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Name: Eliana Gissel Loaiza Bayona

Teacher: Mrs. Norma Duran

Subject: Practicum III
Date: April 3thrd


From decades ago it has been thought that the effectiveness and quality of
a teacher depends on the outcomes of students in a specific exam or test,
nevertheless those conceptions have omitted the important role of students
broarder social context in the process of learning and teachinig and how it
enable or constrain succes in the traditional structure of teaching.

The commnunity based pedagogy is a perspective of teaching in which

teachers use their surronding context to teach and where moral and social
purposed of schoolong are visible. In other words, teachers use the history,
literature, cultural heritage, and natural environments of their surronding
community to make the teaching process more efficient with parity of
participation which includes a par participation of some people with others
as full partners in social interaction.

Taking into account the previously definition it is possible to draw the following
example of commnunity based pedagogy. There is a teacher who works as
a primiry school teacher in a rural area where the context is full of vegetation,
many farms and where the common economic activity is the Agricultural
work. The farms are in charge of families who work there but they are not the
owners and those families in most of the cases come from other places; that
is the case of one family that comes from Nariño and they belong to an
Indigenous ethnicity from that place. As everybody knows, every indigenous
ethnicity has their own culture and language. Teacher could take advange
of that source and include that cultural information in his classes in order to
highlight the Colombian cultural wealth. Another way is to teach around
Name: Eliana Gissel Loaiza Bayona
Teacher: Mrs. Norma Duran
Subject: Practicum III
Date: April 3thrd

topics realted to farm animals, farm activities, vegetation of the place,

analizing a problem inside the community and try to solve it and so forth.

2. What is your opinion about the outcomes of the different experiences

shared in connection with your role as a language teacher and your coming
project design and implementation. (opportunities, possibilities or
¿Cuál es su opinión sobre los resultados de las diferentes experiencias
compartidas en relación con su papel como profesor de idiomas y su
proyecto de diseño e implementación. (Oportunidades, posibilidades o
- Opportunities
Variety of topics
Inclusion in the curriculum of the degree
Information about the community
Use of physical spaces
- Possibilities
- Constraints
Economical sources
No interest in the comunity
3. How likely would it be for you to implement a project based on the CBP
foundations in your current context ? Support your positive or negative
¿Qué probabilidad tendría para usted implementar un proyecto basado en
las fundaciones del CBP en su contexto actual? Apoye su respuesta positiva
o negativa.
It is possible to implement a project based on the CBP principles because of
the area and school where I teach as a pre-service teacher has a huge
potential topics and situations that can be include during the classes.
One of the biggest advantage is that teachers and teaching managers are
willing to support and participate in the implementation any strategy with a
view to improve quality teaching and and life quality of students. Another
Name: Eliana Gissel Loaiza Bayona
Teacher: Mrs. Norma Duran
Subject: Practicum III
Date: April 3thrd

advantage is the student's disposition; the students of this comunty are a very
compromised people, they love their area and try to keep it safe
- Los estudiantes son muy abiertos y participativos
- Es una cominidad con riqueza y diversidad cultural: hay personas de
diferentes partes del pais.
- Es un area rural con muchas necesidades.
- La comunidad comprometida con el desarrollo de proyectos en la
escuela es poca.
- Los tiempos, si se requiere emplear tiempo extra.
- Los recursos economicos
- is a Floating community

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