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Balance of payments

2. 2. BALANCE OF PAYMENTS “A record of international transactions between residents of
one country and the rest of the world”
3. 3. BALANCE OF PAYMENT:- Balance of payments (BoP) accounts are an accounting
record of all monetary transactions between a country and the rest of the world.These
transactions include payments for the country's exports and imports of goods, services,
financial capital, and financial transfers. The BoP accounts summarize international
transactions for a specific period, usually a year, and are prepared in a single currency.
BALANCE OF TRADE:- The balance of trade is the difference between the monetary value
of exports and imports of output in an economy over a certain period. It is the relationship
between a nation's imports and exports. A positive balance is known as a trade surplus if it
consists of exporting more than is imported; a negative balance is referred to as a trade
deficit or, informally, a trade gap. INTRODUCTION
4. 4. Its main objective is to represent the economic position of a country, whether its currency
is rising or falling in its external value.OBJECTIVE
5. 5. b) If a transaction involves spending of foreign currency it is a debit and is recorded as a
negative item. a) If a transaction earns foreign currency for the nation, it is a credit and is
recorded as a plus item. THE GENERAL RULE IN BOP ACCOUNTING
6. 6. Official Account Capital Account  Current Account COMPONENTS OF BALANCE OF
7. 7. BOP on current account refers to the inclusion of three balances of namely –
Merchandise balance, Services balance and Unilateral Transfer balance. In other words it
reflects the net flow of goods, services and unilateral transfers (gifts). The net value of the
balances of visible trade and of invisible trade and of unilateral transfers defines the balance
on current account.CURRENT ACCOUNT
9. 9. The capital account of a country consist of its transaction in financial assets in the form of
short-term and long-term lending and borrowing.CAPITAL ACCOUNT
10. 10. Capital account includes :- 1. Short term capital movements:- • Purchase of short-term
securities. • Cash balance held with Foreign countries for a time period less than a year. 2.
Long term capital movements:- • Direct investments in shares, bonds, real-estate, plant,
building, etc. • Cash balance held with Foreign countries for a time period more than a year.
Capital accounts deals with the accounts related to cash or liquid assets.
11. 11. CAPITAL ACCOUNT CREDIT DEBIT Foreign Long-Term investment in Home country
a)Direct investment in home country. b)Foreign investment in Domestic securities. c)Foreign
corporate loan to the home country. Foreign Short-Term investment In Home country
a)Purchase of shares of foreigners. b)Short-term loans. (for less than 1 yr) Long-Term
investment Abroad a)Direct investment abroad. b)Investment in Foreign securities.
c)Government LOAN to foreign countries. Foreign Short-Term investment In Home country
a)Sales of shares abroad . b)Short-term loans.(for less than 1 yr)
12. 12. Official reserves assets include gold, foreign currencies, SDRs, reserve positions in the
deal with the transactions related to the donation factors like, UNILATERAL TRANSFER
14. 14. 4) OFFICIAL SETTLEMENT ACCOUNTS CREDIT DEBIT Official sales of foreign
currencies or other reserve assets abroad. Official purchase of foreign currencies or other
reserve assets.
15. 15. Political factors-like instable govt. Change in exchange rate  Borrowing and Lending 
Economic Development  Inflation  National Income  Temporary causes CAUSES OF
16. 16. National Income - Another cause is the change in country’s national income. If the
national income of a country increases, it will lead to an increase in imports thereby creating
a deficit in balance of payments. Temporary Causes- Temporary causes may arises due to
variations in the trade, effect of weather on agriculture production etc. 
17. 17. Economic Development- A country’s balance of payments also depends on its stage of
economic development. If a country is developing it will have a deficit in its balance of
payments. Inflation- Inflation is another cause of disequilibrium in the balance of payment. If
there is inflation in the country prices of exports increase, thus increase in export prices
leading to decline in exports and rise in imports result in adverse. 
18. 18. Borrowing and lending- A country which gives loans and grants on a large scale to other
countries has a deficit in its balance of payments on capital account. On the other hand, a
developing country borrowing large funds from other countries may have a favourable
balance of payments.
