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To better accommodate the distant buyers to whom we mail

Catalogues, and for parties unable to be present, the Aes,o•srs
will oereto am. orders free of charge. In ordering from
our Catalogues give the number ok the lot, as well as the
first wobd of title, and extreme limit per volume, or (if
engravings and pamphlets) per piece, which will be used only
in competition, or oxactly as the purchaser would bid for him
self. If unlimited orders be given, a proper discretion will be
Our Catalogues are compiled by experts, who endeavor to give
buyers, as far as practicable, a fair idea of the condition of
every lot offered for sale. We, however, neither guarantee the
absolute correctness of any description, nor the perfect con
dition of any lot.
It should be understood that each lot is sold separately, and
by itself, as catalogued, and without reference to any other lot.
Orders to purchase sent to us should, therefore, be for each lot
on its own merits.
Purchases sent direct to the Auctioneers are always
made as much below the amoe- named in the order as
circumstances warrant. At least seventy-five per cent, of
the lots purchased at our book and engraving sales have, as a
rule, been sold to customers resident outside of the City of New
York. Purchasers living in or near New York should examine,
previous to sale and while on exhibition, all lots they may wish to
bid for. eet-osswn buyersshould insist that their agents take the
trouble to examine all lots on which they send orders. This would
save annoyance to both auctioneers and actual purchasers, as
Few bookbuyers, comparatively, are aware of the many
advantages of attending our sales, and of the facility with
which a good library may be completed. Often at these sales,
libraries, which have been selected by persons of judgment, are
distributed to all parts of the United States. This enables buy
ers to profit by the experience of others, and at the same time to
make selections of choice editions and valuable books, often at
much less price than they could be procured from other sources
Consignments of large or small collections solicited.
787 and 789 Broadway,
New York City.
^fnftrudones oefu fl^ageftadiozdc
na$as 6 oitutoJ E audiccia,ga la buc
na eppedtciooclos negorioSjtadim
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1 J De Pedro Ocharte, M.D.LXIIi. il

H ~ffif

[fac-simile reproduction of the title-page to " puga," the first " body of laws " for the
North American Continent, Printed in the City of Mexico in the year 1563 and being
number 39i in this catalogue of the " del monte library."]

NIEDR^E, CAPfi, boz£rian, etc.,
OLOGY and ANTIQUITIES; HISTORY—Political, Social and Ecclesi
astical ; POETRY: etc.. and relating to—
*' Nuevas Leyes," 1543 ; Puga," MAY BE mSPECIFIED—
1563 ; Cieza's Peru," 1553 ; Giustiniani's " Polyglot
Psalter," 1516 ; Oviedo's "Indies. 1535; Eliot's "Indian Bible," 1685; Gorges's
" America Painted to the Life." 1659 ; Molina's " Mexican Vocabulary," 1571 :
Fernandez's "Peru," 1571 ; Gryn^eus's "New World," 1555; Osorio's " Brazil,
1571 ; Huerta*s " Pliny. * 1629 ; De Solis's " Mexico," De Last's " New World,"
1683; Hakluyt Society Publications, 33 vols; Ternaux-Compans's "Voyages," 20
vols ; also works written or edited by, or pertaining to—
Amerigo Vespucci, Barcia, Brasseur de Bourbourg, Carocchi, Caulin, Cepeda, Charlevoix,
Charnay. Columbus. Cortes, Davila Padilla, Diaz del Castillo, Exquemelin, Gage,
Garcia, Garcilaso de la Vega, Fernandez, Herrera, Juan and Ulloa, Labat, Lahontan,
I^as Casas, Leon Pinello, Linschoten, Lorenzana, Monardes, Moreau de St. Mery,
Munoz, Navarro, Neve y Molina, Ovalle, Palafox y Mendoca, Paredes, Piedrahita,
Pizarro y Orellano, Ribas, Rodriguez, Ruiz de Montoya, Sarmiento, Serra. Silva, Solor-
zano, Squier, Sotomayor, Torquemada. Touron, Veitia Linage, Vargas, Villa Senor y
Sanchez, Vetancourt, Wytfiiet and others, also—
comprising among other rarities—
Mexican Legal Document of 16th Century on Native Indian Paper ; " Flor de Academias,"
original Peruvian Poetry; Hispano-American Log Books; Osorio's Chiapa MS.;
Manuscript Instructions of the following Viceroys—Duke de la Palata, Counts
de Superunda, De Croix, Rrvilla-Gigedo and De Galves; also original MS.
Volumes mostly unpublished, of Campomanes, Leon y Pizarro, Campilla y Cosio,
Juan Casaus, Antonio Julian, Mariana, Villalobos, Colmenares, Montesinos,
Carranza, etc.. etc., also
MISCiELLANEOUS literature,
inclusive of—
Callot's "Etchings"; "Florence Museum." 5 vols ; Black Letter "Livy" and 11 Marco

Montfaucon's " Antiquities," 15 vols ; etc., etc.

On the Afternoon of
THURSDAY, JUNE 21 St, 1888,
and Morning; and Afternoon of
FRIDAY, JUNE 22d, 1888,
«<| LIATIff Alf QAI<EilUtY,C>»
787 and 789 BROADWAY.
GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO., Auctioneers,
New York. 1888.
Orders to Purchase executed FREE OF CHARGE by the Auctioneers.
The Collection will be on Exhibition THREE DAYS before the Sale.
-Border and conditions of sale.

FIRST SESSION, Thursday Afternoon, - - Lots I to 215

SECOND SESSION, Friday Morning, . - Lots 216 to 430
THIRD SESSION, Friday Afternoon, - - Lots 431 to 645

1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and, if any dispute

arise, between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall
be immediately put up again and re-sold.
2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to
pay down twenty-five per cent, on the dollar in part payment, or
the whole of the Purchase-money if required ; in default of
which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up
again and re-sold.
3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer's Expense and Risk
within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the Sale, and the
remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or other
wise settled for to the satisfaction of the Vendors, on or before
delivery; in default of which Messrs. Geo. A. Leavitt and Co.
will not hold themselves responsible, if the Lots be lost, Btolen,
damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of
the Purchaser.
4. The sale of any Book, Painting, Engraving, Print, Furni
ture, Works of Art, or any other article, is not to be set aside
on account of any error in the description. All articles are ex
posed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold jast
as they are without recourse. All books are presumed to be
perfect unless otherwise expressed, and are collated as far as
practicable when catalogued; but the sale of any book or books
cannot be invalidated on account of any stained, foxed, torn,
mended, fac-simile, written on, stamped, or short leaves of text,
plates, maps or diagrams, or want of title, frontispiece, table of
contents, index, or list of plates, or on account of the publica
tion of any subsequent volume, supplement, appendix or plates.
All manuscripts and autographs, all magazines and reviews, all
books in lots, and all pamphlets in lots or volumes, all single
volumes or sets, will be sold with all their faults, imperfections
and errors of description. The sale of any illustrated book, lot
of prints or drawings is not to be set aside on account of any
error in the enumeration of the number of volumes or pieces, or
other errors of description.
5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the
settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be re
moved during the sale.
6. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the
money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots
uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by Public
or Private sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale
shall be made good by the Defaulter at this sale, together with
all charges attending the same. This Condition is without
prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract
made at this sale, without such re-sale, if they think fit.
I OCT 23 196U
Eije Bel Monte Cftrart).

The sizes of books in this catalogue are defined relatively to signatures and
according to the following page, height and inch measurements :
Maximo, over 24 inches. Minimo, below 6 inches.
Large Folio, over 18 inches; Folio, below 18 and over 13; Small Folio,
below 13 and over It.
Large Quarto, below 15 and over n inches; Quarto, below 11 and over 8;
Small Quarto, below 8 and over 6.
Large Octavo, below 11 and over g inches; Octavo, below 9 and over 8;
Small Octavo or Twelvemo, below 8 and over 6.
C. S.

BREU (Joseph de). Extracto Historia del Ex-

pediente que Pende en el Consejo Real, y Su
premo de las Indias a Instancia de la Ciudad de
Manila y Demas de las Indias Philipinas. Coat-
of-arms on title. Thick small folio, limp vellum.
Madrid, 1736
Rare. " Cet important ouvrage, que nous croyons de Don Joseph
de Abreu, l'un des jurisconsultes les plus distingués d'Espagne, ren
ferme de precieux documents pour l'histoire commerciale des colonies
Espagnoles au siècle dernier. Composé ainsi que l'indique le titre,
par ordre du Roi et du Conseil des Indes, l'auteur a eu à sa disposition,
d'importantes pieces officielles base sur laquelle, repose son ouvrage.
Imprimé aux frais de sa Majeste, il n'a pas été livré au commerce."—
"In consequence of his (Abreu's) vindication of the royal right to
the revenues accruing from vacancies in the churches of America, the
author had a pension of a thousand ducats and the title of ' Marquis
de la Regalia' bestowed upon him by Philip V."—Rich.
2 ACOSTA (Joseph de, de la Extinguida Compania de Jesus).
Historia Natural y Moral de las Indias en que se Tratan las
Cosas Notables del Cielo, Elementos, Metales, Plantas y
Animales de Ellas; y los Ritos, Ceremonias, Leyes,

Gobierno y Guerras de los Indias. 2 vols. in 1. Small 4*0,

half calf. Madrid, 1792
Scarce. Mr. Rich observes of Acosta, the famous Jesuit father,
that he was one of the earliest writers who treated philosophically of
America and its productions. Robertson pronounces him a standard
authority. Pinelo, however, alleges that the work is taken from the
MSS. of a Dominican monk, Diego Duran.
3 ACTE de SOCIETE pour vn Establissement dans la
Terre Ferme de l'Amerique Meridionale, Avec Lettres
Patentes en Forme de Concession accorde par sa Majeste
aux Sieux de la Potherie, de la Vigne et Compagnie,
pour l'Establissement d'vne Colonie Francoise dans ledit
Pays. 4to, half crushed levant morocco, top edge gilt.
Paris, 1657
Excessively Rare and not mentioned by Sabin, Brunet, Ternaux,
Leclerc or Rich.
4 Advertencias para las Indias. Small folio, half calf,
gilt. Madrid, 1637
Rare. This consists of sixteen pages of matter relating to the
Indies, followed by others on the same subject by Christoval de
Mancha y Velasco of the convent of St. Dominic in Cosco, Peru.
5 Alcala-de-Henares. Fundacion y Estatutos de la Uni-
versidad de Alcala. Large 410, mottled sheep.
Seville, 1671, etc.
Rare Collection of documents relating to the University of Alcala
de Henares. It includes, the will of Cardinal Ximenez de Cisneros;
Provision del Senor Emperador Carlos Quinto; Bulls of Popes Alex
ander VI., Clement VIII., Julius II., Julius III., Clement X., and
Innocent X.; Constitutions of the University, 1716; Reformacion en la
Universidad de Alcala. There are MS. notes and notarial signatures
in this volume.
Cotton says—" That though among the Spanish towns Alcala was
late in the adoption of this excellent art (of typography) yet it will ever
be famous in the annals of literature, having given to the world the
first Polyglot Bible, a splendid work in six volumes folio, designed
and executed under the fostering hand of Cardinal Ximenes."
6 ALCEDO (Antonio de). Diccionario Geografico-Historico
de las Indias Occidentales o America: es a Saber de los
Reynos del Peru, Nueva Espana, Tierre Firme, Chile, y
Nuevo Reyno de Granada, con la Descripcion de sus
Provincias, Naciones, Ciudades, Villas, Pueblos, Rios,
Montes, Costas, Puertos, Islas, Arzobispados, Obispados,

Audiencias, Vireynatos, Gobiernos, Corregimientos, y

Fortalezas, Frutos y Producciones, con Exprecion de sus
Descubridores, Conquistadores y Fundadores, Conventos
y Religiones, Ereccion de sus Catedrales y Obispos que
ha Habido en Ellas y Notizia de los Sucesos mas Notables
de Varios Lugares, Incendios Terremotos, Sitios, e Inva
siones que han Experimentado: y Hombres Ilustres que
han Producido. 5 vols. small 4to, mottled sheep, gilt.
Madrid, 1786-89
Rare. At the end of the fifth volume is a separately paged "Vo
cabulario de las Voces Provinciales de la America Usadas en el Diccio
nario Geografico-Historico de Ella y de los Nombres Propios de Plantas,
Aves y Animales."
(Sebastian de). Origen y Principio de la Lengva Castel
lana o Romanee que oyse vsa en Espana; Tesoro de la
Lengva Castellana o Espanola. 3 vols. in 2. Small folio,
mottled sheep, gilt. Madrid, 1673-82
Rare. The first described work nearly brought Aldarete who was
a Canon of the church of Cordova into serious difficulties with the In
quisition owing to certain passages of a supposed heretical tendency
and which are marked on pages 41, 46 and 54 of the above copy.
8 ALEGACION JURIDICA en Defensa del Capitan Don
Joseph Diego de Medina y Saravia Teforero Pro-
prietario de la Real Casa de Moneda de Mexico, Don
Manuel de Pereda Palacio su Teniente ya Disunto,
Don Manuel Cayetanode Elezaga Balanzario, Don
Juan Antonio de Urrutia Cavallero del Orden de
Alcantara Marques del Villar de Aguila, y Don Damián
Perez Bello Guardas Mayores, Don Ignacio Antonio
de Bustamante Teniente de dicho Don Juan Antonio
de Urrutia el Licenciado Don Toseph Mendez Alcalde,
y Don Francisco Valdivielso, Mercader de Plata en
aquella Ciudad, en los Autos de Visita O Pesquisa Princi
piados contra los Referidos, y Otros Officiales Mayores de
Dicha Casa de Mexico. Small folio, bound in crushed
levant morocco elegant, inside gold borders, gilt edges.
Very Rare. (Mexico, 1728)
9 Almanach de Gotha, 1863. Portraits. Minimo, cloth.

10 Alveras Dengras (Antonio). Compendio de Paleografía

Espanola, o Escuela de Leer Todas las Letras que se
Han Usado en Espana desde los Tiempos mas Remotos
Hasta Fines del Siglo XVIII. With numerous plates of
facsimiles of handwriting illustrating the paleography of
Spain from the earliest periods. Small folio, half sheep
(binding damaged) Madrid, 1857
Indispensable to collectors of ancient manuscripts as the work is
devoted to Spanish paleography, and concerning which but very little
is found in the ordinary authorities.
11 AMAT (Felix Corres, Bishop of Astorga). Memorias para
Ayudar a Formar un Diccionario Critico de los Escritores
Catalanes y dar Alguna Idea de la Antigua y Moderna
Literatura de Cataluna. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt.
Barcelona, 1836
12 American Book Circular, April, 1843. 8vo, half mo
rocco, top edge gilt N. Y., 1843
Bound up with the above are—Rich's 1 ' Catalogue of Books relating
to North and South America," 1844; Rich's " General Catalogue"
for 1837; and the " Sampayó Library Catalogue," Paris, 1842.
13 Andrade (Jose Maria). Catalogue de la Riche Bibliothèque
de, Livres Manuscrits et Imprimés, Littérature Francaise
et Espagnole, Histoire de l'Afrique, de l'Asie et de
PAmérique, 7,000 Pieces et Volumes ayant Rapport au
Mexique ou Imprimés dans ce Pays. Large 8vo, sewed,
uncut. Leipsic, 1869
This catalogue of 4,484 lots on 368 pages represents the collection
formed by Andrade for the Emperor Maximilian. The above copy
has a printed price-list added.
14 ANGELIS (Pedro de). Coleccion de Obras y Documentos
Relativos a la Historia Antigua y Moderna de las Provin
cias del Rio de la Plata Ilustrados con Notas y Diserta
ciones. 6 vols. small folio, mottled calf, gilt (some bind
ings rubbed). Buenos Ayres, Imprenta del Estado, 1 836-37
Rare. Printed at the expense of the Argentine Republic and not
for sale. It is a most important collection, embodying all the early
travels in Buenos Ayres, Patagonia and other parts of South America.
See Edinburgh Review, LXV., 87-109. Trubner's American Record,
Nov. 21, 1865, contains a complete list of the contents of Vols. I-VI.

15 ANTILLES.—Histoire Naturelle et Morale des Iles Antilles

de l'Amerique, Enrichie d'un Grand Nombre de Belles
Figures en Taille Douce des Places et des Raretez les
plus Considerables qui y sont Decrites avec un Vocabu-
laire Caraibe ; Seconde Edition Revue et Augmentée de
plusieurs Descriptions et de quelques Eclaircissemens,
qu'on Desiroit en la Precedente. Engraved title andplates,
somefolding. 4to, Spanish calf, gilt (one leaf torn).
Rotterdam, 1665
Rare. Dedicated to—" Monsieur De Beveren Gouverneur de
l'lle de Tabago pour les Hauts et Puissans Seigneurs les Etats Gen-
eraux des Province Vnies du Pais-Bas."
Rich says that— "The dedication to the first edition is signed by
' L. de P.,' supposed by Barbier to be Louis de Poincy, and the true
author of the work, notwithstanding that the name of Rochefort is
inserted as the author in the second and succeeding editions; but
Father De Tertre says, in the Preface to his ' Histoire Generale,' that
while he was printing his first work the General Lonvilliers de Poincy
had begged Father Raimond Breton to give his vocabulary and some
memoirs to an unknown person, who was collecting materials for a
' Relation of the Antilles,' and he afterwards learned that this person
was M. Rochefort, a minister of Rotterdam, who, having been twice
to the islands, had conceived a similar design to himself. This
account appears to be more probable than the supposition of Barbier."
16 ANTIQUITATES Americanae, sive Scriptores Septen-
trionales rerum ante-Columbianarum in America.— Samling
af de /Nordens Oldskrifter Indeholdte Efterretningerom
de Gamle Nordboers Opdagelsesreiser til America Fra
det iode til det i4de Arhundrede.—Editit Societas Regia
Antiqvariorum Septentrionalium. With plates of fac
similes of ancient MSS., antiquities and maps. Large 4to,
mottled calf gilt, marbled edges (foxed slightly).
Copenhagen, 1837
Large Paper. This volume contains all the information em
braced in the ancient Icelandic Sagas and other works, showing the
knowledge that the Northmen had of the New World before its dis
covery by Columbus. Among the pieces are—the Saga of Eric the Red,
relating to Greenland, A. D. 985; Biarne's Notice of Greenland, 986;
the Saga of Thorfinn Karlsefne, including his expedition to Vinland
in North America, 994; Thorvald's Voyage to Vinland in 1002, and
Accounts of Vinland by Adam of Bremen, and Are Frode, writen in
the Xlth century.



17 ANTONIO (N.). Bibliotheca Hispana Vetus sive His-
pani Scriptores qui ad Octaviani Augusti Aevo ad
Annum Christi MD. Florerunt. Auctore D. Nicolao
Antonio Hispalensi, Curante Francisco Perezio Bay-
erio qui et Prologum et Auctoris Vitse Epitomen et Notu-
lasAdiecit. 2 vols. Also:—
Bibliotheca Hispana Nova sive Hispanorum Scriptorum
qui ab Anno MD. ad MDCLXXXIV. Floruere Notitia
Auctore D. Nicolao Antonio Hispalensi nunc Primum
Prodit Recognita Emendata Aucta ab Ipso Auctore. 2
Together 4 vols. With fine portrait of Charles III. and
engraved vignettes on titles. Folio, old russia, gilt.
Madrid, 1783-88
Rare. Beautiful edition of these two important works, the second
described of which was edited by Sanchez and Pellizer. The Salva
copy sold for ¿20. The rare fac-simile plate (or rather diagram) will
be found opposite page 490 of the first named.
18 Antunez y Acevedo (Rafael). Memorias Historicas sobre
la Legislacion y Gobierno de Comercio de los Espanoles
con sus Colonias en las Indias Occidentales. Small 410,
mottled sheep, red edges. Madrid, 1797
19 Apologia del Tomo V de la Historia Literaria de Espana
con dos Cartas sobre el Mismo Asunto que Sirven de In-
troducion por los PP. Fr. Raphael, y Fr. Pedro Rodri
guez Mohedano. Small 4to, limp vellum. Madrid, 1779
20 Archives du Bibliophile, ou Bulletin de 1'Amateur de
Livres et du Libraires. With printers' marks, etc. 3
vols, 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1858-60
Published by Claudin, and in addition to the text proper there are
numerous important books described bibliographically.
21 ARGENSOLA.—Cunqvista de las Islas Malvcas al Rey '
Felipe III. Nuestro Senor, Escrita porel Licencia do Bar
tolome Leonardo de Argensola Capellan de la Ma-
gestad de la Emperatriz y Rector de Villahermosa. En
graved title (cut). Small folio, mottled sheep, sprinkled
edges. Madrid, Alonzo Martin, 1609
Rare. Bouterwek says that—" Few narratives of Indian affairs
are written with so much judgment and elegance as Argensola's his-

tory of the Conquest of the Molucca Islands," and Leclerc, in the

" Bibliotheca Americana," writes—" Cet ouvrage important pour l'his
toire de la navigation des Espagnoles et des Portugais aux Indes
renferment des documents interessants sur le célèbre navigateur Ma
gellan. Son auteur, chaplelain de l'imperatrice et recteur de Vilaher-
mosa, etait un ecrivain distingué des seizième et dixseptième sièçles. II
publia une suite aux Annales de Zuritate et un recueil de poesies."
22 Arguelles (Jose Canga). Diccionario de Hacienda. 5
vols, 8vo, old sheep. London, 1826-27
23 ARISTOTLE. El Arte Poetica de Aristoteles en Castel-
lano por D. Joseph Goya y Muniain. Plate of antique
bust of Aristotle. Large 4to, mottled sheep gilt,
marbled edges. (Madrid), Benito Caro, 1798
Large Paper, and with the Greek and Spanish text on opposite
pages. A handsome example of the Caro Press, printed on thick
24 Arphe y Villafane (Juan de). Varia Commensuracion
para la Escultura y Arquitectura. With numerous illus
trations, also portrait of the author on title. Small folio,
old mottled sheep (last page inked). Madrid, 1795
Very Scarce. With notes by Don Pedro Enguera.
25 Arrowsmith (A.). Colored Map Exhibiting the Great Post-
roads, Physical and Political Divisions of Europe, measur
ing 6 //. 5 in. by $ ft. 5 in., mounted on linen. In drop cloth
26 AVILA. Epistolario General para Todos Estados con la
Vida de Padre Maestro Juan de Avila. 2 vols. in 1.
Thick small 4to, limp vellum (lacks title and leaves at
beginning and end). Rare. Madrid, 1588
27 AZARA (Felix de). Voyages dans l'Amérique Meridionale
depuis 1781 jusqu'en 1801 avec une Notice sur sa Vie et
ses Ecrits par C. A. Walcknaer, Enrichis de Notes par
G. Cuvier. 4 vols. small 8vo, mottled calf, gilt (no atlas).
Paris, 1809
Scarce. From the library of D. José Gomez de la Cortina. This
work contains the best description of the birds of Paraguay and La
28 AZARA. Viaggi nell' America Meridionale Publicati Sulla
Scorta de' Suoi Manoscritti dal Sic C. A. Walcknaer,
Tradotti dal Sig. Prof. Gaetano Barbieri. Map and
colored plates. 2 vols. in 1. Small 8vo, half calf gilt,
citron edges. Milan, 18 17

29 AZARA. Descripcion e Historia del Paraguay y del Rio

de la Plata, Obra Postuma, la Publica Su Sobrino y Here
dero Augustin de Azara, Marques de Nibbiano, bajo
la Direction de Don Basilio Jijbastian Castellanos de
Losada. 2 vols. 8vo, mottled sheep. Madrid, 1847


Ayo, y Maestro de Principes Seneca en su Vida.
Thick small 4to, limp vellum (lacks title).
Madrid, 1674
31 BARBE-MARBOIS. Histoire de Louisiane et de la Cession
de cette Colonie par la France aux Etats-Unis de
TAmérique Septentrionale Précédée d'un Discours sur la
Constitution et le Gouvernement des Etats Unis. Colored
map. 8vo, half russia, top edge gilt, others uncut.
Paris, Didot, 1829
32 BARBIER (Antoine Alexandre). Dictionnaire des Ouvrages
Anonymes et Pseudonymes Composés, Traduits ou Pub-
liés en Francais avec les Noms des Auteurs, Traducteurs
et Editeurs Accompagné de Notes Historiques et Critiques.
4 vols. 4to, old mottled calf gilt, red edges. Paris, 1 808
Large Paper and Rare. With inserted heraldic book-plate of
"J. Knight." This is one of the best and most comprehensive
authorities on anonymous works extant.
33 BARBOSO-MACHADO (Diogo). Bibliotheca Lusitana,
Historica Critica e Cronologica na Qual se Comprehende
a Noticia dos Authores Portuguezes, a das Obras, que
Compuserao des de Tempo da Promulgacao da Ley da
Graca ate o Tempo Prezente. Fine portrait, copper vig
nettes and rubricated titles. 4 vols. folio, old calf gilt, not
uniform. Lisbon, 1731-59
Rare. " Ouvrage fort estimable," says Brunet, and continues,
"II est tres recherche, mais se trouve difficilement, méme en Por
tugal." The same authority quotes the Conde copy having sold for
twelve guineas and the Sampayo for 220 francs.
34 BARCIA (Andres Gonzales). Historiadores Primitivos de
las Indias Occidentales que Junto Traduxo en Parte y
^aco a Luz Ilustrados con Eruditas Notas y Copiosos

Indices el Illustrissimo Senor D. Andres Gonzalez

Barcia del Consejo y Camara de S. M. Dididos en Tres
Tomos cuyo Contenido se Vera en el Folio Siguiente.
3 vols. small folio, behind by Niedree in crushed levant ,
morocco extra, inside gold borders, rounded corners, edges yfk
gilt on marble. Madrid, 1749
Excessively Rare. The following comprise the contents of this
valuable work :
Vol. I. La Historia de D. Christoval Colón, que compuso en cas
tellano Don Fernando Colón, su hijo, y traduxo en toscano Alfonso
de Ulloa.—Quatro cartas de Hernan Cortes, dirigidas al Emperador
Carlos V. —Dos relaciones hechas al mismo Cortes, por Pedro de Alva-
rado—Otra relacion hecha al mismo Cortes, por Diego de Godoy.
Relacion sumaria de la historia natural de las Indias . . . por Oviedo.
—Examen apologético de la histórica narracion de los naufragios, y
milagros de Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Baca, contra la censura del padre
Honorio Filopono. Relacion de los naufragios del gobernador Alvar
Nunez Cabeza de Baca. —Comentarios del mismo de lo sucedido
durante su gobierno del Rio de la Plata.
Vol. II. Historia general de las Indias por Fr. Lopez de Gomara.—
Chronica de la Nueva-Espana, ó Conquista de Mexico.
Vol. III. Historia del descubrimiento y conquista de la provincia
del Peru . . . por Augustin de Zarate. —Verdadera relacion de la con
quista del Perú, por Francisco de Xerez.—Historia y descubrimiento
del Rio de la Plata y Paraguay, por Schmidel, Argentina conquista del
Rio de la Plata, con otros acaecimientos de los reynos del Peru, Tucu-
man, y Estado del Brasil, por Martin del Barco Contenera.—Viage
del Mondo, de Simon Perez de Tores.—Epitome de la Relacion del
Viage de Algunas Mercadores de Sanalo Amocaslos Anos 1708.
Don Andres Gonzales de Barcia Carbillado y Zuniga, after having
published new editions of " Torquemada, " 1722; " El Peru y Florida
del Inca," " Herrera," " La Araucana," " El Origen de los Indios "
and the "Biblioteca del Pinelo," caused to be printed the authors con
tained in this collection, and probably some others, as he mentions in
his edition of Pinelo that Fernandez's " Historia del Peru" was about
being finished in 1731, but of which no copies are known to exist.
Most of these authors were printed about the same period, but were
not published until 1749 (six years after Barcia's death, which hap
pened in 1 743), when general titles to the three volumes were printed,
with a table of contents, of which there are two different impressions.
One, the most modern, is printed by Ibarra.
35 [BARCIA.] Ensayo Chronologico para la Historia General
de la Florida, Contien los Discubrimientos y Principales
Sucessos Acaecidos en este Gran Reino a los Espanoles
Franceses Suecos Dinamarqueses, Ingleses y Otras Na-

dones entre si y con los Indios: Cuias Costumbres, Genios,

Idolatria, Govierno Batallos y Astucias se Refieren; y los
Viages de Algunos Capitanes, y Pilotos por el Mar de el
Norte a buscar Paso a Oriente o vnion de Aquella Tierra
Asia desde el Ano de 1512, que Descubrio la Florida
Juan Poncede Leon hasta el de 1722; Escrito por Don
Gabriel de Cardenas z Cano. Square small folio, fresh
half red morocco gilt, edges gilt Madrid, 1723
Very Rare. This chronological history oí Florida, under which
name the author comprises nearly the whole continent of America
north of Mexico, was severely criticised by Salazar in 1725. The name
on the title is an anagram of that of Don Andres Gonzales Barcia,
who deserved great praise for the pains he took in republishing the
best works on American history, many of which were already in his time
" presqu' introuvable."
The above was intended as a continuation of Garcilaso de la Vega's
" Florida del Inca."
36 [BARCIA.] Another copy of the same edition. Half sheep.
Madrid, 1723
37 [BARON.] History of the Colonization of the Free States
of Antiquity Applied to the Present Contest between
Great Britain and her American Colonies, with Reflections
concerning the Future Settlements of these Colonies. 4to,
half calf. London, T. Cadell, 1777
Rare. "By Mr. Baron. See Symonds' Remarks, etc., 1778."—
38 BARRANTES (Vicente). Catalogo Razonado y Critico de
los Libros Memorias y Papeles Impresos y Manuscritos,
que Tratan de las Provinciar de Extremadura, Asi Tocante
a su Historia, Religion y Geografía, como a sus Antique-
dades, Nobleza y Hombres Celebres. Large 8vo, half
morocco. Madrid, 1865
39 BARTOLOMEI (Girolamo). L"America, Poema Eroico.
Handsome engraved frontispiece. Large 4to, magnificently
bound by Niedree in crushed orange levant morocco,
elegant inside gold borders, edges gilt on marble.
Rome, Lodouico Grignani, 1650
Very Rare. This poem appears to be a sort of " Pilgrim's Pro
gress " in verse, the hero being Americus Vespucci. It consists of
forty cantos, each of more than a hundred stanzas.

40 Basterot (Viscomte de). De Quebec a Lima, Journal d'un

Voyage dans les Deux Ameriques en 1858 et en 1859.
Small 8vo, half calf. Paris, i860
41 BEAUCHAMP (Alphonse de). Histoire du Brésil depuis
sa Découverte en 1500 jusqu' en 1810, Contenant l'Origine
de la Monarchic Portugaise; le Tableau du Régne de ses
Rois et des Conquétes des Portugais dans l'Afrique et
dans l'Inde; la Découverte et la Description du Brésil; le
Denombrement, la Position et les Moeurs des Peuplades
Brasiliennes; l'Origine et les Progres des Etablissemens
Portugais; le Tableau des Guerres Successives, soit entre
les Naturels et les Portugais, soit entre ces Derniers et les
Differentes Nations de l'Europe qui ont Recherche a
s'Etablir au Brésil, enfin l'Histoire Civile, Politique et
Comerciale, les Revolutions et l'Etat Actuel de cette Vaste
Contrée. 2 fronts, and large folding map. 3 vols. 8vo,
half calf, gilt. Paris, 1815
Scarce. Stamped on the titles with the library mark of the
" Biblioteca Arozarena."
42 BEAUCHAMP. Histoire de la Conquéte et des Revolu
tions du Pérou. With portraits of Pizarro and Manco
Inca. 2 vols. in 1. Small 8vo, half sheep, gilt.
Paris, 1808
Scarce. Stamped on titles with mark of " Biblioteca Arozarena."
43 BELENA (Benturo Eusebio). Recopilacion Sumaria de
Todos los Autos Acordados de la Real Audiencia y Sala
del Crimen de Esta Nueva Espana y Providencias de su
Superior Gobierno de Varias Reales Cedulas y Ordenes
que despues de Publicada la Recopilacion de Indias han
Podido Recogerse asi de las Dirigidas a la Mismas Audi
encia o Gobierno, Como de Algunas Otras que por sus
Notables Decisiones Covendra no Ignorar. Fine portraits
of two of the Condes de Galves. 2 vols, small folio, mot
tled sheep, red edges. Mexico, 1787
Rare and good copy of this important work on the laws of New
44 Bellamare (L. de, Gabriel Ferry.). Voyage et Aventures
au Mexique. Small 8vo, half morocco, gilt Paris, 1847

45 BERJEAU (J. Ph.). Bibliophile Illustre, Texte et Gra-

vures par Berjeau avec la Collaboration de Paul
Lacroix (" Bibliophile Jacob "), G. Brunet, J. W. Hol-
trop, J. B. Inglis, A. Bernard, O. Delepierre et autres.
Illustrated with numerous facsimiles, woodcuts, etc. Large
8vo, half red morocco, top edge gilt, others uncut, with
the covers bound in. Paris, 1861-62
46 BERJEAU. The Bookworm, January, 1866, to May, 1869,
inclusive. Profusely illustrated with facsimiles, wood block
cuts, printer's marks, etc. Together 17 pieces, i. e., 2
large 8vo vols. in half red morocco, and 15 parts sewed.
London, 1866-69
47 [BERQUIN.] Vue de la Colonie Espagnole du Mississippi
ou des Provinces de Louisiane et Floride Occidentale par
"un Observateur Resident sur Les Lieux." B . . . .-
Duvallon, Editeur. 2 colored maps. Small 8vo, half
morocco, gilt. Paris, 1803
Scarce. Republished in 1804, with a new title-page and the name
" Berquin-Duvallon."
48 Biart (Lucien). Terre Chaude, Scenes des Mceurs Mexi-
caines. Small 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1862
49 BIBLIA en Lengua Espanola Tradjuzida por Palabra
dela Verdad Hebrayca por muy Excelentea Letra dos
Vista y Examinada por el Officio dela Inquisicion.
Large 4to, vellum, gilt edges. * Ferrera, 1553
Black Letter and Excessively Rare. With handsome woodcut
title in fac-simile, also back of the same being dedication to the Duke of
Ferrera signed by Jeronimo de Vargas Huarte Final. It wants leaf of
register and subscription at end, also two leaves " Table de las Haph-
taroth," stated by Brunet to be wanting in copies mentioned by him,
but which was in the MacCarthy copy on large paper.
Every page of this handsome Bible is carefully ruled in carmine ink,
and the woodcut initial letters are admirable examples.
Destinee a Faciliter la Recherche des Livres Anonymes
qui ont etes Annonces par M. de Bure le Jeune dans sa
Bibliographic Instructive et dans le Catalogue de M.

