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0 Retaining Wall

 Types of retaining wall are as shown in Figure 4.1

Figure 4.1 Types of retaining wall

 Proportioning of retaining wall is for the purposes of :

- to check section for stability

- given in Figure 4.2 is the approximate dimension for the
various components of retaining wall

Figure 4.2 Approximate dimensions for various components of
retaining wall for initial stability checks: (a) gravity wall (b) cantilever

4.1 Application of Lateral Earth Pressure Theories to Design

 Figure 4.3 shows the determination of lateral earth pressure for

cantilever wall using Rankine’s Theory

Figure 4.3 Assumption for the determination of lateral earth pressure
for cantilever wall using Rankine’s Theory

Where :

Pa(Rankine) – Rankine active pressure

Ws – weight of soil above heel
Wc – weight of concrete (using  concrete  24kN / m as normal

 1 , 1 , c1 and  2 ,  2 , c 2 are soil parameters at backfill and toe of
retaining wall
   sin  
  45    sin 1    - angle line AC with the vertical
2 2  sin  

 Figure 4.4 shows the determination of lateral earth pressure for

gravity wall using Rankine’s Theory

Figure 4.4 (b) Assumption for the determination of lateral earth
pressure for graviti wall using Rankine’s Theory

Figure 4.4 (c) Assumption for the determination of lateral earth

pressure for gravity wall using Coulomb’s Theory

Where :

Pa(Coulomb) – Coulomb active pressure

 Table 4.1 gives the range of wall friction angle,  with types of

Table 4.1 Range  of values

Backfill material Range of  (deg)

Gravel 27 – 30
Coarse Sand 20 – 28
Fine Sand 15 – 25
Stiff Clay 15 – 20
Silty Clay 12 - 16

 Terzaghi and Peck (1967) have proposed two semiempirical

charts for retaining wall with H < 6m height

 Numerals on curves indicate soil types as described in Table 4.2

 Figures 4.6 is for backfills with plane surfaces and Figure 4.7 is
for backfills that slope upward from the crest of the wall for a
limited distance and then become horizontal

Table 4.2 Types of backfill for the retaining wall

Curve Types of backfill

1 Coarse-grained soil without admixture of fine soil particles, very permeable
(clean sand or gravel)
2 Coarse-grained soil of low permeability due to admixture of particles of silt
3 Residual soil with stones, fine silty sand, and granular materials with
conspicuous clay content
4 Very soft or soft clay, organic silts or silty clays
5 Medium or stiff clay, deposited in chunks and protected in such a way that a
negligible amount of water enters the spaces between the chunks during the
floods or heavy rains

Figure 4.6 Chart for backfills with plane surfaces

Figure 4.7 Chart for backfills that slope upward from the crest of
the wall for a limited distance and then become horizontal

4.2 Stability Checks

4.2.1 Check for Overturning (Figure 4.8)

Figure 4.8 Check for overturning with Rankine Theory

 Using Rankine’s Theory : (for backfill with slope)

kos  
kos 2   kos 2
Pa  K a 1 H '2 2c1 K a H ' ; and K a  Kos .
kos  kos   kos  
2 2 2

kos  
kos 2   kos 2
Pp  K p  2 D 2  2c 2 K p D ; and K p  Kos .
kos  kos   kos  
2 2 2

 For backfill at level with wall high (β=0˚)

1  sin 1   
Ka   tan 2  45  1 
1  sin 1  2
1  sin  2   
Kp   tan 2  45  2 
1  sin  2  2

Where :

 2 - unit weight of soil in front of the heel and under the base
K p  tan 2  45   2 / 2
- Rankine passive earth pressure coefficient
c2, Ø2 – cohesion and soil friction angle for base soil,

 Safety factor against overturning about toe (point C),


FS  overturning  
M R

M O

Where :

ΣMO – sum of moments of forces tending to overturn about point C

ΣMR – sum of moments of forces tending to resist overturning about
point C

 H'
 And  M O  Ph   where : Ph  Pa cos 
 3 

 Calculating MR; Table 4.3

Section Area Weight/unit length of Moment arm Moment about
wall measured C
from C
1 A1 W1   1  A1 X1 M1
2 A2 W2   1  A2 X2 M2
3 A3 W3   c  A3 X3 M3
W4   c  A4
4 A4 X4 M4
W5   c  A5
5 A5 X5 M5
W6   c  A6
6 A6 X6 M6
Note :  1 - unit weight of backfill ;  c - unit weight of concrete

Where :

M v  Pv B  Pa sin B and ( Pv  Pa sin  ) ; B – width of base slab

 Hence FS(overturning) :

FS  overturnin g  
M R

M1  M 2  M 3  M 4  M 5  M 6  M v
Pa cos   H ' / 3
M O

FS  overturning  
M R

M1  M 2  M 3  M 4  M 5  M 6
Pa cos   H ' / 3  M v
preferred by
M O

some engineers

 Minimum FS(overturning) : 2 to 3

4.2.2 Check for Sliding Along the Base, FS(sliding)

 FS  sliding  
F R'

