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“If men are addicted to righteousness, and do not, even in

emergencies, desert their principles, even the gods protect them
and cause them to attain their objects.”
2. “Providence gives to every one in accordance with his or her
3. “For it is better to live for one moment, bound by the bonds of
righteousness, than to live unrighteously for hundreds of crores of
kalpas (immense period of time).”
4. “For reliance upon the words of women destroys the discrimination
even of the great.”
5. “A man possesses firmness and discernment and morality, only so
long as he does not come within the range of the arrows of Love.”
6. “Every man chooses what is good or bad according to the measure
of his own intellect.”
7. “And a king, who is a hero in upholding religion, is preferred to a
king, who is only a hero with the sword. A hero in religion will be
the lord of a thousand heroes with the sword.”
8. “Thus divine beings fall by virtue of a curse, and owing to the
consequences of their own wickedness, are incarnate in the world
of men, and after reaping the fruit appropriate to their bad conduct,
they again go to their own home on account of previously acquired
9. “So, fools, in the conceit of their folly, while they deny what need
not be denied, reveal what it is their interest to suppress, in order
to get themselves believed.”
10. “Fortune ever replenishes the full man, as all the streams replenish
the sea.”
11. “Thus fools, with undiscerning hearts, turn things upside down,
and ruin their own interests and those of other people.”
12. “Though his sword was sharp, his rod of justice was not so.”
13. “The sea, though deep, and broad, and full of great monsters, does
not vie with this man, who is firm even in the shock of a mighty
14. “Men have various dispositions, for that king did not give at the
proper season, but did give in the unseasonable hour of calamity.”
15. ‘Even thus, queen, do great ones, after enduring separation, enjoy
prosperity, and following the example of the sun, after suffering a
decline, they rise again.”
16. “When men are cursed by destiny, even the wealth they obtain
17. “Wealth gives us religion and love, wealth gives us consideration
and renown.”
18. “So a man who desires prosperity should not take pleasure in them,
as their society is only to be gained by the wealthy, any more than
in uninhabited woods to be crossed only with a caravan.”
19. “The mind of woman is unstable.”
20. ‘Thus you see that the appointed union of human beings certainly
takes place in this world, though vast spaces intervene.”
21. “A man who conquers wrath will not be subject to grief; and a man,
who displays prudence, is never harmed. Even in the case of
animals prudence produces success, not valour.”
22. “Thus you see that a person who lets go common sense will be
ruined, like the tortoise that let go the stick.”
23. “So you see that a deed done with an unrighteous mind is sure to
bring calamity, therefore one should do it with a righteous mind.”
24. “Foolish persons become the objects of ridicule in the world, and
do not succeed in their objects; but wise persons are honoured.”
25. “We should not direct our thoughts to excessive hoarding.”
26. “A wise man should not recklessly tell secrets to women.”
27. “A friend, that shews his friendship by ceremonious entertainment
only, is a different thing from a real friend; though oil and ghee
both possess the property of oiliness, oil is oil, and ghee is ghee.”
28. “In this world fools will not even do a part of a task to the best of
their power, if they are not able to complete it altogether.”
29. “Thus foolish people make self-contradictory statements with
regard to others.”
30. “Fools do not know their own faults, though they are patent to all
31. “Thus men, whose minds are blinded with wealth, fling away much
to gain little.”
32. “Thus foolish people, who do not reflect, are deceived by false
suppositions, and become the source of laughter to their enemies,
and of sorrow to their friends.”
33. “Women, who associate with witches, fall into evil courses, but
they are restrained and saved by the advice of the old.”
34. “Good people spare even a thief, though ordinarily he ought not to
be spared, if they find that he is a benefactor.”
35. “The fact is a man who, while ignorant, thinks himself wise, and
rushes impetuously at any business, is ruined.”
36. “Fools, following the advice of other fools, lose this world and the
next. Accordingly a wise man should not serve fools: he should
serve wise men. Discontent also does harm.”
37. “A fool, who attends only to the words of an order and does not
understand the meaning, causes detriment.”
38. “A wise person should place no confidence in a wicked person. How
can he, who confides in a wicked person or a black cobra, enjoy
39. “An action, useful in itself, if done contrary to rule, has bad
40. “Wisdom accomplishes the impossible.”

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