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ter the persecution sued in England, they were now able to practice thr stem eligon tee ad they began to persecute hee ‘wn dissenters. Those who were not good members of the church ‘were persecuted, punished and lunished I person wae accused of bing a witeh or a heretic, he of she was burned at the take oF hang: Blasphemy was punished very severly: the guilty penion’s eas wore et of ‘Success inthe work world was seen as a sign of God's favor, an ‘e's predestination to salvation. Infact, shorly after thar areval the Puritans established a flourishing fish, far and lumber trade with ‘many countries. Devotion to hare work ae busines enterprise fs at the bass ofthe Purtan philosophy: Accumulation of wealth isnot

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