F d

Where : ΣFR’ – sum of horizontal resisting forces

ΣFd – sum of horizontal driving forces

 Summing horizontal resisting forces :

F R'    V  tan   Bc a  Pp

Where :

ΣV – sum of vertical force (see Table 4.3)

 - friction angle between the soil and the base slab
ca – adhesion between the soil and the base slab
Pp – passive force or horizontal resisting force

 The only driving force comes from; active force, P a

F d  Pa cos 

 Hence ;

F R'  V  tan   Bc a  Pp
FS  sliding    or :
F d Pa cos 

 V  tan k    Bk c
1 2 2 2  Pp
FS  sliding   with :   k1 2 and ca  k 2 c2
Pa cos 

and values of k1 and k2 = 1

2 to 2

Figure 4.9 Check for sliding along the base

 Use of base keys (Figure 4.9 – shown in dotted lines):

- Passive force, Pp (without the key) is :

Pp  12  2 D 2 K p  2c 2 D K p

- Passive force, Pp (with the key) is :

K p  tan 2  45   2 / 2
Pp  12  2 D1 K p  2c 2 D1 K p and

 Elman and Terry (1988), proposed the method of increasing

the FS(sliding) by reducing Pa by using factor A, Figure 4.10

 Factor A use in this method of sloped heel (Figure 4.11) is only

valid for  ’ = 45°

 Pa is calculated then by :

Pa 

 1 K a  H ' D' 2   1 K a H ' 2  H ' D' 2

Figure 4.10 Variation of A with friction angle of backfill

Figure 4.11 Retaining Wall with Sloped Heel

 Minimum FS(sliding) = 1.5

4.2.3 Check for Bearing Capacity Failure, FS(bearing capacity)

 Figure 4.12 is the vertical pressure transmitted by the base slab

into the soil

Figure 4.12 Check for bearing capacity failure

 Resultant force, R is given by ;

R   V   Pa cos  

 Net moment about point C :

M net   M R   M O

 H'
(value of MR as in Table 4.3) and  M O  Ph  
 3 

M net
 Distance, CE  X 
 Eccentricity, e is :

e  CE

 Hence :

e  V 
q max  qtoe 
V  2  V 1  6e 
 B 1 and
  B 
1 3 B  B
 12 

q min  q heel 
V 1  6e 
B  B

NOTE : if e > B/6 ; qmin is negative ; the design should be


 Recall from Chapter 2, value for ultimate bearing, q u :

qu  c 2 N c Fcd Fci  qN q Fqd Fqi  12  2 B ' N  Fd Fi

Where :

q   2D ; B '  B  2e ; Fcd  1  0.4

Fqd  1  2 tan  2 1  sin  2 
; Fd  1 ; Fci  Fqi  1    
B'  90 

  
 P cos  
Fi  1   ;    tan 1  a 
 2 
 V 
 
 Therefore safety factor for bearing capacity is :

FS ( bearingcapacity )  ; GENERALLY 3.0 IS REQUIRED.
q max

Example 1

Given : The cross-section of a cantilever retaining wall as shown in
Figure E1.
Find : Calculate the FS against overturning, sliding and bearing

Figure E1

Solution :

H '  H 1  H 2  H 3  2.6 tan 10  6  0.7  7.158m

Rankine force per unit length, Pa : for Ø1=30°, α=10°, Ka=0.350, thus;
K a  tan 2  45  1 / 2  0.33 which is wrong!!!!!!!........
Pa  1
K a 1 H '2 2c1 K a H '
Pa  1
18 7.158 2  0.35  161.4kN / m
Pv  Pa sin 10  161.4 sin 10  28.03kN / m
Ph  Pa cos10  161.4 cos 10  158.95kN / m

FS for overturning : (divide into 5 sections)

Finding Resisting moment, MR

Sect. Area (m2) Weight/unit Moment arm Moment

no length(kN/m) (from C) – (kN-m)
1 6 x 0.5 = 3 70.74 1.15 81.35
2 ½(0.2)(6) = 0.6 14.15 0.833 11.79
3 4 x 0.7 = 2.8 66.02 2.0 132.04
4 6 x 2.6 = 15.6 280.80 2.7 758.16
5 ½(2.6)(0.458)=0.595 10.71 3.13 33.52
Pv=28.03 4.0 112.12
ΣV=470.45 Σ1128.98

Finding overturning moment, Mo :

 H'  7.158 
M 0  Ph    158.95   379.25kN .m
 3   3 

FS ( overturning ) 
 M R  1128 .98  2.98  2  OK
MO 379.25
FS for sliding:
With k1=k2=⅔ ; K p  tan 2  45   2 / 2  tan 2  45  10   2.04 ; D=1.5m
Pp   2 D K p  2c 2 D K p 
2 1
2 191.5  2.04  2 40 1.5
2.04  215kN / m
 2  20  2
  4 (40)  215
 V  tan  k    Bk c
1 2 2 2  Pp
470.45. tan 
 3  3
FS ( sliding)    2.73  1.5  OK
Pa cos  158.95
FS for bearing capacity :

B  M R   M O 4 1128 .98  379.25 B

e     0.406   0.666
2 V 2 470.45 6

qtoe 
V 1  6e   470.45 1  6  0.406   189.2kN / m (toe) : 2

heel B  B 4  4 
 45.99kN / m 2 (heel )

Can you draw the pressure diagram?