Gaignat et a Suppleer a tout ce qui a et6 omis dans les

Tables de ces Deux Ouvrages. Small 8vo, mottled calf,
gilt (binding damaged). Paris, 1782
This is the rare tenth or supplementary volume to De Bure's work.
51 BIBLIOGRAPHIE des Ouvrages Relatifs A l'Amour, Aux
Femmes au Mariage, Contenant Les Titres Detailles de
Ces Ouvrages, les Noms des Auteurs, un Apercu de Leur
Sujet, Leur Valeur et leur Prix dans les Ventes, l'Indica-
tion de ceux qui ont ete Poursuivis ou qui ont Subi des
Condamnations, etc., par M. de C. d'L .... 8vo, half
morocco gilt (foxed). Paris, 1864
Scarce bibliography of erotica.
52 Bibliophile Belge (Le), Portraits on India paper offamous
bibliophiles and printers, also facsimiles. Vols. 1 to 10 in
clusive. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Brussels, 1845-54
53 BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA, or a Chronological Cata
logue of the Most Curious and Interesting Books, Pam
phlets, State Papers, etc., upon the Subject of North and
South America from the Earliest Period to the Present, in
Print and Manuscript; for which Research has been made
in the British Museum and the most celebrated Public and
Private Libraries, Reviews, Catalogues, etc. With an
Introductory Discourse on the Present State of Literature
in those Countries. Thick 4to, old half calf, interleaved
and totally uncut. London, 1789
Rich quotes:— " This elaborate composition, we are informed, was
undertaken in London, preparatory to a new history of America, by a
gentleman resident on that continent. As a catalogue, no more can be
said than that it is a curiosity, and required much patient labor to
form it."
54 BIRBECK (Morris). Letters from Illinois; also Birbeck's
Notes on a Journey in America from the Coast of Vir
ginia to the Territory of Illinois, with Proposals for the
Establishment of a Colony of English. Folding map. 2
vols. in r. 8vo, calf, gilt Dublin, 1818
' ' He has certainly made an excellent volume on the condition and
prospects of that country (America) and one, which in our opinion
claims the superiority over any other that has been issued."—

55 Boletin de Bouquiniste. Jan. i, 1863, to Dec. 15, 1867,

inclusive (*. e., numbers 145-264); 10 vols. (t. e., Vols. 13
to 22 inclusive). 8vo, half green morocco.
Paris, Aubry, 1863-67
56 BOLLAERT (William). Antiquarian, Ethnological and
other Researches in New Granada, Ecuador, Peru and
Chile, with Observations on the Pre-Incarial, Incarial and
other Monuments of Peruvian History. Plates of American
antiquities, etc. 8vo, totally uncut. London, i860
57 Bonnycastle (R. H.). Spanish America, or a Descriptive,
Historical and Geographical Account of the Dominions of
Spain in the Western Hemisphere, Continental and Insular.
With maps and engraving of mountain altitudes. 2 vols.
8vo, half calf. London, 18 18
58 BOOTH (David). Analytical Dictionary of the English
Language. 4to, half sheep. London, 1836
cisco). Nuevo Mundo, Poema Heroyco con las Alegorias
de Don Pedro Castro, Cavallero Andaluz. Small 4to,
mottled calf. Rare. Barcelona, 1701
60 Boyer. Nouveau Dictionnaire. Thick 8vo, sheep.
61 BRASSEUR DE BOURBOURG (L'Abb<§). Histoire des
Nations Civilisees du Mexique et de l'Amérique Centrale
durant les Siecles Anterieurs a Christophe Colomb ;
Ecrite sur des Documents Originaux et Entierement Inedits
Puis^s aux Anciennes Archives des Indigenes. Map. 4
vols. large 8vo, half red morocco, gilt (some pages foxed
slightly). Paris, 1857-59
Rare. It is very difficult to assign the place which this extraor
dinary man will occupy in the annals of science, for his works are to
day nearly as great mysteries as the hieroglyphs his labors have illus
trated. His industry in his researches into the history of the Aztec
races is something not less than marvelous. Following his vocation as
a priest and missionary, his literary appetite could only be allayed by
writing a history of Canada, and perhaps the most unfortunate event
for his fame which could possibly have happened was that it was
printed. It did not escape the notice of historical students that the
Abbe had accepted so much that was apocryphal that his history was
little better than a romance.
When, therefore, he had, with heroic sacrifice of all personal ease,
accepted the life of self-immolation of a missionary to the Indians of

Mexico; had studied for years the relics of Aztec picture writing; had
learned and systematized in great treatises their modern dialects—the
immense works which he then printed upon the history of the pre-
Cortesian races, made scarcely a ripple on the quiet of the scientific
world. He stands alone in the vast temple of learning which he has
restored, if he did not erect. No human being can contest his solu
tion of Aztec pictographs, nor does there exist one who can prove it to
be true. His numerous volumes have at least this merit—they have
done much to perpetuate the memory of a wonderful race.
62 BRASSEUR DE BOURBOURG. S'il Existe des Sources
de l'Histoire Primitive du Mexique dans les Monumens
Egyptiens et de l'Histoire Primitive de l'Ancien Monde
dans les Monumens Américains. 8vo, half morocco gilt,
top edge gilt (foxed). Paris, 1864
63 BRICENO (Manuel). Los Comuneros Historia de la Insur-
reccion de 1781. Portrait (t/Berbeo, Capitan General
of the Communists. 8vo, sheep, gilt. Bogota, 1880
64 Briceno. Centenario de los Comuneros, Texto Extractado
del " Libro de los Comuneros." With numerous illustra
tions, portraits, etc. Large 4to, cloth. Bogota, 1881
/{.^^ 65 BROGKHAUS (F. A.). Bibliothèque Américaine, Cata
logue Raisonné d'une Collection de Livres Précieux sur
l'Amérique, Parus depuis sa Découverte jusqu'à l'An 1700.
8vo, half green morocco, top edge gilt. Leipsic, 1861
Scarce. With Brockhaus's prices printed at the end.
66 Brown (J.). History of the Present Condition of St.
Domingo. 2 vols. small 8vo, cloth Phila., 1837
67 BRUNET(G ). Imprimeurs Imaginaires et Libraires Sup
posés; Etude Bibliographique suivi de Recherches sur
Quelques Ouvrages Imprimés avec des Indications Fic
tives de Lieux ou avec des Dates Singulières. 8vo, half
green morocco, top edge gilt. Paris, 1866
Scarce. Printed on heavy toned paper.
68 Bulletin de Bibliophile et du Bibliothécaire, Publié par
J. Techener for the years 1863-66 inclusive. 6 vols. 8vo,
half green roan. Paris, 1863-66
69 BURGES (Sir James Bland, Bart). Birth and Triumph of
Love, a Poem. Illustrated with portrait and charming
plates engraved by P. W. Tompkins, from the designs of the
Princess Elizabeth, daughter of George the Third.

Large 4to, fine old crinkled red morocco gilt, inside gold
borders, gilt edges. London, 1796
Scarce and printed on thick paper.
70 BURNEY (James). History of the Buccaneers of America.
Maps. Large 4to, half calf, gilt. London, 1816
' ' Burney's is a masterly digest .... displaying a rare union of nau
tical skill and literary research."—Quarterly Review.
71 Burton (John Hill). The Book Hunter, etc., with Addi
tional Notes by Richard Grant White. Small 8vo,
cloth, top edge gilt. N. Y., 1863

ABOT (Sebastian). Memoir of, with a Review of

the History of Maritime Discovery Illustrated by
Documents from the Rolls now First Published.
8vo, cloth, uncut (foxed andk cover loose).
London, 1831
73 CALANCHA (Antonio de la). Corqnica Moralizada del
Orden de San Avgvstin en el Perv, con Svcesos Egenplares
en esta Monarqvia. Engraved half-title andplate [both cut
and mounted}. Thick small folio, calf, gilt (stained some
what). Barcelona, Pedro Lacavalleria, 1638
Very Rare. The second volume of this important work was printed
at Lima in 1653, but was never published.
' ' Very curious account of the foundation of churches and religious
houses in Peru by the Augustin Order, has seldom occurred for sale.
Mr. Heber's copy sold for £3 3s.; Puttick's i860 for £2; Leclerc's
No. 249 for 126 francs. For a Latin version see Brulius."—Sabin.
74 CALLOT (Jacques). Original Etchings of, bound up and
mounted to large folio, fine old turkey morocco, elegant,
inside gold borders. Florence and Paris, 1616, '33, '35, etc.
Very Rare. This grand volume includes—" Les Miseres et les
Malhevrs de la Gverre Representez par Iacqves Callot Noble Lorrain et
Mis en Lumiere par Israel son Amy A Paris 1633 Auec Priuilege du
Roy," 18 etchings. Then follow twelve etchings described by
Spooner as— "Ladies and Gentlemen in the Dresses of the Mode ";
twenty-five etchings, the first of which bears the title— " Capitano de
Baroni Iacomo Callot in. et fe. I Siluestre ex cum priuil. Regis.";
nineteen etchings—"Varie Figvre Gobbi di Iacopo Callot Fatto in
Firenza lanno 1616. I Siluestre ex. cum priuil. Regis Excudit Nancejj.";
fourteen etchings—" Les Fantaisies de Noble I. Callot misesen lumiere

par Israel son Amy et dédiées à Monseigneur Iean Lovis de Bavffre-

mont, Comte de Randan, Baron du Luguet, 1635, Cum Priuilegie Reg.
Israel excu."; and thirteen etchings of " Exercises Militaires fait par
Noble I. Callot, mis en lumière par Israel son Amy et Dediez à Mon-
seignevr Clavde Charles de Bavffremont, Marqvis de Senecey; Gouuer-
neur des Ville et Chasteau dAuxonne et de Mascon, et Lieutenant
Général pour le Roy au pais de Masconn. Cum Priuilegie Reg. Israel
excu. 1635."
Spooner says of Callot:—" The fertility of his invention was won
derful and his style was remarkably varied. He frequently made several
designs for the same plate before he was satisfied, and Watelet says
that he saw four different drawings by him for the celebrated ' Tempta
tion of St. Anthony.' His drawings are greatly admired and are even
more spirited than his prints. Heinecken gives a full list of the plates
of this indefatigable artist; they amount to over fifteen hundred."
75 CALUETE DE ESTRELLA (Iuan Christobal). El Feli-
cissimo Viaie del Mvy Alto y Mvy Poderoso Principi Don
Phelippe Hijo d'el Emperador Don Carlos Quinto
Maximo, desde Espana a sus Tierras de la Baxa Alemana:
con la Descripcion de todos los Estados de Brabante y
Flandes. Escrito en quatro Libros. Coat-of-arms on title
andprinter's mark on last page. Thick small folio, vellum
(title mended and some pages stained).
Anvers, Martin Nucio, 1552
Rare. " Ouvrrage rare et curieux. Guichardin s'en est beaucoup
servi pour sa Description des Pays-Bas."—Brunet.
76 Camba (General). Memorias para la Historia de las Armas
Espanolas en el Peru. Map, 2 vols. in 1. Large 8vo,
mottled sheep. Madrid, 1846
Presentation copy to Sefior Manuel Del Monte, with autograph of
the author on back of title.
77 CAMUS (A. G.). Mémoire sur la Collection des Grands
et Petits Voyages et sur la Collection des Voyages du
Melchisedech Thevenot. 4to, half calf. Paris, 1802
Scarce. Printed at the expense of the French Institute.
78 Cancelada (J. L.). El Telegrafo Mexicano. 2 vols. in 1.
4to, half sheep. Cadiz and Madrid, 1813-21
79 Capmany (A. de). Diccionario Frances-Espanol. Small
8vo, mottled sheep.
80 [CARLI (Gian Rinaldo, Conte).] Delle Lettere Americane.
Vignettes on engraved titles. 2 vols. small 4to, mottled
sheep, red edges. Florence, 1780
Very Scarce. " These letters originated in a correspondence of

Carli, with his cousin, the Marquis Gravisi, in 1777 and 1779. In the
first part, the author describes the manners and customs of the Ameri
cans before their country was discovered by the Europeans. He re
futes on every point the paradoxes of De Pauw. The second part is
hypothetical, its object being to discover at what epoch the people of
the Atlantide, that large continent which has disappeared in some
general commotion of the globe, might have had communication with
America on one side and with Europe on the other, which would
alone explain the resemblance of certain ancient civil and religious
customs and traditions common to the two continents."— Ginguenee.
81 Caro (Rodrigo). Antigvedades y Principado de la Illvstris-
sima Civdad de Sevilla y Chorographia de sv Convento
Ivridico o Antigva Chancilleria. Coat-of-arms on title.
4to, old calf. Seville, 1634
Rare. With the heraldic book-plate inserted of Sir Paul Methuen,
and manuscript inscription on title, showing that the volume was a
present to a former owner from Charles, Earl of Carnarvon.
82 CARRANZA (Alonzo). El Aivstamieto I Proporcion de
las Monedas de Oro, Plata I Cobre, I La Redvccion des-
tos Metales a sv Debida Estimacion son Regalia Singvlar
Del Rei de Espana I Re de las Indias, Nvestro Senor qve
lo es del oro I Plata del Orbe. Small 4to, half calf.
Rare. Madrid, 1629
83 CARTIER. Voyage de Jaqves Cartier av Canada en
1534. Nouvelle Edition Publiée d'apres l'Edition de 1598
et d'apres Ramusio, par M. H. Michelant avec deux
Cartes; Documents Inedits sur Jaques Cartier et le
Canada, Communiques par M. Alfred Rame. With fac
simile and folded plans of New France, Labrador and
Hochelega. 2 vols. in 1. Small 8vo, half crushed levant
morocco, top edge gilt, others uncut. Paris, 1865
Limited Edition, printed on Whatman paper by Jouaust.
84 CASIRI (Michael). Bibliotheca Arabico-Hispana Escuria-
lensis sive Librorum Omnium MSS. quos Arabice ab
Auctoribus Magnam Partem Arabo-Hispanis Compositos
Bibliotheca Coenobii Escurialensis Complectitur Recensio
et Explanatio. 2 vols. large 4to, old half russia.
Madrid, 1760-70
Very Scarce. Brunet says:—"Ce catalogue fait avec soin a ete
tire a un petit nombre d'exemplaires," and quotes the La Valliere copy
having sold for one hundred and fifty-four francs.

85 CASTRO (Joseph Rodriguez de). Biblioteca Espanola que

Contiene la Noticia de los Escritores, Rabinos Espanoles
desde la Epoca Conocida de su Literatura hasta el Pre
sente y los Escritores Gentiles Espanoles y de los Cris
tianos hasta Fines del Siglo XIII. de la Iglesia. 2 vols.
small folio, old mottled sheep gilt, marbled edges.
Very Scarce. Madrid, 1781-86
86 CAULIN (Antonio). Historia Corographica Natural y
Evangelica de la Nueva Andalucia Provincias de Cumana
Guayana y Vertientes del Rio Orinoco Dedicada al Rei
N. S. D. Carlos III., por el M. R. P. Fr. Antonio Cau-
lin dos Vezes Prov. de los Observantes de Granada Dada
aluz de Orden y a Expens de S. M. Ano de 1779. Beauti
fully engraved title, large folded map and three plates. Small
folio, elegantly bound by Niedrée, in crushed blue levant
morocco extra gilt, inside gold borders, edges gilt on
marble. (Madrid), 1779
Magnificent Copy of this Rare Work written by Father Antonio
Caulin, who was for several years a missionary in the countries which
he describes. The plates represent the " Martyrdom of Father Andre
Lopez," and of Nicolas Gervaise de Labride, priest of the diocese of
Lyons, who was made a Bishop by Benedict XIII., and was murdered
by the Caribs, with his chaplain and others.
87 CEPEDA (Fernando de). Relacion Vniversal Legitima y
Verdadera del Sitio en Qveesta Fvndada la muy Noble,
insigne y muy leal Ciudad de Mexico Cabeca de las Pro
vincias de Toda la Nueva Espana. Lagunas, Rios y
Montes que la cinan y rodean. Calcadas que las dibiden.
Y Azequias que la atrauiesan. Ynundaciones que a Pade
cido desde su Gentilidad. Remedios Aplicados Desagues
Propuestos y Emprendidos Origen y Fabrica del Gue-
guetoca, y Estado en que hoy se Halla Ympociones, Der
ramas y gastos que se an hecho Forma con que se a Auc-
tuado desde el Ano de 1553, hasta el Presente de 1637. 3
coats-of-arms on the title. Large 4to, elegantly bound by
Bozerian in crinkled morocco gilt, edges gilt.
Mexico, Francisco Salvago, 1637
Very Rare. From the " Biblioteca Arozarena." On a fly-leaf is

the autograph MS.— "Collationné\ Complet. le 8 Juillet, 1825 J. J. de

Bure 1' ainé."
Rich says—" This very rare book contains an official account of the
celebrated Desagüe or canal of Gueguetoca, called by Humboldt Hue-
huetoca, which was constructed to carry off the superabundant waters
of the lake of Mexico. Humboldt gives a full account of this stupen
dous undertaking."
Bound up with the above eccentrically paginated book and also
printed in Mexico is ' ' Impressa y Publicada esta Relacion en 7 de
Abril deste Ano se presento contre ella por parte de Don Antonio
Vrrutia de Vergera ante el Senor Virrey vna Peticio de Addiciones Pre
tendiendo no Auerse Hecho con el ajustamiento que se Deuia, etc. "
88 CESPEDES. Regimiento de Navegacion Mando Haser El
Rei Nvestro Senor por Orden de sv Conseio Real de las
Indias Andres Garcia de Cespedes sv Cosmografo
Major Siendo Presidente e nel Dicho Consejo el Conde
de Lemos. Engraved title, cuts and tables. Small folio,
bound by Niedree in crushed green levant morocco gilt,
inside gold borders, edges gilt on marble.
Madrid, Juan de la Cuesta, 1606
Very Rare. The second part of this work contains some curious
documents relating to the dispute with Portugal about the line of
demarcation of the Spanish and Portugeese dominions in America which
was a subject of dispute between the two nations for more than two
hundred years.
Bound up with the above is another nautical treatise in Spanish, of
twenty-four leaves, also the very rare " Ordenanzas Reales para la
Casa de la Contratacion de Sevilla y para Otras Cosas de las Indias, y
de la Navegacion y Contractacion de Ellas."
89 CESPEDES. Regimiento de Navegacion. Engraved title,
cuts, initial letters, etc. Small folio, mottled sheep gilt.
Madrid, luan de la Cuesta, 1606
Very Rare. "Chapter XXII. relates to the Voyages to the West
Indies. See Brunet, 1756. The second part is entitled ' Hydrogra-
phia y Theoria de Planetas,' and includes a guide to the navigation in
the West Indies Maisonneuve's copy sold in 1867 for
no francs."—Sabin.
90 CHAMBERLAIN (J.). Noticia de la Gran Bretana con
Relacion a su Estado Antiguo y Presente. 4to, calf gilt,
red edges. Madrid, Ibarra, 1767
Translated into Spanish by Don Nicolas de Ribera.


91 CHARLEVOIX—Histoire de PIsle ou Espagnole ou de S.
Dominique, Ecrite Particulierment sur des Mémoires man
uscrits du P. Jean-Baptiste le Pers, Jesuite, Missionaire
à Saint Dominique et par les Pieces Originales qui se con
servent au Depot de la Marine, Par Père Pierre Francois
Xavier de Charlevoix de la Compagnie de Jesus. With
maps, plans and vignettes. 2 vols. 4to, half calf (binding
damaged). Paris, 1730-31
Good copy of this elegant history of Hayti, with brilliant impres
sions of the vignettes.
The extraordinary man who was the author of these volumes left no
subject relating to the history of the affairs of his wonderful Order in
America untouched, and as the missions of the Company among the
Indians were the principal purpose of the Fathers in both Americas,
the curiosity of Charlevoix permeated every accessible square mile of
their surface to learn the habits, the customs, and the secrets of the life
of the strange people, his brethren sought to subdue to the influence
of the Cross. Father Charlevoix accomplished results in his investi
gations which seem marvelous to us in the vast accumulation of facts
which his pen has illustrated.
92 CHARLEVOIX. Histoire du Paraguay. Maps. 6 vols.
small 8vo, mottled calf gilt, red edges.
Paris, Ganeau, Bauche et D 'Houry, 1757
Rare. There are copies with the imprint "Paris, Chez Desaint,
MDCCLVII." This is the most complete and satisfactory work on
Paraguay and the only one in which the vast system of the Jesuits is
developed. The position of the author afforded him peculiar oppor
tunities for its examination.
93 CHARLEVOIX. Histoire du Japon ou l'on Trouvera tout
ce qu'on a pu Apprendre de la Nature et des Productions
du Pays, du Caractère et des Coutumes des Habitants, du
Gouvernement et du Commerce, des Revolutions Arrivées
dans 1' Empire et dans la Religion et l'Examen de tous
les Auteurs qui ont écrit sur le même Sujet, Nouvelle Edi
tion, Revue, Corrigée, Augmentée et mise dans un Nouvel
Ordre par l'Auteur. Maps and plates. 6 vols. small 8vo,
calf gilt, marbled edges. Paris, 1754
Rare. One of the best accounts of Japan and the Japanese people
and including numerous historical particulars made use of by later
authors without acknowledgment.


94 CHARNAY (Desire). Cités et Ruines Americaines, Mitla,
Palenque, Izamal, Chichen-Itza, Uxmal, Recueillies et
Photographiées par Charnay avec une Texte par M.
Viollet Le Due Architecte du Gouvernement, suivi
du Voyage et des Documents de 1'Auteur, cuts, large
8vo; also, separate square máximo volume of photographic
illustrations, taken on the spot, of the ruins of the most im
portant ancient American palaces and buildings erected
before the Spanish Conquest. Together 2 vols. Uniform
half red morocco, top edges gilt (binding of one vol.
damaged). Paris, 1863
Very Scarce and dedicated to Napoleon III. This magnificent
archaeological work contains 49 large photographs, of which one mount
is torn. They comprise Aztec Calendar in the city of Mexico, seven
teen photographs from Mitla in the State of Oaxaca ; four, of Palenque
in Chiapa; three, of Izamal in Yucatan; nine, of Chichen-Itza in Yuca
tan; and fifteen of Uxmal, Yucatan.
95 Chauteaubriand (Vicomte de). Vie de Rance. 8vo,
half calf. Paris, n. d.
96 CHAVES (Hieronymo de). Chronographia o Reportorio
de los Tiempos, el mas Copioso y Preciso que hasta ahora
ha Salido a Luz. Portrait on tille. Small 4to, vellum, red
edges (MS. name on title). Seville, 1572
Rare. The author is described on the title as ' ' Astrologo y Cos-
mographo." The work is full of astrological cuts, and the last page
has a part of the index of ' ' Islas y Lvgares de las Indias de Occi
dente" supplied in MS.
97 Cherbuliez (J.). Revue Critique de Livres Nouveaux for
the Years 1864 and '65. 2 vols. 8vo, half sheep.
Paris, 1864-65
98 CIEZA.—Parte Primera de la Chronica del Peru que Trata
la Demarcacion de sus Provincias, la Descripcion dellas:
las Fundaciones de las Nuevas Ciudades: los Ritos y Cos
tumbres de los Indios y Otras Cosas Estranas Dignas de
Sabidas Fecha por Pedro de Cieca de Leon, Vezino
de Seuilla, 1553. Con Priuillegio Real. Handsome rubri

cated title with coat-of-arms and border, also numerous

curious woodcuts and charming initial letters. Small folio,
crushed red levant morocco, elegant inside gold borders,
rounded corners, gilt edges.
Seville, Martin D. Montes Doca, 1553
Black Letter and Excessively Rare. With MS. name of
former owner, 1554 on title, also library stamp of " Biblioteca Aroza-
Only the first part of this "Peruvian Chronicle" was ever pub
lished. Rich says: " The second and third parts in MS. were seen in
Madrid some years ago, but it is not known what became of them."
" It is written with so little art and such an apparent regard for
truth that one must regret the loss of the other part of his work."—
" The manuscript of the third part is now in Mr. Lennox's col
lection. Mr. Prescott bestows much praise on this work, and Mr. C.
R. Markham characterizes it as ' one of the most remarkable literary
productions of the age of the Spanish conquest in America.' It is,
in fact, the only book which exhibits ' the physical aspect of the
country as it existed under the elaborate culture of the Incas. '—
Prescott, II., 328. As long ago as 1835 Mr. Rich priced this at
£$ 5s. It would probably sell for five times the price now (1870).
In a Catalogue of Puttick and Simpson for i860 an edition is described
as ' Anvers en Casa de Juan Steelsio, 1553,' which is probably the
same as described in our note to No. 13,046."—Sabin.
" Pedro Cieza de Leon naquit en 1518, il passa dix-neuf ans de 1531
à 1550 dans l'Amérique et publia, comme resultat de ses etudes et
recherches faites sur les lieux mêmes, sa Chronique du Pérou qui a
longtemps servi comme principale source des connaissance sur ce pays.
Malheureusement la première parti seule a paru, mais malgré cette
circonstance, l'ouvrage de Cieza comptera toujours parmi les plus
importantes et les plus curieuses publications sur l'Amérique. La pre
mière édition de la ' Primera Parte ' parut à Seville en 1553 (Ternaux,
No. 60 ; Rich, No. 24),deux réimpressions en furent faites à Anvers en
1554. Enrique de Vedia dans le second volume de sa collection
(intitulée * Historiadores Primitivos de Indias,' Madrid, 1853) en
donna la dernière edition. Le manuscrit de la troisième partie passa
en 1849 des mains de M. Rich à Londres dans la collection de M.
Lennox à New York. C'est tout qu'on a pu decouvrir des trois parties
inédites de la ' Chronique du Perou. ' "—Paul Tromel.
99 CLAVIJO.—Historia del Gran Tamorlan e Itinerario y
Eneraccion del Viage y Relacion de la Embaxada que
Ruy Goncalez de Clavijo le hizo por Mandado del
Muy Poderoso Senor Rey Don Henrique el Tercero de
Castilla y vn Breve Discvrso Fecho por Goncalo Argote

de Molina, para Mayor Inteligencia deste Libro. Large

4to, calf gilt, edges gilt. Seville, 1582
Very Rare, and with the library stamp of the " Biblioteca Aro-
zarena." Brunet quotes the Quatremerre copy at 210 francs, the
Walcknaer at 150 francs, and says : " L'auteur de cet ouvrage, devenu
rare, est Ruy Gonzales de Clavijo lui méme qui mourut en ambassade
prés de Tamerlan. Argote n'en a été que l'éditeur. Ce volume est
de 68 ff. d'intitule et de pieces preliminaires du nombre desquelles est
la vie de Tamerlan par Pierre Messie et une autre vie du méme, trad,
du Paul Jove par Gaspar de Baeca."
100 CLEMENT (David). Bibliothèque Curieuse Historique et
Critique ou Catalogue Raisonné de Livres Difficles a
Trouver. 9 vols. in 5 (A—Hes). 4to, bound by Niedrée
in Spanish calf gilt. Gottingen and Leipsic, 1750-60
Very Rare and all published. The Renouard copy was priced
¿21 in the Payne and Foss Catalogue, 1837.
101 Coimbra.—Estatutos da Universidade de, Livros II. y III.
2 vols. small 8vo, mottled sheep, gilt. Lisbon, 1773
102 COLECION GENERAL de Documentos Tocantes a la
Persecucion que los Regulares de la Compania Suscitaron
y Siguieron Tenazmente por Medio de sus Jueces Con
servadores, y Ganado Algunos Ministros Seculares desde
1644 hasta 1660 contra el Illmo. Yrmo. Sr. Fr. D. Ber
nardino de Cardenas Religioso antes del Orden de S.
Francisco, Obispo del Paraguay Expelendole tres Veces
de su Obispado a Fuerza de Armas y de Manejos de
Dichos Regulares, de la Compania, por Evitar que este
Prelado Entrase ni Visitase sus Missiones del Parana,
Uruguay e Itali, van Anadidos en esta Edicion muchos
Documentos Ineditos y un Prologo que Sirve de Introduc
cion. 4 vols. 4to, limp vellum (one cover loose).
Madrid, 1768-70
Rare. This curious collection contains most important informa
tion relating to the expulsion of the Jesuits from Paraguay. The
third volume contains, as the sub-title states—" El Reyno Jesuitico
del Paraguay por Siglo y Medio Negado y Oculto, hoy Demostrado y
Descubierto su Autor D. Bernardo Ibanez de Echavarri Va anidido
el Diario de la Guerra de los Guaranies Escrito por el P. Tadeo
Henis," and the fourth—" Los Sucesos Tocantes a la Segunda Epoca
de las Conmociones de los Regulares de la Compania en el Paraguay
y Senaladamente la Persecucion que hicieron a Don Joseph de Ante
quera y Castro va Anadido en esta Edicion el Informe de Don Mathias
Angles y Gortari."

103 COLECCION GENERAL de las Providencias Hasta Aqui

Tomadas por el Gobierno sobre el Estranimiento y Ocu-
pacion de Temporlidades de los Regulares de la Compania
que Existian en los Dominios de S. M. de Espana, Indias
e Islas Filipinas a Consequenci del Real Decreto de 27 de
Febrero y Pragmatica Sanction del 2 de Abril de este
Ano. 4 parts in 1 vol. 4to, calf. Madrid, 1767-1774
This Collection of Decrees relating to the expulsion of the Jesuits
is rare.
104 Coleccion General; the First Series of preceding lot but
another edition. 4to, old sheep. Madrid, 1767
105 COLETI (Giandomenico, S. J.). Dizionario Storico—Geo-
grafico dell' America Meridionale. 2 vols. in 1. 4to, old
mottled calf gilt, red edges. Venice, 1771
Very Scarce. The author was many years employed in South
America as a missionary. The principal merit of his work consists in
being almost entirely the result of personal observation, or of informa
tion procured on the spot.
106 COLLIN de PLANCY (J.). Dictionnaire Infernal Reper
toire Universel des Etres, des Personnages, des Livres,
des Faits et des Choses qui Tiennent Aux Apparitions)
aux Divinations, a la Magie, au Commerce de I'Enfer,
aux Demons, aux Sorciers, aux Sciences Occultes, aux
Grimoires, a la Cabale, aux Esprits Elementairs, au
Grand GSuvre, aux Prodiges, aux Erreurs et aux Pré-
juges, aux Impostures, aux Arts des Bohemiens, aux
Superstitions Diverses, aux Contes Populaires, aux Prog
nostics, et Generalement a toutes les Fausses Croyances,
Merveilleuses, Surprenantes, Mysterieuses ou Surnaturelles,
etc. Large 8vo, half morocco. Brussels, 1845
This edition of the Infernal Dictionary was approved of by the
Archbishop of Paris.
107 COLMENARES (Diego de). Historia de la Insigne Ciu-
dad de Segovia y Conpendio de las Historias de Castilla.
Engraved title with portrait by Diego de Astor. Large
4to, half calf, gilt (some pages mended) Madrid, 1640
Very Rare, with occasional marginalia.
108 COLTON (George W.). Atlas of the World. Illustrating
Physical and Political Geography Accompanied by De
scriptions Geographical, Statistical and Historical by


R. S. Fisher. Colored maps with engraved borders. 2

vols. in 1. Square large folio, morocco, beveled sides,
gilt edges. N. Y., 1859
109 COLUMBUS. —Memorial Ajustado hecho de Orden del
Real y Supremo Consejo de Indias con Citacion y Asist
encia de las Partes en el Pleyto que en Grado de Revista
se Sigue por el Senor Don Mariano Colon de Lar-
reategui, del Consejo de Castilla, Superintendente General
de Policia y Don Pasqual Benito Belbis de Moncada
Marques de Belgida y Villamayor; y por su Fallecimiento
Don Juan de la Cruz su Hijo con Don Jacobo Stuard
Colon de Portugal, Duque de Veragua, etc., Sobre la
Propriedad de Mayorazgo que Fundo D. Cristoval
Colon. With large folded tabulatedpedigree of the Dukes
of Veragua and their ancestor Christopher Columbus.
Large 4to, Spanish sheep, gilt. Madrid, 1788
"This volume of near eight hundred pages contains many interest
ing documents relating to Colon (Columbus) and a genealogical table
of his descendants. The date at the end is 1788."—Rich.
no COLUMBUS.—Codice Diplomatico Colombo-Americano
osia Raccolta i Documenti Originali e Inedi Spettanti a
Cristoforo Colombo alla Scoperta ed al Governo dell'
Ameria Pubblicato per Ordine degl' IIImi. Decurioni
della Citta di Genova. Portraits, plates and facsimiles.
4to, half calf, marbled edges. Genoa, 1823
A most important work on Christopher Columbus, with the Spanish
and Italian, or Latin and Italian texts, as the case may be, on opposite
in COLUMBUS. —Informe sobre los Retratos de Christobal
Colon su Trage y Escudo de Armas Leido a la Real
Academica de la Historia por su Autor Don Valentín
Carderera. Large 4to, boards. Madrid, 185 1
Scarce. Privately printed. With portrait and arms of Columbus.
Presentation copy from the author to Señor Domingo Del Monte and
autograph of the same on title.
112 COLUMBUS.—Christophe Colomb et la Découverte du
Nouveau Monde par M. Le Marquis de Belloy. With
etched portrait, numerous etched plates and many wood
engravings after the designs of Leopold Flameng. Large
4to, cloth, gilt edges (some pp. slightly foxed). Paris, n. d.

113 Compendio General de las Contribuciones y Gastos que

Ocasionan todos los Ejectos, Frutos, Caudales y Demas,
que se Trafican entre los Reynos de Castilla y America.
Small 4to, mottled sheep (some pp. stained). Cadiz, 1762
114 CORTES.—Correspondance de Fernand Cortes avec T
Empereur Charles Quint sur la Conquete du Mexique.
Traduite par M. le Vicomte de Flavigny. Front.
Small 8vo, half calf. Frankfort, 1779
Very Scarce. Translated from Lorenzana's edition of the " Let
ters of Cortes," printed at Mexico in 1770.
115 CORTINA.—Catalogos Librorum Doctoris D. Joah. Gomez
de la Cortina, March, de Morante qui in ^Edibus suis
Exstant. 8 vols. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt.
Madrid, 1854-62
Rare. Presentation copy to the Duke de Rivas, with autograph
inscription on the half title. The 16, 148 numbers have the prices
attached, and at the end of the eighth volume is bound up— " Bio-
grafia de Juan Sobrarias."
116 Coubard-D'Aulnay (G. E.). Monographic du Cafe. Col
oredfront, of the coffee plant. 8vo, half calf.
Large Paper. Paris, 1843
117 [CREVECOEUR (J. Hector St. Jean de).] Voyage dans
la Haute Pensylvanie et dans l'Etat de New York par
" un Membre Adoptif de la Nation Oneida." Traduit et
public par l'Auteur des Lettres d' " un Cultivateur Amer-
icain.'' Maps and fine portrait of Washington by Tar-
dieu and Roger. 3 vols. small 8vo, half sheep, gilt
Patis, Crapelet, 1801
Scarce. " Mr. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur was a native of
Normandy who went to the British colonies at the age of sixteen and
became a naturalized American. Having established himself on a
farm near the frontiers of the colonies, he became one of the first
victims of the War of Independence, the Indian allies of Great Britain
setting fire to and destroying his estate. He wrote his letters during
the different epochs of the war in English. Returning afterwards to
France he translated them into French, in which language they were
I. Cronicas de los Reyes de Castilla, Don Pedro, Don
Enrique II., Don Juan I., Don Enrique III., por
D. Pedro Lopez de Ayala con las Emmiendas del
Secretario Geronimo Zurita y las Correcciones y Notas

ana didas por Don Eugenio de Llagundo Amirola.

Portraits. 2 vols.
II. Cronica de Don Pedro Nilo Conde de Buelna por
Gutierrez Diez de Games su Alferez la Publica Don
Eugenio de Llaguno Amirola; Historia del Gran
Tamorlan e Itinerario y Enarracion del Viage, y Re
lacion de la Embajada que Ruv Gonzalez de Clavijo;
Sumario de los Reyes de Espana por el Despensero
Mayor de la Reyna, Dona Leonor Muger del Rey
Don Juan el Primero de Castilla. 3 vols. in 1.
III. Memorias Historicas de la Vida y Acciones del Rey
D. Alonso el Noble, Octavo del Nombre Recogidas
por el Marques de Mondexar e Ilustradas con Notas
y Apendices por D. Francisco Cerda y Rico. Por
trait and tabulatedpedigree.
IV. Cronica de D. Alvaro de Luna, Condestable de los
Reynos de Castilla y de Leon, Maestre y Administrador
de la Orden y Caballeria de Santiago La Publica con
Varios Apendices Don Josef Miguel de Flores;
Seguro de Tordesillas Escribiole Don Pedro Fernan
dez de Velasco Llamado el Buen Conde de Haro.
2 vols. in i.
V. Cronica del Rey D. Enrique el Quarto de este
Nombre por su Capellan y Cronista Diego Enriquez
del Castillo. Segunda Edicion Corregida por D.
Josef Miguel de Flores; Coplas de Mingo Revulo
Compuestas por Rodrigo de Cota (el Tio), Natural de
la Ciudad de Toledo Glosadas por Hernando del
Pulgar. Portrait. 2 vols. in 1.
VI. Cronica de D. Alfonso el Onceno de este Nombre
de los Reyes que Reynaron en Castilla y en Leon
Segunda Edicion Conforme a un Antiguo MS. de la Real
Biblioteca del Escorial y Otro de la Mayansiana e Illus-
trada con Apendices y Varios Documentos por Don
Francisco Cerda y Rico, 1308-1350.
Together i i vols. in 7. 4to, uniform mottled sheep gilt,
marbled edges. Madrid, Antonio de Sancha, 1779-87
Rare. Complete collection of all the volumes published of these
important chronicles of the Kings of Spain. Brunet says that the
Labedoyére copy sold for 233 francs, and that this number is a—" Col
lection trés-importantc pour l'histoire d'Espagne. Elle est fort bien

119 CUADRO HISTORICO de la Revolucion de la America

Mexicano Comenzada en Quince de Septiembre de Mil
Ochocientos Diez por el Ciudadano Miguel Hidalgo y
Costilla, Dedicada al Ciudadano General Jose Maria
Morelos-su Autor Carlos Maria de Bustamante.
2 vols. in i. 4to, mottled sheep. Mexico, 1823-24
120 Cubero Sebastian (Pedro). Peregrinacio qve ha Hecho
de la Mayor Parte del Mundo. Small 4to, half calf (first
and last leaves mended, stained). Rare. Zaragoza, 1688

121 ft y x^t^flALLAS (R. C). History of the Maroons from

their Origin to the Establishment of their Chief
Tribe at Sierra Leone, Including the Expedi
tion to Cuba for the purpose of Procuring Chas
seurs, and the State of the Island of Jamaica. Engraved
fronts, and maps. 2 vols. 8vo, old half calf (foxed).
London, 1803
122 DALTON (H. G.). History of British Guiana, Comprising
a General History of the Colony, a Narrative of Some of
the Principal Events from the Earliest Period of Its Dis
covery to the Present Time; Together with an Account
of Its Climate, Geology, Staple Products and Natural
History. Map and plates [some torn). 2 vols, 8vo, fresh
half calf gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut. London, 1855
123 DANTE ALIGHIERI. L'Enfer. Illustrated with the
beautiful designs of Gustave Doré. Square folio (lacks
cover and title, also a few pages torn).
124 Darby (William). Memoir of the Geography and Natural
History of Florida, and an Appendix Containing the
Treaty of Cession and other Papers Relative to the Sub
ject. Folding map. Large 8vo, boards, uncut (foxed).
Phila., 182 1
125 Dauxion-Lavaysse (J. J.). Voyage aux Iles de Trinidad
de Tabago, de la Marguerite et dans Diverses Parties
de Venezuela dans TAmérique Meridionale. 2 vols. 8vo,
half morocco, totally uncut. Paris, 1813
From the " Biblioteca Arozerena," and so stamped on the titles.


