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1. Front-end to SQL 'SHOW' statements
2. Enumerates information (metadata) about: DBs, Tables, Columns

1. Explore the environment
2. 'mysqlshow'
2a. 'mysqlshow' - enumerates information about the managed DBs
2b. 'mysql -u root -p --count' - returns a count of returned records
2c. 'mysql -u root -p --count mysql' - returns metadata about the 'mysql' DB,
1. Tables
2. Columns
2. Total # of rows

2d. 'mysqlshow -u root -p --count mysql user' - returns info. one-level below the
DB by describing the specified table: SQL 'describe user'
Note: Default behavior is to return ALL columns if a single column is unspecified
2e. 'mysqlshow -u root -p --count mysql user Host' - drills to the column level
of the hierarchy
2f. 'mysqlshow -u root -p --count mysql user %priv' - returns columns terminating
with 'priv'
2g. 'mysqlshow -u root -p --count --keys mysql user' - dumps indexes on
2h. 'mysqlshow -u root -p -i mysql user' - dumps additional metadata: i.e.
'engine, timestamps, etc.'

1. Checks, reparis, describes, optimizes 'myISAM'(default storage engine) tables
3. Run from DB directory or via path to the DB directory/file
4. Optionally allows you to backup existing table prior to operations

1. Examine/explore 'myisamchk ...' utility
1a. take they MySQL instance offline
1b. Identify $datadir: 'ps -ef | grep mysql'

2. Use 'myisamchk' in a variety of ways

2a. 'myisamchk demos.MYI' - default check - does NOT make changes
2b. 'myisamchk -B demos.MYI' - default check, however, performs a backup (if
changes are to be made) - A simple check does NOT perform changes
2c. 'myisamchk -B -r demos.MYI' - performs a recovery and provides a backup
2d. 'myisamchk -i -B tbl_name' - checks table (-c) - returns stats about the
2e. 'myisamchk -i -B *.MYI' - checks all tables
2f. 'myisamchk -s -B *.MYI' - checks silently, returning errors to STDOUT
2g. 'myisamchk -r -B products' - backs-up and recovers table 'products'

3. Use 'mysqlshow -i -u root -p LCBTProdsDemos products' - enumerates 'engine'

type, amongst other useful data

1. Checks, repairs, and optimizes tables
3. Requires Auth (-u($USER=default), -p, -h(localhost=default))
4. Checks various storage engines, however, is optimized for: MyISAM

1. Check ALL databases:
1a. 'mysqlcheck -u root -p [-h HOST] --all-databases' - checks ALL DBs
2. Check specific databases:
2a. 'mysqlcheck -u root -p --databases mysql' - checks the 'mysql' DB
2b. 'mysqlcheck -u root -p --databases mysql LCBTProdsDemos' - checks 2 DBs:
'mysql', 'LCBTProdsDemos'

2c. Check tables that have changed since last check

'mysqlcheck -u root -p -C ' - checks tables that have changed since last check
Note: Each table stores important metadat, including, but not limited to: the last
time the table was checked
2d. 'mysqlshow -u root -p -i mysql user' - returns checked status, plus
additional information

3. Repair options
3a. '-q' - quick repair - 'mysqlcheck -u root -p -q mysql' - checks ALL tables
3b. 'mysqlcheck -u root -p -q mysql user' - checks 'mysql.user' table

Note: 'mysqlcheck' runs via Unix sockets as well as TCP, whereas 'myisamchk' uses
neither, as it relies upon disk access to the table(s)

3c. Check|Repair across the wire

'mysqlcheck -u lcbtproductsdemo -p -C --all-databases'

3d. Full Repair - '-r'

3e. Auto Repair - '--auto-repair'
3f. Fast check - checks tables that have not been closed properly

Note: Consider backing-up your tables prior to recoveries: i.e. 'mysqldump, etc.'

###SSH Tunneling###
1. Encryption security for mysql client/server communications
2. Obviates the need for SSL configuration

1. Setup SSH tunnel from the client (linuxcbtserv1) to the server (linuxcbtsuse1)
1a. 'ssh -L 3306:' - Local port forwarding syntax
Note: Optionally, consider implementing PKI, passwordless authentication
Note: By default, port forwarding does not share the port that is forwarded on a
routable interface, instead, it binds to the loopback adapter

2. Test 'mysql*' client utilities against the forwarded port

2a. 'mysql -p -h' - attempts to connect but fails because of undefined
2b. 'grant all privileges on *.* to 'root'@'%' identified by 'abc123' with grant

3. Setup tunnel so that it is available on ALL routable interfaces

3a. 'ssh -g -L 3306:'

linuxcbtbuild1 -> (clear-text) -> linuxcbtserv1 -> (SSH) -> linuxcbtsuse1 (SSH)

4. Restrict MySQL to the loopback adapter

4a. '/etc/my.cnf' - update to bind to loopback adapter
4b. reinitiate the tunnel
'ssh -g -L 3306:'

Note: This secure forwarding mechanism to the loopback adapter will authenticate
inbound requests as: 'user'@'localhost'

###Windows Installation/Support###
1. Windows 32|64-bit platforms: Windows 2000, 2003, 2008, XP, Vista, 7
2. Runs as a service - backgrounded like a daemon
3. Available via the following packages:
3a. Essentials - minimum server build (mysqld, and mysql client utilies) sans:
docs, instance manager, embedded server, benchmark suite
3b. Complete - Essentials plus ALL packages
3c. No-install archive - sans configuration wizard
3d. Source files - require compilation

1. Installation - dev.mysql.com/downloads
1a. Create 'mysql' account with 'domain admin' rights
Note: In stark contrast to the Linux|Unix model, the 'mysql' account requires full
rights. However, within *Nix environments, the user is a standard non-privileged

1b. Disable anti-virus scanning of: $datadir & temporary directory (dedicate
distinct $tmpdir (my.ini) directory)

grant all privileges on *.* to 'linuxcbt'@'%' identified by 'abc123' with grant


flush privileges;

'create database LCBTProdsDemos;'

###MySQL WorkBench Utility###

1. All encompassing GUI for MySQL Management
2. Query management - SQL Editor
3. Connection management
4. Instance management
5. Database modeling & deployment
6. Table Editor - manipulates tables
7. Replaces:
a. MySQL Query Browser
b. MySQL Administrator

###Multiple Instances on Linux|Unix Systems###

1. The ability to dedicate distinct MySQL hierarchies/DBMSs to clients: ISPs
2. One way: 'mysqld_multi' - Perl script - /etc/my.cnf

1. '/etc/sysconfig/mysql' - set 'MYSQLD_MULTI="yes" '
2. '/etc/my.cnf' - configure with instances
2a. disable the default: [mysqld] block - and following directives
2b. Required per-instance directives/options:
distinct: port, datadir, pid-file, socket
2c. configure instance 2
Note: Each instance except the default will use a different TCP port, so be sure to
reference the correct port in your mysql clients.
'mkdir /var/lib/mysql-databases && mkdir /var/lib/mysql-databases/mysqld2 &&
chown -R mysql.mysql /var/lib/mysql-databases'

2d. Connect to default and 2nd instance:

'mysql -p' - connects to the default: TCP:3306 || /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock'
'mysql -P 3307 --protocol tcp ' - forces usage of: TCP instead of Unix Domain
Sockets, which happens when you attempt to connect to MySQL via the loopback

2e. Remove anonymous accounts

2f. Secure 'root' accounts with a password
2g. 'grant all privileges on *.* to 'root'@'%' identified by 'abc123' with grant

3. Create a 3rd instance, similar to the 2nd instance

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