The ultimate bearing capacity for soil at base (soil 2) :

qu  c 2 N c Fcd Fci  qN q Fqd Fqi  12  2 B ' N  Fd Fi
For Ø2 = 20° : Nc=14.83, Nq=6.4, Nγ=5.39

q   2 D  191.5  28.5kN / m 2
B '  B  2e  4  2 0.406   3.188m
D  1.5 
Fcd  1  0.4   1  0.4   1.188
 B'   3.188 
2 D   1.5 
Fqd  1  2 tan 2 1  sin 2   f   1  0.315   1.148
 B'   3.188 
Fd  1

  

1 P cos 

Fci  Fqi  1   ....and ....  tan  a   tan 1  158.95   18.67
 V
 90    470.45 

2 2
 18.67   18.67 
Fci  Fqi  1    0.628;.......Fi  1   0
 90   20 

Hence :

qu  c 2 N c Fcd Fci  qN q Fqd Fqi  12  2 B ' N  Fd Fi

 4014.831.188 0.628  28.5 6.4 1.148 0.628  1
2 19 5.93 3.1881 0
 574.07kN / m 2

Therefore :

qu 574.07
FS ( bearingcap acity )    3.03  3  OK
qtoe 189.2

Example 2

Given : A concrete gravity retaining wall as in Fig E2

Figure E2

Find : FS(overturning), FS(Sliding) and draw the soil pressure diagram at toe
and heel.

Solution : Assume γconcrete = 150 lb/ft3

H’ = 15 + 2.5 = 17.5ft

    30  1
K a  tan 2  45  1   tan 2  45   
 2  2  3
Pa  12   H ' K a 
2 1
12117.5 2  13   6176lb / ft  6.176kip / ft

Since α=0°; Ph=Pa=6.176kip/ft; Pv=0


Area Weight (Kip) Moment arm from point C Moment

from (ft) about C
Fig. E (kip/ft)

1 1
 0.815  c   0.9 1.25  2
 0.8  1.783 1.605
2 1.515  c   3.375 1.25  0.8  0.75  2.8 9.45
3 1
 5.2515 c  5.906 1.25  0.8  1.5 
 5.3 31.30
4 10.3 2.5  c   3.863 2
 5.15 19.89
1.25  0.8  1.5  23  5.25  7.05
5 1
 5.2515 0.121  4.764 33.59
2 1.25  0.8  1.5  5.25  0.75  9.55
6 1.515 0.121  2.723

Σ 21.531
The overturning moment :
H'  17.5 
MO  Pa    6.176  36.03kip / ft ;
3  3 
so FS(overturning) = 36.03  3.38  2  OK

Assume that : k1=k2=⅔; and Pp=0

 2  20  2
  10.3 (1.0)  0
  V  tan  k1 2   Bk 2 c 2  Pp 21.531 tan 
 3  3
FS ( sliding )    1.94  1.5  OK
Pa cos  6.176

B  M R   M O 10.3 121.84  36.03 B 10.3

e     1.16 ft    1.72
2 V 2 21.531 6 6

q toe 
V 1  6e   21.531 1  6  1.16   3.5kip / ft 2

B  B 10.3  10.3 

q heel 
V 1  6e   21.531 1  6  1.16   0.678kip / ft 2

B  B 10.3  10.3 

Soil pressure diagram at toe and heel?

Example 3

Given : Retaining wall in E2

Find : Solve according to Coulomb’s active pressure equation.

Solution : Assume δ=⅔Ø

  23   2
 30  20

Fig E3a

From Table 5.3 in the text : Ka=0.479 (α=0°, β=70°); so

sin 2     
Ka 
sin      sin      

sin  sin      1 

 sin      sin      

Pa  1
 0.12117.5 2  0.4794  8.882kip / ft
Ph  Pa cos 40  8.882 cos 40  6.8kip / ft
Pv  Pa sin 40  5.71kip / ft

Fig E4b


Area from Weight Moment arm from C Moment about

figure E4b (kip) (ft) C (kip/ft)
1 0.9a 1.783a 1.605
2 3.375a 2.8a 9.46
3 5.906a 5.3a 31.30
4 3.863a 5.15a 19.89
Pv = 5.71 1.25 + 0.8 + 1.5 + 43.34
5.25 – 1.21 = 7.59
19.75 105.6

same as Example 2

Overturning moment, MO :