126 Davila Padilla (Augustin). Historia de la Fundacion y
Discurso de la Provincia de Santiago de Mexico de la Orden
do Predicadores por las Vidas de sus Varones Insignes
y Cosas Notables de Nueva Espana Edicion Segunda.
Fine coat-of-arms on title. Thick small folio, mottled calf,
gilt Brusselas, en casa de Iuan de Meerbeque, 1625
Rare. The first edition printed at Madrid in 1596 is of extreme
rarity. Don Augustin Davila y Padilla was born in the city of
Mexico about 1562 and was a descendant of one of the first conquerors
of Mexico. He assumed the Habit of St. Dominic in 1579, was
named Archbishop of San Domingo in 1 599 and died in 1604. Ter-
nauxsays the above work is " compose sur des documents originaux
et qui offre plus d'interet que la plupart des ecrits de ce genre."
127 DAVILA PADILLA. Another copy of the same. Half
sheep (stained and lacks title)
128 Davila (Gil Gonzales). Teatro Eclesiastico de la Primitiva
Iglesia de las Indias Occidentales Vidas de svs Arzobispos,
Obispos, y Cosas Memorables de svs Sedes. With map
ofthe bishopric of Mechovacan, Mexico, also coats-of-arms of
American and West Indian ecclesiastical sees. 2 vols, large
4to, mottled sheep, gilt. Madrid, 1649-55
Very Rare. Sold in 1869 for 100 francs. It includes some valu
able Americaa Indian vocabularies and accounts of the first introduc
tion of arts and letters into the Spanish Americas.
" A very curious work containing an account of the first church
establishments in Spanish America; and as the cross kept pace with
the sword in the conquest of that country, it contains important
matter in regard to its early history."— Rich.
"Ouvrage très important contenant des documents précieux et
interessants sur les premiers temps de la fondation des colonies
Espagnoles dans les nouveau monde. Chaque volume renferne un
grand nombre de blason des villes, archeveques at eveques de l'Amér
ique. Entr'autres documents curieux, nous citons les suivants pris
dans le Vol. I, à l'article du diocese de Mexico. Davila nous apprend
(p. 7), que le premier catechisme imprimé en Mexicain, est celui
qu'ecrivit F. Juan Ramirez dominicain en 1537, depuis Eveque de
Guatemala. A la page 33, est un document précieux pour l'histoire
de l'imprimerie en l'Amérique ; nous le rapportons exactement : ' En
el ano de mil y quinientos y trienta y dos el Virrey Do. Antonio de
Mendoca lleuo la Imprenta a Mexico. El primer Impressor fue Juan
Pablos y el primer libro que se imprimio en el Nuevo Mundo fue el

que escriuio San Jvan Climaco, contitulo de Escala Espiritval pera

LLegar al Cielo Traducido de Latin en Castellano por el Venerable
Padre Fr. Jvan de la Madalena, Religioso Dominico (jusqu'a present
on en peut fixer avec certitude la date du premier Hvre imprimé en
Amérique. Ce doit etre cependant vers 1535). Nous voyons aussi
(p. 25) que le premier qui enseigna le Latin aux enfants Indiens dans
le College de Santa Cruz de Mexico etait un Franeais, nomme F.
Arnaldo Baso de l'ordre de S. Francisco, etc."—Leclerc.
128* De Coin (Robert L.). History and Cultivation of Cotton
and Tobacco. Folding map. Small 8vo, cloth, uncut
London, 1864
129 DEFENSA Y SATISFACCION que por la de su Obliga
cion y Honor Propio Expone yl Marques del R. L. Trans.
porte, Gese de Esquadra de la Real Armada y Coman
dante Principal de Todos los Battallones de Ella a los
Cargos que se le Han Formado en la Causa Mandada
Instruir en Virtud de Real Orden por la Junta de Generales
que S. M. se ha Dignado Nombrar para ello i Sobre la
Conducta que Tuvieron en la Defensa, Capitulacion,
Perdida y Rendicion de la Plaza de la Habana, y Esquadra
que se Hallaba en su Puerto. Small folio, red morocco,
gilt (binding slightly damaged) Havana, 1764
Rare. Stamped on the sides with royal arms of Spain
130 DELEPIERRE (Octave). Macaroneana Andra Overum
Nouveaux Mélanges de Littérature Macaronique. 4to,
half morocco, top edge gilt, Roxburghe style.
London, 1862
Limited Edition of 250 eopies only.
131 Delepierre. Analyse des Travaux de la Société des
Philobiblon de Londres. 4to, half morocco, top edge
gilt, others uncut London, 1862
Limited Edition of 300 copies only and dedicated to the Duke
132 Dembrowski (C). Deux Ans en Espagne et en Portugal
pendant la Guerre Civile 1838-40. 8vo, half calf.
Paris, 1 84 1
133 Denina (E., Abate). Oracion Apologetica por la Espana y
su Merito Literario. Small 8vo, limp vellum (title cut)

134 DEPONS (F.). Voyage a la Partie Orientale de la Terre

Firme dans l'Amerique Meridionale Fait pendant les
Annees 1801, 1802, 1803, and 1804. Map and plans. 3
vols, 8vo, boards uncut. Paris, i8c6
Scarce. From the " Biblioteca Arozarena." A part of this work
which was written by the aid of the French Government at Caraccas,
was translated by Washington Irving. It contains a description of
the territory under the jurisdiction of the Captain-General of Caraccas,
composed of the provinces of Venezuela, Maracaibo, Varinas, Spanish
Guiana, Cumanna and the Island of Margaretta and embracing every
thing relative to the discovery and conquest, topography, legislation,
commerce, finance, inhabitants and productions of the provinces, to
gether with a view of the manners, customs of the Spaniards and the
savage as well as civilized Indians.
135 Deville (Ch. Saint Claire). Recherches sur les Principaux
Phenomenes de Meteorologie et de Physique Terrestre
aux Antilles, Tome Premier. Large folded chart. 4to,
half calf Paris, i860
136 DIAZ DEL CASTILLO. Historia Verdadera de la Con-
qvista de la Nveva Espana, Escrita por el Capitan
Bernal Diaz del Castillo Vno de sus Conquistadores
Sacada a Luz por el P. M. Fr. Alonzo Remon, Predica-
dor y Coronista General del Ordende N. S. de la Merced,
Redencion de Cautiuos A la Catholica Magestad del
Mayor Monarca D. Filipe IV. Rey de las Espanos y
Nuevo Mundo N. S. Engraved title, with portrait of
Cortes, view of Mexico, etc. Large 4to, half mottled
sheep, gilt (title and some pages torn, also stained)
Madrid, 1632
Rare. There are at least two editions of this work in folio of the
same date, but one of them apparently about 1 700 . The above has an
additional chapter with the following note :—" This chapter which is
the last in the original was not printed on account of its appearing
useless, and is now added by desire of a lover of the integrity of the
Bernal Diaz del Castillo had been an adventurer in each of the expe
ditions to New Spain, and was the companion of Cortes in all his bat
tles and perils. When he found that neither himself nor many of his
fellow soldiers were once mentioned by Gomara, but that the fame of
all their exploits was ascribed to Cortes, the gallant old veteran laid

hold of his pen with indignation and composed his " True History."
It contains a prolix, minute and confused narrative of all Cortes' oper
ations in such a rude style as might be expected from an illiterate
scholar. But as he relates transactions of which he performed a con
siderable part, his account bears all the marks of authenticity and is
accompanied with such a pleasant naivete, with such interesting de
tails, with such amusing vanity and yet so pardonable in an old soldier
who had been, as he boasts, in one hundred and nineteen battles, as
renders his book one of the most singular that is to be found in any
137 DIBDIN (T. F.). The Library Companion; or, The Young
Man's Guide, and the Old Man's Comfort, in the Choice
of a Library. By the Rev. T. F. Dibdin. Thick 8vo,
half sprinkled calf. London, 1824
Original Edition, with the ' ' Breeches " story.
Lowndes says:—" This work contains much curious and important
bibliographical information not elsewhere to be found, and will at all
times be consulted, as a work of reference, by the Bibliographer, Bio
grapher and Historian. It is only the first portion; a second volume
was to have appeared. "
que se Explica el Verdadero Sentido de las Voces su
Naturaleza y Calidad con las Phrases o Modos de Hablar
los Proverbios o Refranes y Otras Cosas Convenientes al
uso de la Lengua Dedicado al Rey Nuestro Senor don
Phelipe V. (que Dios Guarde) a Cuyas Reales Expensas
se Hace esta Obra Compuesto por la Real Academia Es-
panola. 6 vols. folio, fine old mottled sheep gilt, citron
edges. Madrid, 1726-39
RARE and original unabridged edition of this famous dictionary of
the Spanish Academy, the only one which gives references and quota
tions in full, explanatory of the meaning, application and derivation of
the Spanish orthography.
The Salva copy sold for 14 guineas, the La Serna for 120 francs and
that of the Due de Plaisance for 196 francs. Brunet says :— " Ce
dictionnaire est tres recherche et les exemplaires en sont devenus rares.
On trouve au commencement du premier vol. une preface relative a la
composition de ce grande ouvrage, trois discours sur l'origine de la
langue Castillane, sur les etymologies et sur l'orthographe avec une liste
des auteurs choisis par l'Academie pour servir d'autorite a ses de

139 DICCIONARIO de la Lengua Castellana Compuesto Por la

Real Academie Espanola Reducido a un Tomo para su
Mas Facil Uso. Square folio, mottled sheep gilt, red
edges. Madrid, 1780
Rare, and abridgement of preceding grand dictionary.
140 Dickens (Charles). American Notes for General Circula
tion. Frontispiece. Small 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1850
Critique des Livres, Rares, Précieux, Singuliers, Curieux,
Estimes, et Recherchés qui n'ont Aucun Prix Fixe, Tant
des Auteurs Connus que de Ceux qui ne le Sont pas, Soit
Manuscrits, avant et depuis l'Invention de l'Imprimerie,
etc., avec Supplément. 4 vols. small 8vo, half red morocco
gilt, edges gilt. Paris, 1791-1802
142 Didier (C). Commentatio Medica de Fabre Flava Ameri
cana. 4to, half morocco gilt, top edge gilt.
Rare. Gottingen, 1800
143 Diosadado Caballero (Raimundo). Breve Examen
Acerca de los Primeros Tiempas del Arte Tipografico en
Espana. 8vo, half morocco, gilt. Madrid, 1865
Spanish version by Don Vicente Pontan, reprinted from the Rome
edition of 1793.
144 DISSERTATION sur les Suites de la Découverte de
l'Amérique qui a Obtenu en 1785 une Mention Honorable
de l'Académie des Sciences, Arts et Belles Lettres de
Lyon par " un Citoyen, Ancien Syndic de la Chambre du
Commerce de Lyon." Small 8vo, half calf. (Paris), 1787
Rare. With the library stamp on title of the " Bibliotheca
145 DOMENECH (E. M. Abbé, Missionary Apostolic, Hon
orary Canon of Montpelier, etc.). Manuscript Picto
graphique Americain, Précédé d'une Noticesur l'Idéogra
phie des Peaux Rouges. With 228 lithographie plates.
Large 8vo, half morocco gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut.
Paris, i860; also
Livre des Sauvages au Point de Vue de la Civilisation Fran
çaise avec des Planches Explicatives tirées du Pretendu
Manuscrit Pictographique Americain. Plates, 8vo, sewed.
Together 2 vols. Brussels, 1861
Suppressed and Very Rare. Printed under the auspices of the
French Minister of State.
This pretended American MS. is in reality a child's copy-book, full

of rude drawings by a dirty-minded German school-boy, which having

fallen into the hands of a missionary in the wilds of America, and by
him being presented to the Marquis de Paulmy, was taken by the holy
Abbe to be a genuine pictographic M S. Its German origin is estab
lished by the fact, that on page 64 the word "wurst," on 85
" Johann," 119 " Konig," etc., are plainly written. In consequence
of the discovery of its real character, the book was withdrawn from
146 Drake, Cavendish and Dampier. Lives and Voyages of,
Including a View of the History of the Buccaneers.
Three steel portraits. Small 8vo, half morocco (foxed
slightly). Edinburgh, 1837
147 DU PONCEAU (P. E.). Memoire sur le Systeme Gram
matical des Langues de Quelques Nations Indiennes de
l'Amérique du Nord. 8vo, half morocco, gilt. Paris, 1838
148 [DURRETT.]—Voyage de Marseille a. Lima et dans les
Autres Lieux des Indes Occidentales avec une Exacte
Description de ce qu'il y a de plus Remarquable tant
pour la Geographie; que pour les Moeurs, les Coutumes,
le Commerce, le Gouvernement et la Religion des Peuples;
avec des Notes et des figures en Taille-Douce, par " le
Sieur D." Plates. Small 8vo, old calf, gilt. Paris, 1720
Rare. The dedication is signed " Durrett " who says he prepared
the work for the press, from the relations of a surgeon of the name
of Bachelier. Father Labat, however, says that the work was entirely
composed by Durrett, from the relations of Feuille, with the additions
of other extracts from various authors, without any acknowledgment.

149 p|^pJ|DWARDS (Bryan). History, Civil and Commer

cial of the British Colonies in the West Indies.
Maps and plates. 3 vols. 4to, old half russia
(hinges loose). London, John Stockdale, 1794
Rare. The frontispiece to Vol. 1 is engraved by Bartolozzi after
West, that to Vol. 2 by Wilson, and the ' ' Voyage of the Sable
Venus " by Granger after Stothard.
' ' This work justly bears an excellent character and is very full and
minute on almost every topic connected with these islands. "—Lowndes.
150 EDWARDS (Edward). Memoirs of Libraries, Including a
Hand-Book of Library Economy. Elates andfacsimiles,
some printed in gold and colors. 2 vols. large 8vo, cloth.
Scarce. London, 1859

51 EGVIARA et EGVREN (Joannes Josephus, Bishop of

Yucatan). Bibliotheca Mexicana, sive Eruditorum Histo-
ria Virorum qui in America Boreali nati, etc., Tomus Pri
mus Exhibens Litteras A. B. C. Rubricated title. Thick
small folio, limp vellum. .
Mexico, ex nova typographia in cedibus authoris
editioni ejusdem bibliothecae destinata, 1755
Rare. "It is unfortunate that no more of this important work
was published. It is probable that not many copies were printed of
this volume as it is not often met with."—Rich.
52 Eickhoff (F. G.). Parrallele des Langues de l'Europe et
de l'Inde. Facsimiles. Large 4to, old half morocco
(foxed). Paris, 1836
53 Elizondo (Pablo Miguel de). Compendio de los Cinco
Tomos de los Annales de Navarre. False title, with coat
of arms [mended). Thick small folio, Spanish sheep, gilt.
Pampeluna, 1732
54 Ellis (Henry). Voyage to Hudson Bay by the Dobbs
Galley and California, in the Years 1746 and 1747, for
Discovering a North-west Passage. Small 8vo, half mo
rocco (no chart). Rare. Dublin, 1749
55 EMPSON (Charles). Observations and Correspondence
Relative to Various Ornaments of Gold, Idols, Sculptured
Stones, Coins, etc. Plates, some colored. 4to, cloth (foxed).
Bath, 1838
Privately printed for the author, who also wrote " Narratives of
South America " and " Illustrations of Tropical Scenery." The orna
ments, etc., illustrated are mostly South American, from Guatemala,
New Grenada, etc.
56 [Engel (E. Bailly D').] Essai sur Cette Question Quand
et Comment L'Amerique a telle ete Peuplee d'Hommes
et d'Animaux. Par E. B. d'E. 4 vols. small 8vo, old
calf gilt, red edges. Amsterdam, 1767
Rare. With fine heraldic book-plate, quartered shield and coronet
on back of titles. Rich says: " By the Bailly d'Engel. An edition
in one volume quarto was published at the same time. The question
which, according to the title, ought to constitute the principal matter
of this work occupies but a small part of it."
57 Enriquez (Francisco). Conservacion de Monarqvias Re-
ligiosa y Politica. Large 4to, vellum (stained)
Madrid, 1648

158 Esclimont (Comte de, Prevot de Paris). Catalogue des

Livres de. Small 8vo, Spanish sheep, gilt. (Paris, 1753)
Priced, and with heraldic book-plate inserted. Bound up with the
above are the two following priced catalogues: " Catalogue d'un Cabi
net de Livres Rares et Singuliers, Paris, 176g"; "Catalogue des
Livres de la Bibliotheque de Feu M. Sandras, Paris, 1771."
159 ESLABA. Diario de Todo lo Occurrido en la Expugna-
cion de los Fuertes de Bocachica y Sitio de la Ciudad de
Cartagena de las Indias Formado de los Pliegos Remiti-
dos a su Magestad que Dios guarde por el Virrey de
Santa Fe Don Sebastian de Eslaba con D. Pedro de
Mur su Ayudante General. 4to, half calf.
(Madrid, de Ordende su Magestad), 1741
Very Rare. One of the works published in consequence of the
repulse of Admiral Vernon at Carthagena.
160 Essai sur les Colonies Francoises, ou Discours Poli
tiques sur la Nature du Gouvernement de la Population
et du Commerce de la Colonie de S. D. Small 8vo, mot
tled sheep gilt, red edges. n.p., 1754
161 Estrada (A. F.). Examen Imparcial de las Disensiones
de la America con la Espana. 8vo, half morocco.
London, 181 1
162 Ewbank (Thomas). Life in Brazil, or a Journal of a Visit
to the Land of the Cocoa and the Palm. With 100 illus
trations. Large 8vo, cloth. N. Y., 1856
With an appendix containing illustrations of ancient South Ameri
can arts in recently discovered implements and products of domestic
industry and works in stone, pottery, gold, silver, bronze, etc.
163 Expilly (Charles). La Traité, l'Emigration et la Coloniza
tion au Brésil. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt. Paris, 1865

ARIBAULT (G. B.). Catalogue des Ouvrages

sur l'Histoire de l'Amerique et en particulier
sur celle du Canada, de la Louisiane, de l'Acadie
et Autres Lieux ci-devant connus sous le nom
de Nouvelle France, avec des Notes Bibliographiques,
Critiques et Littéraires. 8vo, half sheep. Quebec, 1837
165 FELIPPE (Bartolome). Tractado del Conseio y de los Con-
seieros de los Principes. Small 4to, old calf, gilt (MS. on
title). Turin, 1589
Rare. Printed by Gio. Vincenzo del Pernetto.


166 FERNANDEZ.—Primera y Segvnda Parte, de la Historia
del Pervu Qve se Mando Escreuir a Diego Fernandez,
Vezino de la Ciudad de Palencia. Cotiene la Primera lo
Sucedidio en la Nueua Espana y enel Peru sobre la Exe
cucion de las Nueuas Leyes: y el Allanamiento, y Castigo,
que Hizo el Presidente Casca de Gonzalo Picaro y sus
Sequaces la Segvnda, Contiene la Tyrannia y Alcamiento
delos Contreras y don Sebastia de Castilla y de Fran
cisco de Hernadez Giron: con Otros Muchos Acaes-
cimientos y Successos Dirigido A la R. M. del Rey Don
Philippe Nuestro Senor Con Priuilegio Real de Castilla
y Aragon y de las Indias. 2 vols. in 1. 4X0, elegantly
bound by Niedree in crushed red levant morocco extra,
inside gold borders, rounded corners, edges gilt on marble.
Seville, Hernando Diaz, 157 1
Excessively Rare. With large coats of-arms of the Spanish mon
archy on both titles, the last named cut down at bottom slightly and
with a few pages carefully mended.
Sabin says—" This work was forbidden to be circulated and ordered
to be destroyed by the Council of the Indies. See the ' Biblioteca
Oriental of Leon Pinelo,' also Brunet."
" By an order of the Council of the Indies this work was not per
mitted to be sent to America. It relates principally to the civil wars
of the Spaniards, and Robertson says its authors may be ranked
among the historians now distinguished for their industry in research,
or their capacity in judging with respect to the events which they
' ' Ouvrage tres important et consacré principalement á l'histoire des
guerres civiles des Espagnoles. La Conseil des Indies, qui en avait
défendu la circulation en Amerique, ne la favori sa probablement pas
en Europe. Voila sans doute, la raison de sa grande rareté."—
167 FERNANDEZ. Another copy of the same. 2 vols. in 1.
Mottled sheep, gilt.
Not as good a copy as the preceding, two leaves being in fac-simile.
The first title is mended and has MS. thereon. The margins are
somewhat cut into.
168 FERRERAS (Juan de). Synopsis Historica Chronologica
de Espana, 16 vols.; also—Reparos Historicos sobre los
Doce Primeros anos del Tomo VIL de la Historia de Es

pana del Doct. D. Juan de Ferreras con los Supplimi-

ento Precisos para su Claridad y Intelligencia. Together
17 vols. 4to, limp vellum. Madrid, 1700-27
Very Scarce. " Cette histoire qui finit en 1598 est plus exacte et
plus methodique que celle de Mariana. C'a été longtemps la meilleurs
histoire d'Espagne que nous eussions et neanmoins elle a donne lieut a
plusieurs critiques. "—Brunet.
169 FEYJOO de SOSA (Miguel). Relacion Descriptiva de la
Ciudad y Provincia de Truxillo del Peru con Noticias Ex-
actas de su Estado Politico segun el Real Orden Dirigido
al Excelentisimo Senor Virrey Conde de Super Unda.
Coat-of-arms on title, portrait of Charles III. and three
curious maps, with mermaids and ships, two colored. 4to,
mottled sheep. Madrid, 1763
Rare. " Cet ouvrage ainsi que l'indique le titre, à été composé
par ordre du vice roi pour etre presenté a S. M. Carlos III. Imprimé
avec les presses du Conseil des Indes, il n'a du etre tiré qu'a un très
petit nombre d'exemplaires. On n'y trouve pas d'ailleurs, les licenses
ordinaires accordées pour l'impression des livres."—Leclerc.
170 FIESTAS de la S. Iglesia Metropolitana y Patriarcal de Se-
villa al Nveuo Cvlto del Rey S. Fernando el Tercero
de Castilla y de Leon. Engraved title and numerousplates,
mostlyfolding. Large 4to, limp vellum (with MS. memo
randa on blank leaves). Rare. Seville, 1671
171 FILSON (John). Histoire de la Kentucke, Nouvelle Colonie
a l'Ouest de la Virginie, Traduite de l'Anglois, par Par-
raud—Ouvrage pour Servir de suite aux Lettres " d'un
Cultivateur Americain." Large folded map, dedicated to
the United States Congress and George Washington
(slightly inked). Small 8vo, old mottled calf gilt, red
edges. Paris, 1785
Rare. This account of Kentucky, which was first published in
1 784 at Wilmington, bears every mark of authenticity. It was drawn
up from personal notice or immediate information, and is attested by
the signatures of three respectable inhabitants of the country, one of
whom was Daniel Boone. The author was a believer in the settle
ment of a Welsh colony in this country by Madoc in 11 70.
172 FIGUEROA (Christoval Suarez de). Plaza Universel de
Todos Ciencias, y Artes. Thick small folio, half sheep,
red edges. Madrid, 1733
Valuable on account of the descriptions given of the military and
chivalric orders.

173 FIGVEROA (Ioan). Opvsclo de Astrologia en Medicina y

de los Terminos y Partes de la Astronomia Necessarias
para el vso Della. Coat-of-arms on title, astrological dia
grams and tables. Small 4to, mottled sheep (MS. margi
nalia). Lima, 1660
Rare.. This curious astrological work is dedicated to " Don Lvis
Henriqvez de Gvzman Conde de Alva de Aliste, y Villa8or Grande
Espana, Virrey, Gouernador, y Capitan General de los Reynos del
Peru, Tierrafirme y Chile."
174 FLORENCE GALLERY—Mvsevm Florentinvm, Exhibens
Insigniora Vetvs Vetvstatis Monvmenta Qvae Florentiae
svnt Ioanni Gastonni Etrviae Magno Dvci Dedica-
tvm, cum Observationibvs Antonii Francisci Gorii
Pvblici Historiarvm Professoris. Profusely illustrated
with copper-plate engravings, full-page vignettes, etc. 5 vols.
square large folio, old red morocco gilt, edges gilt cn
marble (backs somewhat damaged and a few leaves foxed).
Florence, 1731-40
Splendid Example of this grand edition, the original of the
Florence Museum. With the inserted heraldic book-plate, coronet and
shield of the " Libreria Feroni."
Arranged as follows : —Vols. 1 and 2, " Gemmae Antiqvae ex
Thesavro Mediceo et Privatorvm Dactylothecis Florentiae Exhibentes
Tabvlis. Imagines Virorvm Illvstrvm et Deorvm " ; Vol. 3, " Statvae
Antiqvae Deorvm et Virorvm Illvstrvm Centvm ^Ereis Tabvlis Incisae
Qvae Exstant in Thesavro Mediceo"; Vols. 4 and 5, "Antiqva
Numismata Avrea et Argentea Praestantiorta et ^Erea Maximi
Modvli Qvae In Regio Thesavro Magni Dvcis Etrvriae Adservantvr. "
175 Florez de Ocariz (Ivan). Las Genealogies del Nvevo
Reyno Le Granada. Large sheet pedigree of the Maldon-
ado and Ponce de Leon families. 2 vols. small folio,
mottled sheep gilt, red edges (some pages cut down).
Madrid, 1674-76
Rare and important genealogical work, including information relat
ing to the noblest families of Granada.
176 FONTANINI (Giusto). Biblioteca Italiana o sia Notizia
de Libri Rari nella Lingua Italiana. 4to, vellum.
Venice, 1728
177 Francisco Jesvs Maria de'San Juan del Puerto (Fran
ciscan). Patrimonio Seraphico de Tierra Santa. Large
plate by Palomino (cut down). Small folio, mottled sheep,
title mounted, etc. Rare. Madrid, 1724

178 FRENCH (B. F.). Historical Collections of Louisiana,

Embracing Translations of many Rare and Valuable Docu
ments Relating to the Natural, Civil and Political History
of that State, compiled with Historical and Biographical
Notes and an Introduction. Part III. Facsimile auto
graphs. Large 8vo, cloth (foxed). New York, 185 1
179 FRENCH. Historical Collections of Louisiana and Florida,
Including Translations of Original Manuscripts Relating
to their Discovery and Settlement, with Numerous His
torical and Biographical Notes. New Series. Large 8vo,
cloth, totally uncut. New York, Sabin, 1869
Subscriber's Copy number 24, with fac simile autographs of French
and Spanish Governors of Louisiana.
r8o FREZIER (A. F.). Relation du Voyage de la Mer du Sud
Aux Cotes du Chily et du Pérou, Fait pendant les Années
1712, 1713 et 1714. Maps and plates. 4to, calf, gilt.
Paris, 17 16
Rare Original Edition. "La description que Frezier a faite du
Chile est du plus haut interet ... la Relation de Frezier est
d'une grande verité ; et les nombreuses cartes qui l'ornent étant très
exacte, font rechercher ce livre. "—Leclerc.
181 Frezier. Relation du Voyage de la Mer du Sud aux Cotes
du Chili, du Pérou et du Brésil, Fait pendant les Années
1712, 1713 et 171 4. Maps andplates. 2 vols. small 8vo,
old calf, gilt. Amsterdam, 17 17
Rare. This was John Selwyn's copy and has his heraldic book
plate, also that of Jose Gomez de la Cortina. At the end of the
volume is a "Memoire Touchant l'Etablissement des Pères Jésuites
dans les Indes d'Espagne."
182 FROGER (Francois). Relation d'un Voyage fait en 1695
et 1697 aux Cotes d'Afrique, Detroit de Magellan,
Brézil, Cayenne et Isles Antilles par un Escadre des
Vaisseaux du Roi commandée par M. de Gennes, Faite
par le Sieur Froger, Ingenieur Volontaire sur le Vaisseau
le Faucon Anglois. Engraved title, maps andplates [one
cut down). Small 8vo, old calf gilt, edges gilt. Paris, 1698
Large Paper and Rare. ' ' Francois Froger, qui nous a fourni le
récit de l'Expedition sous le commandement de M. de Gennes avait
pris part à ce voyage dans le dessin d'observer tout ce qui merite
l'attention du voyageur. Il s'appliqua surtout a faire des cartes par
ticulières des ports et des rivières. Ses descriptions sont pleines
d'interet et on fait cas de ses plans et cartes. Froger fut aussi le
premier qui donna les details sur un voyage au détroit de Magellan
entrepris par des Français."—Ternaux.

83 Froger. Another edition of the preceding. Engravedfalse

title, maps andplates. Small 8vo, old calf, gilt. Paris, 1700
Rare. Stamped on title with the library mark of " Bibliotheca
Arozarena. "
84 Fuca (Juan de). Relacion del Viage Hecho por las Gole
tas Sutil y Mexicana en el ano de 1792, con una Intro
duccion en que se da Noticia de las Expediciones Execu-
ta das Anteriormente por los Espanoles en Busca
del Paso del Noroeste de la America. Small 4to;
also—Separate atlas of maps andplates, many folded. To
gether 2 vols. Mottled sheep. Rare. Paris, 1802
85 Fvero Privilegios. Franqvezas y Libertades de los Caval-
leros hijos Dalgo del Senorio de Vizcaya Confirmados por
el Rey don Felippe IIII. Nuestro Senor y por los Senores
Reyes sus Predecessores. Fine engraved coat-of-arms on
title. Small folio, mottled sheep. Rare. Bilbao, 1643


Florida del Inca. Historia del Adelantado
Hernando de Soto, Governador y Capitan-
General del Reino de la Florida y de otros
Heroicos Caballeros Espanoles e Indios van Emendadas
en Estra Impresion Muchas Erratas de la Primera: y
Anadida Copiosa Tabla de las Cosas Notables y el Ensajo
Chronologico que Contiene, Las Sucedidas hasta en el
Ano de 1722; also—
Historia General del Peru Trata, el Descubrimiento»
de el y Como Io Ganaron, los Espanoles las Guerras Civiles
que Hovo entre Pizarros y Almagros sobre la Partija
de la Tierra Castigo, y Levantamiento de Tyranos y Otros
Sucesos Particulares que en la Historia se Contienen
Escrita por el Ynca Garcilaso de la Vega, Segunda
Imprecion; also—
Primera Parte de los Commentarios Reales que Tra
tan de el Origen de los Incas Reies, qve Fveron del Peru
de sv Idolatria, Leies y Govierno en Paz y en Guerra de
svs Vidas y Conquistas y de Todo lo que Fue Aquel

Imperio ysu Republica, antes que los Espagnoles Pasaran

a en Escritos por el Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, Nat
ural del Cozco.
Together 3 vols. With rubricated titles (one mounted)
and vignette portrait of B. V. M. Half crushed levant
morocco, top edges gilt. Madrid, 1722-23
Very Rare. The " Florida del Inca " is the second edition. The
first was printed in 1605, the third edition, in four small volumes, in
1803. Charlevoix says that this work was well written and of au
thority as far as regards the account of the expeditions of Hernando
de Soto and his successor, Louis de Moscoso, but that the account of
the riches and power of the Floridians is evidently much exaggerated.
The " Historia del Peru " has the date of 1722; it was first printed
in 1617, the Primera Parte in 1609.
The author of these three volumes was the son of one of the con
querors of Peru, Garcilasso de la Vega, by the daughter of the Inca
Haallpa Tupac, and sister of Huayna Capac Inca, the last native
monarch of Peru. He was so proud of both paternal and maternal
origin, that while he assumed the Spanish name of the first, he was
careful to assert his Incarial descent.
187 GARCILASO de la VEGA.- Histoire des Incas Rois du
Perou depuis le Premier Ynca Manco Capac, Fils du
Soleil, jusqu'a Atabualpa, dernier Ynca : ou Ton voit
leur Etablissement, leur Religion, leurs Loix, leurs Con-
quete; les Merveilles du Temple du Soleil et tout l'Etat
de ce grand Empire avant que les Espagnols s'en rendi-
rent maitres. Traduite de l'Espagnol de L'Ynca Garci
laso de la Vega. On a joint a cette edition L'Histoire
de la Conquete de la Floride par le Meme Auteur, etc.
Profusely illustrated with copper-plates after or by Picart,
De Bry, Folkema, etc., also maps. 2 vols. 4to, old calf
gilt, red edges. Amsterdam, Jean Frederic Bernard, 1727
Rare. Stamped on the side with the arms of Lord Spencer, also
book-plate of the noble family of Rayon.
" As the author was born in Peru, a descendant from the Incas, and
acquainted with the language and traditions of his countrymen, this
work has been considered of high authority. Robertson denies this,
but allows that it ' contains some curious facts taken from authors
whose works were never published and are now lost.' "—Rich.
- ■ •


188 GARCILASO de la VEGA.—Histoire de la Conquête de

Floride, ou Relation de ce qui s'est passé dans le Décou
verte de ce Pays par Ferdinand de Soto, composé en
Espagnol par I'Inca Garcilaso de la Vega et traduite
en François par P. Richelet. Small 8vo, old sheep, gilt.
Paris, Nyon, 1709
Rare. With the library stamp on title of " Biblioteca Arozarena."
"This translation was first printed in 1670 and reprinted with the
' Histoire des Incas' in 1737."
189 GAYARRE (Charles). Histoire de la Louisiane. 2 vols.
in i. Large 8vo, mottled sheep. New Orleans, 1846-47
190 GAZIETTIERE AMERICANO (II), Contenente un Dis-
tinto Ragguaglio di Tutte le Parti del Nuovo Mondo
dello Loro Situazione, Clima Terreno, Prodotti, Stato
Antico e Moderno, Merci, Manifatture e Commercio con
una esatta Descrizione delle Citta, Piazze, Porti, Baje,
Fiumi, Laghi, Montagne, Passi e Fortificazioni ; II Tutto
Destinato ad Esporre lo Stato Presente delle Cose in
quella Parte du Globe e le Mire e Interessi delle Diversi
Potenze, che Banno degli stabilimenti in America.
Numerous plates and maps. 3 vols, large 4to, mottled
calf gilt, inside gold borders, gilt edges by Niedrée.
Livorno, 1763
Very Rare. " Publication importante qui merite d'etre recherchée
pour ser nombreuses cartes et estampes."—Leclerc.


191 GENLIS (Comtesse de). Zuma, ou la Découverte de
Quinquina, suivi de la Belle Paule—de Zéneide des Ros
eaux du Tibre, etc. Small 8vo, sprinkled morocco, gilt.
Paris, 1 81 7
Scarce. Elegantly bound in fine crinkled morocco gilt and green
watered silk ends by Bradel. Stamped in gold on the sides are the
arms of France surmounted by a regal crown and impaling a shield
bearing numerous quarterings of the regal house of Spain, etc.



