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Description: Finds the lyrics of the song that is currently playing on Winamp wi
th a simple dbl-click in the applications icon that is in the system tray.
a) Windows XP or Vista
b) Winamp 5.xx or iTunes or LastFM player
c) internet connection
How does it work: Identifies the song by the mp3 tags or from the MusicDNS datab
ase and then uses LyricWiki s SOAP web service to find the lyrics.
Installation guide: Just run the setup file and next - next - next (it s really ea

How to use the program
Once LyricsFinder11 is loaded it creates an icon in the system tray (white recta
ngle with a blue 11 number). By right clicking on it you see 3 options available
Find Lyrics, Settings, and Exit.
Find Lyrics: Searches in the LyricWiki database for the song that is currently p
laying in Winamp. Once it finds them it open the Lyrics Form to well to show them.
(more information about the Lyrics Form in the forms section)
About : Opens the About Form (with random quotes!!!)
Settings : Opens the Settings Form (more information in the forms section)
Exit: I guess it closes the application

Forms Section
Settings Form
Start automatically when starting windows means exactly what it says, that every t
ime you start your pc the application will load.
Identify Song (MusicDNS database) this program (if YOU want) uses the MusicDNS (M
usic Digital Naming Service) database in order to identify a song.
Always: (always connect to MusicDNS in order to identify a track, SLOW but ver
y useful when the tags of your mp3 are not correct.)
Never: (never connect to MusicDNS, identify a track only by the mp3 tag, FAST
but needs mp3 s with filled tags to work)
When needed: (uses the mp3 s tags to identify a song but if they are empty then
connects to MusicDNS to identify the song)
MusicDNS Key a 32byte key is needed to access the MusicDNS database, the default
key is for identifying 5 million songs per month. Since this application is a fr
eeware this number may be (long shot) exceeded, therefore by pressing the button
in this option the application will get a new FREE unique key (provided by Musi
cDNS) for identifying 1000 songs per day.
Lyrics Form Background Color why stick with the color someone else choose??? Open
the palette and pick the color you like to see on you Lyrics window.
Kill em all (a.k.a. timeout sec) it s the maximum time that LyricsFinder11 will spend
trying to find the lyrics for a song. Most lyrics are found within 10sec, (defa
ult is 20sec).
Auto Refresh Lyrics (when lyrics form is open) check this option if you want the a
pplication to search for lyrics, every time that winamp changes track.

Lyrics Form
Refresh button: Manual search for the lyrics of the track that is currently play
ing on Winamp. Useful when you haven t enable Auto Refresh Lyrics in the Settings Fo
Save button: Allows you to save the lyrics showed as a text file (*.txt) or save
Artist and song Title in the mp3 s ID3v1 tag.
Close: Another mysterious button, I ll let you figure that one out by yourself.

Known issues
·The program has difficulties identifying mp3 with variable bitrate via MusicDNS dat
·This application doesn t seem to work in Windows Vista 64bit operation system.

Q) Is it a freeware or do I have to pay?
A) It is completely FREE (that s what FREEWARE really means).
Q) What s the catch?
A) There is NO catch, NO ads, NO viruses, NO Trojans. Actually there is one mino
r thing have fun.
Q) Why LyricsFinder11 has the 11?
A) The number 11 is a tribute to the film/rockumentary This Is Spinal Tap , since m
ost (or should I say all) lyrics finder program work based on the mp3 s tags this
one goes to eleven by using the MusicDNS database to identify the track when the
tags are not filled.
Internet Radio Questions:
Q1) I am a metalhead and I only use Winamp to listen to the Cronix Radio, can I
use LyricsFinder11?
Q2) I am a chill out/lounge type of guy and I only use Winamp to listen to the S
omaFM, can I use LyricsFinder11?
Q3) I am a just a guy who uses Winamp to listen to internet radio, can I use Lyr
A) YES you can...as long as the internet radio show the Artist and Title in form
at "<artist>-<title>("
Q) Can I use LyricsFinder11 with iTunes?
A) Yes...only for mp3 and NOT for internet radio.
Q) Where can I send my suggestions, complaints or spam to show my disgust?
A) You can contact me at: info@lyricsfinder11.com

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