 H'  17.5 
M O  Ph    6.8   39.67 kip / ft
 3   3 

FS(overturning) = 39.67
 2.66  2  OK


  V  tan  k    Bk
1 2 2 c 2  Pp
FS ( sliding ) 
Pa cos 

19.75 tan 2
 20  10.3 2 (1.0)  0
  1.7

Pressure @ toe and heel :

B  M R   M O 10.3 105.6  39.67

e     1.8 ft
2 V 2 19.67

qtoe 
V 1  6e   19.75 1  6  1.8   3.93kip / ft 2

B  B  10.3  10.3 

q heel 
V 1  6e   19.75 1  6  1.8   0.093  0kip / ft 2
B  B  10.3  10.3 

4.3 Construction joints and drainage from backfill

4.3.1 Construction joints

o Vertical and horizontal joints, Figure 4.13
- joints that are placed between two successive pour of
- surface of first pour roughened before the second pour
- keys used to increase shear strength

Figure 4.13 Construction joints

o Contraction joints, Figure 4.14(a)

- placed in the face of wall to allow the concrete to shrink
without noticeable harm
- grooves 6 to 8 mm wide and 12 to 16 mm deep

o Expansion joints, Figure 4.14(b)

- filled with flexible joint fillers
- allow for the expansion of concrete caused by
temperature changes

Figure 4.14 (a) Contraction joint (b) Expansion joint

4.3.2 Drainage for backfill

o Rainfall or wet conditions cause the backfill material of

retaining wall becoming saturated and increasing the pressure
on the wall
o Adequate drainage must be provided by means of weep holes,
Figure 15(a) or perforated drainage pipes, Figure 15(b).
o Weep holes shall have minimum diameter of 0.1m and be
adequately spaced
o Filter material or the latest, geotextile are placed behind the
weep or around the drainage pipes in order to avoid them from

(a) (b)
Figure 4.15 Drainage provisions for backfill (a) by weep hole (b)
by perforated pipe

o Two main factors that influence the choice of filter material,

(Terzaghi and Peck, 1967)
(a) the soil to be protected is not washed into the filter
(b) excessive hydrostatic pressure head is not created
in the backfill material with low hydraulic
conductivity, k.
o Material to satisfy the condition in Figure 4.15 :
D15( F )
- weep hole, D 5 Where :
85 ( B ) F, B – refer to filter and backfill material
15 ( F )
- perforated pipe, D 4 D15 and D85 – refer to diameters through
15 ( B ) which 15% and 85% of the soil will pass.

4.4 Retaining walls with metallic strip reinforcement – design
procedure of reinforced earth.

 General

- Determine the height of the wall, H

- Properties of backfill materials;  1 and 1
- Soil-tie friction angle,  
- Required values, FS(B) and FS(P);

Where :

wtf y
Safety factor against tie breaking, FS(B)=  SV S H

w – width of each tie

t – thickness of each tie
fy – yield or breaking strength of tie material

2l e w v tan  u
Safety factor against tie pullout, FS(P)=  a SV S H

L – total length of tie

lr – length within rankine failure zone
le – effective length

L  lr  le 
 H  z 
FS ( P ) a SV S H
   2w v tan  
tan  45  1 
 2

 Internal stability

- Make assumptions on; horizontal and vertical tie spacing,

also width of reinforcing strip, w used
- Calculate σa by:
 2q 
 a  K a  1 z  M     sin  cos 2  
  
and; M  1.4 
0.14 H
 1 (Laba & Kennedy,1986)

- Calculate tie force, T by:

T   a  Sv SH 

- Given FS(B), calculate thickness of tie, t

  a SV S H   FS ( B ) 
t use σa=σa(max) for same t at all levels
wf y

- Given Øμ and FS(P), find length, L at all levels

- Most economical magnitudes of SV, SH, t, w, and L is

 External stability, Figure 4.16

Figure 4.16 Stability check on retaining walls with metallic strip


- Check on overturning, FS (Overturning )  M

Where : (see Figure 4.16)

 a' 
M R  W1 x1  W2 x 2 ......  qa '  b' 

M O  Pa z ' Pa – active force

- Check for sliding, FS(Sliding)

W1  W2  ......  qa'  tan k1  

FS ( Sliding )  and k  2

- Check for bearing capacity, FS(Bearing capacity)

FS ( bearingcapacity ) 
 v(H )

Where :

qult  c 2 N c  12  2 L' 2 N  and

L' 2  L2  2e

e is eccentricity = 2  and  V
 W1  W2  ....  qa '

 Generally, FS(Overturning) = 3; FS(Sliding) = 3; FS(Bearing capacity) = 3 5

Example 4 : Reinforced earth

Given : A 30-ft high retaining wall with galvanized steel-strip

reinforcement in a granular backfill has to be constructed.