GLOSSIS. Finely engraved and rubricated title. Large
4to, old half calf, cloth sides (some pages foxed).
Genoa, Peter Paul Porrus, 15 16
Excessively Rare and Suppressed. This is a tall copy, with
wide margins, of the celebrated Psalter in Hebrew, Greek, Arabic
and Chaldean, of Agostino Giustiniani, Bishop of Nebbio. It is one
of the earliest polyglots ever printed, and is especially valuable as
being the first book with a life of Columbus. This is to be found on
the first page of the twenty-sixth leaf. It was inserted there by
Giustiniani on account of Columbus having frequently proclaimed that
he had been chosen by God to exemplify the thought of prophecy, ex
pressed in verse feur of the Nineteenth Psalm. The first lines of the
life have been translated as follows, viz.:—"Then it was that Chris
topher named Columbus, a Genoese by birth, of low family, who, in
our times, by his energy, explored in a few months a greater extent of
land and of sea than almost all the rest of mankind ever did in all past
ages, etc., etc."
The volume was condemned to be burned by the common hangman
as it contained statements injurious to Columbus and thus indirectly at
tacked Pope Alexander the Sixth's deeding the Continent of America
to Spain, on the assertions of the discoverer. Fernando Columbus, in
his—" Historia del Amirante " and refutation of "The twelve lies of
Giustiniani," says :—" We will only add that considering the many
mistakes and falsehoods found in the said Giustiniani's History and
Psalter, the Senate of Genoa has laid a penalty upon any person that
shall read or keep it; and has caused it to be carefully sought out in
all places it has been sent to, that it may, by public decree, be
destroyed and utterly extinguished."
The above copy was saved from the flames and probably conserved
in honor of the erudite Dominican and ecclesiastic, who, hounded and
persecuted in his native country, found earnest sympathizers in France,
Holland and England.
/ 93 Givodan (Le Comte de). Bibliotheque et Archives du
College Heraldique et Archeologique de France. Thick
8vo, half calf. Paris, 1862
Bound up with the above are—" Catalogue of the Library of the
Count H . Capponi," Paris, 1863, priced in red ink; "Catalogue of
the Library of the Vicomte d'Auteuil," Paris, 1864; "Catalogue of

the Elzevirian Library of Jules Chenu," Paris, 1864; "Cata

logue of the Library and Autographs of Cardinal Zondadari,"
Paris, 1844 ; " Catalogue of Library and Manuscripts of P. Wolters,"
Paris, 1844.
194 Goncales de Salas (Jusepe Antonio). Nueva Idea de la
Tragedia Antigua o Ilustracion Ultima al Libro Singvlar
de Poetica de Aristoteles Stagirita. Engraved title.
4to, vellum (some pages damages and index imperfect).
Madrid, 1633
195 Gractan (Lorenzo). Obras. 2 vols. small 4to, limp
vellum. Barcelona, 1757
196 GRANDPIERRE (Sieur Dralse de). Relation de Divers
Voyages faits dans l'Afrique dans 1'Amérique et aux Indes
Occidentales. Small 8vo, old calf, gilt. Paris, 1718
197 GRYNAEVS (Simon). Novvs Orbis Regionvm ac Insula-
rvm Veteribvs Incognitarvm una cum tabula cosmographica
et aliquot alijs consimilis argumenti libellis quorum omni
um catalogus sequenti patebit pagina—his accessit copio-
sus rerum memorabilium index. Thick small folio, hand
somely bound by Niedrée in crushed red levant morocco,
inside gold borders, rounded corners, edges gilt on marble
(binding rubbed). Basle, apvd Io. Hervagivm, 1555
Rare. This valuable work is usually known as the collection of
Grynseus, a learned Professor at Basle, the preface bearing his name.
It contains the Voyage of Columbus, those of Vespucius, the letter of
King Emanuel of Portugal to Pope Leo X., the Itinerary of Varthema,
the Travels of Marco Polo, Peter Martyr's " De Insulis Nuper," etc.
198 GUMILLA (Joseph, S. /.). El Orinoco Illustrado, y
Defendi do Historia Natural Civil y Geographica de este
Gran Rio y de sus Gaudalosas Vertientes, Govierno, Usos,
y Costumbres de los Indios sus Habitadores, con Nuevas
y Utlies Noticias de Anumales, Arboles, Frutos, Aceytes,
Refinas, Yervas, y Raices Medicinales ; y sobre Todo,
se Hallaran Convetsiones muy Singulares a N. Santo Fe
y Casos de Mucha Edificacion. Map and plate. 2 vols,
small 4to, half morocco. Madrid, 1745
Second Edition. At the time this work was published, Father
Gumilla was supposed to have availed himself of the traveller's
privilege ; but later discoveries have proved the truth of his assertions
and his work has received the credit to which it was entitled.

199 GUMILLA. Historia Naturel, Civil Geografica de las Na-

ciones Situadas en las Riveras del Rio Orinoco Nueva
Impresion Mucho mas Correcta que las Anteriores y
Adornada con Ocho Laminas Finas, que Manifiesten las
Costumbres y Ritos de l'Aquellos Americanos. Portrait,
folding map and plates. 2 vols. Quarto, Spanish sheep,
red edges. Barcelona, 1791
Edited by Father Ignatio Obregon and Antonio Jugla-y-Font.


P-ImI»«$ vols. With maps, fac-similes, etc. 8vo, cloth,
IJPPaP uncut (one back damaged). London, 1847-63

Very Scarce. This important collection of Voyages, Travels and

Geographical Records includes:—1. Sir R. Hawkins' "Voyage"; 2.
" Select Letters of Christopher Columbus " ; 3. Sir Walter Raleigh's
" Discovery of Guiana " ; 4. Sir Francis Drake, " His Voyage," 1595 ;
5. " Voyages Towards the Northwest " ; 6. Strachey's " Historie of
Travail into Virginia " ; 7. Hakluyt's " Divers Voyages to America " ;
8. " Memorials of the Empire of Japan " ; 9. De Soto's "Discovery
and Conquest of Florida"; 10. Heberstein's " Notes upon Russia, "
2 vols. ; 11. " Geography of Hudson's Bay"; 12. " Three Voyages
by the Northeast, by Gerritt DeVeer"; 13. Mendoza's " History of
China," 2 vols.; 14. Sir Francis Drake's " World Encompassed " ;
15. "Tartar Conquerors of China"; 16. " Spitzbergen and Green
land"; 17. " Middleton's Maluco Islands "; 18. Fletcher's " Russe
Commonwealth" and Horsey's "Travels"; 19. Benzoni's " History
of the New World"; 20. "India in the Fifteenth Century"; 21.
Champlain's " East India and Mexico"; 22. " Valley of the Amazon " ;
23. "Embassy to the Court of Timour," 1403-6; 24. "Early
Voyages to Australia," including separate supplement to the same;
25. "Henry Hudson the Navigator"; 26. "Search for Eldorado,"
1560-61 ; 27. " Early Life of Don Alonzo de Guzman "; 28. Galvano's
"Discovery of the World"; 20. "Friar Jordanus"; 30. "The
Travels of Ludovico de Varthema " ; 31. " Travels of Cieza de Leon."


201 HELIODORI ^Ethiopicse Historic, Libri Decem, nunc
Primum e Greco Sermone in Latinum Translati; Stanis-
lao Vvarsche-Vviczki Polono Interprete Adiectum
Estetiam Philippi Melancthonis de ipso Autore et hac
Eiusdem Conuersione, Iudicium Item Locuples Rerum ac
Uerborum Memorabilium Index. Printer's mark on title.

Small folio, bound by Niedree in crushed red levant

morocco, inside gold borders, gilt edges, rounded corners
(some pages foxed slightly).
Basil ese, per Ioannem Oporinum, 1552
Rare. A good example of the Oporini press. " 1568. July 6th.
Died, John Oporinus, the most eminent of the early German printers.
He was born at Basel, of poor parents, Jan. 25, 1507, and became
well versed in Latin and Greek and spoke and wrote the former with
purity and fluency. He was employed by the celebrated Froben in
transcribing the works of the Greek authors. He was in partnership
with Robert Winter, and though eminent in their profession, they,
however, met with considerable losses, inasmuch as Winter died insol
vent, and Oporinus was not able to support himself without the assist
ance of his friends, in which condition he died, at the time above
stated. He had six presses constantly at work, usually employed about
fifty men, and published no book which he had not concerted himself.
Notwithstanding his great business, he died about 1 , 500 livres in debt.
He wrote notes on Cicero and Demosthenes."—Timperley.
202 HERNANDEZ (Francisco). Opera, Cum Tum Inedita ad
Autographi Fidem et Integritatem Expressa Impensa et
Jussu Regio. 3 vols. 4to, sprinkled sheep. Madrid, 1790
Rare. Dr. Ximenez says, in his introduction to the 1615 edition of
Hernandez on the "Botany of Mexico," of which the above is princi
pally comprised, that the work of this author abridged by the Neapoli
tan Nardo Antonio Reecho, by strange ways reached the Indies and
fell into his hands, and that he was induced to publish the translation,
adding such examples as fell in his way.
" Hernandez, medecin et naturaliste distingue, fut envoye par
Philippe II. dans la Nouvelle Espagne pour y faire des Observations
et en decrire les productions. II redigea son travail en Latin, mais sa
mort prematuree l'empecha de publier. On donna son MSS. a M. A.
Recchi qui fit un extrait de ce qui lui parut utile pour la matiere medi-
cale. (Le MSS. autographe de Recchi figure dans le catalogue des
livres de Libri vendus en 1859 numero 1229.) Comme Hernandez, il
mourut avant de l'avoir publie. C'est sur cet abrege que le Dominicain
Fr. Ximenez publia son livre en Espagnol et qu'il le fit imprimer il
Mexico en 1615. Les papiers de Hernandez devinrent le propriete du
Prince Frederic. —Leclerc.
203 HERRERA (Antonio de). Descripcion de las Indias Occi-
dentales de Antonio de Herrera Coronista Mayor de
sv Magd. de las Indias y sv Coronista de Castilla Al Rey

Nuestro Senor. Engraved title (mounted) and maps. 4to,

mottled sheep, gilt. Madrid, Juan Flamenco, 150 1
Very Rare. Herrera has been called " the Prince of American
historians." Having been charged by Philip II. to write the "Gen
eral History of the Acts of the Castillans in the Islands and Firm
Lands of the Ocean Sea," he had at his disposition all the papers and
documents which could be found in the archives and libraries of Spain.
A large portion of Herrera's " History," however, is copied literally
from the manuscrip History or " Chronicle of Las Casas." Robertson
says, that of all the Spanish writers, Herrera furnishes the fullest and
most accurate information concerning the Conquest of Mexico, as well
as every other transaction in America, and that his ' ' Decades " may be
ranked amongst the most judicious and useful historical collections.
Herrera's history comes down to the year 1555.
204 HERRERA. Descripcion de las Indias Occidentales y
Historia General de los Hechos de los Castellanos en las
Islas y Tierre Firme del Mar Oceano. Engraved titles,
maps, etc. 9 vols. in 4. Small folio, mottled sheep, gilt.
Madrid, 1720-30
Very Rare. The engraved titles to each of the eight " Decades "
are different. They represent scenes and events in the History of
Mexico, together with portraits of the most prominent men. Speaking
of the histories of America, Ticknor says :—"Of this class, the first
in importance and the most comprehensive in character, is ' The Gen
eral History of the Indies,' by Antonio de Herrera. It embraces the
period from the first discovery of America to the year 1545; and
as Herrera was a practised writer, and, from his official position as
historiographer to the Indies, had access to every source of informa
tion known in his time, his work, which was printed in 1601, is of
very great value."
205 HIBBERT (George). Catalogue of the Library of. 8vo,
half russia, top edge gilt, others uncut. London, 1819
This remarkable catalogue of 8, 726 lots is not only priced through
out, but has the names of the purchasers. In this wonderful collection
which took 42 days to sell, are some of the rarest of manuscripts,
black-letters, books upon vellum, early bibles, French romances,
Italian poetry, etc. It is illustrated with many fac-similes of illumi
206 HIDALGO (Don Dionisio). Boletin Bibliografico Espanol
y Estrangero Comprende.—1, Todas las Obras, Folletos
y Periodicos que Salen a Luz en Espana y las Principales
Poblicaciones del Estrangero; 2, Las Obras que se Han
Publicado hasta el Ano de 1840 en que se Empezo este

Boletin; 3, los Grabados, Litografias y Cartas Geograficas;

4, los Libros Antiguos y Raras tanto Espanoles como Es-
trangeros; 5, Libros de Lance; 6, Anuncios Diversos de
Imprenta y Libreria. 10 vols. in 5. Small '8vo, half calf.
Madrid, 1840-49
Very Scarce. See manuscript note signed " Domingo del Monte,"
on end paper.
207 Hidalgo y Bailly-Bailliere. El Bibliografio. Vols. i,
2 and 3. 8vo, mottled sheep (2) and half roan (1).
Madrid, 1857-59
208 Hidalgo. Boletin Bibliografico Espanol. Vols. 1 to 8, in
clusive. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Madrid, 1860-67
209 Higgins (Bryan). Observations and Advices for the Im
provement of the Manufacture of Muscovado Sugar and
Rum. Plates. 2 vols. in r.. 8vo, old half russia (wormed
and MS. marginalia) San Jago de la Vega, 1797-1800
Rare. The author dates his work from Spanish Town, in the
Island of Jamaica, of which Santiago de la Vega was the capital town.
210 Histoire de l'Origine et des Premier Progres de l'Impri-
merie. Vignettes. 2 parts in 1 vol. 4to, half sheep.
Rare. La Haye, 1740
211 Hofmann (Max). Manuel du Negociant. Small 8vo, half
morocco. Paris, 1877
212 HOLMES (Abiel). Annals of America from the Discovery
by Columbus in the year 1492 to the year 1806. 2 vols.
8vo, half calf (foxed). Cambridge, 1805
" One of the best works of the kind ever published. Everything of
importance in the history of America is related in a concise manner,
with copious and interesting notes and references to the original author
ities. It is out of print and scarce."—Rich.
213 HUMBOLDT (Alexandre de). Examen Critique de l'His-
toire de la Geographie du Nouveau Continent et des Pro
grés de l'Astronomie Nautique au Quinzieme et Seizieme
Siecles. Facsimiles of " Mappe Mundi," colored by
hand. 5 vols. 8vo, half maroon morocco, top edges gilt,
others uncut. Paris, 1836-39
Scarce. This work is a reprint of the text of the " Atlas His-
torique et Geographique," which accompanies Humboldt's " Voyages."

214 Hunt (Leigh). London Journal, from Wednesday, April 2,

1834 (Vol. x, Number 1), to Saturday, Aug. 22, 1835, with
Supplement. Small folio, cloth, uncut (foxed).
London, 1834-35
Rare. Published by Charles Knight and edited by Leigh Hunt—
"To assist the enquiring, animate the struggling and sympathize
with all."
215 Hurtado e Mendoza (Diego). Guerra de Granada que
Hizo el Rei D. Felipe II. contra los Moriscos de Aquel
Reino sus Rebeldes. Portrait. Small 4to, vellum (some
pages wormed). Valencia, 1776

LLESCAS (Gonzalo de). La Historia Pontifical

y Catolica en la Qval se Contienen las Vidas y
Hechos Notables de Todos los Svmos Pontifices
Romanos, con el discurso de la Predicacion
Apostolica y el Estado de la Iglesia Christiana Militante
desede que Christo Nuestro Senor nacio, hasta nues tros
Tiempos con mas Vna Breve Recapitvlacion de las Cosas
de Espana y de la Decendencia de los Reyes delle Desde
Halarico Primero, hasta Don Felipe Segundo Nuestro
Senor. 6 vols. small folio, mottled sheep, gilt.
Madrid, 1652-78
Very Rare. Brunet says it is very difficult to find this work com
plete. Parts 1 and 2 were written by Illescas ; Parts 3 and 4 by Luis
de Dauia ; Part 5 by Marcos de Guadalaxara y Xavier, and Part 6 by
Ivan Banos de Velasco. Pages 325-36 are lacking in the above copy.
217 Indice General de la Recopilacion de Leyes de los Reynos
de las Indias. Large 4to, limp vellum (cover loose).
Madrid, 1756
218 INDICE ULTIMO de los Libros Prohibidos y Mandados
Expurgar para Todos los Reynos y Senorios del Catolico
Rey de las Espanas, El Senor Don Carlos IV., Contiene
en Resumen Todos los Libros puestos en el Indice Expur
gatorio del Ano 1747, y en los Edictos Posteriores, asta
Fin de Diciembre de 1789. Formado y Arreglado con
todo Claridad y Diligencia por Mandato dex Exmo. Sr.
D. Agustín Rubín de Cevallos, Inquisidor General, y
Senores del Supremo Consejo de la Santa General Inqui
sicion. 4to, vellum (back loose). Rare. Madrid, 1790

9 ISABELLE (Arsene). Voyage a Buenos Ayres et a Porto

Alegre La Banda Oriental, les Missions d'Uruguay et la
Province de Rio Grande do Sud de 1830 a 1834, Suivie de
Considerations sur l'Etat du Commerce Francais a l'Ex-
terieur et Principalement au Bresil et au Rio de la Plata.
Map andplates. Large 8vo, half calf (some pages slightly
foxed). Havre, 1835
Large Paper and Very Rare.

ACOTOT (J.) Enseignement Universel, Musique,

Dessin et Peinture; Melanges Posthumes; Droit
et Philosophe; Langue Maternelle; et Langue
Etrangere. 5 vols. 8vo, half calf. Madrid, 1841
With the book-plate of Don Jose Gomez de la Cortina.
1 [JEFFERSON (Thomas).] Observations sur la Virginie
par M. J . . . Traduites de l'Anglois. Diagrams. Small
8vo, half calf, gilt (foxed slightly). Paris, 1786
Rare. A translation by M. Morellet of Jefferson's "Notes on
Virginia," the first edition of which, in English, was dated Paris,
2 Jeffervs (Thomas). Description of the Spanish Islands
and Settlements on the Coast of the West Indies, Com
piled from Authentic Memoirs, Revised by Gentlemen
who have Resided many Years in the Spanish Settlements.
Maps andplans, "chieflyfrom original drawings taken from
the Spaniards in the last war." 4to, mottled calf.
London, 1774
3 JESUITS.—Letras Anvas de la Compania de Iesvs dela
Provincia del Nvevo Reyno de Granada Desde el Ano de
Mil y Seyscientos y Trienta y Ocho Hasta el Ano de Mil
y Seys Cientos y Quarenta y Tres. Small 4to, sprinkled
sheep, gilt. Rare. Zaragoza, 1645
24 JOLIS (Giuseppe). Saggio sulla Storia Naturale della Pro
vincia del Gran Chaco e sulle Pratiche, e us' Costumi dei
Popoli che TAbitano Insiem con tre Giornali Di Altret-
tanti Viaggi Fatte Alle Interne Contrade di que Barbari
Tomo I. Map and tables. Small 8vo, mottled sheep gilt,
red edges. Faenza, 1789
This work was to have consisted of four volumes, but it does not
appear that any more was ever published. The second volume was

to contain an account of the manners and customs of the native

inhabitants of Great Chaco, and the third and fourth the author's
three journeys among the different tribes that inhabit that little known
country. The author was apparently one of the Spanish Jesuits who
were expelled from South America and retired to Italy. From having
resided twelve years in the country he describes, his work could not
fail to be interesting.
25 JOSEPH.—Fratris Josephi A Sancto Benedicto Religiosi
Laici in Celeberrimo Monasterio et Sanctuario B. Marine
de Monte—Serrato Ordinis SS. P. Benedicti Opera
Omnia tum Latino, tum Hispano Sermone Conscripta et
ab Ipso Eidem Beatissimae Virgini Aquarum Viventium
Sonti Aeternaeque lucis Viae Dicata. Portrait and vig
nette on title. Small folio, old Spanish sheep, gilt
(wormed). Madrid, 1731
Rare. With manuscript document at end, of four leaves with sig
natures and seal, of list of books belonging to Baltazar Manuel Garcia
Puexua, of Mexico.
26 JOVIO.—Elogios o Vidas Breues de los Caualleros Antiguos
y Modernos, Illustres en Valor de Guerra, q Estan al Biuo
Pintados en el Museo de Paulo Iouio Es Autor el Mismo
Pavlo Iovio, Y Traducidos de Latin en Castellano, el Li-
cenciado Gaspar de Baeca. Fine armorial cut on title.
Large 4to, vellum. Grenada, Hugo de Mena, 1568
Rare. First Spanish edition of this important work which includes
the lives of Christopher Columbus, Charles the Fifth, Gonzalo Hern-
andes, Fernando Cortes, James Trivulzio, Pedro Soderini and others.
27 Julian (Antonio). La Perla de la America Provincia de
Santa Marta Reconocida, Observada, y Expuesta en Dis-
cursos Historicos. 4to, half morocco, gilt. Madrid, 1787
Rare. " Cet ouvrage est divisé en trois parties. La première traite
de la richesse et du commerce de la province de Santa Marta ; la sec
onde, des nations indiennes (Indios, Tayronas, Arnacos, Tupes, Chi-
milas, Motilones, Guagiros) de ladite province; la troisième, des ports
et des rivières. Le discurso XIV de la seconde partie est relativ ea la
langue Guagira. L'auteur dit, en parlant de cette langue, qu'elle est
sonore, claire, breve et qu'elle lui parait la meilleure qui se parle en
Amérique. Il dit aussi posseder un dictionnaire de ce dialecte, qui lui
a été donne par un ecclesiastique frère du Cacique Don Cecilio. La
province de Santa Marta est située dans la Nouvelle Grenade, c'est
l'une des quatre provinces formées primitivement du departement Co
lombien de Magdalena."—Leclerc.


"fí , 2{8 JUAN (Jorge) W ULLOA (Antonio de). Relacion His
torica del Viafe a la America Meridional Hecho de Orden
>* ' ' de S. Mag. para Medir Algunas Grados de Meridiano S
Terrestre, y venir por ellos en Conocimiento de la Verda
dera Figura y Magnitud de la Tierra, con Otras Varias
Observaciones Astronomicas y Physicas, 4 vols.; also—Ob
servaciones Astronomicas y Physicas hechas de orden de
S. Mag. en los Reynos del Peru de las Quales de Deduce
La Figura, y Magnitud de la Tierra y se Aplica a la Navi
gacion. Together 5 vols. With portraits, plates and dia
grams. 4to, mottled sheep, gilt. Madrid, 1748
Rare. These two works are generally found together. The his
torical relation was written by Ulloa; the astronomical part by Juan.
It was, at the time, the most important work of the kind that had been
published. The expedition to which it relates was the same in which
La Condamine and Bouguer were sent by the French Academy of
Sciences for the purpose of determining the figure of the earth at the
equator. The astronomical observations were printed in 1773 with a
memoir of the author. The historical part was translated into French
in 1752 and into English in 1758.
229 Juan and Ulloa. Relacion Historica del Viage a la Amer
ica Meridional. Plates, etc. 4 vols. large 4to, mottled
sheep, gilt. Madrid, 1748
! [. , , {-. * <A.i.£ ^- Large Paper and the " Biblioteca Arozarena " copy.
23Q--JUAN and ULLOA. Noticias Secretas de America sobre
el Estado Naval, Militar y Politico de los Reynos del Peru
y Provincias de Quito, Costas de Nueva Granada y Chile,
Gobierno y Regimen Particular de los Pueblos de Indios;
Cruel Opresion y Extorsiones de sus Corregidores y Curas;
Abusos Escandalosos Introducidos Entre Estos Habitantes
por los Misioneros ; Causas de su Origen y Motivos de su
Continuacion por el Espacio de Tres Siglos Escritas Fiel
mente Segun las Instrucciones del Excelentissimo Senor
Marques de la Ensenada Primer Secretario de Estado
y Presentadas en Informe Secreto a S. M. C. El Senor
Don Fernando VI. Sacadas a Luz para el Verdidadero
Conocimieento del Gobierno de los Espanoles en la Amer
ica Meridional por Don David Barry. 2 fine portraits

of Juan and Ulloa. Large 410, bound by Niedree in

yellow calf gilt, inside gold borders, gilt edges.
London, 1826
Large Paper, Rare and Splendid Copy of these "Secret Notices
of America upon the naval, military and political condition of the king
dom of Peru, the provinces of Quito, New Granada and Chili. The
expense of their government and particularly of the management and
care of the Indian Tribes. The cruel oppression and extortion of the
officials and curates of the Indians and the scandalous abuses introduced
among the inhabitants by the Missionaries. Examination of their origin
and cause of their continuation for three centuries. Written faithfully
from the information of his Excellency the Marquis de la Ensenada,
first Secretary of State, and presented as secret reports to the King. "
' ' The benevolent and virtuous Las Casas has been accused of ex
aggeration and falsehood in his account of the cruelties of the Spani
ards to the Indians, exercised upon them soon after the discovery of
their country up to the middle of the sixteenth century. But although
his accounts were denied and declared to be calumnious, yet notwith
standing we find the natives of Peru treated with the same cruelty for
more than two hundred years afterwards; and we have in this work
testimonies thereof, which it will be difficult for the most zealous de
fender of the humanity of the Spaniards to refute. A new era, how
ever, has now dawned in that country, and it is to be presumed that
those who have fought for the blessings of a free and independent
government, will allow the original possessors of the soil they now
occupy, to enjoy their share of the rights to which they are entitled;
for are they not men and brothers.—Rich.
231 Juarros (Domingo). Compendio de la Historia de la Ciu-
dad de Guatemala, Tomo Primero (que Comprende los
Preliminares de Dicha Historia). Small 4to, vellum.
Guatemala, 18 10
232 JVANA INES DE LA CRVZ (Religiosa Professa en el
Monasterio de San Geronimo de la Imperial Ciudad de
Mexico). Invdacion Castalida de la Vnica Poetisa, Mvsa
Dezima-Qye en Varios Metros, Idiomas, y Estilos Fertiliza
varios Assumptos con Elegantes, Svtiles, Claros, Ingenio-
sos Vtiles Versos para Ensenanza, Recreo y Admiracion;—
also—Famay Obras Posthumasdel Fenix re Mexico Decima
Musa, Poetisa, Americana sor Jvana Ines de la Cruz,
Religio sa Professa en el Convento de San Geronimo de
la Imperial Ciudad de Mexico. With portrait and coat-of-
arms. Together 3 vols. Small 4to, mottled sheep (some
pages cut down). Madrid, 1689-1700, and Seville, 1692
Copies of the works of this seventeenth century Mexican poetess are

233 ll^p^tarr jIDDER (Daniel P.). Sketches of Residence and

Travels in Brazil, Embracing Historical and
Geographical Notices of the Empire and its
i3 Several Provinces. Plates and cuts, some ofpor
traits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Phila., 1845
234 Knopf (D. C ). De Ornatu Oris, Nasi et Aurium, Apud
Populos Americanos. Curious plates of Indian heads with
decorations of lip, nose and ear. Small 8vo, half morocco
gilt, top edge gilt. Gottingen, 1832
235 KOSTER (Henry). Voyages dans la Partie Septentrionale
du Brésil depuis 1809, jusqu'en 1815, Comprenant les Pro
vinces de Pernambuco (Fernambouc), Seara, Paraiba,
Maragnan, etc., Traduits de l'Anglais par M. A. Jay.
Colored plates and maps. 2 vols. small 8vo, half calf.
Paris, 1818
236 Kunstmann (Friedrich). Die Entdeckung Amerikas nach
den Altesten Quellen Geschichtlich Dargestellt. 4to,
boards (no separate atlas). Munich, 1859

jjABAT (J. B., Dominican). Nouveau Voyage aux

Isles de l'Amérique, contenant l'Histoire Natur
elle de ces Pays, l'Origine, les Mœurs, la Religion
et le Gouvernement des Habitans Anciens et
Modernes, les Guerres et les Evenemens Singuliers qui y
sont Arrivez pendant le Séjour que l'Auteur y a Fait.
Portrait, maps and plates. 8 vols. small 8vo, mottled calf,
gilt. Paris, 1742
Very Scarce. " Cette edition est beaucoup plus complète que les
deux autres. De toutes les relations du Père Labat celle-ci est la
plus-estimée. Dans ses notices sur les manufactures, dans des descrip
tions des animaux et des plantes il a montré un talent qu'on n'aurait
pas cru pouvoir reéncontrer dans un religieux, étranger par son état et
ses occupations principales aux arts mécaniques et a l'histoire naturelle.
On trouve aussi dans son ouvrage des renseignements très curieux et
piquants sur plusieurs familles du pays."—Leclerc.
238 Labat. Nouveau Voyage aux Isles de l'Amerique. Maps
andplates. 2 vols. 4to, old sheep, gilt. La Haye, 1724
A reprint without any alteration except in the form, of the first edi
tion of Father Labat's " New Voyage to the West Indies,"

239 LA CONDAMINE (C. N. de). Relation Abrégée d'un

Voyage Fait dans l'Interieur de l'Amérique Meridionale
Depuis la Cote de La Mer du Sud, jusqu'aux Cotes du
Brésil et de la Guyane en Descendant la Riviere des
Amazones. Foldedfront, and map. Small 8vo, half calf,
gilt. Maestricht, 1778
240 La Condamine. Supplément au Journal Historique du
Voyage au l'Equateur et au Livre de la Mesure des Trois
Premiers Degrès du Meridien, Servant de Repon sà
Quelques Objections. 4to, mottled calf gilt, red edges.
Paris, 1752
Rare. This supplement was principally printed to answer the ob
jections to the preceding lot that had been made by M. Bouguer in
his " Justification," 1752.
241 Lacour (Louis). Annales du Bibliophile pour 1862. Portrait,
etc. Large 8vo, half russia, top edge red, others uncut.
Paris, 1863
242 LACROIX (Paul). Bibliothèque de la Reine Marie An
toinette au Petit Trianon d'apres l'Inventaire Original
Dresse, par Ordre de la Convention-Catalogue avec des
Notes Inédites du Marquis de Paulmy. Minimo, cloth.
Paris, 1863
Limited Edition of 317 copies, of which the above is on Holland
243 LADE (Robert). Voyages en Différentes Parties de l'Asie,
de l'Afrique et de l'Amérique, Contenant l'Histoire de sa
Fortune, et ses Observations sur les Colonies et le Com
merce des Espagnols, de Hollandois, etc. Traduit de
l'Anglois par I'Abbé Prevost. Small 8vo, half morocco,
gilt. Paris, 18 10
244 LAET (Joannes de, of Antwerp). Novs Orbis, seu Descrip-
tionis Indise Occidentalis Libri XVIII. Novis Tabulis Geo-
graphicis et Variis Animantium Plantarum Fructuumque
Iconibus Illustrati, Cum Privilegio. Fine engraved title,
maps and wood engravings. Thick folio superbly bound
by Niedrée in crushed red levant morocco elegant, inside
gold borders, edges gilt on marble. Leyden, Elzevir, 1633
Very Rare and a splendid copy. This volume is of the utmost value,

among other matters, in the direction of American philology. It in

cludes much information gathered from the collection of Ramusio in
relation to the languages of New France and for those of Brazil from
" This work," says Charlevoix, " which was ere long translated into
French and published by the same Elzevirs in 1640, is full of excellent
research, as well in regard to the European settlements in America, as
in regard to the natural history and the character and manners of the
Americans. The author has followed the best sources. He was,
moreover, a man of ability, evincing everywhere great discernment and
sound criticism, except in some places, where he consulted only Pro
testant authors, and yields too much to religious prejudice. He treats
in the second book of the Island of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, and
other islands of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the Saguenay River; of the
River St. Lawrence, of which he gives an exact description; of the
city of Quebec, of the Indians best known, of Acadia, and of all that
occurred in that country up to his time between the French and
English. In the fourth book he gives an account of Florida. He
recounts all the attempts of the Spaniards to settle there ; the expedi
tions of the French; the settlement of St. Augustine by Menendez, and
of the resistance which he had to make to the attack of the English
under Sir Francis Drake."
245 LAET. Notae ad Dissertationem Hvgonis Grotii De
Origine Gentium Americanarum et Observationes Aliqvot
ad Meliorem Indaginem Difficillimaeillius Quaestionis.
Small 8vo, half sheep. Paris, 1643
Rare. Original edition of this curious work in which De Laet in
answer to Grotius proves the antiquity, from early writers, on this con
tinent of its people. Huron, Mexican and other Indigenous Dialects
are quoted in affirmation from a philological standpoint.
246 LAFITAU (J. F., S. J.). Moeurs des Sauvages Ameriquains
Comparees aux Moeurs des Premiers Temps. Map and
coat-of-arms. 2 vols. 4to, mottled calf gilt, inside gold
borders, edges gilt, by Niedrée. Paris, 1724
Very Rare. " This work was reprinted, badly enough, the follow
ing year at Rouen in four volumes, i2mo, It contains a great detail
of the manners, customs and religion of the savages of America, particu
larly of those of Canada, the author having been a missionary among
the Iroquois; consequently his work is the most exact we have upon
the subject. His parallel of the people of antiquity with the Americans
has been considered as very ingenious and supposes a great knowledge
of ancient history. "—Charlevoix.
247 Lafitau. Another edition of the preceding work. With
numerous plates, mostly folding. 4 vols. small 8vo, sprinkled
sheep, gilt (some pages stained). Paris, 1724


248 LAHONTAN (Le Baron de). Nouveau Voyages de, dans
l'Amérique Septentrionale qui Contiennent une Relation
des Differens Peuples qui y Habitent; la Nature de leur
Gouvernement ; leur Commerce ; leurs Coutumes ; leur
Religion, et leur Maniere de faire la Guerre, etc. With
maps, plates, etc. 2 vols. in 1. Small 8vo, old calf, gilt.
La Haye, 1703
Original Edition. With the bookplates of Jose Gomez de la
Cortina and John Pinkerton.
' ' Lahontan was a freethinker and consequently had but little respect
for the clergy; it is not therefore to be wondered at that he was per
secuted in France and his work traduced. The character given of the
author and the work by the Jesuits has been adopted by later writers
who ought to have known better. A writer in the North American
Review observes that the Baron seems to have been an ardent and enter
prising character with more wit than discretion but that his accounts
bear every mark of authenticity and are quite confirmed by contem
porary as well as subsequent writers on the same country."—Rich.
249 LAHONTAN. Nouveaux Voyages dans l'Amerique Sep
tentrionale. 2 vols.; also—Suite du Voyage de l'Amerique,
ou Dialogue de Monsieur le Baron de Lahontan et d'un
Sauvage dans l'Amerique. Plates and maps. Together 3
vols. Minimo, half morocco. La Haye, 1707-8
This edition contains several additions particularly the celebrated
dialogue "between the author and Adario, a noted man among the
savages. "
250 LALLEMENT. Histoire de la Colombie. 8vo, half red
morocco, top edge gilt. Paris, 1826
Large Paper and printed on thick paper.
251 LALLEMENT. The same, but an ordinary copy. Small
8vo, half calf.
252 LAMBINET (P.). Recherches Historiques, Litteraires et
Critiques sur l'Origine de lTmprimerie Particulierement
sur ses Premiers Establissemens au Quinzieme Siecle dans
la Belgique, maintenant Reuniea la Republique Francaise.
Illustrated with portraits and typographical marks of early
Belgian printers. 8vo, half crushed levant morocco, top
edge gilt. Rare. Brussells, An VII
253 Landivar (Raphael). Rusticatio Mexicana, Editio Altera
Auctior et Emendatior. With plates. Small 8vo, mottled
sheep, gilt. Rare. Bologna, 1782