19. 19. Change in exchange rate – This change arise due to change in exports and imports. If
exports of the country are more then imports the demand for its currency increase so that the
rate of exchange moves in favours. On the other hand if imports are more than exports the
demand for the foreign currency increase and the rate of exchange will against the country.
20. 20. Disequilibrium may take place either in the form of deficit or in the form of surplus.
DEFICIT:- Disequilibrium of Deficit arises when our receipts from the foreigners fall below
our payment to foreigners. It arises when the effective demand for foreign exchange of the
country exceeds its supply at a given rate of exchange. This is called an 'unfavourable
balance'. SURPLUS:- Disequilibrium of Surplus arises when the receipts of the country
exceed its payments. Such a situation arises when the effective demand for foreign
exchange is less than its supply. Such a surplus disequilibrium is termed as 'favourable
balance'. MEANING:- Though the credit and debit are written balanced in the balance of
payment account, it may not remain balanced always. Very often, debit exceeds credit or the
credit exceeds debit causing an imbalance in the balance of payment account. Such an
imbalance is called the disequilibrium. DISEQUILLIBRIUM OF BOP
21. 21. (i) Economic factors (ii) Political factors and (iii) Sociological factors.CAUSES OF
DISEQUILLIBRIUM • A number of factors may cause disequilibrium in the balance of
payments. These various causes may be broadly categorized into:
22. 22. Developing purpose. Instruements for  Equipments and due to high price rates. the
structures.  of technological BUISNESS CYCLE. developed countries import to change 
Causes due to imports Causes by Causes in Causes due high  DEVELOPMENTAL
23. 23. 3) SOCIAL FACTOR:- Certain social factors influence the balance of payments. For
instance, changes in tastes, preferences, fashions, etc. may affect imports and exports and
thereby affect the balance of payments. 2) POLITICAL FACTOR:- Certain political factors
may also produce a balance of payments disequilibrium. For instance, a country plagued
with political instability may experience large capital outflows, inadequacy of domestic
investment and production, etc. These factors may sometimes, cause disequilibrium in the
balance of payments. CAUSES OF BOP CONTINUED
24. 24. BoP disequillibrium can be divided into 2 categories :- 1. AUTOMATIC MEASURES 2.
DELEBRATE MEASURES Various measures for correcting  Every country tries to remove
25. 25. E.g. If there is a deficit BoP then the demand for foreign exchange exceeds its supply
this leads to increase in exchange rates. This means the external value of Domestic currency
decreases. This increases the exports and in imports is seen BoP equilibrium is established.
This theory says that if market forces of demand and supply are allowed to have free play,
than with time equilibrium will be automatically restored. 1) AUTOMATIC MEASURES
26. 26. These measures can be divided into 3 groups :- 1. Monetary measures. 2. Trade
measures. 3. Miscellaneous. These corrective measures are taken deliberately taken to
restore equilibrium. DELIBRATE MEASURES
27. 27. Also fall in domestic prices increases exports. All these factors lead to correction in
BOP. In the case of BOP deficit if money supply is reduced then the purchasing power and
demand for imported products automatically comes down.  Demand for import and export is
influenced by contraction or expansion of money supply in the economy.  MONETARY
28. 28. Govt. also have a control over imports. Exporters are required to surrender foreign
exchange to the Central Bank.  Under it govt. or central bank assumes complete control
over the foreign exchange reserves and earnings of country.  Devaluation makes export
cheaper and imports expensive. 3. EXCHANGE CONTROL :-  A country with disequilibrium
in BOP will devalue its currency to encourage exports and decrease imports.  It means
reduction of official rates at which one currency is exchanged for another. DELIBERATE
29. 29. TRADE MEASURES :- It includes measures to encourage exports and to reduce
imports :- a) Export Promotions:- Exports are encouraged by removing export duties,
providing exports subsidies, monetary, physical and institutional incentives. b) Import
Control:- Imports are controlled by iposing import duties, import quotas, licensing and
prohibiting exports for some products.DELIBERATE MESURES CONTINUED
30. 30. Development of Tourism to attract foreign tourists. Encouraging foreign investment in
home country.  Measures like obtaining foreign loans.  MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES :-


Balance of payment
2. 2. A country has to deal with other countries in respect of the following 1. Visible items which
include all types of physical goods exported and imported. 2. Invisible items which include all
those services whose export and import are not visible. e.g. transport services, medical
services etc. 3. Capital transfers which are concerned with capital receipts and capital
3. 3. Balance of Payments According to Kindle Berger, "The balance of payments of a country
is a systematic record of all economic transactions between the residents of the reporting
country and residents of foreign countries during a given period of time". It is a double entry
system of record of all economic transactions between the residents of the country and the
rest of the world carried out in a specific period of time when we say “a country’s balance of
payments” we are referring to the transactions of its citizens and government.