Granular backfill :
Ø1=36°, γ1=105lb/ft3
Foundation soil :

Ø2=28°, γ2=1101b/ft3,

Galvanised steel :
w=3 in,
Sv=2 ft @ c-to-c
SH=3 ft @ c-to-c
fy=35,000 lb/in2
Required FS(B)=3
Required FS(P)=3

Corrosion rate = 0.001in/yr

Life span = 50 years

Find : Check internal and external stability.

Solution :

(a) Internal stability check

i. Tie thickness, t:

Maximum tie force,

  
Tmax   a (max)  S v S H ...and ... a (max)  HK a  H tan 2  45  1 
 2
2 1 
And Tmax  H tan  45  2  SV S H
 
 1  
 FS ( B )  105 30 tan 2 45  36  2 3  3

H tan 

45 

 
  2
   0.0117 ft  0.14in
wf y  
3 35,000  144lb / ft 2

Then the actual thickness, t=0.14 + 0.001(50)=0.19in

Say tie thickness = 0.2 in is enough

ii. Tie length:

Using the equation of :
With FS(P)=3, H=30 ft, w=3
 H  z 
FS ( P )  1 zK a SV S H
in, Øμ=20°
   2 w 1 z tan  
tan 45  1 
 2
K a  tan 2  45 
1 
 2 
For z=10ft :

 30  10 
310510  0.26 2  3
 35.91 ft
 36  2 3  121  10510 tan 20
tan  45  
 2 

Repeat for other values of z :

z(ft) Tie length, L (ft)

5 38.45
10 35.91
15 33.34
20 30.79
25 28.25
30 25.7

So use tie length of, L = 40 ft.

(b) External stability check

i. check for overturning

W1 x1
FS ( overturning ) 
Pa z '

x1=20 ft

=12,285 lb/ft
z’=30/3=10 ft

W1 x1 126,000 20 
FS ( overturning )    20.5  3  OK
Pa z ' 12,28510 

ii. check for sliding

 2  
126,000 tan   36 
W1 tan  k1   3    4.57  3  OK
FS ( sliding )  
Pa 12,285

iii. check for bearing capacity

q ult  c 2 N c  12  2 L' N  for Ø2 =28° : Nc=25.8; Nγ=16.78

L M R  M O 40  126,000  20  12,285  10 
e      0.975 ft
2 V 2  126,000 
L'  40   2  0.975  38.05 ft

So qult  c2 N c  12  2 L' N   1000 25.8  12 110  38.0516.72   60,791lb / ft


And  V ( H )   1 H  105 30  3150lb / ft 2

q 60,791
Therefore FS (bearingcap )     19.3  3.0  OK

v( H ) 3150


 Use of sheet pile as waterfront wall and braced cut, Figure


Figure 4.17 Usage of sheet piles (a) waterfront structure
(b) braced cut

 Sheet pile types consist of; wood, concrete and steel with the
last being the most popular in Malaysia

Figure 4.18 Various types of sheet pile

 Two methods of construction of sheet pile are :

- backfilled structure

- dredged structure

Figure 4.19 Sequence of construction for a backfilled structure

Figure 4.20 Sequence of construction for a dredged structure

4.6 Cantilever sheet pile walls

 Figure 4.21 shows the nature of lateral yielding of a cantilever
wall penetrating a sand layer below the dredge line
 Point O is the point of rotation with the pressure distribution
shown in (b) and the simplified version in (c)

Figure 4.21 Cantilever sheet pile penetrating sand

4.7 Cantilever sheet pile wall penetrating sandy soils with water
table, Figure 4.22

Figure 4.22 Cantilever sheet pile penetrating sand with water table :
(a) variation of net pressure (b) variation of moment

 Steps to be taken to obtain the pressure diagram by referring

to Figure 4.22 are :

1. Calculate Ka and Kp

K a  tan 2  45   / 2 and K p  tan 2  45   / 2 

2. Calculate p1 and p2 (L1 and L2 are given)

p1  L1 K a and p 2   L1   ' L2  K a

Where :  - unit weight of soil above water table

 '   sat   w - effective unit weight

3. Calculate L3

L3   z  L  
 'K p  Ka 

4. Calculate P, the area of the pressure diagram

P  12 p1 L1  p1 L2  12  p 2  p1  L2  12 p 2 L3

5. Calculate z ; by taking the moment about E

M E

P1  Y1   P2  Y2   P3  Y3   P4  Y4 
Where P1 to N is the area of pressure envelope
Y1 to N is the distance respective centroids to point E

6. Calculate p5

p5   L1   ' L2  K p   ' L3  K p  K a 

7. Calculate A1, A2, A3 and A4 :

p5 8P
A1  A2 
 'K p  Ka   'K p  Ka 

A3 

6 P 2 z '  K p  K a   p5  A4 

P 6 z p5  4 P 
 ' K p  Ka   ' K p  Ka 
2 2 2 2

8. Solve L4 by trial and error :

L44  A1 L34  A2 L24  A3 L4  A4  0

9. Calculate p4

p 4  p 5   ' L4  K p  K a 
10. Calculate p3

p3  L4  K p  K a  '

