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Career Exploration and Learning Styles

While on Career Cruising I explored many of the careers in the

science area. All of the careers suggested to me involved either

physics, astronomy or medicine. Some of the careers/fields that I am

mostly interested in are radiology, (which was suggested to me and

something I’ve wanted to be for years) astrophysics and aerospace

engineering. Obviously all of these subjects involve a lot of studying

and most of the careers suggested to me needed at least 8 years of

post secondary schooling. I believe that I will need to take part time

jobs to fund the schooling and a lot of dedication to what I am studying

because these jobs can cost people their lives so you need to have a

really good idea of what you’re doing. I was mostly excited about my

results because a lot of the results that came up were some jobs that I

already wanted to do but I wasn’t really sure if I’d enjoy doing it, I was

happy because it clarified that these jobs are right for me. Some skills

attached to my profile included working with computers, caring for

people, fixing or creating things, using mathematics to solve technical

or scientific problems and understanding and using physics. I didn’t

really learn anything about myself that I didn’t already know. Which is
that I’m good at working with technology and can easily understand

sciences and mathematics. One thing I noticed is that my

communicative skills are pretty good which I didn’t really know

because I’ve never liked preforming in front of audiences. I learned

that I am pretty good at speaking in front of people/preforming, I feel

as though this trait is very good to have going into any job. It is good to

be able to speak confidently whether its during a job interview or

doing your job. One of my other skills which is understanding and using

physics, can really help me pursue my dream career which is being a

radiologist because this job requires the understanding of the

machinery which requires knowing the physics of the machine.

These skills can help me succeed in school, being a confident speaker

is a good thing to be able to do to help you in your presentations. A

general understanding of physics is good to have because it will help

me while taking courses that have something to do with it.

When learning I prefer to have a demonstration of what we are

being taught or an activity that I can do which demonstrates what

we’re being taught. I find this to be more fun but it also stays in my

mind for longer because I interacted with the thing I’m trying to
remember. I’d say that a PowerPoint presentation or a visual poster

would best suit my learning style. I say this because when creating a

poster or PowerPoint I am creating something. I feel if I create a

poster or a PowerPoint since I am interacting with them as I am

making them, what they are about stays in my mind and I get a better

understanding of the topic which helps me if I need to do a

presentation about it. Some courses that would best support my

learning style could include physics and all of the sciences and maths

because of my skill in those fields. Since I don’t really enjoy

preforming although I am good at it, I wouldn’t want to take a course

that involves a lot of that criteria. I would most likely want a career

which I can either use machinery, have hands on tasks or just anything

that is interactive. I would much prefer a career without so much

paperwork or at least a balance between hands on tasks and written.

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