4. 4. Balance Of Payment : Definition The balance of payments of a country is a systematic
record of all economic transactions between the residents of a country and the rest of the
world. It presents a classified record of all receipts on account of goods exported, services
rendered and capital received by residents and payments made by them on account of
goods imported and services received from the capital transferred to non-residents or
foreigners. - Reserve Bank of India
5. 5. Features oIt is a systematic record of all economic transactions between one country and
the rest of the world. oIt includes all transactions, visible as well as invisible. oIt relates to a
period of time. Generally, it is an annual statement. oIt adopts a double-entry book-keeping
system. It has two sides: credit side and debit side. Receipts are recorded on the credit side
and payments on the debit side.
6. 6. Balance of Trade The difference between a country's imports and its exports. Balance of
trade is the largest component of a country's balance of payments. Debit items include
imports, foreign aid, domestic spending abroad and domestic investments abroad. Credit
items include exports, foreign spending in the domestic economy and foreign investments in
the domestic economy. When exports are greater than imports than the BOT is favourable
and if imports are greater than exports then it is unfavourable
7. 7. Balance of Trade V/s Balance of Payment The Balance of Payment takes into account all
the transaction with the rest of the worlds The Balance of Trade takes into account all the
trade transaction with the rest of the worlds
8. 8. BOP v/s BOT BOP 1. It is a broad term. 2. It includes all transactions related to visible,
invisible and capital transfers. 3. It is always balances itself. 4. BOP = Current Account +
Capital Account + or - Balancing item (Errors and omissions) 5. Following are main factors
which affect BOP a)Conditions of foreign lenders. b)Economic policy of Govt. c) all the
factors of BOT BOT 1. It is a narrow term. 2. It includes only visible items. 3. It can be
favourable or unfavourable. 4. BOT = Net Earning on Export - Net payment for imports. 5.
Following are main factors which affect BOT a) cost of production b) availability of raw
materials c) Exchange rate d) Prices of goods manufactured at home
9. 9. Importance of Balance Of Payments 1. BOP records all the transactions that create
demand for and supply of a currency. 2. Judge economic and financial status of a country in
the short-term 3. BOP may confirm trend in economy’s international trade and exchange rate
of the currency. This may also indicate change or reversal in the trend. 4. This may indicate
policy shift of the monetary authority (RBI) of the country. 5. BOP may confirm trend in
economy’s international trade and exchange rate of the currency. This may also indicate
change or reversal in the trend.
10. 10. The General Rule in BOPAccounting a. If a transaction earns foreign currency for the
nation, it is a credit and is recorded as a plus item. b. If a transaction involves spending of
foreign currency it is a debit and is recorded as a negative item.
11. 11. The various components of a BOP statement 1. Current Account 2. Capital Account 3.