254 La Puente (Pedro de). Reflexiones sobre el Bando de 25

de Junio Ultimo Contraidas a lo que Dispone para con los
Eclesiasticos Rebeldes y al Recurso que en Solicitud de
su Revocacion Dirigieron en 6 de Julio a este Illmo.
Cabildo varios Clerigos y Cinco Religiosos de Mexico.
Small 8vo, Spanish sheep, gilt. Mexico, 18 12
DAM IN 1620.
255 LAS CASAS (Bartholomew, Bishop of Chiapa in Mexico).
Le Miroir de la Tyrannie Espagnole Perpetrée aux Indes
Occidentales on Verra Icy la Cruaute plus que Inhumaine
Commise par les Espagnoles aussi la Descripcion de ces
Terres, Peuples et leur Nature Mise en Lumiere par un
Evesque, Bartholome de las Casas de l'Ordre de S.
Dominic, Nouvellement Refaicte avec les Figurs en cuyvre;
MIROIR de la Cruelle et Horrible Tyrannie Espagnole Per
petrée au Pays Bas par le Tyran Duc de Albe et aultres
Comandeurs de, par le Roy Philippe le Deuxième, On
a Adjoinct la Duxième Partie de les Tyrannies Commises
aux Indes Occidentales par les Espagnols Nouvellement
Exorne, avec taille douce en cuyvre.
Together 2 vols in 1. With two engraved titles and a re
markable collection of plates illustrative of the infamous
cruelties perpetrated by the Spaniards in America and Hol
land. Small 4to, half calf (title mounted and a leaf
mended). Amsterdam, Ian Evertss, 1620
Very Rare. This French translation published in Holland was
unknown to Ternaux.
" Ternaux No. 278 and Brunet each quote a French version of this
publisher, of 1604, which, Thiele says, is certainly a mistake. The
text is a translation from the Dutch and not the same as the edition of
" The character of Las Casas may be inferred from his career. He
was one of those to whose gifted minds are revealed those glorious
moral truths which, like the lights of heaven, are fixed and the same
forever. He was a reformer, and had the virtues and errors of a re
former. He was inspired by one great and glorious idea. This was
the key to all his thoughts, all that he said or wrote, and to every act
of his long life. It was this which made him reckless of obstacles, led
him to count too confidently on the co-operation of others, animated his
discussion, sharpened his invective, too often steeped his pen in the


gall of personal vituperation, led him to gross exaggeration, and a

blind credulity of evil that rendered him unsafe as a counsellor, and
unsuccessful in the practical concerns of life. . . . The best com
mentary on his character is the estimation which he obtained in the
court of his sovereign. A liberal pension was settled on him after his
last return from America, which he chiefly expended on charitable ob
jects. No measure of importance relating to the Indians was taken
without his advice. He lived to see the fruits of his efforts in the posi
tive amelioration of their condition, and in the popular admission of
those great truths which it had been the object of his life to unfold."—
Prescott, "History Conquest of Mexico."
256 LAS CASAS. Conqvista dell' Indie Occidentali Tradotto
in Italiano per Opera di Marco Ginammi, 1645; Istoria o
Breuissima Relatione della Distrvttione dell' Indie Occi
dentali Tradotto in Italiano dall' Eccell. Sig. Giacomo
Castellani gia Fotto Nome di Francesco Bersabita>
1643; Il Supplice Schiavo Indiano, Tra otto in Italiano
per Opera di Marco Ginammi, 1657. 3 vols. 4to, half
crushed red levant morocco gilt, top edges gilt, others
uncut. Venice, 1643-57
Rare. These reprints of the famous tracts of Las Casas originally
printed at Seville in 1552, have the original Spanish text and Italian
translation in parallel columns.
257 LA SERNA SANTANDER (C. de). Catalogue des Livres
de la Bibliotheque de, Redige et Mis en Ordre par Lui-
Méme; avec des Notes Bibliographiques et Littéraires;
Nouvellement Corrigé et Augmenté avec Supplément ;
also—Praefatio Historico Critica in Veram et Genuinam
Collectionem Veterum Canonum Ecclesiae Hispanae a
Divo Isidoro; also Vente d'une Belle Collection des Livres
en tous Genres, Facultés et Langues de la Bibliotheque de
Feu Monsieur Charles Antoine de la Serna Santan-
der. Facsimiles and plates. 7 vols. in 5. Small 8vo,
half purple morocco. Brussels, 1803-16
Rare. With the prices marked in figures in the margins. The
above includes the rare 1816 supplement.
258 LA SERNA SANTANDER. Dictionnaire Bibliographique
Choisis du Quinzième Siècle ou Description par Ordre
Alphabétique des Editions les Plus Rares et les Plus
Recherchées du Quinzième Siècle, Précédé d'un Essai
Historique sur l'Origine de l'Imprimerie ainsi que sur
l'Histoire de son Etablissement dans les Villes, Bourgs,

Monastères, et autres Endroits de l'Europe ; avec la

Notice des Imprimeurs qui y ont Exercé cet Art jusqu'á
l'An 1500. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf (some pages stained
slightly). Rare. Brussels, 1805-7
259 Lastarria (J. V.). Bosquejo Historico de la Constitucion
del Gobierno del Chile durante el Primer Periodo de la
Revolucion desde 1810 hasta 1814. Small 8vo, half
morocco gilt, top edge gilt. Santiago de Chile, 1847
260 Latassa (Don Felix de). Biblioteca Antigua de los Escri
tores Aragoneses que Florecieron desde la Venida de
Christo hasta el Ano 1500 y Biblioteca Nueva de los
Escritores Aragoneses que Florecieron desde el Ano de
1500 hasta el de 1802. 8 vols. in 7. 4to, half russia gilt,
marbled edges. Zaragoza and Pamplona, 1796-1802
261 Laugel (Auguste). Les Etats-Unis pendant la Guerre
1861-65. Small 8vo, half morocco, gilt (foxed slightly).
Paris, 1866
262 LECLERC (C. H.). Bibliotheca Americana, Catalogue
Raisonné d'une Tres Preciéuse Collection de Livres
Anciens et Modernes sur l'Amérique et les Philippines,
Classe par Ordre Alphabétique de Noms d'Auteurs.
Large 8vo, half red morocco gilt, top edge gilt.
Paris, Maisonneuve^i'¡6j
263 LEON-PINELLO (Antonio de). Tratado de Confirma
ciones Reales de Encomiendas, Oficios y Casos en
que se Requieren para las Indias Occidentales. With
handsome engraved title, with various heraldic shields, includ
ing Peru and New Spain. Small 4to, half sheep, gilt.
Madrid, 1630
Very Rare. This book relates principally to the " New Laws"
for the Indies made in 1542, but neither this author nor Herrera
appear to have had any knowledge of their having been printed in
1543. According to Leclerc, Antonio de Leon Piuello was a native
of Peru, studied at Lima and was Chronicler of the Indies. He wrote
many important works, most of which are still in manuscript, among
others an American Bibliography. He died about 1633.
264 LEON-PINELLO. Relatio del Supremo i Real Consejo
de las Indias, Epitome de la Biblioteca Oriental i Occi
dental, Nautica i Geografica. Engraved title. Small 4to,
calf gilt, edges gilt. Madrid, 1629
Rare. " The author of this little work, which contains a Catalogue

of Books Relating to America, afterwards took the surname of Pinello,

by which, and by Barcia s edition of this work, printed in 1737, he is
much better known than by this and the name of Leon. Barcia's
numerous additions are so clumsily thrown together that it is quite a
relief to refer from it to this neat and well-arranged little manual."—
265 LEYES DE ESPANA.—Novisima Recopilacion Mandado
Formar por el Senor Don Carlos IV. Edicion Publicado
por Don Vicente Salva en la que van Agregadas al Fin
las Ordenanzas de Bilbao se han Intercalado en Cada Uno
de los Doce Libros las Leyes de 1805 y 1806 del Suple
mento, y se las ha Incluido en el Indice Cronologico y el
de los Sumarios de los Titulos. 5 vols. 4to, half calf, gilt
(foxed). Paris, 1846
266 LIBRI (Guglielmo). Catalogue of the Mathematical, His
torical, Bibliographical and Miscellaneous portion of the
Celebrated Library of, April-July, 1861, priced in MS.;
Catalogue of Extraordinary Collection of Splendid Manu
scripts of Libri, plates, 2 vols. in 1, March, 1859, priced
in MS.; Catalogue of Choicer Portion of Magnificent
Library of Libri, August, 1859, priced in MS.; Cata
logues of Important Manuscripts and Objects of Art
and Vertu of Libri, June, 1864. Together 5 vols. in 4.
4to, half calf (one hinge broken). London, 1859-64
267 Libri. Reponse de, au Rapport de M. Boucly. 8vo, half
green morocco, top edge gilt Paris, 1848
Scarce. Bound up with the above are Libri's letters to the Presi
dent of the French Institute and Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire in Relation
to the Author's Bibliokleptism.
268 LINATI (C). Costumes Civils, Militaires et Religieux du
Mexique Dessinés d'après Nature. Illustrated with 48
beautifully executed colored plates of costumes, portraits, etc.
4to, half red morocco gilt, cloth sides, gilt edges.
Brussels, n. d.
IN 1638.
269 LINSCHOTEN.—Histoire de la Navigation de Jean
Hvgves de Lindschot Hollandois; Aux Indes Orientales,
Contenant Diverses Descriptions des Lieux iusques a
Present Découverts par les Portugars Observations des

Coustumes et Singularitez de Dela et autres Declarations,

avec Annotations de B. Palaudanus; also—Le Grand
Routier de Mer Continant une Instruction des Routes et
Cours qu'il Convient tenir en la Navigation des Indes
Orientales et au Voyages de la Coste du Bresil des Antilles
et du Cap de Lopo Gonsalves, etc. ; also—Description de
l'Amérique et des Parties d'icelle comme de la Nouvelle
France, Florida, des Antilles, Iucaya, Cuba, Iamaica, etc.,
Item de l'Etendue et Distance des Lieux, de la Fertilite
et abondance du Pays, Religion et Coustumes des Habi-
tans et autres Particularitez. Engraved titles, plates and
maps. 3 vols. in i. Thick small folio, mottled calf, gilt.
Amsterdam, 1638
Very Rare. These three works are in one volume and separately
paged, but the signatures follow throughout. The English transla
tion was priced £21 in a late London catalogue.
" The author of this booke, John Hugh Linschote, of Harlem, con
tinued in India for the most part of nine yeares, and had good oppor
tunity of sure and certaine intelligences by reason of his services under
Vicentius da Fonseca, a Fryer Dominican, and by King Philip created
Archbishop of all India. This man Hugh Linschote behaved him-
selfe so honestly and warily during the time of his abode there, that he
was not onely in high favour of his Lord and Maister, but he was also
singularly and generally beloved of all the inhabitants and places
where he was most resident. He did most diligently and consider
ately observe and collect together all accurrents and accidents that
happened in his memory and knowledge, and the same hath committed
to writing in the Dutch Tongue with all faithfulness."
270 LIVY.—Las Quatros Decadas de Tito Livio Historiadoz
de los Romanos: Transladadas agora neuamente de Latin
en Nuestra Legua Castellano. La Primera, Tercera y
quarta Enteras segun en Latin se Halla: y las Otras onze
Segula Abreuiacio de Licio Floro. Profusely illustrated
.with curious wood block engravings, also rubricated title with
large page coat-of-arms, colored by hand, and large wood
engraving on back of the same. Thick 4to, old morocco.
Caragoca, George Coca, 1520
Black Letter and Excessively Rare. This early Spanish
translation of Livy was made by Fray Pedro de la Vega. It is one of

the rarest of the rare examples of a translation of a Latin classic into

Spanish, and is also famous on account of the very curious and early
Spanish wood engravings with which it is illustrated. This copy can
be considered a fair example, notwithstanding the title is mended and
has an MS. name thereon, some pages are stained, and over the prefa
tory epistle are MSS. The title, epistle, table, etc., take twelve
leaves, and the folios of this copy run from i. to cccccxxxiii.
71 LIZARDI.—Relacion de la Vida y Virtudes del Venerable
Martyr P. Julian de Lizardi de la Compania de Jesus
de la Provincia del Paraguay, Escrita por el. Pedro
Lozano de la Misma Compania y Missionero de la Re
ferida Provincia. Square minimo, limp vellum.
Salamanca (1741)
Rare. Leclerc says that Father Lozano, the author of the above,
was— " Jesuite Espagnol, chroniqueur de la Province de Tupcuman,
(et) fournit au P. Charlevoix, beaucoup de documents pour la compo
sition de son ' Histoire du Paraguay.' II fit paraitre á Madrid en
1754-55, une excellente histoire de la compagnie de Jesus dans cette
province, qui ne va que jusqu'a l'anné'e 1614, 2 vols. in fol. Son
ouvrage sur la Chaco Gualamba est d'autant plus important que c'est
le seul ouvrage publié sur cette contrée peu connue, dans lequel on
peut trouver des renseignements exacts. II a été imprime par les
soins du P. Ant. Marchodi, recteur du college du Tucuman et pro-
cureur general a Rome pour la province du Paraguay."
72 LOBERA de AVILA (Luys). Libro del Regimiento de la
Salud y de la Esterilidad de los Hobres. y Mugeres y de
las Esermedades de los Ninos y Ofras Cosavtilissimas
L'Opuesto por el Doctor Auila de Lobera Medico de
su Mag. Dirigido al Illustrissimo y reueredissimo Senor
Do. Fernado. Nino Patriarcha de las Indias Presidere
del Cosejo Real de su Mag. rc. 1 851. Handsome title page
with woodcut border and coat-of-arms, also numerous charm
ing woodcut initials. 4to, half roan (some pages stained
and three last folios torn and imperfect).
Valladolid, Sebastian Martinez, 155 1
Black Letter. This Extremely Rare and early medical
treatise in Spanish was dedicated to Fernando Nino, Patriarch of the
Indies. Not mentioned in Brunet who only gives two of the works
by this author—the first printed at Augsburg in 1530 and the other at
Alcala de Henares in 1542.
75 LOPEZ MADERA (Gregorio). Excelencias de la Mon-
arqvia y Reyno de Espana en qve de Nvevo con Grande
Aumento se Trata de su Origen, Antiguedad, Sucessiones,

Preeminencias y Precedencias, Nobleza, Religion, Gouier-

no, Perfection de sus Leyes, Valor y Dotrina de sus
Naturales; Grandeza, Potencia y Riquezas de sus Reynos,
Dignidades y Titulos de sus Vassallos Renombres de sus
Reyes y Conferuacion de su Antiquissima Lengua Hasta
Aora. Small folio, mottled sheep (stained somewhat).
Madrid, Luis Sanchez, 1624-25
Rare. Contains matter relating to the Spanish possessions in
276 [Llorente (Mariano).] Saggio Apologetico Degli Storicie
Conquistatori Spagnuoli dell' America. Small 8vo, mot
tled sheep gilt, red edges. Parma, 1804
277 Lorente (Sebastian). Historia Antigua del Peru y Historia
de la Conquista del Peru. 2 vols. 8vo, uniform half mo
rocco gilt, cloth sides, gilt edges. Lima, 1860-61
278 LORENZANA (Francisco Antonio, Archbishop of Mexico).
Historia de Nueva Espana, Escrita por su Esclarecido
Conquistador Hernán Cortes Aumentada con Otros
Docvmentos y Notas. Engraved vignette on title, maps and
plates of Mexican antiquities, etc. 4to, bound by Niedree
in mottled calf gilt, inside gold borders, gilt edges.
Mexico, 1770
Exceedingly Rare and a Fine Copy in Good Condition.
An important and highly esteemed work containing the three cele
brated letters of Cortes originally printed, soon after they were re
ceived in Spain, at Seville and Valencia. This edition is of the greatest
rarity and is illustrated by copious notes and documents together with
fac-similes of the Mexican mode of representing the tributes paid by
the different towns of the Mexican dominions.
279 LORENZANA.—Concilios Provinciales Primero y Segundo
Celebrados en la Muy Noble y Muz Leal Ciudad de Mex
ico Presidiendo el Illmo y Rmo Senor Fray Alonso de
Montufar en los Anos de 1555 y 1565. Vignette head and
tailpieces. 4to, old mottled sheep, gilt Mexico, 1769
Rare and from the "Biblioteca Arozarena." The first Council
was originally printed in 1556 at Mexico by Juan Pablos Lombardo.
Besides the two councils, the volume contains an account of the pre
lates of the Mexican church, occupying about one-half of the work.
The first Mexican council was printed the following year.

280 LORENZANA.—Historia de Mejico Escrita por su

Esclarecido Conquistador Hern an Cortes Aumentada
con Otros Documentos y Notas por D. Francisco An
tonio Lorenzana Antiguo Arzobispo de Mexico Re-
visada y Adaptada a la Ortografia Moderna por D.
Manuel Del Mar. Plates. Thick 8vo, mottled sheep.
N. Y., 1828
281 LOWNDES (W. T.). Bibliographer's Manual of English
Literature. Containing an Account of Rare, Curious and
Useful Books Published in or Relating to Great Britain
and Ireland from the Invention of Printing. With Biblio
graphical and Critical Notices, Collations of the Rarer
Articles and the Prices at which they have been Sold in
the Present Century. 4 vols. 8vo, yellow calf gilt, marbled
edges. London, William Pickering, 1834
282 LUDEWIG (Hermann E.). Literature of American Abo
riginal Languages, with Additions and Corrections by
Prof. W. W. Turner, Edited by Nicholas Trubner.
8vo, cloth. London, 1858

|cCLELLAN (George B.). Report of the Organi

zation and Campaigns of the Army of the Poto
mac, to which is added an Account of the Cam
paign in Western Virginia. Maps. Large 8vo,
cloth. N. Y., 1864
284 McCullough (J. R.). Dictionary—Practical, Theoretical
and Historical, of Commerce and Commercial Navigation.
Illustrated with maps and plans. 1 vol.. in 2. 8vo, half
russia. London, 1859
285 Mackenzie (Charles). Notes on Hayti, made during a Resi
dence in that Republic. Front., map andfacsimiles. 2
vols, small 8vo, half calf (foxed). London, 1830
286 MAGNUS.—Historia delle Centi et della Natvra delle Cose
Settentionali da Olao Magno Gotho Arcivescovo di
Vpsala nel Regno di Suezia e Cozia Descritta in XXII.
Libri Nuouamente Tradotta in Lingua Toscana, Opera
Molto Diletteuole per le Varie et Mirabile Cose, Molto
Diuerse dalle Nostre, che in Essa si Leggono Con vna
Tauola Copiosissima delle Cose piu Potabili in quella
Contenute. Profusely illustrated with wood engravings.


Large 4to, old mottled sheep (title and colophon page

mended, some stained and two leaves short).
Venice, Giunti, 1565
Rare. Olaf Magnus, Archbishop of Upsal, who was sent by Pope
Paul the Third to the Council of Trent, wrote his " History of the
Northern Nations " in Latin. The above is the first Italian edition.
In the original work there is a map of the " Northern Regions," upon
which Greenland is laid down as it appears in Ptolemy's "Cosmo
graphy," 1482.
287 Mahon (Lord). Spain under Charles the Second, or
Extracts from the Correspondence of the Hon. Alexan
der Stanhope, British Minister at Madrid, 1690-1699.
8vo, half calf. London, 1840
288 MAJANSIVS (Gregorivs). Specimen Bibliothecse Hispano-
Majansians, sive Idea Novi Catalogi Critici Opervm Scrip-
torvm Hispanorvm. 4to, half calf (foxed slightly).
Hanover, 1753
Very Rare Hispano-bibliographical work.
289 MAJOR (Richard Henry). Life of Prince Henry of Por
tugal, surnamed " the Navigator," and its Results, com
prising the Discovery within One Century of Half the
World, with New Facts in the Discovery of the Atlantic
Islands; a Refutation of French Claims to Priority in Dis
covery; Portuguese Knowledge, Subsequently Lost, of the
Nile Lakes and the History of the Naming of America
from Authentic Contemporary Documents. Illustrated
with portraits, one in gold and colors of Prince Henry,
maps, etc. Thick large 8vo, half morocco, totally uncut.
London, 1868
Large Paper and Rare.
290 Maleneant (Colonel). Des Colonies et Particulierement
de Celle de Saint Domingue, Memoire Historique et Po
litique. Small 8vo, half calf (foxed). Paris, 1814
291 Manne (E. de). Nouveau Dictionnaire des Ouvrages
Anonymes et Pseudonymes, La Plupart Contemporains
avec les Noms des Auteurs ou Editeurs, Accompagn6 de
Notes Historiques et Critiques. 8vo, half morocco, gilt.
Lyons, 1862
Includes the "Retouches" to the above by the author of "Des
Supercheries Litteraires Devoilees."

292 Manné (L. C. J. de). Catalogue des Livres, Suivi de Manu

scrits, Lettres Autographes et Autres Documents Prove
nant du Cabinet de M. d'Anville. 8vo, half red mo
rocco. Paris, 1863
With the prices neatly written in.
293 Marcoy (Paul). Scenes et Paysages dans les Andes. 2
vols. small 8vo, half calf. Paris, 186 1
Includes "Le Dernier Fils <le Soleil," " Une Nuit de Noel a Tia-
baya," " Une Ceremonie Nautique au Bord du Lacde Titicaca," " Les
Sourcesdel'Apurimac," "Les Ruines d'Ollantaytampu, " " Une Expedi
tion Malheureuse," and " La Premiere Ascension de l'Uresayhua."
294 MARIANA (J.). De Rege et Regis Institvtione. Small
8vo, calf, gilt (MS. name on title). Mayence, 1605
Rare. This is Mariana's notorious treatise on royalty, in which
the learned Jesuit maintains that it is lawful to kill a king. The
work was denounced by the Sorbonne, and soon after the assassina
tion of Henry IV. was publicly burned by order of the Parliament.
295 MARIANA.—Advertencias a la Historia del P. Juan de
Mariana, su Autor Don Gaspar Ibanez de Segovia
Peralta i Mendoza van Anadidas Algunas Cartas;
Cuyas Obras Publica de Orden, i a Expensas de la Aca-
demia Valenciana. Large 4to, mottled sheep, gilt.
Valencia, 1746
296 MARCO POLO.—Libro del Famoso Marco Polo Venec-
ciano de las Cosas Marauillosas q Vido en las Partes
Orientales : Conuiene saber en las Indias. Armenia, Ara
bia, Persia e Tartaria: E del Podero del Gran Can y
Otras Reyes con Otro Tratado de Micer Pogio Floren
tine e Trata de las Mesmas Tierras e Islas. Handsome
woodcut border on title (one corner in facsimile), also charm
ing initial letters. 4to, crushed olive levant morocco gilt,
inside gold borders, rounded corners, edges gilt on mar
ble by Niedree. Logrono, Miguel de Eguia, 1520
Black Letter, Very Rare and fine example of this translation of
the "Book of Marco Polo," translated by Rodriguez Arcediano,
Canonigo de Sevilla. Brunet says: "Cette edition de 1520 est fort
rare: 2 liv. 9 sh. Heber, 210 florins Butsch, et 130 francs en 185g."
" When in the long series of ages we search for three men who, by
the grandeur and influence of their discoveries, have contributed most

to the progress of geography or of our knowledge of the globe, the

modest name of the Venetian traveller, Marco Polo, presents itself in
the same line with the names of Alexander the Great and Christopher
Columbus. "—Walckenaer.
297 MARMOL CARUAJAL (Luys). Segvnda Parte y Libro
Septimo de la Descripcion General de Africa donde se
Contiene las Prouincias de Numidia, Libia, la Tierra de
los Negros, la Baxa y Alra Etiopia y Egipto, co Todas
las Cosas Memorables della. With fine coat-of-arms on
title and on last page, also charming initial letters. Large
4to, limp vellum. Malaga, 1599
Rare. Dedicated to Philip II. of Spain.
298 MARQVEZ (J. M.). Tesoro Militar de Cavalleria Antigvo
y Moderno Modo de Armar Cavalleros y Professar Segun
las Ceremonias de Qualquier Orden Militar; Regla De-
baxo la qual Militan; Orige que Tuieron y a que fin: de
que Pontifice fueron Aprouadas; y Concesiones que han
Tenido assi Imperiales como Reales : Costituciones q
Guardan desde el Emperador Constantino el Magno
Primer Legislador ; Insignias y Abito de cada vna
Maestres y Encomiendas que Tienen y las que oy Luzen.
Profusely illustrated with plates of the religious orders of
knighthood, costumes, emblems, etc. Small folio, bound by
Niedree in crushed levant morocco gilt, inside gold bor
ders, rounded corners, gilt edges. Madrid, 1642
Excessively Rare work on the orders of knighthood, and not
mentioned by Brunet. A fine copy in excellent condition and bin ding
299 Martineau (Harriet). Retrospect of Western Travel. 3
vols, small 8vo, old calf (foxed). London, 1838
" America her theme, satire was to be her song. The bookseller
and his patrons are to be satisfied with no less than a pungent
piquancy of remark, and this they stand ready to compensate with no
unstinted bounty."—PALFREY.
300 Martineau. Society in America. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo, half
green morocco, gilt (foxed). Paris, 1837


301 MARTINEZ de la PARA (Juan). Luz de Verdades
Catolicas y Explicacion de la Doctrina Christiana que
Siguiendo la Costumbre de la Casa Professa de la Com-
pania de Jesus de Mexico todos los Jveves del Ano ha
Explicado en sv Iglesia. Small folio, yellow calf gilt, in
side gold borders, edges gilt on marble. Barcelona, 1705
Rare. Fine copy, handsomely bound, of this very scarce book,
which is not mentioned by Rich, Brunet or Leclere.
302 [Martinez del Romero (Antonio).] Catalogo Descriptivo
Artistico e Historico de los Objetos de la Armeria Real
de Madrid. Plates. Small 4to, half sheep. Madrid, 1849
303 Maximillien (Prince de Wied Neuwied). Voyage au Brésil
dans les Années, 1815, 1816 et 1817, Traduit de l'AUe-
mand par J. B. Eyries. Folding maps. 3 vols. 8vo, three
quarters crushed red levant morocco, top edges gilt.
Paris, 1821-22
304 MELLO MORAES (A. J. de). Corographia Historia,
Chronographica Genealogica, Nobiliaria e Politica do Im
perio do Bresil Contendo Nocoes Historicas e Politicas a
Começar do Descobrimientoda America e Particularmente
do Brasil, o Tempo em que Forao Povoadas as Suas
Diuerentes Cidades Villas e Lugares; seus Governadores
e a Origem das Diversas Familias Brasileiras e seus Apel-
lidos, Extrahida de Antigos Manuscriptos Historicos e
Genealogicos que em Eras Diferentes se Poderão Obteros
Tratados, as Bullas, Cartas Regias, etc.; Historia dos
Ministerios sua Politica e Cores cum que Apparecerao,
Historias das Assemblias Temporarias e Vitalicia e Tam
bem uma Exposicão da Historia da Independencia Es-
cripta e Comprobada com Documentos ineditos e por
Testamunhas Oculares que Ainda Restao y e dos otros
Novimentos Politicos Descripcao Geographica, Viagens, a
Historia das Minos e Quinto do Ouro, etc. Afim de que
se Tenha um Conhecimiento Exacto Nao so da Geo
graphica do Brasil como da sua Historia Civil e Politica.
Portrait on India paper. 4 vols. in 5. Large 8vo, half
red morocco. Rio Janeiro, 1858-60
Scarce. The author is described on the title as—" Natural da
Cidade das Alahoas, Autor de Muitas obras Litterarias e Scientificas. "

305 MEMOIRES des COMMISSAIRES du Roi et de Ceux de

sa Majesté Britannique sur les Possessions et les Droits
Respectifs des Deux Couronnes en Amérique, Avec les
Actes Publics et Pieces Justificatives. Map. 4 vols. 4*0,
limp vellum (titles cut down). Paris, 1755-56
Rich says the fourth volume was printed in 1757 and is seldom
found with the other three. The Rev. Dr. Holmes in the second
edition of his " Annals of America," the most perfect work of the
kind ever published, calls this—"an invaluable collection of official
papers and documents." The authors of these memoirs were M. de
Silhouette, M. de la Galissoniere and particularly the Abbe de la
Ville, an ex-Jesuit.
306 Mendez (Francisco). Tipografía Espanola, o Historia de
la Introduction Propagacion y Progresos del Arte de la
Imprenta en Espana a la que Antecede una Noticia Gen
eral sobre la Imprenta de la Europa y de la China
Adornado Todo Con Notas Instructivas y Curiosas.
Large 8vo, half calf, gilt. Madrid, 1861
Rare. Second edition edited by Dionisio Hidalgo. Illustrated
with fac-similes in gold and colors, printers' marks and of types, also
tabulated sheet of the first printers and introduction of printing into
the various cities of Europe.
307 MENDEZ DE SYLVA (Rodrigo). Poblacion General de
Espana sus Trofeos Blasones y Conqvistas Heroycas
Descripciones Agradables Grandezas Notables Excelencias
Gloriosas, y Sucessos Memorables con Muchas y Curiosas
Noticias Flores Cogidas en el Estimable Jardin de la
Preciosa Antiguedad Reales Genealogiias y Cathalogos de
Dignidades Eclesiasticas y Seglaies. Thick small folio,
mottled sheep (stained). Madrid, 1645
Rare genealogical work with coats-of-arms, etc.
308 MENDEZ PINTO (Fernan). Historia Oriental de las
Peregrinaciones de, Adonde se Escriven Mvchas y muy
Estranas Cosas que Vio, y oyo en los Reynos de la Chile,
China, Tartaria, Sornao y Vulgaramente se LLama, Siam,
Calaminam, Pegun, Martauan y otros Muchos de Aquellas
Partes Orientales de que en Esta Nuestras de Occidente
ay muy Poca o Ninguna Noticia Casos Famosos, Acon
tecimientos Admirable Leyes, Gouierno, Trages, Religion,
y Costumbres de Aquellos Gentiles de Asia, Tradvzido de

Portvgezen Castellano por el Licenciado Francisco de

Herrera Maldonado. Large 4to, mottled sheep.
(Madrid, 1618)
Extremely Rare. With mounted imperfect title, the lacking
pages carefully written in MS., etc. .
309 MERCADE (Thomas de). Tratos y Cotratos de Merca-
dores. Small 4to, vellum (lacks title and stained).
The approbations and privileges at the commencement of the
work are dated 1568 and 1570, among them being—" Decreto del
Sapientissirao Maestro el Padre Fray Alonso de la Vera Cruz, de la
Orden de S. Augustin, Cathedratico de Prima en la Vniuersidad de
310 MERLINI COCAII Poetae Mantvani Macoronicorvm. Opus.
Curious woodblock cuts. Minimo, vellum (library stamp on
title and some pp. cut down). Venice, 1585
Rare Edition. Priced in a recent catalogue £1 18s. Teofilo
Folengo [Merlinius Coccaius] entered the Order of St. Benedict at the
age of eighteen, but after introducing great disorders into the monas
tery where he lived, he finally quitted it, in company with a very beau
tiful girl in his own station of life, and they, for several years, traveled
about together. He has long had the credit of being the inventor of
the " Macaronic " Poetry—a mixture of Latin, Italian and the Mantuan
dialect. He frequently recounts his own adventures, and, says the
" Biographie Universelle,"—"Sous cette enveloppe bouffonne, on
trouve des pensees et des maximes d'un grand sens, des traits satiri-
ques sur les grands, sur la vanite des titres, etc. , et ces traits originaux
et piquants sont presque toujourssans amertume."
311 Metternich (Prince). Memoirs of, Edited by Prince
Richard Metternich, the Papers Classified and Ar
ranged by M. A. de Klinkowstrom, Translated by
Mrs. Alexander Napier. Portrait andfacsimiles. 2
vols. 8vo, cloth. N. Y., 1880
312 MEXICO y sus ALREDEDORES, Collection de Monu-
mentos, Trajes y Paisajes. Illustrated with lithographic
plates by Castro Campillo, Auda and Rodrigues. Folio,
boards. Mexico, 1855-56
The descriptive text to these lithographs of Mexican scenery and
antiquities was written by Arroniz, Bercena, Cuellar, Gonzales, B. F.
and J. M. Frias y Soto, Ortiz, Payno, Fortilla, Segura, Zargo, and
313 Mexique et Guatemala par de La Renaudiere, et Perou
par Lacroix. Plates. 8vo, half calf. Paris, Didot, 1843

314 [Mills (John) ?] D'Horsay, or the Follies of the Day, by

" A Man of Fashion." Facetious plates. 8vo, cloth (cover
loose and foxed). Rare. London, 1844
315 Ministere de la Marine et des Colonies, Commission
Institute par Decision Royale du 26 Mai 1840 pour l'Ex-
amen des Questions Relatives a l'Esclavage et a la Con
stitution Politique des Colonies. Procés Verbaux et Rap
port. 4 vols. in 3. Large 4to, half calf.
Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1840-43
Full of information relative to slavery and to the French colonies in
America and elsewhere.
316 Molina (Felipe). Bosquejo de la Republica de Costa Rica
Seguido de Apuntamientos para su Historica. Portraits
and maps. Large 8vo, cloth. N. Y., 185 1
317 MOLINA (Juan Ignacio) Compendio de la Historia Geo-
grafica Natural y Civil del Reyno de Chile, Traducida en
Espanol por Don Domingo Joseph de Arquellada
Mendoza y Don Nicolas de la Cruz y Bahamonde.
Portrait and maps. 2 vols. 4to, half crushed levant mo
rocco, top edges gilt. Madrid, 1788-95
318 Molina. Saggio Sulla Storia Naturale del Chile. Folded
map. Small 8vo, Spanish sheep gilt, citron edges.
Bologna, 1782
Rare. "Translated into French in 1789; into Spanish in 1788
(vide above), and into English in 1808. The ' Storia Civile' was not
published until 1787."—Rich.
319 Mollien (G.). Voyage dans la République de Colombia en
1823. Folding map andplates. 2 vols. small 8vo, half mo
rocco. Paris, 1824
320 Mollien. Second edition of the above. Map andplates. 2
vols. small 8vo, half calf (foxed). Paris, 1825
321 Montaigne (M. de). Essais. Small 8vo, half calf (stained).
Paris, 1843
MONTFAUCON'S ANTIQUITIES—15 vols., complete.
322 MONTFAUCON (Bernard de). L'Antiquite Expliquee
et Representee en Figures, avec le Supplement.
With upwards 0f 1,200 engravings of antiquities, comprising
many thousandfigures. 15 vols, folio, fine old red morocco

gilt, inside gold borders, edges gilt on marble and stamped

in gold on the sides, with coronet, shield and supporters.
Paris, 1719-24
Priced ,£11 15s. in a recent English catalogue. This celebrated
work is one of the corner-stones of a good library, and is particularly
-r valuable to Archaeologists, Artists, Numismatists, and others, as it
brings together and represents in one plate (or more), all the famous
remains of Antiquity of the same kind, whether Statues, Busts, Bas-
reliefs, Coins, Medals, etc. ; so that, for instance, all the noted Statues
of Venus are exhibited together. Each object has a reference to the
collection in which it is preserved. The copious descriptions are in
French and Latin.
" Of the importance of this great book to the antiquarian and the
historical world it is hardly possible to speak too highly. Its object
was to lay before the public a vast series of objects of ancient art, of
architecture, of sculpture, etc., and to illustrate the whole by plates,
executed in the highest style of which the age admitted. It is to this
very book that the foundation of all our most important branches of
archseological knowledge of the present day may be ascribed."—Gen
tleman's Magazine.
323 Moore (Frank). Rebellion Record, a Diary of American
Events, with Documents, Narratives, Illustrative Inci
dents, Poetry, etc. Vol. 3, and Supplement to Vol. 1.
With steelportraits, maps and diagrams. Together 2 vols.
Large 8vo, cloth. N. Y., 1862-64


324 MOREAU de SAINT MERY (L. E.). Description Topo-
graphique Physique, Civile, Politique et Historique de la
Partie Francaise de 1'Isle de Saint-Domingue, avec des
Observations Generales sur sa Population, sur le Carac-
tere et les Mceurs de ses Divers Habitans; sur son Climat,
sa Culture, ses Productions, son Administration et Ac-
compagnes des Details les Plus Propres a Faire Connaitre
l'Etat de cette Colonie a l'Epoque du 18 Octobre, 1789.
Map and diagram. 2 vols. 4to, half sheep (foxed).
Phila., 1797-98
Extremely Rare, according to Leclerc :—" C'est dans cette rela
tion surtout qu'on peut recueillir des notions certaines sur le dernier
etat de la Colonie de Saint Domingue avant l'insurrection."

