the kidneys and
regulates the loss of potassium ions.
- regulates blood pressure
- Drugs that interfere with the
secretion or action of aldosterone are
in use as antihypertensive.

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