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Bibliografía del trabajo “Clusters de software y servicios informáticos”

Aoyama, Y., Parthasarathy B (2012) Research and Development Facilities of

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Bank, D., Almor, T. (2013) The Development of Business Education in a Young,

Entrepreneurial Country: The Case of Israel. In: Innovation in Business
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Bathelt, H., Malmberg, A., Maskell, P. (2004) Clusters and knowledge: local buzz, global
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Blass, A., Yafeh, Y. (2001) Vagabond shoes longing to stray: Why foreign firms list in the
United States. Journal of Banking & Finance 25:555–572. doi: 10.1016/S0378-

Boschma, R. (2005) Proximity and Innovation: A Critical Assessment. Regional Studies

39:61–74. doi: 10.1080/0034340052000320887

Bresnahan, T., Gambardella, A. y Saxenian, A. (2001) ‘Old economy’ inputs for ‘new
economy’ outcomes: cluster formation in the new Silicon Valleys. Industrial and
corporate change, 10(4), 835-860.

Breznitz, D. (2002). The military as a public space: the role of the IDF in the Israeli
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Breznitz, D. (2005) Collaborative Public Space in a National Innovation System: A Case

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Innovation 12:31–64. doi: 10.1080/1366271042000339058

Breznitz, D. (2007) Industrial R&D as a national policy: Horizontal technology policies

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Research Policy 36:1465–1482. doi: 10.1016/j.respol.2007.06.006

Carmel, E. (2003) The New Software Exporting Nations: Success Factors. The Electronic
Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 13:1–12. doi:

Chaminade, C., Vang, J. (2008) Globalisation of knowledge production and regional
innovation policy: Supporting specialized hubs in the Bangalore software
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De Fontenay, C., Carmel E (2004) Israel’s Silicon Wadi The Forces behind Cluster
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Ilmola, L. y Casti, J. (2013). Case study: Seven shocks and Finland. Innovation and
Supply Chain Management, 7(3), 112-124.

Koski y Järvensivu. (2010) Proactive Labour Market Policy as a Step Towards New
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Kostiainen, J., & Sotarauta, M. (2002). Finnish City Reinvented: Tampere's Path from
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Kumar, D. (2010) Special Economic Zones versus Software Technology Parks. A Critical
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Lippoldt, D., y Stryszowski, P. (2009). Innovation in the Software Sector. OECD


Martin, R., Sunley P (2007) Complexity thinking and evolutionary economic geography.
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Maskell, P., Malmberg, A. (1999) Localised learning and industrial competitiveness.

Cambridge Journal of Economics 23:167 –185. doi: 10.1093/cje/23.2.167

Palit, A., Mukherjee, D. (2017) India–EU Industry Value Chains: Perspectives and
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(eds) Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Springer International
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Perry, M. (2005). Business Clusters: An International Perspective. Routledge.

Rasmussen, S., Madsen, P. K., Saloniemi, A., Ólafsdóttir, K., Dølvik, J. E., Jesnes, K., y
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Raymond, E. (1999). The cathedral and the bazaar. Knowledge, Technology & Policy,
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Saxenian, A. (1996) Regional Advantage: Culture and Competition in Silicon Valley and
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The Independent (2013) Waze: Putting Silicon Wadi on the map. In: The Independent.
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Zimmerman E., Glänzel, W., Bar-Ilan J. (2008) Scholarly collaboration between Europe
and Israel: A scientometric examination of a changing landscape.
Scientometrics 78:427–446. doi: 10.1007/s11192-007-2044-x

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