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“the primordial instinct of every human being is to assure himself of a shelter. The various
classes of workers in society to-day no longer have dwellings adapted to their needs; neither
the arizan nor the intellectual.

It is a question of building which is at the root of the social unrest of to-day : architecture or

“ for it is not really illogical that one entire superficies of a town should be unused and
reserved for a flirtation between the tiles and the star? “

Le corbuseir tired of the extravagance of the traditions wanted to clear the slate. He didn’t
want architecture to force beliefs into the masses. Architecture was a tool for a society to live
the best standard of life. Being this modernistic he paid attention to more simpler things in life.
By this statement the interpretation gained is that clearing the surfaces of the buildings at eye
level and “cleaning the slate” giving the users nothing to forcefully look at subconsciously
pushes them to search for something. Rather than forcing shapes textures colors and depth
into the viewers by heavy ornamentation of the buildings le Corbusier wanted to give them the
freedom to maybe notice the textures of the tiles on the floors. If they found nothing there
then they could look up into the sky go back to nature and escape into the mysterious glamour
of the starlit sky. For a change move their neck beyond the “30 degree angle”.

“the plan is a generator. Unity of law is a law of a good plan: simple law capable of infinite

“rythem is an equation ; equalization; compensation; modulation. “

Building a city can be tricky in reference to time. While it is designed in the present it must
cater for the future, years ahead and capture the essence, habits and ideology of the people by
studying their past. Le Corbusier believed that a successful and workable urban design must be
able to sustain itself and grow infinitely. He, being a member of the organization called CIAM,
Congress International Modern Movement set up some of the first principles for the
modernistic movement. He saw architecture as an economic and political tool that could be
used to improve the world. He had to develop a design philosophy for modern urban planning
which would support these beliefs and not make a city become a burden rather than a tool. He
put forward his Radiant City plan a conceptual drawing of how he believed a city should work.
In this plan he gave modulation and segregation of building of different functions great
importance. Basically it was the simple way of stack up zones side by side. To add definition and
depth to these zones he believed that the most important thing for an urban plan to have is a
modular pattern. This module can be infinitely repeated to ensure future extensions and at the
same time develop a rhythm of a city, a language or pattern. Le Corbusier once said that
divisions into units and modules was the best way to unite something.

“standardization is imposed by the law of selection, and is an economic and social necessity.
Harmory is a state of agreement with the norms of our universe. beauty governs all. “

A critic on his work by jane Jacob

The book's purpose was to criticize the values of American urban planning from the 1950s and
1960s, when in many cities in North America the problem facing the decline of downtown
areas, the former prosperity of downtown slums, and massive postwar urban renewal was
under way. This was the era of the rise of modernist planning, of Le Corbusier's dream in the
progressive realization of the city.

Jane Jacobs's critique is that this kind of urban planning and lifestyle, will make the city lose its
vitality, resulting in a loss of pleasure. She believed the city is an organism, detailed and
diversified, so that economic and social activities mixed with each other produce vibrant city, so
it should be seen in the context of life science urban rehabilitation, rather than cold figures,
scientific planning razed to the name of a large-scale urban redevelopment. A great city values
the diversity, and this diversity is the need to maintain a certain environment, such as street
life, the importance of neighborhood life is to control the car and refuse repetition of the urban

Jane Jacobs: ”Le Corbusier’s Utopia was a condition of what he called maximum
liberty, by which he seems to have meant not liberty to do anything much, but
liberty from ordinary responsibility.”

His work in Chandigarh

Le Corbusier's work in Chandigarh is an essential link in the series formed by his other works in
France, Switzerland, Belgium, etc. that are/ are to be included in the proposed "Trans-border
Serial Nomination of Le Corbusier's Work". It is, however, unique as comprising the only
realization of Le Corbusier's urban precepts as well as his most mature plastic work. In
comparison to group of works by other architects, e.g., "Works of Antoni Gaudi" and "Major
Town Houses of the Architect Victor Horta", both already inscribed on the World Heritage List,
the "Urban and Architectural Work of Le Corbusier in Chandigarh" stands out on account of its
vast range of projects as well as its far-reaching influence on subsequent developments. "Le
Corbusier's Chandigarh" is also comparable with other 20th century cities such as "Brasilia",
"The White City of Tel Aviv" and "Le Havre - the city rebuilt by August Perret", all inscribed on
the World Heritage List, but represents a different set of values and design criteria.

Critic on his theory

The city is dying today not because it is not geometrical, as Le Corbusier believes, but because it
is not organic. Geometric order is undoubtedly a fundamental means to give form to the city,
but it is alwaysonly a means. It is never an end in itself.2

 le corb took edges too seriously. he compartmentalized every function into zones and
 he gave functionality and max space use value more importance that humanity and
nature sensitivity.

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