11. Obtain L5

p 3 L4  2 P
L5 
p3  p 4

12. Draw the pressure diagram

13. Obtain the theoretical depth, D = L3 + L4; actual penetration

is increased by about 20-30%

14. Safety factor used in designing sheet pile is between 1.5 to 2

Designers do the analysis using Kp(design) instead of Kp, in going
through steps 1 to 12, the relation is given by :

K p ( design ) 

15. Setting new origin at E; new axis is at z’ (Figure 4.22b), for

zero shear, find z’

z' 
 K P  K a  '

16. Maximum moment at zero shear is obtained as :

   
M max  P z  z '  12  ' z ' 2  K p  K a   13  z '

17. Section modulus, S of the sheet pile is given by :

M max
 all

and σall – allowable flexural stress of the sheet pile (normally given)

Example 5

Given : A cantilever sheet pile wall
penetrating a granular soil.
Dimensions :
L1=2m, L2=3m, γ=15.9kN/m3,
γsat=19.33kN/m3, and Ø=32°
Find : Dtheory; total length, L and
crosssectional modulus if

Dtheory  L3  L4  0.66  4.8  5.46m......;.

So, TotL  L  L  1.3 L  L   2  3  1.3 5.46  12.1m
1 2 3 4

Use the section modulus, S to choose the correct section of sheet pile
according to the supplier’s catalog.

4.8 Cantilever sheet pile wall penetrating sandy soils

without water table

 Referring to Figure 4.23; the procedures are modified as :

Figure 4.23 Sheet piling penetrating into sandy soil without water
1. 2p  LK a

2. 3 4 p  K a 
p  L  K
3. p 4  p5  L4  K p  K a 
4. p5  LK p  L3  K p  K a 
p LK
5. L3    K  K    K  K 
2 a

p a p a

6. P  12 p 2 L  12 p 2 L3
L LK a L p L 2 K  K 
7. z  L3  3  K  K  3  3 K  K 

p a p a

8. transformation to find L4 : L4  A'1 L4  A' 2 L4  A'3 L4  A' 4  0

4 3 2

p5 8P
where : A'1  A' 2 
 K p  Ka   K p  Ka 

A'3 

6 P 2 z '  K p  K a   p5  A' 4 

P 6 z p5  4 P 
 K p  Ka 
2 2
 2
K p  Ka 

Example 6
Redo of Example 8.1 BUT with ABSENCE of water
Solution :

Dtheory  L3  L4  0.521  4.1  4.7 m......;.TotL  L  1.3 Dtheory   5  1.3 4.7   11 .11m

4.9 Free cantilever sheet piling in sandy soil

 Figure 4.24 shows a free cantilever penetrating sandy soil and
subjected to a line load of P per unit length of the wall

Figure 4.24 Free cantilever sheet piling penetrating a sand layer

 The theoretical depth, D is :

 8P  2  12 PL   2P 
D 
D   D    0
   K p  K a      K p  K a      K p  K a  

 And L5 is :

  K p  K a  D 2  2P
L5 
2 D K p  K a 

 Maximum moment obtained by :

z '3  K p  K a  2P
M max  P  L  z '  ; where z' 
  K p  Ka 

4.10 Cantilever sheet piling penetrating clay with water
table and granular backfill, Figure 4.25

Figure 4.25 Cantilever sheet pile penetrating clay with water table
and granular backfill

 Steps to be taken to obtain the pressure diagram by referring

to Figure 4.25 are :

1. Calculate Ka :

K a  tan 2  45   / 2 for the granular backfill

2. Calculate p1 and p2 (L1 and L2 are given)

p1  L1 K a and p 2   L1   ' L2  K a

Where :  - unit weight of soil above water table

 '   sat   w - effective unit weight

3. Calculate P1 and z1 :

P1  12 p1 L1  p1 L2  12  p 2  p1  L2 and z1 
M E


4. Find theoretical depth, D as : (use: D

b b  4(a )(c)

D 2  4c   L1   ' L2    2 DP1 

P1 P1  12c z1 0
 L1   ' L2   2c

5. Calculate L4 using :

D 4c   L1   ' L2    P1
L4 

6. Calculate p6 and p7 using :

p 6  4c   L1   ' L2  and p 7  p p  p a  4c   L1   ' L2 

7. Draw the pressure distribution diagram as in Figure 4.25

8. The actual depth of penetration is given by :

Dactual  1.4...to...1.6 D

9. Maximum bending moment, Mmax and z’ is given by :

M max  P1 z ' z1   p6 z '2
and z' 

p6 4c   L1   ' L2 

10. Section modulus, S is :

M max
 all

Example 7

Given : Sheet pile wall as shown.