Reserve Account 4. Errors & Omissions
12. 12. Current Account Balance • BOP on current account is a statement of actual receipts and
payments in short period. • It includes the value of export and imports of both visible and
invisible goods. There can be either surplus or deficit in current account. • The current
account includes:- export & import of services, interests, profits, dividends and unilateral
receipts/payments from/to abroad. • BOP on current account refers to the inclusion of three
balances of namely – Merchandise balance, Services balance and Unilateral Transfer
13. 13. Types of Balances Trade Balance Merchandise: exports - imports of goods Services:
exports - imports of services Income Balance Net investment income: net income receipts
from assets Net international compensation to employees: net compensation of Employees
Net Unilateral Transfers Gifts from foreign countries minus gifts to foreign countries
14. 14. The capital account involves inflows and outflows relating to investments, short term
borrowings/lending, and medium term to long term borrowing/lending. It is difference
between the receipts and payments on account of capital account. It refers to all financial
transactions.  The capital account records all international transactions that involve a
resident of the country concerned changing either his assets with or his liabilities to a
resident of another country. Transactions in the capital account reflect a change in a stock –
either assets or liabilities. Capital Account Balance
15. 15. These are classifies into two categories- o Direct foreign investments o Portfolio
investments o Other capital It includes: - private foreign loan flow, movement in banking
capital, official capital transactions, reserves, gold movement etc.  There can be surplus or
deficit in capital account. Capital Account Balance
16. 16. The Reserve Account Three accounts: IMF, SDR, & Reserve and Monetary Gold are
collectively called as The Reserve Account. The IMF account contains purchases (credits)
and re- purchase (debits) from International Monetary Fund. Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)
are a reserve asset created by IMF and allocated from time to time to member countries. It
can be used to settle international payments between monetary authorities of two different
17. 17. Errors & It is of a balancing entry and is needed to offset the overstated or understated
components. The entries under this head relate mainly to leads and lags in reporting of
transactions Omissions
18. 18. A Surplus in the BOP occurs when Total Receipts exceeds Total Payments. Thus,
BOP= CREDITDisequilibrium In The Balance Of Payments A disequilibrium in the balance
of payment means its condition of Surplus Or deficit > A Deficit in the BOP occurs when
Total Payments exceeds Total Receipts. Thus, BOP= CREDITDEBIT <DEBIT
19. 19. International Capital Movements Natural Calamites  Structural Changes  Rapid
increase in population  Economic Development  Short fall in the exports  Cyclical
fluctuations Causes of Disequilibrium In The Bop
20. 20. Measures To Correct Disequilibrium in the BOP 1. Monetary Measures :- a) Monetary
Policy The monetary policy is concerned with money supply and credit in the economy. The
Central Bank may expand or contract the money supply in the economy through appropriate
measures which will affect the prices. b) Fiscal Policy Fiscal policy is government's policy on
income and expenditure. Government incurs development and non - development
expenditure,. It gets income through taxation and non - tax sources. Depending upon the
situation governments expenditure may be increased or decreased.
21. 21. Measures To Correct Disequilibrium in the BOP c) Exchange Rate Depreciation By
reducing the value of the domestic currency, government can correct the disequilibrium in
the BoP in the economy. Exchange rate depreciation reduces the value of home currency in
relation to foreign currency. As a result, import becomes costlier and export become
cheaper. It also leads to inflationary trends in the country, d) Devaluation devaluation is
lowering the exchange value of the official currency. When a country devalues its currency,
exports becomes cheaper and imports become expensive which causes a reduction in the
BOP deficit.