325 Moreau de Saint Méry. Another edition of the preced

ing work. 2 vols. in 1. Small 8vo, mottled sheep (no
map). Phila., 1796
326 Morelet (Arthur). Voyage dans l'Amérique Centrale,
l'ile de Cuba et le Yucatan. Map and wood engravings. 2
vols. in 1. Large 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1857
327 Moreno (Gabriel). Almanaque Peruano y Guia de Foras
teros para el Ano de 1803. Minimo, mottled sheep.
Peru, 1803
328 MOYA.—Tratado de Geometria, Practica y Speculatiua; y
de Cosas de Astronomia y Cosmographia y Philosophia
Natural, Ordenado por el Bachiller Iuan Perez de Moya,
Natural de Sant Esteuan del Puerto. With numerous
diagrams and cuts, also some MS. marginalia. 2 vols in 1.
4to, old sheep. Alcala, Ivan Gracian, 1573
Rare cosmographical work, and with references to America.
329 Muller (H. L.). Commerce du Globe, Comptes de Revient
de Marchandises Echangées entre Toutes les Principales
Places de Commerce du Monde. Numerous tables. 2 vols.
oblong 4to, cloth. Havre, 1865
330 MUNOZ.—Historia del Nuevo Mundo Escribiala D. Juan
Baut. Munoz, Tomo Primero. Fine portrait and map.
4to, superbly bound by Niedrée, in crushed red levant
morocco, inside gold borders, edges gilt on marble.
Madrid, 1793
Rare, Large Paper and printed by Ibarra. The death of the
author prevented the continuation of this important work. He was
many years employed in examining the archives of Spain and Portugal,
and in procuring copies of all the documents to be found relating to the
early history of the New World. These copies are now in the library
of the Academy of History at Madrid. Rich possessed a manuscript
copy of all that was written of the second volume.
331 Munoz y Romero (Tomas). Diccionario Bibliografico
Historico de los Antiguos Reinos, Provincias, Ciudades,
Villas, Iglesias, y Santuarios de Espana. Large 8vo, half
sheep. Madrid, 1858

332 f^^pJETSCHER (P. M.). Les Hollandais au Brésil,

Notice Historique sur les Pays-Bas et le Brésil
au XVIIe Siècle. Fine portrait, facsimiles and
map. Large 8vo, half morocco.
Large Paper. La Haye, 1853
333 Neuman and Barretti. Dictionary of the Spanish and
English Languages. Seventh Edition, by Seoane. 2
vols. 8vo, Spanish sheep, gilt. London, n. d.
334 Nicolas (Augusto). Estudios Filosoficos. Vols. 2 and 3,
8vo, sheep. Barcelona, 1854
335 NISARD (Charles). Histoire des Livres Populaires, ou de
la Littérature du Colportage depuis le XVe siècle jusqu'á
30 Novembre, 1852. Numerous fac-similes, many of them
on India paper. 2 vols. large 8vo, bound in half green
morocco, gilt. Paris, 1854
Very Scarce, and priced in a recent Pickering catalogue 10s.
This curious work narrates the history of popular books, and is a
bibliography of the literature peddled by hawkers from the fifteenth
century to the middle of the nineteenth.
336 NODAL (Bartholome Garcia deand Gonzalo de). Relacion
del Viage que por Orden de su Magestad y Acuerdo de el
Real Consejo de Indias al Descubrimiento del Estrecho
Nuevo de San Vicente que Hoy es Nombrado de Maire,
y Reconocimiento del de Magellanes LLeva Anadido las
Derrotas de la America Occidental de Unos Puertos a
Otros, que Dio a Laz el Teniente de Navio de la Real
Armada Don Manuel de Echavelar. Folded map by
Manuel de Rueda, dated 1769. Small 4to, limp vellum.
Cadiz, (1769)
RARE. Rich says the above expedition commanded by the Nodals
was probably made in consequence of the discoveries of Schouten,
The first edition is generally considered as a book of great rarity,
particularly with the original chart, and more than one copy has been
sold at thirty guineas.
337 Nodier (C. H.). Notice Bibliographique, Philologique, et
Littéraire. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Paris, 1834
Included in the above are—Nodier's " Binding in France "; "Satir
ical Works and Their Key," both parts; "Masonic Libraries";
"Macaronic Facetise"; " Rabelais's Literary Materials"; "Annals
of the Aldi "; "Pseudonyms"; " Eccentric Books "; etc.; also Paul
Lacroix's " Origin of Playing Cards."

338 NOTES AND QUERIES, a Medium of Intercommunica

tion for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists,
etc. First, Second and Third Series (November, 1849 to
December, 1867, inclusive); also Indices to First and
Second Series. Together 38 vols. 4to, cloth (some pages
foxed) London, 1850-68
The early series are very scarce of this work of constantly increas
ing value and importance and which no library should be without
Sets are now difficult to procure complete, and are daily enhancing in
value. The earlier series have been for some time out of print.
" Notes and Queries " was established for the purpose of furnish
ing to all lovers of literature a Common-place Book, in which they
might, on the one hand, record for their own use and the use of
others those minute facts—those elucidations of a doubtful phrase or
disputed passage—those illustrations of an obsolete custom—those
scattered biographical anecdotes, or unrecorded dates—which all who
read occasionally stumble upon ; and, on the other, of supplying a
medium through which they might address those Queries, by which
the best informed are sometimes arrested in the midst of their labors,
in the hope of receiving solutions of them from some of their brethren.
The success which attended this endeavor to supply a want long felt
by literary men, was manifested shortly after its first being published
by the necessity of permanently enlarging the size of the paper ; by
the increase in the circulation, and by the rising up of contributors
and subscribers in all quarters of the globe, which enables the guild
of litterateurs to waft their Queries " from Indus to the Pole."

339 Notes and Queries. First Series, Vols. 9 to 12 inclusive

(Jan., 1854—December, 1855) ; also Third Series, Vol. 3
(Jan. to June, 1863, inclusive). Together 5 vols. Cloth.

340 Notes on the Viceroyalty of La Plata in South Amer

ica, with a Sketch of the Manners and Character of the
Inhabitants Collected during a Residence in the City of
Monte Video, by " a Gentleman Recently Returned from
It," to which is added a History of the Operations of the
British Troops in that Country and Biographical and Mili
tary Anecdotes of the Principal Officers Employed in the
Different Expeditions. Portrait and map (foxed). 8vo,
half mottled sheep. London, 1808

341 Notices Statistiques sur les Colonies Françaises, Im

primées par Ordre de le Vice-Admiral de Rosamel,
Ministre Secretaire d'Etat, de la Marine et de Colonies. 3
vols. in 1. 8vo, half sheep. Paris, 1837-39
Divided in three parts—I. " Notice Preliminaire, Martinique-
Guadeloupe et Dependances "; 2. " Bourbon-Guyane Française "; 3.
" Etablissements Français de l'Inde-Senegal et Dependances."

342 [NOUGARET.]—Voyages Interressans dans Differentes

Colonies Françaises, Espagnoles, Anglaises, etc., Con
tenant des Observations Importantes Relatives à ces
Contrées et un Memoire sur les Maladies les plus Com
munes à Saint Domingue, Leurs Remedes et le Moyen de
s'en Preserver Moralement et Phisiquement avec des
Anecdotes Singulières qui n'avaient jamais été publiées,
le Tout Redigé et Mis au Jour d'après un Grand Nombre
de Manuscrits par M. N. 8vo, half calf, totally uncut.
Paris and London, 1788
Very Scarce. This work is taken from the papers of M. B.
(Bourgeois), "Secretary of the Chamber of Agriculture of the Cape "
by his nephew M. N. (Nougaret).
Richardière says that the most interesting part of the work is that
wh ich relates to the islands of Porto Rico, Curassoa, Grenada, and the
Bermudas, and to New Mexico about which places it would be difficult
to find such interesting and satisfactory details in any other work. It
bears sufficient evidence in its typographical execution of having
been printed in France.
343 Nouveau Dictionnaire Portatif de Bibliographie. 8vo,
half crushed levant morocco, top edge gilt, others uncut.
Paris, 1809
Second edition, enlarged by Fournier.

344 NOUVION (Victor de). Colonisation de la Guyane Fran

çaise, Publication de la Société d'Études Fondée et Dirigée
par M. Jules Chevalier, Extraits des Auteurs et Voya
geurs qui ont Ecrit sur la Guyane, Suivis du Catalogue
Bibliographique de la Guyane. 8vo, half morocco (foxed).
Paris, 1847


345 [NUEVAS LEYES.] Leyes y ordenabas nuevamiite
hechas | por su Magestad, pa la gouernacion de las Indias

y buen trata- | miento y conseruation delos Indios: que se

han de guardar en el | consejo y #udiécias reales q en ellas
residen : y por todos los otros | gouernadores, juezes y
personas particulares dellas. | Con privilegio imperial.
Handsomely printed title-page containing the arms of the
Emperor Charles V., King of Spain, also charming ini
tial letters. Square small folio, calf gilt, edges gilt.
Alcala de Henares, las presentes leyes, y nueras \ ordenanzas,
y declaracion dellas \ para la gouern- \ acion de las Indias, y
buen tratamiento de los naturales dellas. Fueran im- \ presas
por mandado de los se \ ñores: presídete, y del co \ sejo de las
Indias \ : en la villa de Alcala \ de Henares: en casa de
Joan de Bro- \ car a ocho dias del mes de \ Julio del año
de I nro. saluador \ Jesu Chri \ to MDXLIII (1543).
BLACK LETTER. A beautiful, tall copy of the FIRST
and EXCESSIVELY RARE EDITION of the publication known
among historians as the " Nuevas Leyes." Rich calls the volume "the
first collection of printed laws relating to the New World " ; and Ter-
naux, ' ' le premier recueil qui ait été publié. " It is not, however, a
collection or " Recopilacion," but two ordinances of Charles V. , issued
especially to insure the better treatment of the Indians, and for limiting
the partition of lands among the conquerors. Leon Pinelo states, on
the authority of Juan de Grijalva, that these laws " tan odiosas," were
prompted by the publication of the manuscript tract, ' ' Diez y seis reme,
dios contra la peste que destruye las Indias." They were issued at
Barcelona, Nov. 20, 1542, completed at Valladolid, July 4, 1543, and
ordered to be printed and enforced immediately throughout the Indies.
They were announced by the public herald in Mexico, May 24, 1544.

346 NUIX (Juan). Reflexiones Imparciales sobre la Humanidad

de los Españoles en las Indias contra los Pretendidos Filo
sofos y Politicos para Ilustrar las Historias de MM.
Raynal y Robertson. Small 4to, mottled sheep, red
edges. Madrid, Ibarra, 1782
Scarce. " The author would have rendered a more important and
honorable service to the Spaniards, if instead of endeavoring to discúl
pate them from calumnies not entirely without foundation, he had
manifested to foreigners, the useful measures which the Spanish minis
try were taking to remedy the abuses of their colonial government. "—

|CHOA (Eugenio de). Catalogo Razonado de los

Manuscrites Espafloles Existentes en la Biblio-
teca Real de Paris. 4to, half calf, gilt (stained,
etc.). Paris, 1844
348 OEXMELIN (Alexandre Olivier). Histoire des Aventuriers
Filibustiers qui se sont Signalés dans les Indies, Contenant
ce qu'ils y a fait Remarquable, avec la Vie, les Mœurs, et
les Coutumes des Boucaniers et des Habitants de St.
Domingue et de la Tortue; une Description Exacte de
ces Lieux et un Etat des Offices, tant Ecclésiastiques, que
Séculiers et ce que les Grands Princes de l'Europe y Pos
sèdent. Maps andplates. 4 vols. small 8vo, mottled sheep
gilt, red edges. Trevoux, 1775
Rare. Reprinted from the Trevoux edition of 1774. The author's
name is rather singularly changed from Exquemelin. It is also some
times spelled Esquemelin.
The third volume has the following title :—"Histoire des Avan-
turiers et Filibustiers qui se sont Signalés dans les Indes, Contenant
le- Journal du Voyage Fait à la Mer du Sud, le Tout Enrichi de Cartes
Géographiques et de Figures en Taille Douce par le Sieur Raveneau de
Lussan. "
The title of the fourth volume reads:—" Histoire des Pirates Anglois
depuis leur Etablissement dans ITsle de la Providence jusqu'à présent,
Contenant toutes leurs Aventures, Pirateries, Meutres, Cruautés,
Exces, etc., avec la Vie et les Aventures des Deux Femmes Pirates,
Marie Read et Anne Bonny, et un Extrait des Loix et des Ordonnances
Concernant la Piraterie. Le Tout Enrichi de Cartes Geographiques et
de Figures en Taille Douce, Traduite de l'Anglois du Capitaine Charles
This history of the Buccaneers was first printed at Amsterdam in
Dutch, in 1678, and was said to have been written by John Esquemeling.
It was translated into Spanish, from Spanish into English, and from
English into French. In the latter translation the author's name
appears to have been changed. M. Eyries in the " Biographie Univer
selle," says that the first translation printed in 1686 was published
from the manuscript of the author by Frontignières, who, he says,
printed the work as if translated from the English, which no doubt was
the case; but M. Eyries appears to have been ignorant of the existence
of any previous edition in any language.


349 OLMO (Joseph del). Relacion Historica del Avto General
de Fe qve se Celebro en Madrid Esto Ano de 1680 con
Assitencia del Rey N. S. Carlos II. y de las Magestades
de la Reina N. S. la Avsvstissima Reina Madre Siendo In
quisidor General el Excelentissimo Sr. D. Diego Sar
miento de Valladares. Small 4*0, mottled sheep.
Madrid, 1680
Rare. With large folding plate exhibiting the king, inquisitors,
etc. , present at the execution of the Jews, Mahommedans and others
burnt and punished at this " Glorioso Triunfo de la Fe," described as
above by the author, who was a Familiar of the Holy Office of the In
350 ONA.—Aravco Domado, Compvesto por el Licenciado
Pedro de Ona, Natural de los Infantes de Engol en
Chile, Colegial del Real Colegio Mayor de San Felipe y
San Marcos, Fundado en la Ciudad de Lima. Minimo,
mottled calf (some pages stained and cut down).
Madrid, 1605
Rare. This volume written by a native of South America in the
sixteenth century according to Ternaux— " Commence au depart de D.
Garcia Hurtado de Mendoza pour la Chile et finit au combat naval
livre pres de Callao, entre D. Beltran de Castro y la Cueva et l'Amiral
Anglais Hawkins que l'auteuf appelle Aquines. Cet ouvrage sans
merite, sous le rapport littéraire, contient des details précieux sur la
conquéte de Chile; l'auteur en terminant, promet une seconde partie
qui, a ce qu'il parait, n'a jamais vu le jour."
351 Orbigny (Alcide D'). L'Homme Americain de l'Amérique
Meredionale Consideré sous ses Rapports Physiologiques
et Moraux. Folding colored map and tables. 2 vols. in r.
8vo, half sheep (foxed). Paris, 1839
352 ORDENANZAS REALES del Conseio de las Indias. Fine
portrait and coat-of-arms on title. Square folio, half mo
rocco, gilt. Madrid, Francisco Sanchez, 1585
Very Rare. Bound up with the above are the following American
and Spanish Laws and Ordinances of the same date:—
" Leyes y Ordenanzas Nvevamente Hechas por sv Magestad para
la Gouernacion de las Indias y buen Tratamiento y Conseruacion de

los Indias que se han de Guardar en el Consejo y Audiencias Reales

que Enellas Residen y por todos los Otros Gouernadores, juez es y
Personas Particulares dellas. "
' ' Ordenancas Reales, Para la Casa de la Contractation de Seiulla y
para Otras Cosas de las Indias y de la Nauegacion y Contractation
dellas. "
' ' Ordenanzas para el Prior y Consvles de la Vniuersidad de los Mer
caderes de la Ciudad de Seiulla."
' ' Ordenanzas Reales para los Ivezes Letrados de la Dasa de la Con
tractation de Seuilla."
"Ordenancas de sv Magestad sobre el Despacho de las Flotas de
Nueua Espana y Tierre Firme." ,
353 Ordenanzas del Consejo Real de las Indias Nuevamente
Recopiladas y por el Rey D. Phelipe IV. N. S. Para su
Govierno Establecidas Ano de 1636. Engraved coat-of-
arms on title. Small folio, limp vellum. Madrid, 1747
354 Ordenanzas de la Illustre Universidad y Casa de Contrac-
tacion de la M. N. y M. L. Villa de Bilbao, Insertos sus
Reales Privilegios Aprobadas y Confirmadas por el Rey
Nuestro Senor Don Phelipe Quinto que Dios Guarde
Ano de 1737. Engraved frontispiece and ceat-of-arms.
Large 4to, mottled sheep, gilt. Madrid, 1787
355 ORDENANZAS v CEDULAS VARIAS. Large 4to, limp
vellum. vp.,v.d.
This collection includes among others a MS. copy of document of
—Pope Benedict XIV. to Cardinal Saldanha; "Decretum Canoniza-
tionis Joannis de Palafox et Mendoza," Madrid, 1761; Amat y Junient
(Manuel de, Captain General of Peru and Chili) "Reglamento,"
Lima, 1768; " Reglamento para la Guarnicion Real Phelipe del
Callao," Lima, 1753; "Ordenanzas Generales para el Govierno del la
Real Renta del Tavaco de Estos Reynos del Peru y Chile," Lima,
1759; and others issued between the years 1759 1769 in Lima,
Madrid, Cadiz, etc.
356 ORDINACIONES de la Imperial Civdad de Zaragoza Con
cedidas por la Catolica, Sacra, y Real Magestad del Senor
Rey D. Carlos Segvndo y sv Madre La Senora Reyna
Dona Mariana de Avstria. Large coat-of-artns of
Zaragosa on title. 4to, mottled sheep, gilt.
Very Rare. Zaragoca, 1675
357 ORTIZ de ZVNIGA (D. Diego). Annales Ecclesiasticos
y Secvlares de la Mvy Noble y Mvy Leal Civdad de Sevilla
Metropoli de la Andalvzia qve Contienen svs mas Princi

pales Memorias desde el Ano de 1246, en qve Emprendio

Conquistarla del Poder de los Moros el Gloriosissimo Rey
S. Fernando Tercero de Castilla y Leon hasta el de
167 1 en que la Catolica Iglesia le Concedio el Culto, y
Titulo de Bienau enturado. Coat-of-arms on title and over
dedication, by Marcus Orozco. Thick small folio, mot
tled sheep, gilt, marbled edges (title mounted and some
pp. stained). Madrid, 1677
Rare and Original Edition. " Ouvrage estimé vend 40 francs
La Sema."—Brunet.
358 ORTIZ (Hermano Lorenzo, S. J.). El Maestro de Escrivir
la Theorica y la Practica para Aprender, y para Ensenar
este Vtilissimo arte con Otros dos Artes Nvevos vno para
faber formar Rasgos otro para Inventar Innumerables
Formas de Letras. Palcographical plates (some stained).
Small folio, mottled sheep. Rare. Venice, 1696
ETC.—LISBON, 1571.
359 OSORIUS. De Rebvs Emmanvelis Regis Lvsitaniae
Invictissimi Virtvte et Avspicio Gestis Libri Dvodecim
Auctore Hieronymo Osorio Episcopo Sylvensi. Fine
coat-of-arms of Cardinal Prince Henry of Portugal
on title. Small folio, bound in Turkey moroccOj inside
gold borders, edges gilt.
Lisbon, apud Antonium Gondisaluu Typhographum, 157 1
Very Rare, with heraldic book-plate of Bishop Cavalerius on back
of title. " Edition originale qui est rare et recherchée. "—Brunet.
' ' Edition originate d'un ouvrage écrit avec elegance. Les contem-
porains de ce savant historien l'ont surnommé le Ciceron portugais (la
Bibliotheque Lusitana). Cette histoire du Roi Emmannuel traite de
la découverte du Brésil ; on y trouve un certain nombre de narrations
de célebres navigateurs, tels que Cabral, Gaspar de Lemos et Magel
360 OVALLE (Alonso de). Varias y Curiosas del Reine de
Chile su Clime, Descubrimiento y Conquistar de Otros
Reinos de las Indias, Introduccion de la Fe Catolica en
el-Todo Representado con Varias Imagines y un Mapa de
Chile. Profusely illustrated with wood engravings and

others on copper. 4to, half morocco, vellum sides, citron

edges (lacks title and is wormed). Rome, 1646
Extremely Rare. "L'edition Espagnole de l'ouvrage du P.
Ovalle est excessivement rare. C'est aussi la meilleure chronique qu1
existe sur le Chile. Une version Italienne a ete publiee la meme annee
par l'auteur lui-meme."—Leci.erc.
361 OVID.—Las Transformaciones de Ouidio: Traduzidas del
Verso Latino, en Tercetos y Octauas Rimas, por el Lice-
ciado Viana, en Legua Vulgar Castellana. Profusely
illustrated with curious wood engravings. 2 vols. in 1. Thick
4to, vellum (wormed slightly). Valladolid, 1589
Rare. With heraldic library stamp on title. The sub-title reads
further—' ' Con el Comento, y Explicacion de las Fabulas: re Duzien-
dolasa Philosophia Natural y Moral y Astrologia, e Historia Dirigido,
Lo Vno, Ylo Otro a Hernando de Vega Cotes y Fonseca Presidente
del Consejo de las Indias."
362 Ovidio Nason. II Amor Impuro, Metamorphoseon, etc.,
e Commento su Autor Don Ignacio Suarez de Figue-
roa Alferez de Navio. 12 vols. small 4to, limp vellum.
Rare. Madrid, 1732-38
363 [OVIEDO, G. F. de).] La Historia General de las Indias,
Con Priuilegio Imperial. With fine large coat-of-arms and
rubricated title (partly in facsimile), numerous wood en
gravings in the text, arms of Oviedo on last page of first
part, and large coat-of-arms on title of second part, etc.
2 vols. in 1. Large 4to, bound by Cape in crushed levant
morocco, inside gold borders, gilt edges.
Seville, en la Empreta de Juam Cromberger, 1535
Excessively Rare and Black Letter, with the full title on
back of title. The second volume is numbered folios I-LXIIII, and
was printed at Valladolid by Francisco Fernandez de Cordoua, 1557.
A four-page account of this early piece of Americana will be found
in Harrisse's " Bibliotheca Americana," where, among other things, it
is stated—" The present work is entirely different from the 'Natural
Ilystoria de las Indias,' published in 1526. This is the genuine
' General and Natural History of the Indies,' of Oviedo so often
quoted. It was originally divided into three parts, numbering in all
fifty books. The first part contains nineteen books, and, we think, a
portion of the fiftieth (on shipwrecks). These nineteen and a-half

books were republished at Salamanca in 1547. In 1557, the twen

tieth book, which is the first of the second part, was printed separately.
No other portion of this work appeared in print until 1851
As to the composition of the work, it seems to date as far back as 1526.
Mr. Ticknor infers from several passages in Books xxxm and xxxiv,
that Oviedo kept each book or each large division open for additions as
long as he lived. The work, it is well known, was written from official
documents sent to him expressly as the authorized Chronicler of the
Indies; an office held probably before by Fray Bernardo Gentil, and
afterwards by Herrera and Solis. "
" Among the persons who early came to America, and have left im
portant records of their adventures and times, one of the most con
siderable was Gonzales F. de Oviedo His ' Natural and Gen
eral History of the Indies ' fills fifty books, of which the first portions,
embracing twenty-one, were published in 1525, while the rest remain
in manuscript. He tells us that he had the Emperor's authority to
demand from the different governors of Spanish America the docu
ments he might need for his work; and as his divisions of the subject
are those which naturally arise from its geography, he appears to have
gone judiciously about his task He was evidently a learned
man, and maintained a correspondence with Ramusio, the Italian
geographer, which could not fail to be useful to both parties. And he
was desirous to write in a good and eloquent style, in which he some
times succeeded. He has, on the whole, produced a series of accounts
of the natural condition, the aboriginal inhabitants, and the political
affairs of the wide-spread Spanish possessions in America, as they
stood in the middle of the sixteenth century, which is of great value as
a vast repository of facts, and not wholly without merit as a composi
364 OYA y OZORES (Francisco de). Tratado de Levas, y
Reclutas de Gente de Guerra segun las Reales Ordenanzas
y Cedulas Modernas con Varias Reflexiones Legales, y
Politicas que para Commun Beneficio. Thick small 4to,
limp vellum. Rare. Madrid, 1734

ALACIOS RUBIOS. Tratado del Esfuerzo Be-

lico Heroyco. Engravedfalse title and vignettes.
Large 4to, half russia, gilt. Madrid, 1793
' ' Nueva Edicion con Notas y Observaciones por el Padre Fray
Francisco Morales."
366 PALLEJA (Cayetano de). Consulado del Mar de Barcelona
Nuevamente Traducido de Cathalan Castellano. Small
folio, vellum. Rare. Barcelona, 1732


mottled sheep. v. p., v. d.
Contains among other matters— Irarrazaval (R. L.), "Memoras de
Venezuela, 1844; "Act of George IV., Relating to Slaves," 1826;
"Expediente para Facilitar Arbitros," Lima, 1815; MS. "Relacion
sobre Defensa de Sato. Domingo"; "Instruccion para Gobierno de
los Baxeles de S. M. Guardacostas de Indias," 1803; MSS. and Cuban
Broadsides, signed in MS. "Alexandra Ramirez" and "Domingo
Del Monte," and other Cuban pieces, among them one of over 150
pages—"Informe Presentado al Real Junta de Fomento de Agricul
tura y Comercio de Cuba."
368 PAPELES VARIOS ESPAÑA. Small folio, mottled sheep.
v. p., v. d.
Includes numerous rare pieces. Among them— " Carta Pastoral
Dirigida a Todos los Subditos y Religiosas del Sagrado y Militar
Orden de San Juan de Jerusalem por el Serenisimo Senor D. Gabriel
Antonio de Borbon," with the grand seal affixed of the order of
St. John of Jerusalem, Madrid, 1767; " Una Carta que Don Francisco
Morovelli de Puebla Escrivio Alonso Lopez de Haro," 1622; " Apun
tamientos Jurídicos en Defensa de la Excelentísima Senora Dona
Francisco Xarava de Castilla Duquesa de Ripperdia en la Causa
Criminel," 1729; " Reflexion Historica de Luis de Salacar y Castro,"
with tabulated pedigrees; " Relacion de Iornadadel Excelentissimo
Condestable de Castilla a las Pazes entre Espana, Inglaterra," Valla-
dolid, 1604; *' Discvrso sobre la Nobleza de Espana "; and other rare
seventeenth or eighteenth century matter, of which two pieces are in
369 PAREDES (P. Ignacio de). Promptuario Manual Mexi
cano, que á la verdad podrá sur ultissimo á los Parrochos
para la enseñanza; á los necessitados los Indios para su
instruccion; y á los que aprenden la lengua para la expe
dicion. Contiene quarenta, y seis Platicas con sus Exem-
plos y morales exhortaciones, y seis Sermones morales, etc.
Añadese por fin un Sermon de Nuestra Santissima Guada-
lupana Senora, etc. Engraved coat-of-arms. Thick small
4to, limp vellum.
Mexico, Imprenta de la Biblioth, Mexicana, 1759
Rare. The Andrade copy was purchased at the Brinley sale (lot
5773) for $100. The above came from the "Biblioteca Arozarena."
The work, which, except the preliminary matter and titles, is wholly
in the Mexican languages, contains forty-six homilies, with examples
and moral exhortations, seven sermons for the Sundays in Lent, and
one on "Our Lady of Guadaloupe " and her miraculous apparition,

370 Paris, 1859. Large folded map, mounted on linen.

371 Pasquier de Dommartin (H. du). Les Etats Unis et le
Mexique, l'Interet Europeen dans l'Amerique du Nord.
Folding map. 4to, half sheep. Paris, 1852
372 PATRIOTA AMERICANA (El), Obra Periodica Tomo
Segundo, 490 pp., with Index. Square minimo, old half
sheep. Havana, 181 2
373 Payne (J. T.) and Foss (H.). Bibliotheca Grenvilliana, or
Bibliographical Notices of Rare and Curious Books, form
ing part of the Library of Right Hon. Thomas Gren-
ville, 2 vols.; also—Bibliotheca Grenvilliana, Part the
Second, Completing the Catalogue of the Library Be
queathed to the British Museum of the Late Right Hon.
Thomas Grenville. Together 3 vols. Large 8vo, cloth,
uncut. London, 1842-48
374 PELLICER y SAFORCADA (Juan Antonio). Ensayo de
una Bibliotheca de Traductores Espanoles, Preceden
Varias Noticias Literarias para las Vidas de Otros Escri-
tores Espanoles. 4to, mottled sheep. Madrid, 1778
375 [PERNETTY (A. J.).] Examen des Recherches Philosoph-
iques sur l'Amérique et les Ame>icains et de la Defense
de cet Ouvrage. 2 vols. small 8vo, calf gilt, red edges.
Berlin, 1771
Rare. This rejoinder of Dom Pernetty, in which he exposes the
blunders and unfair conduct of De Pauw, is much more ably written
than his first work, which was published at Berlin in 1769.
Bound up at the end of the second volume is—" De l'Amerique et
des Americains ou Observations Curieuses du Philosophe La Douceur
qui a Parcouru cet Hemispere pendant la Derniere Guerre en Faisant
le Noble Metier de Tuer les Hommes sans les Manger," Berlin, 1771. •
Rich speaks as follows concerning this rare brochure—"A lively
and humorous defense of the American Indians against the attacks of
De Pauw, attributed by Meusel to M. Poivre, but Barbier says that
it is either by M. Bonneville or Dom Pernetty. Now Poivre was never
in America; he was employed in the East Indies at the time this dis
cussion was going forward. It appears also that Monsieur Bonneville
was only eleven years of age at the time. As it is not probable that
Dom Pernetty wrote two books on the subject in the same year,,all
these conjectures as to the authorship of this work are apparently

376 Perrin Dulac. Voyage dans les Deux Louisianes et chez

les Nations Sauvages du Missouri par les Etats-Unis,
POhio et les Provinces qui le Bordent, en 1801, 1802 et
1803 avec un Apercu des Mceurs, des Usages, du Carac-
tère et des Coutumes Religieuses et Civiles des Peuples
de ces Diverses Contrées. Folded plate and map. 8vo,
half sheep, gilt. . Lyons, 1805
377 PERROT (Nicolas). Memoire sur les Mceurs, Coustumes
et Religion des Sauvages de l'Amérique Septentrionale,
Publiée pour la Premiere Fois par le R. P. J. Tailhan de
la Compagnie de Jesus. Large 4to, half red morocco gilt,
top edge gilt. Leipsic, 1864
Large Paper and one of the volumes of the " Biblioteca Ameri
cana, Collection d'Ouvrages Inédits ou Rares sur l'Amérique," pub
lished by the " Librairie A. Franck."
378 PERU.—Estado Politico del Reyno del Peru Govierno sin
Leyes Ministros Relaxados Thesoros con Pobreza Fertili
dad sin Cultivo; Sabiduria Desestimada Milicia sin Honor;
Ciudades sin Amor Patricio; La Justicie sin Templo;
Hurtos por Comercios; Integridad Tenida por Locura;
Rey, el Mayor de Ricos Dominios pobre de Thesoros;
also—Contestacion Veridica y Formal que se Hace Al
Manifiesto que ha Dado al Publico la Compania Guipuz-
coana de Caracas sobre los Beneficios. 2 vols. in r. Small
folio, half calf, vellum sides. Very Rare. (Lima), 1747
379 PERU.—Estado Politico del Reyno de Peru con Algunos
Arbitrios para su Maior Aumento y Mejor Gobierno que
dirije a S. M. Catholica, que Dios Garde, un Leal y
Zeloso Vassallo. 4to, vellum (imperfect and stained).
n. p., circa 1742-50
380 PERU.—Present State of, Comprising its Geography, Topo
graphy, Natural History, Mineralogy, Commerce, the Cus
toms and Manners of its Inhabitants, the State of
Literature, Philosophy and the Arts, the Modern Travels of
the Missionaries in the Heretofore Unexplored Mountain
ous Territories, the Whole Drawn from Original and
Authentic Documents, Chiefly Written and Compiled in
the Peruvian Capital. Embellished with 20 coloredplates of
costumes, etc. 4to, calf, gilt (foxed slightly). London, 1805
This work consists principally of extracts from the " Mercurio
Peruano," edited by Joseph Skinner.


381 PIEDRAHITA (Lucas Fernandes de, Bishop of Panama).
Historia General de las Conquistas del Nuevo Reyna de
Granada en Indias. Engraved titles with coats-of-arms to
first andthird bocks mounted (cut down and mounted). Folio,
half sheep. Amberes, Juan Baptista Verdussen, (1688)
Rare. The licences are dated in Madrid in 1688, but there appears
to be no reason to doubt of its having been printed in Antwerp, as
expressed on the title. Alcedo says that this work will .always be es
teemed for the eloquence of its style and the truth and judgment with
which it is written. Its author, on his way to his bishopric, was taken
prisoner ,by Morgan, the pirate, about the time of the sacking of
" II a ete compose pendant le sejour de l'auteur a Madrid d'apres les
manuscrits de Gonsales Ximenez de Quesada, le Conquerant de cette
contree et le premier Europeen qui penetra dans les montagnes de Cun-
dinamarca. Le premier volume de cet ouvrage important est le seul
qui ait paru et il ne va que jusqu'en 1563. Cette perte est d'autant
plus regrettable que la Nouvelle Grenade est une des parties de l'Ameri-
que sur laquelle nous possedons le moins de documents."—Ternaux.
382 PII. PONT. MAX Decadvm Blondi Epitome, Qva Omnis
ab Inclinato Romanoru Imperio Historia, quae coepitfere
anno Christi quadringentesimo septimo, per mille et
Amplius annos Miro Compendio, citra Obscuritatem
tamen Complectitur. With charming initial letters,printer's
mark, etc. Small folio, elegantly bound by Niedrée, in
crushed red levant morocco gilt, inside gold borders, edges
gilt. Basle, apud Ioannem Bebclium, 1533
Splendid Copy of this rare work in an elegant binding by Niedree.
383 PIMENTEL (Francisco). Cuadro Descriptivo y Compari-
tivo de las Lenguas Indigenas de Mexico. 2 vols. 8vo,
half crushed green levant morocco, top edges gilt.
Mexico, 1865
Scarce. The best authority on the native languages of Mexico.
384 PINELO (Don Antonio de Leon). Epitome de la Biblio-
teca Oriental y Occidental, Nautica y Geografica, Anadido

y Enmendado Nuevamente en que se Contienen los Escri-

tores de las Indias Orientales y Occidentals y Reinos
Convecinos China, Tartaria, Japon, Persia, Armenia,
Etiopia y Otras Partes por Mano del Marques de Torre
Nueva (por D. Andres Gonzalez de Barcia) su Secre-
tario. 3 vols. in i. Thick small folio, half calf, gilt
(back damaged). Madrid, 1837-38
Rare. With heraldic coat-of-arms, coronet and quarterings on back
of titles. Sold for £3 5s. in the " Bibliotheca Mejicana" sale, 1869.
The second volume contains the works relating to America and notices
of Spanish MSS. on the same.


385 PIZARRO y ORELLANA (Fernando). Varones Illvstres
del Nvevo Mvndo Descvbridores, Conqvistadores, y Paci-
ficadores del Opvlento, Dilatado y Poderoso Imperio de
las Indias Occidentales : sus Vidas, Virtvd, Valor, Ha-
zanas y Claros Blasones Ilvstrados en los Svcessos Destas
Vidas con Sigvlares Observaciones, Politicas, Morales
Juridicas, Miscelaneas y Razon de Estado para mayor
autoridad de la Historia y Demonstracion della y su Util-
isima Leccion. Large 4to, half crushed levant morocco,
gilt. Madrid, 1639
Very Rare. This volume contains the lives of Columbus, Cortes,
the four Pizarros, Almagro and Diego Garcia de Paredes. At the end
of the work is a long memorial to Philip IV. , stating the services of
the Pizarros and soliciting a remuneration to their descendants. The
author calls himself a grandson of the daughter of Francisco Pizarro.
' ' Cet ouvrage ecrit par un des descendants des Pazarres n'a pas ete
termine ; l'auteur avait ecrit d'autres biographies qui sont restees en
manuscrites. II renferme la vie de Christophe Colomb, de Alonso de
Ojeda, Fernand. Cortez, Franc. Pizzarro, Juan Pizarro, Diego de
Almagro, Hern. Pizarro, Gonzalo Pizarro et Diego Garcia de Paredes.
Sous le titre de Discvrso Legal y Politico F. Pizarro y Orellana de-
mande a Don Felipe IV. de tenir envers lui, la promesse fait par
Charles Quint a Don Francisco Pizarro de le nommer marquis et de
lui donner vingt mille vassaux, a titre de recompense hereditaire et
comme conquerant du Perou."—Leclerc.


MADRID, 1629.
386 PLINY.—Historia Natvral de Cayo Plinio Segvndo Tra-
duzida por el Licenciado Geronimo de Huerta, Medico
de su Magestad, y Familiar del Santo Oficio de la Inqui
sicion y Ampliada por el Mismo con Escolios y Anota
ciones en que Declara lo Escuro, y Dudoso, y Anade lo
no Sabido Hasta Estos Tiempos Dedicada Al Catolico
Rey de las Espanas Don Felipe Qvarto Nuestro Senor—
Tomo Primero. Curious piafes of animals, the Creation,
also Mappo-Mundi and portrait of the translator. Small
folio, old mottled sheep, gilt.
Madrid, Iuan Goncalez, 1629
Very Rare. The great value of this work is on account of the
additions to Books VI. and VII., containing an account of America
and the " Pervviana." Below the regal coat-of-arms of Spain on the
title are two hemispheres, that to the right being noticeable on
account of the North American continent being styled " N. Espana,"
and the South " Peru."
387 Pliny.—Libro Nono de Caio Plinio Segvndo de la His
toria Natvral de los Pescados del Mar, de Lagos,
Estanques, y Rios ; hecho por el Licenciado Gerónimo
de Huerta. Small 4to, vellum (stained and some pages
imperfect). Very Rare. Madrid, 1603
388 Pollard (Ed. A.). First Year of the War. Portrait. 8vo,
half morocco. Richmond, 1ÍJ62
389 Porta (J. P>.). De Hvmana Physiognomonia. Curious
physiognomicalplates, also portrait of author. Small 8vo,
vellum (stained). Vrsellis (?Ober-Ursel), 1601
390 PORTOCARRERO y GUZMAN (Pedro). Theatro Mon-
archico de Espana qve Contiene las Mas Pvras como
Catholicas Maximas de Estados por las Qvales, Assi los
Principes como las Repvblicas Avmentan y Maintienen
sus Dominios, y las Causas que Notivan su Ruyna. Ru
bricated title. Small folio, mottled sheep. Madrid, 1700
Rare. The author is described on the title as—" Patriarcha de
las Indias, Arcobispo de Tyro, Limosnero, y Capellan Mayor de su
Magestad y de su Consejo."