Find : a. Dtheoretical and Dactual, where : Dactual=1.5Dtheory
b. Minimum size of sheet pile section, use σall=172 MN/m2.


 32 
K a  tan 2  45    0.307
 2 

p1  L1 K a  15 2  0.307 

 9.21kN / m 2

p 2   L1   ' L2  K a  19.08kN / m 2

P1  1
2 p1 L1  p1 L2  1
 p 2  p1  L2
 58.72kN / m

z1 
M E

1   2  3.5 
9.21 3.5    32.24
 3.5 
  17.27   1.957 m
P1 
58.72  3
  2   3 

D 2  4c   L1   ' L2    2 DP1 

P1 P1  12c z1 0
 L1   ' L2   2c
137.84 D 2  117.44 D  446.44  0

b b  4(a )(c)

117.44  117.44 2  4137.84  446.44
 2.3m
2( a) 2137.84

Dactual  1.5 Dtheory  1.5 2.3  3.45m

P1 P1 58.72
z'     0.426m
p 6 4c   L1   ' L2  4 50   15 2   19  9.81 3.5 

M max  P1 z ' z1   4c   L1   ' L2   z ' 2
 4 50   15 2  19  9.81 3.5  
 58.72 0.426  1.957     0.426  127.42kN .m / m

 2 

M max 127.42
S   0.741 10 3 m 3 / m..of ..wall (the minimum section?)
 all 172  103

4.11 Cantilever sheet piling penetrating clay without water


Figure 4.26 Cantilever sheet piling penetrating clay without water

 Referring to Figure 4.26; the procedures are modified as :

1. p 2  LK a
2. p 6  4c  L
3. p7  4c  L
4. P1  12 Lp 2  12 L K a

D 4c  L   12 L2 K a
5. L4 
6. Theoretical depth, D is given by solving the quadratic eqn. :

D 2  4c  L   2 DP1 
 
P1 P1  12c z1
0 and z1 
L  2c 3

7. Mmax and z’ is given by :

2 L K a

 
p z'2 P1
M max  P1 z ' z1  6 and z'  
2 p6 4c  L

4.12 Free cantilever sheet piling in clayey soil, Figure 4.27

Example 8

Given : P=32kN/m, L=3.5m, c=12kN/m2

Find : Dtheoretical
Solution :
P  P  12cL 
4 D 2 c  2 PD  0
48D 2  64 D  714.7  0
Solve for D = 4.6m

If given σall=176MN/m2; can you find the

minimum size of sheet pile section?

Do it now!

S=67x10-5m3/m; USE PZ-22

Figure 4.27 Free cantilever sheet piling in clayey soil

 For this case :

p 6  p 7  4c

 Depth of penetration, D is : (by quadratic function)

P  P  12cL 
4 D 2 c  2 PD  0

 L4 (see Fig. 4.27) for pressure diagram construction :

4cD  P
L4 

 Maximum moment in the wall is :

4cz '2 P
M max  P  L  z '  and z' 
2 4c

4.13 Anchored Sheet Pile Wall : Free Earth Support Method for
Penetration of Clay

 Figure 4.28 shows an anchored sheet pile wall penetrating a

clay soil and having a granular backfill
 Steps taken to find the theoretical depth and anchor force per
unit length of the sheet pile are :

Figure 4.28 Anchored sheet pile wall penetrating clay

2 
1. Find Ka as : K a  tan  45  2 
 
2.  '   sat   w
3. p1  L1 K a
4. p 2   L1   ' L2  K a
5. P1  12 p1 L1  p1 L2  12  p 2  p1  L2
6. z1 
M about .dredge .line

7. p6  4c   L1   ' L2 

8. Solve the quadratic equation for D as :

 
p 6 D 2  2 p 6 D L1  L2  l1   2 P1 L1  L2  l1  z1  0

9. Hence; solving for anchor force, F :

F  P1  p 6 D

Example 9

Given : Anchored sheet pile as in Figure 4.28

Find :
a. Dtheoretical
b. Anchor force per unit length
c. Determine the maximum moment, Mmax using moment
reduction method.
d. Find a suitable sheet-pile section. Take σall=172,500 kN/m2

Solution :

Part c : Using moment reduction method :
Dact  1.3  7.6 ft  9.9 ft ; H '  L1  L2  Dact  10.8  21.6  9.9  42.3 ft

L1  L2 10.8  21.6
   0.77 ;
H' 42.3

 c   0.85kip / ft 2 
S n  1.25    0.414

  L1   ' L2  
25   
 0.108kip / ft  10.8 ft  0.0648kip / ft  21.6 ft 
3 3
Assumed log ρ = - 3.1
M des
From Figure 4.29 (b) :  0.95; for  0.77 and S n  0.414
M max
Locating point of zero shear, z :
 12 p1 L1  F  p1  z  L1   12 K a '  z  L1   0

 1
 0.316 10.8  6.29  0.316 z  10.8  12  0.271 0.0648 z  10.8 2  0
 z 2  14.396 z  794.07  0  z  21.9 ft