22. 22. Measures To Correct Disequilibrium in the BOP e) Deflation Deflation is the reduction in
the quantity of money to reduce prices and incomes. In the domestic market, when the
currency is deflated, there is a decrease in the income of the people. This puts curb on
consumption and government can increase exports and earn more foreign exchange. f)
Exchange Control All exporters are directed by the monetary authority to surrender their
foreign exchange earnings, and the total available foreign exchange is rationed among the
licensed importers. The license-holder can import any good but amount if fixed by monetary
23. 23. goods meant for exports can be exempted from all types of taxes. b) Import Substitutes
Steps may be taken to encourage the production of import substitutes. This will save foreign
exchange in the short run by replacing the use of imports by these import substitutes. cash
assistance, subsidies can be given to exporters to increase exports  export duties may be
reduced to boost exports Measures To Correct Disequilibrium in the BOP II. Non- Monetary
measures :- a) Export Promotion To control export promotions the country may adopt
measures to stimulate exports like:
24. 24. Measures To Correct Disequilibrium in the BOP c) Import Control Import may be kept in
check through the adoption of a wide variety of measures like quotas and tariffs. Under the
quota system, the government fixes the maximum quantity of goods and services that can be
imported during a particular time period. 1. Quotas – Under the quota system, the
government may fix and permit the maximum quantity or value of a commodity to be
imported during a given period. By restricting imports through the quota system, the deficit is
reduced and the balance of payments position is improved. 2. Tariffs – Tariffs are duties
(taxes) imposed on imports. When tariffs are imposed, the prices of imports would increase
to the extent of tariff. The increased prices will reduced the demand for imported goods and
at the same time induce domestic producers to produce more of import substitutes
26. 26. This is because such a country requires imported machines, technology and capital
equipment's in order to successfully launch and carry out the programme of
industrialization A country, like India, which is on the path of development generally,
experiences a deficit balance of payments situation. INDIA'S BALANCE OF PAYMENT
27. 27. Private transfer receipts, mainly representing remittances by Indians employed
overseas, amounted to US$ 16.2 billion, a marginal decline from their level a year ago. The
reduction in the CAD was also enabled by higher net earnings through services and lower
outflow on account of primary income (profit, dividend and interest).  This improvement was
mainly on account of the merchandise trade deficit (US$ 34.2 billion during Q1 of 2015-16)
which contracted on a year-on-year (y-o-y) basis due to a larger absolute decline in
merchandise imports relative to merchandise exports.  India’s current account deficit (CAD)
narrowed to US$ 6.2 billion (1.2 per cent of GDP) in Q1 of 2015-16 from US$ 7.8 billion (1.6
per cent of GDP) a year ago. BOP OF INDIA
28. 28. In the financial account, net inflows of foreign direct investment were hiBOP OF INDIA
In April-June 2015 there was net accretion of US$ 11.4 billion to India’s foreign exchange
reserves on a BoP basis; which was marginally higher than the accretion in the
corresponding quarter of last year . Net loans availed by banks witnessed an inflow of US$
5.4 billion, mainly on account of a fall in foreign currency assets held abroad by banks. 
Non-resident Indian (NRI) deposits received by commercial banks during the quarter at US$
5.9 billion were more than double the net inflow into these accounts in Q1 of last year. gher
on a y-o-y basis, however, portfolio investment declined sharply.
Several reasons for India’s Poor performance. Some off them are: I.Export - Related
Problems :- 1.High Prices :- As compared to other Asian Countries the price of Indian goods
is high. Prices are high due to documentation formalities, high transaction costs & also to
make higher profits. 2. Poor - Quality :- Many Indian exporters do not give much importance
to quality control, so their products are of poor quality. Due to low quality many times Indian
goods are rejected & sent back to India by foreign buyers.
Negotiation Skills :- Indian exporters lack Negotiation Skills due to poor training in Marketing.
They fail to Convince & induce the foreign buyers to place orders. 4.Inadequate Promotion :-
For Export Marketing, Promotion is important. Many Indian Exporters do not give much
importance to promotion. A good no. of Indian exporters are not professional in advertising &
Sales promotion. They do not take part in trade fairs & exhibitions. 5.Poor follow-up of sales
:-Indian exporters are ineffective in providing after- sale-service. They do not bother to find
out the reactions of buyers after sale. This results in poor performance of India’s export
Causes 1.Good Domestic Market Sellers find a ready market for their goods within the
country, so they do not take parts to get orders from overseas markets. 2.Number of
formalities There are number of documentation & other formalities due to which the some
marketers do not enter the export field. So there is a need to simplify formalities.
Trading Blocs Trading blocs reduce trade barriers on member nations, but they impose trade
barriers on non-members. As India is not a member of some powerful trading blocs, it has to
face some problems. 4. Negative Attitude Some of the overseas buyers have a negative
attitude towards Indian goods. They feel that Indian goods are inferior goods. Thus there is a
need to correct this attitude. 5. Poor Infrastructure Indian infrastructure is poor. Indian
exporters find it difficult to get orders & also to deliver them at time.
33. 33. INDIA’S OVERALL BALANCE OF PAYMENTS 4 Years summary Source : RBI


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