[Arms of Mexico.]
391 [PUGA (Vasco de).]—Prouisioes, Cedulas | Instruc-
cios y admi I nistraciod Justicia: y Gouernacion dsta |
Nueua Espana: y pa el bue tratamie | to y cseruacio a los
yndios, dende el | ano 1525, hasta este presente de 63 |
en. Folio, handsomely bound by NiedrIde in crushed
green levant morocco gilt, rounded corners, inside gold
borders, edges gilt on marble.
Mexico, en Casa de Pedro Ocharte, MDLXIII.
Superlatively Rare and Black Letter. Almost the only
perfect copy known of the above remarkable Collection of Laws,
the first printed in Mexico and the second issued for the Government
of the Indies. So far back as 1832 Rich priced a copy £\b 16s. At
the sale of the " Bibliotheca Mejicana " at Puttick and Simpson's, in
1869, a copy lacking title and wormed sold for .£23. The Dorman
copy was sold by us in 1886 for $360. Other copies have been sold
before and since then for as high as $600.
The above is absolutely perfect, and has not a fac-simile or missing
letter in it. The folios run from 1 to 213, including the title, which
is numbered in, and 5 folios of tables at end. Although, as in a large
number of early printed books, the Index folios at the bottom of the
pages are somewhat mixed, the book is perfect, and both the pagination
and the index folios combined show its completeness.
" As early as 1556 Antonio Maldonado had proposed to frame a
' Repertorio de las Cedulas.' The work known as Puga's ' Cedu-
lario ' must be considered the first step in that direction."—Harrisse.

UIROGA.—Index et Catalogvs Librorum Pro-

hibitorum Mandato Illustris ac Reuerediss. D.
D. Gasparis a Qviroga, Cardinalis Archiepis-
copi Toletani, ac in Regnis Hispaniarum Gene-
ralis Inquisitoris denuo editus Cvm Consilio Svpremi
Senatus Sanctae Generalis Inquisitionis. 4to, half calf.
Madrid, 1583
Extremely Rare and early index of works suppressed by the
Inquisition. With a few MS. notes.

393 ppng^AMIREZ (B. A.). Diccionario du Bibliografía

Agronomica de Toda Clase de Escritos Rela
cionados con la Agricultura Seguido de un
Indice de Autores y Traductores con Algunos
Apuntes Biograficos. Thick large 8vo, half green mo
rocco gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut. Madrid, 1865
394 RANKING (John). Historical Researches of the Con
quest of Peru, Mexico, Bogota, Natchez and Talomeco in
the Thirteenth Century by the Mongols, accompanied with
Elephants, and the Local Agreement of His'tory and Tra
dition with the Remains of Elephants and Mastodontes
Found in the New World. With two maps and portraits
of all the Incas and Montezuma. 8vo, half sheep
(foxed). London, 1827
Very Scarce, and with the Rare Supplement. Containing—
" Invasion of Japan from China; A Violent Storm; Mongols with
Elephants land in Peru and in California; Very Numerous Identifi
cations; History of Peru and Mexico to the Conquest by Spain;
Grandeur of the Incas and of Montezuma; On Quadrupeds Supposed
Extinct; Wild Elephants in America; Tapirs in Asia; Description of
two Living Unicorns in Africa."
395 Real Ordenanza para el Establicimiento e Instruccion de
Intendentes de Exercito y Provincia en el Reino de la
Nueva Espana. Thick small folio, old embossed calf
(wormed). Madrid, 1786
396 RECUEIL de DIVERS VOYAGES faits en Afrique et en
l'Amérique qui n'ont point este Encore Publiez Contenant
l'Origine, les Moeurs, les Coutumes et le Commerce des
Habitans de ces Deux Parties du Monde, avec des Traitez

Curieux Touchant la Haute Ethyopie le Débordement du

Nil, la Mer Rouge et le Prete Jean. Maps and plates
4to, old calf, gilt. Paris, Louis Billaine, 1674
Rare. This work contains the following relations translated from
the English by Henri Justel, and not by Thevenot as stated by
Meusel:—1. " Description de l'lsle de la Jamaique," etc., translated
literally from Blome (No. 357) without any acknowledgment; 2.
"Relation du Voyage sur les Costes d'Afrique," etc. ; 3. " Histoire
de l'Isle des Barbades, par Richard Ligon," etc. (No. 306); 4. " Rela
tion de la Riviere du Nil "; 5. " Extrait de l'Histoire d'Ethiopedu P.
Baltasar Tellez"; 6. "Relation de l'Origine, Moeurs, Coustumes,
Religion, Guerres et Voyages des Caraibes Sauvages des Isles Antilles
d'Amerique, Faite par le Sieur de la Borde," etc.; 7. Relation de la
Guiane et de ce Qu'on y Peut Faire"; 8. " Description de l'Einpire
du Pretre Jean."
397 RECUEIL de DIVERS VOYAGES. Another copy.
398 Reglamento y Aranceles Reales para el Comercio
Libre de Espana a Indias de 12 de Octubre de 1778.
Engraved coat of arms. 4to, old sheep, gilt. Madrid, 1778
399 Renouard (Ant. Aug.). Annales de lTmprimerie des
Estienne ou Histoire de la Famille des Estienne
et de ses Edition. Tabulatedpedigree. 8vo, half morocco,
gilt. Paris, 1843
Epitome de sus Vidas. Illustrated with numerous hand
someportraits after Leonardo da Vinci, Murillo, Velas
quez, etc. [one torn). 1 vol. in 2. Square folio, half
morocco, marbled edges (binding rubbed). Madrid, 1791
Magnificent Collection of portraits of the most famous Spaniards,
—Torquemada, Cardinal Ximenez, Francisco Pizarro, Bartolome Las
Casas, Balboa, Hernan Cortez, Hernando de Soto, Garcilaso de la
Vega, Alba, Menendez, Ponce de Leon, Ercilla, Mariana, Cervantes,
Quevedo, Saavedra, Velasquez, Calderon, Palafox y Mendoza, An
tonio de Solis, Murillo, Antonio, John of Austria, Osorio, Feijoo,
Juan, Ulloa, etc.
401 REZABEL y UGARTE (Joseph de). Tratado del Real
Derecho de las Medias-Anatas Seculares y del Servicio de
Lanzas a que Estan Obligados Los Titulos de Castilla
Origen Historico de Este Juzgado en el Reyno del

Peru Reglas con que se Administran Estos Ramos en

Ambas Americas, Conformes en la Mayor Parte a las que
Estan Prescritas en Espana para su Adeudo y Recauda
cion con Tres Apendices. Small folio, mottled sheep, red
edges. Madrid, 1792
Rare. The author, who is styled on the title " Del Consejo de
S. M. Su Oidor Decano de la Nueva Real Audiencia del Cuzco,
Honorario con Antigüedad de la de Lima, y J. Juez Privativo que
Fue de Lanzas y Medias-Anatas en el Distrito de su Vireynato,"
gives an appendix containing an account of the titles conferred on
persons in Peru.
402 REZABAL y UGARTE. Biblioteca de los Escritores
que han,Sido Individuos de los Seis Colegios Mayores de
San Ildefonso de la Universidad de Alcala de Santa Cruz
de la de Valladolid de San Bartolome de Cuence, San
Salvador de Oviedo, y del Arzobispo de la de Salamanca;
con Varios Indices. 4to, old mottled sheep. Madrid, 1805
403 RIBAS (Andres Perez de). Historia de los Trivmphos de
Nvestra Santa Fee entra Gentes las Mas Barbaras, y
Fieras del Nueuo Orbe; Conseguidos por los Soldados de
la Milicia de la Compania de Iesvs en las Misiones de la
Prouincia de Nueua Espana Refierense Assimismo las
Costvmbres Ritros y Supersticiones que Vsauanest as
Gentes: sus Puestos y Temples, las Vitorias que de Algu
nas dell as Alcancaron con las Armas los Catolicos Espa
noles quando les Obligaron a Tomarlas y las Dichosas
Muertes de Veinte Religiosos de la Compania que en
Varios Puestos y a Manos de Varias Naciones Dieron sus
Vidas por le Predicacion del Santo Euangelio. Thick
large 4to, Spanish calf (MS. on title and pages stained).
Madrid, 1645
Rare. The Biblioteca Mejicana copy sold for £4, i. e., $20. A
large portion of this volume consists of a description of the province of
Sinaloa. It also relates to the work of the Catholic church among the
Mayas, Hiaquis, the Florida and Mexican Indians, etc.
404 [Rich (O.).] Catalogue of Books Relating Principally to
America. Arranged under the years in which They Were
Printed [1506-1700] : also —Rich's Bibliotheca Americana

Nova, a Catalogue of Books in Various Languages Re

lating to America Printed since the Year 1700 [i. e., 1700-
1844], 3 vols. Together 4 vols. in 3. Half green morocco,
top edges gilt, others uncut. London, 1832-46
Scarce and now superseded by Sabin's " Dictionary of Books Re
lating to America."
(Juan Felix Francisco). Descripcion Historica Chronolo-
gica, y Genealogica, Civil, Politica, y Militar de la Serenis-
sima Republica de Genova sv Govierno, Antigvo y Mo-
derno, Fvndacion, Reedificacion, Conqvistas y Empressas,
Ereccion de su Iglesia Metropolitana, Parroquiales, Con-
ventos y Oratorios, Familias, Patricias, y de las Antiguas,
Hijos Ilustres y Otros Sucesos Debaxo de la Proteccion
del Real y Supremo Consejo de Castilla. Profusely illus
trated with numerous coats-of-arms of noblefamilies. Small
folio, half calf, gilt. Madrid, 1729
Among the coats-of-arms in this volume are those of—Montezuma.
Palafox, Spinola, Andrade, Cespedes, Espinosa, Aguilar, Ponce de
Leon, Casanova, Colombo, Colon, Solorzano and Cortes. There
are also MS. marginalia.
406 RIVERO (Mariana Eduardo de) and TSCHUDI (Juan
Diego de). Antiguedades Peruanos. With front, of
Manco Capac and Mama Ocillo, also woodcuts. Large
4to, half red morocco gilt, top edge gilt. Vienna, 185 1
Scarce. This is the text only, without the accompanying atlas.
The fifth chapter relates to the Quichua language and contains notices
of all the grammars and vocabularies treating of it.
407 ROBIN (C. C). Voyages dans l'Interieur de la Louisiane
de la Floride Occidentale et dans les Isles de la
Martinique et de Saint Domingue, Contenant ce qui
s'est Passé de Plus Interessant relativement a l'Etablisse-
ment des Anglo-Americains a la Louisiane, suivis de la
Flore Louisiannaise. Portrait and map. 3 vols. 8vo,
sheep, gilt. Paris, 1807
408 RODRIGVEZ (Manvel). El Maranon y Amazonas His-
toria de los Escvbrimientos Entradas, y Redvccion de
Naciones Trabajos Malogrados de Algvnos Conqvista-
dores, y Dichosos de Otros, assi Temporales, como


Espiritvales en las Dilitadas Montanas y Mayores Rios de

la America, Escrita por el Padre Manvel Rodrigvez
Procvrador General de las Provincias de Indias en la
Corte de Madrid. Square folio, elegantly bound by
Niedree and in crushed levant morocco extra gilt, in
side gold borders, rounded corners, edges gilt on marble.
Madrid, 1684
Very Rare. Father Acuna's " Relation of the Discovery of the
River Amazon" which was rigidly suppressed by order of Philip IV.
and of which a very small number of copies were published, is re
printed almost entire in this work. Acuna's "Amazon "has sold as
high as ;£l6, i. e. , $80.
This copy has bound up with it—"Compendio Historial e Indice
Chronologico Pervano y del Nvevo Reyno de Granada desde el Prin
cipio de los Descubrimientos de las Indias Occidentales, Tocando
Varias Cosas Memorables de Ellas assi Eclesiasticas, como Seculares."
This work which Pinelo says was printed at Madrid in 1688 begins
with the year 1491 and ends in 1684.
" Ouvrage estimé et dont les exemplaires sont rares."—Brunet.
409 ROSA de ROMANCES, o Romances Sacados de las
" Rosas" de Juan Timoneda que Pueden Servirse Suple
mento a Todos los So Romanceros, asi Antiguos como
Modernos y Especialmente al Publicado por Depping y
Wolf. Small 8vo, calf, gilt. Leipsic, 1846
410 Roux de Rochelle. Etats-Unis d'Amerique. Portraits
andplates. 8vo, half calf (foxed). Paris, 1837
411 ROXBURGHE (John, Duke of). Catalogue of Library of,
Arranged by G. and W. Nicol, also Supplement to the
same. Large 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, Bulmer, 1812
Rare. This catalogue has the prices marked in ink of the 9353
lots and 768 supplementary lots, also the prices to the same in separ
ate printed list at the end. The first part of the " Roxburghe Sale"
commenced on May 18, 1812, and continued for 42 days until July 4th
of the same year. The supplement took four days to dispose of, thus
making a continuous sale of forty-six days.
412 Rubio y Gemmir (Juan Miguel). Breve Relacion de la
Solemnidad y Augusta Pompa con que se Recibio en la
Capital del Reyno de Guatemala el Real Sello de Nuestro
Reynante Catolico Monarco El Senor D. Carlos IV.
Plates, one colored. Small 4to, old sheep (some pages
stained and title cut). Nueva Guatemala, 1793
Very Rare example of the Guatemalian press.

413 f -fjgjfi^ABIN (Joseph). Dictionary of Books Relating to

America from its Discovery to the Present Time.
22 parts in 11. Small 8vo, sewed, uncut.
N. Y., 1878-85
Subscription price of the above parts was $55. They include 57-
60, 69-70, 73-86, 89-90.
414 Saint Real (C. V. de). Histoire de la Conjuration des
Espagnols contre la Republique de Venise. 8vo, half
calf. London, 1800
415 SALAZAR de MENDOZA (Pedro). Origen de las Digni
dades Seglares de Castilla y Leon, con Relacion Svmaria
de los Reyes de estos Reynos de sus Acciones, Casamien
tos, Hijos Muertes, Sepulturas de los que las Han Creado
y Tenido etc., Muchos Ricos, Homes, Confirmadores de
Priuilegios, Con un Resumen al sin de las Mercedes que
su Magestad ha Hecho de Marqueses, y Condes desde el
Ano de 1621 hasta sin sel de 1656. Front, of coat-of-arms.
Large 4to, old calf. Madrid, 1627
416 Salva (Vincent). Catalogue of Spanish and Portuguese
Books with Occasional Literary and Bibliographical Re
marks. 8vo, half calf. London, 1826-29
Very Scarce. Parts 1 and 2 of this valuable catalogue, with an
other catalogue by Salva published at Paris in 1843, also a Spanish
catalogue of 1841, are bound up with the above.
417 Sanchez (Santos). Extracto Puntual de Todas las Prag
maticas Cedulas, Provisiones, Circulares, y Autos Acorda
dos Publicados y Expedidos por Regla General en el
Reynado del Senor D. Carlos III. 2 vols. in 1. Thick
small 4to, mottled sheep, red edges. Madrid, 1792
418 SAN DIEGO Y VILLALON (Juan de). Memorial y
Defensorio de D. Fr. Bernardino de Cardenas, Memo
rial del P. Julian de Pedraza, Discurso de la Vida,
Meritos y Trabajas del Ilustrisimo Senor Obispo de Para
guay y Verdades Duesnudas. Small 4to, limp vellum.
n. p., n. d.
Very Rare. This account of the persecution of Bishop Cardenas
of Paraguay, and others, by the Jesuits, and which gives a great
amount of information on the condition of Paraguay under the Order
of Jesus in the seventeenth century, is neither mentioned by Sabin nor
Rich. There has apparently been no title-page at the beginning of

the work, and it was seemingly not printed for sale, as it also lacks
the usual licenses, approbations, etc. There is, however, a title,
without date or place of publication, to the " Life of Bishop Carde
nas." The volume consists of 502 pages paginated throughout, and
inclusive of the title just named.— Vide other numbers relating to
Bishop Cardenas and the Paraguayan Jesuits.
419 SANDOVAL (Alonso de). Historia de Aethiopia Nat
uraleza, Policia Sagrada y Profana Costumbres Ritos i
Cathecismo Evangelico de Todos los ¿Ethiopes con que
se Restaura la Salud de sus Almas-Tomo Primero. 4to,
half morocco, gilt (fac-simile title and pages mounted).
Rare. Madrid, 1647
420 Sarmiento (D. F.). Las Escuelas Base de la Prosperidad
i de la Republica en los Estados Unidos Informe al Min
istro de Instruccion Publica de la Republica Argentina.
-Frontispiece. Large 8vo, cloth. New York, 1866
421 Sarmiento (Martin). Memorias para la Historia de la
Poesia y Poetas Espanoles. [Complete, and Vol. 1 of the
Obras Posthumas.] 4to, mottled sheep. Madrid, 1775
422 SARMIENTO DE GAMBOA. Viage el Estrecho de
Magellanes y Noticia de la Expedicion que Despues
Hizo para Poplarle. Plates. 4to, old sheep, red edges.
Madrid, 1768
Rare. This journal of the voyage of Sarmiento was printed from
the original MS. preserved in the royal library at Madrid. The editor
was Don Bernardo Yriarte. At the end of the volume is the scarce
" Declaracion que de Orden del Virrei del Peru D. Francisco de
Borja, Principe de Esquilache Hizo, nte Escribano Tome Hernandez
de lo Sucedido en las de Poblaciones Fundadas en el Estrecho de
Magellanes por Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa."
423 Saulnier. Nouvelles Observations sur les Finances des
Etats-Unis. 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1831
424 Scherer (Jean Benoit). Recherches Historiques et Geo-
graphiques sur le Nouveau Monde. Small 8vo, mottled
sheep gilt, red edges (no plates). Paris, 1777
425 [Scott (Michael).] Tom Cringle's Log. 8vo, half calf.
Paris, 1836


426 SERRA (Junipero). Relacion Historica de la Vida y
Apostolicas Tareas del Venerable Padre Fray Juní
pero Serra y de las Misiones que Fundo en la Califor
nia Septentrional y Nuevos Establicimientos de Monterey,
Escrita por el R. P. L. Fr. Francisco Palou Guardian
Actual del Colegio Apostolico de S. Fernando de Mexico
y Discipulo del Venerable Fundador Dirigida a su Santa
Provincia de la Regular Observancia de Nro. S. P. S.
Francisco de la Isla de Mallorca a Expensas de Don
Miguel Gonzalez Calderon Sindico de Dicho Apos
tolico Colegio. Small 4to, limp vellum. Mexico, 1787
Rare. A very curious work, containing much information respect
ing California, with a folded map of the country described.
427 Seward (W. H.). Situation Politique et Militaire aux
Etats-Unis. Colored map. 8vo, half morocco.
Paris, 1863
Bound up with the above are—Edwin de Leon, " La Verite sur Ies
Etats Confederes d'Amerique," portrait of Jefferson Davis, Paris,
1862; "Addresse au Roi Coton;" "Etude sur la Revolution des
Etats-Unis,'' Paris, 1863.

428 Sheffield (John Baker Holroyd, Earl of). Observations

on the Commerce of the American States. Tables. 8vo,
calf, gilt. London, 1784
New Edition, much enlarged, with an appendix— "containing
tables of the imports and exports of Great Britain to and from all
parts, also the exports of America, etc., with remarks on the tables
and on the late proclamations, etc."

429 SICARDO (Joseph). Christiandad del Japon y Dilitada

Persecvcion qve Padecido Memorias Sacras de los Mar-
tyres de las Ilvstres Religiones de Santo Domingo, San
Francisco, Compania de Jesvs y Crecido Numero de
Seglares y con Especialidad de los Religiasos del Orden
de N. P. S. Augustin. Small folio, limp vellum.
Madrid, Francisco Sanz, 1698
Rare. This account of the martyrdom of Catholic ecclesiastics in
Japan sold for 26 francs at the Quatremere Sale.


430 SILVA (Juan de). Advertencias Importantes Acerca del
Bven Govierno y Administracion de las Indias assi en lo
Espiritual como en lo temporal Repartidas en tres Memori
ales Informatius dados en Diferentes Tiempos a su Mages-
tad Real Consejo de Indias. 4to, mottled sheep, gilt
(MS. on title). Madrid, 1621
Very Rare. Bound up with the above are—" Ordenancas del
Marques de Canete, Visorey de Estos Reynos del Piru," printed at
Lima in 1594; " Relacion de la Conquista del Choco en el Peru—Me
morial de Don Carlos de Alcedo Sotomayor." These are even rarer
than Silva's " Memoriales por los Indias."
431 SILVA (Joaquim Caetano da, " of Rio Grande do Sul"),
L'Oyapoc et l'Amazone Question Brésilienne et Francaise.
2 vols. large 8vo, fresh half green morocco, gilt, Paris, 1861


432 SILVESTRE (L. C). Marques Typographiquesou Recueil
des Monogrammes, Chiffres, Enseignes, Emblemes, Devises,
Rebus et Fleurons des Libraires et Imprimeurs qui ont ex-
erces en France depuis l'Introduction de l'Imprimerie en
1470, jusqu'á la fin duseizième siècle: a ces marques sont
jointes celles des Libraires et Imprimeurs qui pendant la
méme période ont publie, hors de France les livres en langue
Francaise. With hundreds offacsimiles ofprinter's marks.
2 vols, large 8vo, half crushed red levant morocco, top
edges gilt, others uncut (some pages stained).
Paris, 1853-67
This splendid work is not only valuable on account of its scarcity,
but also of its illustrations. These number over thirteen hundred.

433 SOLAR (Felix). Catalogue de la Bibliothéque de. Front.

on India Paper. Thick large 8vo, half crushed green
levant morocco, top edge gilt, fore edge uncut.
Paris, Techener, i860
Limited Edition, printed on heavy paper. This copy includes the
Supplement or second part, printed in 1861. It also has the eighty
page tables of names of authors and anonymous works.


434 SOLIS.—Historia de la Conqvista de Mexico Poblacion, y
Progresos de la America Septentrional Conocida por el
Nombre de Nveva Espana Escriviala Don Antonio de
Solis Secretario de su Majestad, y su Chronista Mayor de
las India y La Pone a los Pies del Rey Nvestro Senor por
Mano del Excelentissimo Senor Conde de Oropesa.
Finely engravedfalse title. Small folio, handsomely bound
by Niedree in yellow calf gilt, inside gold borders, gilt
edges. Madrid, Bernardo de Villa Diego, 1684
Very Rare, First Edition, frequently reprinted and translated
into most of the modern languages.
Solis is highly esteemed by the Spaniards for the beauty of his style
and the purity of his language ; and in these respects is considered as
one of the most classical writers Spain has produced. His merits as a
historian, have been better estimated by foreigners and by no one with
more judgment than by Robertson, who describes him as—"destitute
of that patient industry in research which conducts to the knowledge of
truth; a stranger to that impartiality which weighs evidence with cool
attention and ever eager to establish his favorite system of exalting the
character of Cortes into that of a perfect hero, exempt from error and
adorned with every virtue—he is less solicitous to discover what was
true than to relate what might appear splendid. "
Solis's work ends with the surrender of Mexico and capture of
435 SOLIS.—Historia de la Conquista de Mexico Poblacion y
Progressos de la America Septentrional Conocida por el
Nombre de Nueva Espana Escriviola Don Antonio de
Solis Nueva Edicion, Enriquezida con Diversas Estampas
y Aumentada con la Vida del Autor, que Escrivio Don
Juan de Goyeneche. Plates, many folded, map and vig
nette heads, one with portrait of de Solis, also rubricated
title. Folio, calf, gilt (title holed and some pages stained).
Brussels, Francisco Foppens, 1704
Rare. This edition is recommended by De Bure on account of
the plates.
' ' Edition fort belle et trés-estimée. II y a des Exemplaires qui por
tent l'adresse de Juan Verdussen; mais le titre seul est change. "—


436 SOLORZANO-PEREIRA (Ivan de). Politica Indiana,
Sacada en Lengva Castellana de los dos Tomos del
Derecho I Govierno Mvnicipal de las Indias Occidentales
qve mas Copiosamente, Escribio en la Latina. Thick
small folio, crushed dark blue levant morocco extra gilt,
inside gold borders, edges gilt on marble, by Niedrée.
Madrid, 1648
Very Rare. First Edition of the Spanish translation of " De
Jure Indiarum, " several times reprinted. It contains a great deal of
matter not in the Latin work, and was formerly considered a very im
portant work in Spain and in Spanish America.
437 SOLORZANO-PEREIRA. Obras Yarias, Recopilacion de
Diversos Tratados, Memoriales, y Papeles, Escritos Al
gunos en Causas Fiscales, y Llenos Todos de Mucha En-
senanca, y Erudicion cuyo Indice se Vera en la Vltima
Hoja. Thick large 4to, vellum (title inked slightly).
Madrid, 1676
Rare. Includes curious essay on the crime of parricide; also—
" Sobre aver Desamparado vna Flota de Indias "; " Alegacion contra
Bienes y Herederos de D. Francisco Vanegas "; etc.
438 SONDERLAND (I. B.). Designs and Border Illustrations
to Poems of Goethe, Schiller, Uhland, Burger, Kor-
ner, Voss, with Translations. 20 plates, charmingly etched
by Sonderland. Square folio, morocco gilt, edges gilt
(foxed, and cover loose). London, 1841
439 SOTO (Domingo de). De Iustitia et Iure Libri Decem Nunc
Primum ab ipso Autore Innumeris in Locis Emendati,
atqve multo auctiores Redditi. Quibus Insuper Libro
Septimo in Sexto Transfuso Octauus de Iuramento et
Adiuratione Plane Nouuus Additus est. 4to, mottled sheep,
gilt (title mended). Salamanca, 1568
Very Rare. Domingo de Soto, the celebrated author of the above
was a Spanish Dominican monk, and the father confessor to the Em
peror, Charles the Fifth.
440 SOTOMAYOR (Antonio Valladares de). Seminario Eru
dito que Comprehende Varias Obras Ineditas, Criticas,
Morales, Instructivas Politicas, Hist0ricas, Satiricas, y

Jocosas de Nuestros Mejores Autores Antiquos y Mo-

dernos. 34 vols. in 17. 4to, half calf (some pages foxed).
Madrid, 1787-91
Rare. " Collection interessante; portee I 250 francs dans le cata
logue de Salva et vend. 103 francs, Sampayo."— Brunet.
441 Sotomayor. Seminario Erudito. 4to, limp vellum.
Madrid, 1787
Bound up with the above, which is the first volume of the " Semi
nario," are other pieces, including some MSS., among them being:
" Diario de Madrid," 1788-94; " Diario Curioso," 1786; "Criticism
on Jesuit Memorial," Genoa, 1759; Torres Villarroel del Gremio,
' ' Noticias Indefectibles de lo que Passa yn los Paises Altos del Cielo " ;
MS. Regal Decree, etc. Some pages in the volume are wormed.
442 SPARKS (Jared). Library of American Biography. Vols.
1 to 9 inclusive. With vignette portraits and facsimile
autographs. Small 8vo, cloth, uncut (foxed slightly).
Boston, 1834-39
Contains the lives of Stark, C. Brockdon Brown, Montgomery,
Ethan Allen, Wilson, Captain J. Smith, Benedict Arnold, Anthony
Wayne, Sir Henry Vane, John Eliot, Pinkney, Ellery, Cotton Mather,
Sir W. Phips, General Putnam, Davidson, Rittenhouse, Edwards,
Brainerd, Baron Steuben, Sebastian Cabot and Eaton.
443 SQUIER (E. G.). Monograph of Authors who Have Writ
ten on the Languages of Central America and Collected
Vocabularies or Composed Works in the Native Dialects
of that Country. 4to, half morocco, top edge gilt, Rox
burgh^ style. London, 1861
Rare. 100 copies only printed.
444 Stevens (Henry). Catalogue of my English Library.
Small 8vo, cloth, top edge gilt, others uncut.
London, 1853
Printed for private distribution by C. Whittingham, Chiswick.
445 Stevenson (W. B.). Historical and Descriptive Narrative
of Twenty Years' Residence in South America, containing
Travels in Arauco, Chili, Peru, and Colombia with an Ac
count of the Revolution, Its Rise, Progress and Results.
Fronts. 3 vols. large 8vo, half sheep, uncut (some leaves
foxed, one torn). London, 1825
446 SUAREZ de ALARCON.—Commentarias de los Hechos
del Senor Alarcon Marqves de la Valle Siciliana y
de Renda y de las Guerras en que se Hallo por Espacio

de Cinquenta y Ocho Anos Escriviolos D. Antonio

Conde de Torresvedras Publicalos don Alonso DE
Alarcon Canonigo de la Santa Iglesia de Civdad Rodrigo
y los Ofrece al Excelentissimo Senor Don Ivan Svarez
de Alarcon, Marqves de Trocifal. Portrait after
Titian. Small folio, old half calf. Rare. Madrid, 1665
447 SURINAM. —Stedman (J. G.). Narrative of a Five Years
Expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam in
Guiana and the Wild Coast of South America, maps and
plates by Bartolozzi and others, 2 vols. 4to, calf, London,
1796, plates to Stedman's Surinam engraved by Tardieu,
4to, half morocco, Paris, An VII.; Stedman's Voyage to
Surinam, Vol. 3; Fermin, Description de la Colonie de
Surinam, map and plates, 2 vols. small 8vo, calf and half
calf, Amsterdam, 1765-69. Together 6 vols.
448 SWARTZ (Olaf). Flora Indiae Occidentalis Aucta Atqve
Illvstrata sive Descriptiones Plantarvm in Prodromo Re-
censitarvm. 3 vols. in 6. 8vo, half calf (some pages
stained). Erlangen, 1797-1806
Rare. Continuously paginated throughout. With autograph on
fly-leaf of— " G. W. Stedman, M. D. St. Croix, West Indies, 1827."

ACITUS.—Commentaries Politicos a los Annales

de Cayovero Cornelio Tacito por Don Ivan
Alfonso de Lancina. Large 4to (MS. on title).
Madrid, 1687
450 TAMAIO DE VARGAS (Don Thomas). Restavracion de
la Civdad del Salvador I'Baia de Todos Sanctos en la
Provincia del Brasil por las Armas de Don Philippe IV.,
El Grande Rei Catholico de las Espanas i Indias, etc.
Small 4to, half calf. Madrid, 1628
Rare. N. Antonio places this book under the date of 1626 and
gives a list of other works of Tamaio de Vargas who was the
Chronicler of Philip IV. He was born in 1587 and was one of the
most learned men of his time.
451 Tehuantepec Railway, Its Location, Features and Advan
tages under the La Sere Grant of 1869. Maps and plates.
2 vols. in 1. Large 8vo, cloth. N. Y., 1869
The second volume of the above consists of " Historical and Geo
graphical Notes, 1453-1869," by Henry Stevens.

452 Tehuantepec. Isthmus of, Being the Results of a Survey

for a Railroad to Connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
made by the Scientific Commission under the Direction of
J. G. Barnard, U. S. Engineer. Maps and plates. 2
vols, 8vo, cloth (some pp. foxed). N. Y., 1852
With a resume of the geology, climate, local geography, productive
industry, Fauna and Flora of that region, arranged and prepared for the
Tehuantepec Railroad Company of New Orleans, by J. J. Williams.
453 Temple (Edmond). Travels in Various Parts of Peru, In
cluding a Year's Residence in Potosi. Plates. 2 vols.
8vo, half calf. London, 1830
454 TERNAUX-COMPANS (Henri). Voyages, Rélations et
Mémoires Originaux pour Servir à l'Histoire de la Décou
verte de l'Amérique, Publiés pour la Première fois en
Francais. 20 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1837-41
Rare. Both series complete. The first series, with the excep
tion of the last two volumes, consists of translations of very rare
works in German and Spanish. The second series is composed
entirely of translations from Spanish manuscripts, all of which form
erly belonged to Don Antonio Uguina, and were originally collected by
the historian Munoz for his " Historia del Nuevo Mundo," copies of
most of which were made for the late Lord Kingsborough and were
later in the possession of the eminent bibliographer Rich.
The following are the works contained in the two series :—1, Feder-
mann, "Premier Voyage aux Isles de la MerOceane" (Haguenau,
1557); 2, Pero de Maghalandes de Gandavo, " Histoire de Santa
Cruz ordinairement Brésil"; 3, Hans Staden's " Veritable Histoire "
(Marbourg, 1527); 4, Xeres, " Conquête du Pérou par Pizarro " (Sala
manca, 1547); 5, Ulrich Schmidel de Straubing, "Navigation au
Brésil et au Rio de la Plata " (Nuremberg, 1559); 6, Alvar Nunez
Cabeca de Vaca, "Commentaires" (Valladolid, 1555); 7, Cabeca de
Vaca, "Relation et Naufrages" (Valladolid, 1555); 8, Fernando
d'Alva Ixtilxochtil, " Cruates Horribles Commises par les Conque
rants de Mexique "; 9, Pedro de Casteneda de Nagera, "Voyage au
Cibola"; 10, "Pièces Relatives a la Conquête du Mexique"; II,
Alonzo de Zurita, "Chefs de la Nouvelle Espagne"; 12 and 13,
Fernando d'Alva d'Ixfilxochtil, "Histoire des Chichimequas "; 14,
Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes, " Histoire du Nicaragua";
15, Miguel Cavalo Balboa, " Histoire du Pérou"; 16, " Pièces Rela
tives à la Conquête du Mexique," second series; 17, Fernando Mon-
tesinos, " L'Ancien Perou"; 18 and 19, Don Juan deVelasco, " His
toire du Royaume de Quito"; 20, Recueil de Pièces sur la Floride,"

455 TERNAUX-COMPANS. Recueil de Documents et Mé

moires Originaux sur l'Histoire des Possessions Espagnoles
dans l'Amérique à Diverses Epoques de la Conquete Ren
fermant des Details Curieux sur les Mœurs les Coutumes et
les Usages des Indiens, Leurs Relations avec les Espag
nols, et sur la Geographie et l'Histoire Naturelle de ces
Contrées, Publiées sur les Manuscrits Anciens et Inedits.
8vo, half calf (foxed). Paris, 1840
This interesting volume contains matter written by—Palacios (1576),
Jerome d'Escobar, Augustin (1555), Gonzalo Hernandez de Oviedo,
Gonzalo Ximenez (1536), De la Marcha (1550), Juan de Velasquez,
" pretre " (178g).
456 TERNAUX-COMPANS. Bibliothèque Américaine, ou
Catalogue des Ouvrages Relatifs à l'Amérique qui ont
Paru depuis sa Découverte jusqu'à 1' An 1700. 8vo, half
green morocco, top edge gilt. Paris, 1837
457 TERTULLIAN. Apologia de Qvinto Septimio Florente
Tertvliano Presbytero de Cartago Contra los Gentiles,
en Defensa de los Christianos Tradvcida por el Pedro
Manero, Obispo de Taracona. 4to, vellum.
Madrid, 1657
458 [THOMAS (Ralph).] Handbook of Fictitious Names,
Being a Guide to Authors, Chiefly in the Lighter Litera
ture of the XIXth Century who Have Written under As
sumed Names ; and to Literary Forgers, Impostors,
Plagiarists and Imitators, by " Olphar Hamst." 8vo,
cloth. London, 1868
459 THOMASSY (R.). Géologie Pratique de la Louisiane.
With plates. 4to, half red morocco, gilt.
Very Scarce New Orleans, i860
460 THIERY DE MENONVILLE. Traité de la Culture
du Nopal et de l'Education de la Cochenille dans les
Colonies Françaises de l'Amérique, Précédé d'un Voyage
à Guaxaca, Auquel on a Ajouté une Preface, des Notes
et des Observations Relatives a la Culture de la Cochenille
avec des figures Coloriées, le Tout Recueilli et Publié par
le Cercle des Philadelphes Etabli au Cap Francais, Isle et
Cote de St. Domingue. Plates colored by hand. 2 vols.
small 8vo, half red morocco, gilt edges.
Rare. Cap Francais, 1787

461 TIMPERLEY (C. H.). Encyclopedia of Literary and

Typographical Anecdote. Plates andfacsimiles, also cuts.
Thick large 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1842
Scarce. This valuable volume is compiled and condensed from
Nichols's "Literary Anecdotes," Dibdin's works and other biblio
graphical authorities. The above is the second edition, and contains
—" A chronological digest of the most interesting facts illustrative of
the history of literature and printing, from the earliest period to the
present time, interspersed with biographical sketches of eminent book
sellers, printers, type founders, engravers, book binders and paper
makers of all ages and countries, but especially of Great Britain, with
bibliographical and descriptive accounts of the principal productions,
and occasional extracts from them, including curious particulars of the
first introduction of printing into various countries and of the books
then printed, notices of early bibles^ and liturgies of all countries,
especially those printed in England or English, a history of all the
newspapers, periodicals and almanacks published in this country, an
account of the origin and progress of language, writing and writing
materials, the invention of paper, use of paper marks, etc."
462 TORQUEMADA (Juan de). Los Veinte i Uno Libros
Rituales i Monarchia Indiana, con el Origen y Guerras de
los Indios Occidentales de sus Poblaciones, Descubrimi-
ento, Conquista Conversion y otras Cosas Maravillosas de
la misma Tierra, Distribuydos en Tres Tomos. Engraved
titles and colored map. 3 vols. smaH folio, half calf, cloth
sides. Madrid, 1723
Very Rare. Reprinted from the edition of 1615, under the editor
ship of Barcia. The first volume treats of the Indians of New Spain
and of their origin; of the customs of the kingdoms of Mexico, Tez-
cuco, Azcaputzalco, Tlacupa ; and of the origin of the republics of
Tlaxcallan, Chollula and Huetzozingo, together with the history of
the conquest by the Spaniards. The second volume contains—a
comparison of the customs of the Mexicans with those of the nations
of antiquity; and the third relates to ecclesiastical affairs, including
the lives of many holy members of the Order of St. Francis, to which
the author belonged. Some curious chapters of the original MSS.
were omitted by the orders of the Holy Inquisition, particularly one
entitled " Como el Demonio qui so Remedar a Dios Escogiendo
Pueblo," or " How the Devil wished to imitate the Almighty by-
choosing a favored people," probably comparing the migration of the
Toltecs to that of the Israelites.
Clavigero says—"this history is, without question, the most
complete in respect to the antiquity of Mexico of any hitherto pub

lished. The author resided in Mexico from his birth to his death,
knew the Mexican language well, conversed with the Indians for up
wards of fifty years, collected a great number of ancient pictures and
excellent manuscripts, and labored at his work more than twenty
463 TORRUBIA (Joseph). Chronica de la Seraphica Religion
del Glorioso Patriarcha San Francisco de Assis, Dedi-
cada al Eminentissimo Senor Don Joaquin de Porto-
carrero, Cardenal de la S. Romana Iglesia. Small folio,
half sheep, cloth sides (wormed). Rome, 1756
Rare. The author is described on the title as—" Predicador y
Missionero Apostolico, Calisicador de la Inquisicion y Revisor por la
Suprema de Espana, Padre de la Provincia del Santo Evangelio de
Mexico," etc.
464 TOURNEFORT (J. Piton de). Relation d'un Voyage du
Levant, Fait par Ordre du Roy, Contenant L'Histoire
Ancienne et Moderne de plusieurs Iles de l'Archipel de
Constantinople, des Cotes de la Mer Noire, de l'Armenie,
de la Georgie, des Frontieres des Perse et de l'Asie
Mineure, avec les Plans des Villes et des Lieux Consider
ables; L e Génie, les Maurs, le Ccmmerce et la Religio
des Differens Peuples qui les habitent et l'Explication des
Medailles et des Monumens Antiques. Plates of costumes,
antiquities, botany, etc. 2 vols. 4to, fine old red morocco
gilt, inside gold borders, gilt edges on red.
Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 17 17
Best Edition, and sold for 130 francs at the Labedoyere Sale.
465 TOURON (Antoine). Histoire Générale de l'Amérique
depuis sa Découverte qui comprend l'Histoire Naturelle,
Ecclésiastique, Militaire, Morale et Civile des Contrées de
cette Grande Partie du Monde. 14 vols. small 8vo, mot
tled calf gilt, red edges. Paris, 1768-70
Very Scarce. The Dominican Father Touron's history is almost
entirely ecclesiastical, and is one of the latest and best authorities on
the history and missions of the Roman Catholic Church in the Spanish
and Portuguese Americas.
466 TRATADOS. 4to, half calf. v.p.,v.d.
Rare. Contains a number of Mexican, Central American and South
American documents, treaties, State papers, etc., ranging from 1825 to
1838. Bound up at the end is—" Copias de Mingo Revulgo Compu-
estas por Rodrigo de Cota (El Tio) Natural de la Ciudad de S. Toledo
Glosadas por Hernando del Pugar," Madrid, 1797.