Let x = z – L1 = 21.9 – 10.8 = 11.1

Finding Mmax (assuming that l1=l2=L1/2=5.4ft)

 L  x2 1  x
M max   12 p1L1  x  1   F  x  l2   p1  2 K a ' x 2  
 3 2 3

   0.31610.8 11.1 
10.8  11.1  2
 0.271 0.064811.1 2  11.1 
2   6.2911.1  5.4   0.316 1
 3  2  3 
 25.084  103.79  19.47  4  55.236kip. ft / ft
kip. ft 4.448kN 1 ft 0.3048m
M max  55.236     245.7 kN .m / m
ft 1kip 0.3048m 1 ft

M max 245.7 kN .m / m
S   1.445  10 3 m3 / m  144.5  10 5 m3 / m
 all 172  103 kN / m3

SO USE PZ  27 S  162.3  10 5 m3 / m 

Figure 4.29 The value of Md/Mmax for various log ρ and α values

4.14 Braced-cut – pressure envelope

 Peck’s (1969), suggested using design pressure envelope for

braced cuts in sand and clay

 Cuts in sand, Figure 4.30

Figure 4.30 Apparent pressure envelope for cuts in sand

- The pressure pa can be expressed as :

p a  0.65HK a
Where :
 - unit weight
H – height of cut
Ka = tan2 (45 – Ø/2), Rankine active pressure coefficient

 Cuts in soft and medium clay, Figure 4.31

Figure 4.31 Apparent pressure envelope for cuts in soft to medium


- Applicable for the condition of :

4 with c – undrained cohesion; and Ø = 0

- The pressure pa in Figure 4.31 can be expressed as :

  4c  or
p a  H 1    p  0.3H
  H 
And  - unit weight of clay

 Cuts in stiff clay, Figure 4.32

Figure 4.32 Apparent pressure envelope for cuts in stiff clay

- applicable for the condition of : c

- pressure pa is :

p a  0.2H ..to..0.4H with an average of 0.3H

4.15 Design of braced cut components

 Struts

- Draw the pressure envelope according the type of soil

considered as in Figures 4.30, 4.31 and 4.32
- Marked proposed struts level as A, B, C and D; Figure

Figure 4.34 Determination of strut loads

- Determine the reactions for the two simple cantilever

beams (top and bottom) and simple beams in between
- Find struts load as : (Figure 4.34)

PA   A s  PB   B1  B2  s PC   C1  C 2  s PD   D  s

Where : PA,B…n – loads at individual struts respectively

A, B1,B2,C1,C2,D – reactions (force/unit length of
braced cut)
s – distance center to center of struts at the same

- Knowing the strut loads at each level; and the
intermediate bracing conditions allows selection of the
proper sections from the steel construction manual

 Sheet Piles

- Find the maximum bending moment for each section in

Figure 4.34.
- Determine the Mmax from the previous step
(unit in : lb-ft/ft or kN.m/m)
- Required section modulus of the sheet piles :

M max
S where : σall – allowable flexure stress of the
 all
sheet pile material
- Choose a sheet pile having a section modulus  to the
required section modulus

 Wales

- As continuous horizontal members

- Pinned at the struts
- Maximum moments as :

 A  s 2 
At A : M max 
 B1  B2  s 2
At B : M max 
 C1  C 2  s 2
At C : M max 
 D s 2 
At D : M max 

Where : A, B1, B2, C1, C2 and D are reactions under the

struts as in struts design

- Section modulus of wales as :

M max
 all

Example 10

Given : Braced cut (braced sheeting) shown in Fig E10

Find :
a. Earth pressure envelope and determine the strut loads
(s=12ft c-to-c)
b. Sheet pile section
c. Required section modulus, S of the wales at level A, if
σall=24 kip/in2.

Solution :

Only for right hand convention – left hand reverse the situation
Area in UDL = value in shear diagram
Value in UDL = slope in shear diagram
Area in shear = value in moment diagram
Value in shear = slope in moment diagram
At moment maximum, zero shear


Section Moment of
Modulus Inertia
Section Sketch of
in³/ft m³/m m /ft m4/m
Designation Properties
of of of of
wall wall wall wall

326.4 x 10-5

670.5 x 10-6
PZ-40 60.7 490.8

260.5 x 10-5

493.4 x 10-6
PZ-35 48.5 361.2

162.3 x 10-5

251.5 x 10-6
PZ-27 30.2 184.2


Section Moment of
Modulus Inertia
Section Sketch of
in³/ft m³/m m4/ft m4/m
Designation Properties
of of of of
wall wall wall wall

115.2 x 10-6
97 x 10-5
PZ-22 18.1 84.4

10.8 x 10-5

4.41 x 10-6
PSA-31 2.01 3.23

12.8 x 10-5

5.63 x 10-6
PSA-23 2.4 12.8


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