467 Travels Through Spain, with a View to Illustrate the

Natural History and Physical Geography of that King
dom, in a Series of Letters, Interspersed with Historical
Anecdotes. Plates and map. Large 4to, old calf, gilt
(foxed and cover loose). London, 1782
468 TRUBNER (Nicolas). Bibliographical Guide to American
Literature, a Classed List of Books Published in the
United States of America during the last Forty Years, with
Bibliographical Introduction, Notes and Alphabetical In
dex. 8vo, half roan, cloth sides. London, 1859

LLOA (Antonio de). Noticias Americanas En

tretenimientos Fisicos-Historicos sobre la Ameri
ca Meridional y la Septentrional Oriental Com
paracion General de los Territorios, Climas y
Producciones en las tres Especies Vegetal Animal y Min
eral, con una Relacion Particular de los Indios de Aquellas
Paises, sus Costumbres y Usos de las Petrificaciones de
Cuerpos Marinos y de las Antiguedades con un Discurso
sobre el Idioma y Conjeturas sobre el Modo con que Pas
aron los Primeros Pobladores. 4to, mottled sheep, red
edges. Madrid, 1792
Very Scarce. For other works by this author vide "Juan "in
this catalogue.
470 ULLOA.—Historia dell' Impresa di Tripoli di Barbaria della
Presa del Pegnon di Velez della Gomera in Africa fatte
per Comandamento del Serenisimo Re Catolico et il Suc-
cesso della Potentissima Armata Turchesca venuta sopra
a l'Isola di Malta, l'Anno MDLXV. Nouamente Mandata
in luce da Allfonso Vlloa. Printer's mark on title and
folded plate (slightly torn). Small 4to, vellum.
Venice, 1569
Scarce Example of the Sessa press.
471 URIEOÉCHEA (E.). Mapoteca Colombiana, Coleccion de
los Titulos, de todos los Mapas, Pianons, Vistas, etc. Relati
vos a la America Espanola Brasile Islas Adyacentes Arreg
lada Chronologicamente i Precedida de Una Introduccion
sobre la Historia Cartografica de America. Small 4to,
half morocco, top edge gilt. London, i860

472 URQUINAONA y PARDO (Pedro de). Relacion Docu

mentada del Origen y Progresos del Trastorno de las Pro
vincias de Venezuela hasta la Exoneracion del Capitan
General don Domingo Monteverde hecha en el mes de
Diciembre de 1813 por la Guarnicion de la Plaza de
Puerto-Cabello. Small 4to, mottled sheep, gilt (some pages
stained). Madrid, 1820
Very Scarce. With autograph of Lord Cowley on title.
473 UZTARIZ (Geronimo de). Theorica y Practica de Com
ercio y de Marina. Large 4to, old half calf. Madrid, 1757

474 [f^;p»«n ADILLO (Jose Manuel de).] Apuntes sobre los

f^%«£S Principales Sucesos que han Influido en el Ac-
tual Estado de la America del Sud, Segunda
ifiLffiaaJ Edicion Corregida y Aumentada. 8vo, half calf,
gilt. Paris, 1830
475 VADILLO. Third edition of the preceding named work.
Small 4to, mottled sheep, gilt. Cadiz, 1836
476 Vail (Eugene A.). De La Litérature et des Hommes de
Lettres des Etats-Unis d'Amérique. 8vo, half morocco.
Paris, 1841
477 VALDES. Dos Dialogos Escritos por Juan de Valdes
Ahora Ciudadosamente Reimpresos. Small 8vo, sheep.
(Madrid, 1850)
Large Pafer, and reprinted from the editions of 1528 and 1586.
478 Valle de la Cerda (Luys). Desempenio del Patrimonio
de sv Magestad, y de los Reynos, sin Dano del Rey y
Vassallos, y con Descanco y aliuio de Todos. Small 8vo,
half sheep, gilt. Madrid, 1600
479 [VARGAS y PONCE (Joseph de).] Relacion del Ultimo
Viage al Estrocho de Magállanes de la Fragata de S. M.
Santa Maria de la Cabeza en los Anos de 1785 y 1786, Ex
tracto de Todos los Anteriores desde su Descubrimiento,
Impresos y MSS. y Noticia de los Habitantes, Suelo,
Clima, y Producciones del Estrecho Trabajada de Orden
del Rey. Fine portrait of Magellan, folding map, tables,
etc. Thick 4to, red morocco gilt, inside gold borders,
blue watered silk ends, gilt edges. Madrid, Ibarra, 1788
Handsome Copy on thick paper and stamped in gold on the sides
with regal crown and large shield of quartered arms, over which is a

shield of maintenance of the royal arms of Spain. On an end paper

is a manuscript note in the handwriting of Senor Domingo Del Monte
to the effect that this volume came from the library of the Marques de
St. Cruz.
480 VASCO DA GAMA. Journal du Voyage de, en 1497, Tra-
duit du Portugais par Arthur Morelet. Fine portrait
andfolding map. 4to, half morocco gilt, top edge gilt.
Lyons, 1864
Large Paper and Limited Edition on toned paper.
481 VATICANO (II). Descrittoed Illustrato da Erasmo Pis-
tolesi con Disegni a Contorni Diretti dal Pittore Camillo
Guerra : [the Vatican described and illustrated by Eras
mus Pistolesi, with fine Plates in Outline of all the Orna
ments, Frescoes, Paintings, Statues, Marbles, etc., con
tained in that celebrated Edifice, including all its Archi
tecture and Details]. Illustrated with 850 large and
beautiful engravings. 8 vols. folio, half calf (some bindings
damaged). Rome, 1829-38
Large Paper and published in parts at over three hundred dollars,
unbound. This magnificent book has now become very scarce. The
fine original impressions have all the vividness of proofs.
" Description la plus etendue et la plus exacte de ce magnifique
482 VECELLIO. Coleccion de Trages que Usuron Todas las
Naciones Conocidas hasta el Siglo XV. Disenados por el
Gran Ticiano Vecellio y por Cesar su Hermano,
Nuevamante Grabados con le Mayor Exactitud. 160 plates
of costumes. Small 8vo, mottled sheep. Madrid, 1794
Rare Spanish Edition of Vecellio's Costumes.
483 VEITIA LINAGE (Joseph de). Norte de la Contratacion
de las Indias Occidentales. Engraved title by Marcus de
Orozco, containing portraits of Columbus, Cortes, Ferdi
nand and Isabella and Charles II., also coats-of-arms
and marine view. 2 vols, in 1. Large 4to, bound by
Niedree in half green morocco gilt, top edge gilt, others
uncut. Seville, 1671-72
Rare. This work was translated into English in 1700 under the
title of—" Spanish Rule of Trade to the West Indies," etc. It con
tains an abstract of the laws of the Indies.
"Ce livre etrare, et Salva l'estime^2. 2s."—Brunet. "J. de Veitia
Linage, Burgensis eques ordinis Sancti Jacobi, thesaurarius domus Indico

Hispalenses (la Contratacion de las Indias vulgo audit) deinde Indico

Matriten sis senatus patribus a secretis Mexicanarum partium vir sin-
gularis dexteritate et ingenio quibus Dotibus dignum se praestit ut
dium suum obeunte Martio mense 1682 D. H. de Eguia Regir nostra
Carolo a secretis universa; ut vocant expeditionis in locum ejus subro-
garetur. "—Antonio.
484 Venault de Charmilly. Lettre á Bryan Edwards, en
Refutation de son Ouvrage Intitulé Vues Historiques sur
la Colonie Francaise de Saint-Domingue. 4to, sewed
(stained). London, 1797


485 VENEGAS.—Noticia de la California y de su Conquista
Temporal y Spiritual Hasta el Tiempo Presente Sacada de
la Historia Manvscrita Formada en Mexico, ano de 1739,
por el Padre Miguel Venegas de la Campagnia de Jesus;
y de Otras Noticias y Relaciones Antiguas y Modernas
Anadida de Algunos Mapas Particulares y uno General de
la America Septentrional, Asia Oriental y Mar del Sur
Intermedio, Formados sobre las Memorias mas Recientes
Exactas, que se Publican Juntamente. Maps. 3 vols. small
4to, half sheep. Madrid, 1757
Rare. "The learned Jesuit father Andres Marcos Burriel deserves
all the credit that is due to this work, the manuscript of Father Venegas
having formed but a small part of the materials made use of."—Rich.
486 VENEZUELA. —Recuerdos sobre la Rebellion de Caracas;
aha—Cartas al Sr. Abate de Pradt, por " un Indigena
de la America del Suz," Traducido del Frances al Cas
tellano de Orden del General en Gese del Ejercito Es-
pedicionario de Costa Firme por Don Jose Domingo Díaz
en Cracas Ano de 1819 Impresas al Mismo ano en Aquella
Ciudad y Seguidos del Manifiesto que Presentaron al
Mundo los Ayuntamientos Cabildos y Disputaciones de
las weis Provincias de Venezuela por le Propria Epoca
Dado de Nuevo a luz por D. Leon Amarita, con Varias
Adiciones del Traductor. Together 2 vols. 4to, uniform
mottled sheep gilt, edges gilt. Madrid, 1829
Large Paper and Rare.

487 Venezuela.—Exposicion que Dirige al Congreso de Vene

zuela, 1833-1840. Folded diagrams, etc. Large 8vo, 8
vols. half sheep (foxed). Caraccas, 1833-40
Very Scarce. Consists of different reports from the various gov
ernmental departments of Venezuela.
488 VERITEZ FRANCOISES Opposees avx Calomnies Es
pagnoles, ov Refutation des Impostures Contenues en la
Declaracion Imprimé à Bruxelles sous le nom de du Car
dinal Infant par " vn Gentilhomme de Picardie." Small
8vo, old calf, gilt. 3 vols. in 1. Very Rare. 1637-39
489 VESPUCCI.—Vita e Lettere di Amerigo Vespvcci Gentil-
vomo Fiorentino Raccolte E Illvstrate dall' Abate An-
gelo Maria A Bandini. Vignette on title, engraved plate
and large folded sheet of Vespucci pedigree. 4to, half
russia, gilt. Florence, 1745
Rare. " Bandini's Life of Vespucci is a mere panegyric
throughout. He does not hesitate to call him the discoverer of
America, which he makes him appear to have been, from the dates
he gives of his two first voyages. But the Spanish writers have
proved that these dates are incorrect; and that the first of these
voyages, if made at all, must have been in 1499 instead of 1497.
But even if Bandini's dates were correct, all that could be said
about it would be, that Vespucius had followed a track which Colum
bus had pointed out."—Rich.
490 VESPUCCI.—Monumenti Relativs al Giudizio Pronunziato
dall' Accademia Etrusca di Cortona di un Elogio d'Amer-
igo Vespucci con l'Epigrafe—" Ira Maris, Vastique Pla
cent Discrimina ponti," per Concorrere al Premio Esibito
Dalla Stessa Accademia con Programma Publicato il da 8.
Aprile, 1786. Small 4to, half morocco gilt, top edge gilt.
Rare. Arezzo, 1787
491 VESPUCCI. —Voyages de, au Compte de l'Espagne et les
Mesures Itinéraires Employées par les Marins Espagnols
et Portugais dans XVe et XVIe Siècles pour Faire Suite
aux Considerations Géographiques sur l'Histoire du Brésil,
Revue Critique de Deux Opuscules Intitules—I. Vespuce
et son Premier Voyage; II. Examen de Quelques Points
de l'Histoire Geographique du Brésil, Comunication à la
Societe Geographique de Paris dans sa Seance du 16
Juillet, 1858, par M. D'Avezac. Large 8vo, half morocco
gilt, top edge gilt, with the covers bound in. Paris, 1858
Large Paper and Very Scarce.


492 VETANCOURT (Augustin de). Teatro Mexicano, Descrip
cion Breve de los Svcessos Exemplares Historicos, Polit-
icos, Militares, y Religiosos del Nuevo Mundo Occidental
de las Indias, Mexico, 1698; also—
VILLA SENOR y SANCHEZ (Joseph Antonio). Theatro
Americano, Descripcion General de los Reynos y Pro-
vincias de la Nueva Espana y sus Jurisdicciones. En
gravedfronts, and dedicatory coats-of-arms. 2 vols
Mexico, 1746
Together 3 vols. Handsomely bound by Niedree in
crushed blue levant morocco extra, inside gold borders,
edges gilt on marble. Mexico, 1 698-1 746
Excessively Rare. With all the parts of the " Teatro Mexicano."
A copy of the first named was sold in 1861 in London far ^13, i. e., $65.
Father Vetancourt, or Betancourt as his name is sometimes written,
was born in the city of Mexico in the year 1620. In early life he
joined the Order of St. Francis. He spent his entire life among the
Indians, whose love and good-will he obtained by his untiring zeal for
their welfare.
Leclerc says—" Ce livre compose par un des religieux les plus
instruits et les plus savants dans la langue Nahuatl, sur de nombreux
documents imprimes et manuscrits est un des ouvrages les plus precieux
qui existent pour l'histoire. Mexicaine. Parmi les MSS. qui ont servi
au P. Augustin de Vetancourt (ou Betancourt) nous en citerons deux
du P. de Sahagun (entr'autre Ie neuvieme livre de son ouvrage ' Con-
quista de Mexico ') des cartes, livres ou manuscrits peints des anciens
Mexicains; des MSS. de Alvarado Tezozomoc, A Munon Chimalpain,
de Carlos de Siguensa y Congora, etc. "
Villa Senor y Sanchez, the author of the second described work, was
a native Mexican and the Royal Cosmographer of New Spain. The
information given relating to the population of Mexican villages was
written from official reports of the various magistrates of the districts.
Brasseur de Bourbourg says the author was known as a distinguished
mathematician and an exact historian. The Bibliotheca Mejicana copy
sold for £4 2s. , i. e. , $20. 50.
Until Humboldt's work appeared, these were the most important
historical and statistical accounts of New Spain that had been pub


de la Conquista de la Provincia de el Itza, Redvccion y
Progressos de la de el Lacandon y Otras Naciones de In-
dios Barbaras de la Mediacion de el Reyno de Gvatimala
a las Provincias de Yvcata en la America Septenitional,
Primera Partie. Engravedfront. Thick small folio, limp
vellum. Madrid, 1701
Extremely Rare. The " Bibliotheca Mejicana " copy sold for
£6 ios., 1. e., $32.50. With an engraved frontispiece of the arms of
Spain and at the end the Colophon on a separate leaf, both of
which are frequently wanting. This work, the second part of which
was never published, appears to have been unknown to Meusel.

494 if-^jm^gl ALSH (Robert, Jr.). Appeal from the Judgments

of Great Britain Respecting the United States
of America, Containing an Historical Outline of
Their Merits and Wrongs as Colonies and Strict
ures upon the Calumnies of the British Writers. 8vo, half
calf (stained). Phila., 1819
495 Wante (M.). Importance de nos Colonies Particulierement
de Celle de Saint Domingue Demontree par la Refutation
d'un Ecrit ayant pour Titre; Examen Politique des Colo
nies Moderne, dans le but plus particulier de Savoir si
Celles de la France lui ont ete Avantageuses ou Non.
Tables. Small 8vo, morocco gilt edges, inside gold borders.
Paris, 1805
496 WARDEN (D. B.). Recherches sur les Antiquités de
l'Amerique Septentrionale. Plates and plans. 4to, half
calf. Paris, 1827
497 Warden, Bibliotheca Americana; Rich's Catalogue of
Books Relating to America, 1844; and four other book
catalogues. Small 8vo, half roan.
498 WARING (J. B.). Art Treasures of the United Kingdom
from the Art Treasures Exhibition, Manchester,with Essays
by Owen Jones, Digby Wyatt, A. W. Franks, J. B.
Waring, J. C. Robinson and G. Scharf, Jun. Illustrated

with magnificent chromo-lithographicplates in gold and colors

and numerous wood engravings by Dudley. Square folio,
calf gilt, with Grolieresque tooling and inlaying on the
sides, gilt edges (one cover loose). London, 1858

499 Weddell (H. A.). Voyage dans le Nord de la Bolivie et

dans les Parties Voisines du Pérou ou Visite au District
Aurifère de Tipuani. Plates on India paper and map.
8vo, half calf. Paris, 1853

500 Weld (Isaac). Voyage au Canada Pendant les Années

1795, 1796 et 1797. Map and plates, including view of
Niagara. 3 vols. small 8vo, fresh half green morocco gilt,
top edge gilt, others uncut. Paris, An VIII.
Scarce. ' ' The authpr exhibits some prejudice against the Repub
licans of North America, but his account of the country is very inter
esting and well executed."—Pinkerton.
501 WERDET (Edmond). Histoire du Livre en France depuis
les Temps les plus Reculés jusqu'en 1789. 4 vols. small
8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1861-62
Divided in four parts as follows— "Origines du Livre Manuscrit,
1275-1470"; II., "Transformation du Livre, 1470-1789"; III.,
" Etudes Bibliographiques sur les Imprimeurs et Libraries de Paris les
plus Célèbres, les Estiennes, 1502-1664, et Leurs Devanciers depuis
1470"; IV., " Propagation, Marche et Progrés de l'Imprimerie et delà
Librairie dans les Provinces de 1470 à 1700," " Imprimeries Clandes
tines, Particulières et de Fantaisie de 1470 à 1792."

502 WHITE (George Francis). Views in India, Chiefly among

the Himalaya Mountains, Edited by Emma Roberts.
Charming plates, after the designs of Lieutenant White.
Large 4to, morocco gilt, edges gilt (foxed and cover loose).
Large Paper. London, 1838
503 WINTHROP (John, First Governor of the Colony of Massa
chusetts Pay). History of New England from 1630 to
1649 from his Original Manuscripts, with Notes to Illus
trate the Civil and Ecclesiastical Concerns, the Geography,
Settlement and Institutions of the Country, and the Lives
and Manners of the Principal Planters by James Savage.
Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1853


504 WYTFLIET (Cornelius). Descriptionis Ptolemaicae Avg-
mentvm siue Occidentis Notitia Breui Commentario
Illustrata et hac secunda Edition Magna sui Parte Aucta.
Engraved title and maps. Small folio, russia.
Douay, apud Franciscum Fabri, 1603
Very Rare. With the library stamp on title of the ' ' Biblioteca
Arozarena." The maps, with which this book is adorned, are—the
two hemispheres; Chica or Patagonia; Chili; Brazil; La Plata; Peru;
New Castile; West India Islands and New Andalusia; Hispaniola.
Cuba and Jamaica; Yucatan; New Spain; New Granada and Cali
fornia; Quivira and Anian (Mexico); Conibus (Mexico), Florida and
"Apalche"; " Norvmberga" and Virginia; New France and Canada;
Labrador and Greenland.
" Les nombreuses cartes qui ornent ce livre, le feront toujours
rechercher. Elles sont fort bien gravees."—Leclerc.

ENOPHON.—Las Obras de Xenophon, Trans-

ladadas de Griego en Castellano por el Secretario
Diego Gracian, Diuididas en Tres Partes
1 Dirigidas al Serenissimo Principe Don Phillippe
Nuestro Senor. Fine coat-of-arms on the title, initial caps
andprinter's mark at end. 4to, mottled sheep, gilt.
Salamanca, Juan de Junta, 1552
Handsome Example of a Black Letter from the early press of
Salamanca, but with a few pages stained slightly. The above is the
original edition of Garcian's translation of Xenophon into Spanish
and which was the first in that language. From the above imprint, it
would appear that during the sixteenth century some of the well-
known Junta or Giunta family transported themselves from Italy and
carried on the printing business in Spain. They also had a press at
506 XIMENEZ. —Archetypo de Victvdes Espejo de Prelados
el Venerable Padre y Siervo de Dios F. Francisco
Ximenez de Cisneros. Front., 2 portraits and coats-oj-
arms. Small 4to, limp vellum (some pages wormed).
Palermo, 1653
Rare. This is a life of the famous Cardinal Ximenez under whose
auspices was prepared the famous Polyglot Bible known as the
" Complutensian," which has always been considered the model of all
subsequent versions of the Bible in different languages.
Prescott states that the character of Ximenez—" was of that stern

and lofty cast which seems to rise above the ordinary wants and
weaknesses of humanity. His genius of the severest order, like
Dante's or Michael Angelo's in the regions of fancy, impresses us
with ideas of power that excite admiration akin to terror."


507 XIMENO (Vicente). Escritores de Reyno de Valencia
Chronologicamente Ordenados desde el Ano M.CC-
XXXVIII de la Christina Conquista de la Misma Ciudad,
hasta el de M.DCC.XLVII. 2 vols. in 1. Valencia,
1 747-49 5 als°—
FUSTER (Justo Pastor). Biblioteca Valenciana, de los
Escritores que Florecieron Hasta Nuestros Dias con
Adiciones y Enmiendas a la de D. Vincente Ximeno.
Front. 2 vols. in 1. Valencia, 1827-30
Together 4 vols. in 2. Small folio, old half calf (backs
Rare. Amongst the various "Bibliotecas" published on the
Spanish writers, none, except the one of Nicolas Antonio deserves
more attention and esteem than that of Ximeno. Fuster's work is
an indespensable companion to the "Biblioteca" of Ximeno, as it
contains many additions to that work and very long extracts from the
ancient and unedited Lemosin Poets.
" Would to God that every province of Spain had contained in
dividuals equally gealous for their literary glory, that a complete
Spanish bibliography might now be made. It is fortunate, how
ever, that Ximeno has given us that of a province which is second
to none in the number and merit of distinguished men."—Salva.

ANEZ (Juan). Memorias para la Historia de

Don Phelipe Tercero, Rey de Espana. Small
410, limp vellum (no title). Madrid, 1723

509 Yeats (John). Natural History of the Raw Materials of

Commerce, with a Copious List of Commercial Terms and
their Synonyms in Several Languages. Map. Small 8vo,
cloth. London, n. d,

510 YEMENEZ (M. H.). Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de,

Précédé d'une Notice par M. Le Roux de Lincy. Thick
large 8vo, half red morocco gilt, top edge gilt.
Paris, Bachelin-Deflorenne, 1867
Very Scarce. With printed price list at end showing that the 3954
lots sold for 724,252 francs and 75 centimes.
511 YEPES (Diego de). Discursos de Varia Historia que Tra
tan de las Obras de Misericordia, y otras Materias Morales;
con Exemplos y Sentencias de Santos y Grauissimos Au
tores. Large woodcut of Virgin Mary and coat-of-arms
on title. Large 4to, half sheep (title mended and MS.
thereon). Rare. Toledo, Pedro Rodriguez, 1592

©rigmal IJXawtscripts.

ilttostlj? Melatfnfl to Central antr Soutij atnerfca.


An Unique and Extraordinary Mexican Manuscript of the
Sixteenth Century, written on twelve leaves of vegetable paper
made by the Indians. Narrow large folio (measuring over
nineteen and a half inches by nine and a quarter). Half
morocco. S^c. XVI.
Unique and of the Highest Degree of Rarity, it being an
original manuscript written in Mexico, not long after the Conquest of
that country by the Spaniards. There are altogether thirteen leaves,
of which one is blank. The document is of a legal character and has
many signatures scattered through it.
It is written on the paper known as " Metl," made from either birch
bark or the leaves of the " Agave Americana," and of the same char
acter as that upon which is inscribed the "Codex Mexicanus," that
famous Mexican document now in the Royal Collection at Dresden.
Manuscripts in Spanish, written on paper made by the native Mexi
cans, are of extreme rarity. The above is as fine a specimen as can be

found, and is lettered on the back as given in the title above . Spanish
experts, who have seen the manuscript, find it impossible to decipher
but small portions of it, and those plainly prove its jurisprudential
character. This has always been considered one of the most remark
able rarities in the " Museum del Montino."
513 5W<S.— " Reflexiones sobre el Commercio Espagnol y¿E
Indias por el Sr. Dn. PEDRO RODRIGUEZ CAM
POMANES." Hispano-American Manuscript, consisting of
six hundred and eighty-eight leaves (i. <?., 1376 pages) of
Eighteenth Century Spanish Script. Thich small folio,
mottled calf, uncut. S.rac. XVIII.
Unique Original Manuscript, giving a full description of the
Spanish trade with the Indies and inclusive of what is now the United
States. At the commencement is a table of contents, with the chapter
headings. An entire chapter is devoted to the trade with New England,
another to Virginia and Maryland, others to the Carolinas and Georgia,
etc. The volume is unpublished. Salva says—" Campomanes distin
guished himself in the latter part of the XVIIIth Century by his virtue,
wisdom and learning as a magistrate, and by the purity of his language
as a writer; the most celebrated of his works is the " Tratudode la Re
galia de Amortizacion."
Campomanes was the author of quite a number of other works, pub
lished in the middle of the last and beginning of this century, of which
copies will be found described in the Salva Catalogue, where also is
another manuscript like the above, almost entirely in his handwriting.
Robertson, in his " History of America," says that the books of this
author—" are in high estimation among the Spaniards; and it is a de
cisive evidence of the progress of their own ideas, that they are capable
of relishing an author whose sentiments are so liberal."
514 JÍIS.—"Certificacion Geral. dada al Exmo. Sor.
VIRREY CONDE DE GALUE delo Producido Dis
tribuido de la Real Hazienda en la R. L. Casa de Mexico
Centodo el Tiempo de su Gouierno Desde 20 de Nouiem-
bre de t688 que Fomo Poces on del hasta 27 de Febrero
del de 1696 que Cesso en el Subcedio el Exmo. Senor
Obispo Virrey Don Juan de Ortega y Montanez ";
also—" Merced qve el Senor Empera. Don Carlos V.
Hizo al Sor. Marques del Valle Don Ernando Cortes
y Confirmada por el Senor Rey Don Phelipe." Two

Spanish manuscripts in different handwritings and of the

seventeenth century, consisting of 41 leaves (82 pages), with
ornamental titlepage. Large 4to, mottled sheep, gilt.
Unique Original HisPANO-Ai,fERicAN Manuscripts, both of
which are carefully written. The first described has a neatly sketched
border and relates to the revenues of Mexico. It mostly consists of
tables and gives separate accounts of the properties of the Count de
Galve and the Duke de Albuquerque, the last named being dated 1712.
There are several official stamps of the Spanish government on the docu
ments. The title deed of the Emperor Charles the Fifth to Hernando
Cortes is a copy of the Seventeenth century original and has the Confir
mation to Cortes of King Philip of Spain.
515 f&Sk —" GRANDEZAS de INDIAS, Estado Eclesiastico,
Politico y Civil de Ellas Escrito por Don Gabriel de
Villalobos Caballero del Habito de Santiago Almirante
de Flotas Marques de Varimas.'' Consisting of 227
leaves (454 pages) of nicely written Spanish script. Folio,
mottled sheep.
Unique Manuscript Copy of the Original Unpublished Work
compiled about the year 1690 and which is now in the National Library
of Madrid. According to a note in the handwriting of the Licenciado
Domingo de Guzman del Monte, of Havana, it was made for him in
1849. His signature dated at Madrid appears under this statement on
the title page, and he has added a large quantity of manuscript notes
relating to Don Gabriel de Villalobos, who lived during the latter half
of the Seventeenth century. The author was an admiral of Spain as
well as Marques de Varinas and of the same family as Francisco de
Villalobos, the author of the famous " Problemas de Uillalobos," the
first edition of which was printed at Zamora in 1543 and whose work is
with justice considered by the Spanish Academy one of the classics of
Spain and himself as one the best physicians of his time.
5 16 —" Mapa de las DerrojJas y Ouras Observaiones
a las Correntes con la Vadracion de la Maya
Marear hechas por el Capitan Don DOMINGO
GONCALEZ CAkRANZA." Consisting of 410 pages of
Seventeenth century script in Spanish. Small folio, half
sheep. S^ec. XVII.
Unique Original Spanish Manuscript of the Seventeenth cen
tury. This valuable work is a "pilot guide" for America and the
West Indies. It has on the title and the last page the signature of

"Don Juan Joseph Navarro." The volume has evidently seen service
at sea as some pages are water-stained and a few at the beginning are
slightly torn on the margins. This unpublished MS. outside of its
interest to collectors of Americana has a scientific value, as it gives full
information respecting the currents of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
near the coasts of both North and South America, as well as explain
ing the way in which the navigators of the Eighteenth century used to
handle their ships.
517 jttcSb.—"Relacion dkl Gobierno del Peru, durante
el Manor del Virrey, DUQUE DE LA PALATA,
1689.'' Consisting of 538 pages of closely written Spanish
manuscript. Small folio, limp vellum. S^ec. XVII.
Unique Original Spanish Manuscript of the Seventeenth cen
tury and which gives a thorough account of the condition of Peru
under the Viceroyalty of the Duke of La Palata. They are his written
instructions to his successor and like all those similarly executed docu
ments, throw a wonderful light upon not only the history, but the in
ternal resources of the colonies, social condition of the people and
methods of the Spanish Governors. It was usual for a Viceroy upon
giving up his position to have a thorough synopsis made of his term
of office and the conditions under which his successor would assume
gubernatorial powers.
Siglo XVII. y Principios del XVIII." Being 718
pages of manuscript with some printed matter towards the
end. Thick 4to, limp vellum. S;ec. XVII. et XVIII.
Unique Original. —" Manuscritos de la Biblioteca del Marquis
de Santa Cruz Comprador por Don Del Monte Madrid, 1848," as a
memorandum states under the title. There are some thirty-one differ
ent documents or copies thereof in this volume. The larger number
are directed against the Jesuits. Some relate to the Franciscans, but
the most interesting to Americans are those parts of these MSS. which
relate to the celebrated Juan de Palafox y Mendoza, Bishop of Puebla
and Viceroy of Mexico, whose canonization met with such terrible op
position from the Jesuits. In the Biblioteca Mejicana, 1869, and in a
note to a copy of his " Virtudes del Indio " we read— " Palafox was a
second Las Casas in representing to the Spanish government the
wretched condition of the Americans and in advocating their amelior

ation. His zeal and humanity were most conspicuous in this exposi
tion addressed to the king in which he has described with much inge
nuousness, the good dispositions of the natives. The work has thence
acquired the title of the ' Virtudes del Indio.' But so true has it al
ways been that ' Veritas odium parit, ' that secrecy was necessary in
printing the book (about the year 1650) without any title page, date or
place of publication, and it has become one of the scarcest works relat
ing to the affairs of the Indies."
519 S&Mb,—"Planta de las Pensiones y Cargas Annuales
GALICIA y NUEVA BISCAYA, y delProducto de los
Ramos de Hazienda Afectos a su Satisfaccion de Cidadel -
Estado Xistente a los Fines del Ano de 1697, con Dis
tincion y Separacion de lo que Pertenece alo Politico Eclesi
astico, Militar; Dedicada a la Real Noticia de la Magestad
Catholica del Senor Rey Don Carlos Segundo y su Real
Supremo Consejo de las Indias por los Ofñziales de su
Real Hazienda Casa de Mexico." Consisting 0f114 Paies
of manuscript tables with Spanish text, also two ornamental
titles. Small folio, morocco, gilt. S^ec. XVII.
Unique Original Manuscript with the inserted monogram book
plate of the Marquis de Santa Cruz. This interesting work gives
a complete list of the pensions, annual charges, etc., in New Spain,
Gallicia, etc. The tables are arranged in the following order—Guad-
alaxara, Zacatecas, Sombrerete, Durango, St. Luis Potosi, Guanaxuato,
Pachuca, Acapulco, Vera Cruz and Mexico. Among the pensions in
the last named are several to the Montezumas. Following these inter
esting tables are another series, which the separate title calls—" Planta
de las Dotaciones Anuales de los Pressidios Interiores de los Reynos
de Nueva Espana, Biscaya, Galicia, Nueuo Mexico."
Collection of manuscripts relating to Mexico, Peru, Para
guay, Cuba, Guatamala, New Granada, etc., and consisting
of 690 pages of Spanish text in various handwritings, with
some pages ofprinted matter. Thick small folio, mottled
sheep. Smc. XVII. et XVIII.
Unique Original Unpublished Manuscripts. A remarkable
collection, mostly of the early part of the Seventeenth century, and

relating to Hispano-American matters of great importance, such as,

for instance, the abolition of the Vice-royalty of Santa Fe and the
basin of the Amazon River. Some are signed. There are four rare
pieces of printed matter; the first is—" Memorial delos Svgedido en la
Ciudad de Mexico, desde el Dia Primero de Nouiembre de 1623 hasta
Quienze de Enero de 1624." Another is a Seventeenth century Peru
vian manifesto, and two others relate to Paraguay and Peru.
521 J^S.—"FLOR DE ACADEMIAS, Qve Contiene lasque
se Celebraron en el Real Palacio de esta Corte de Lima en
el Gabineto del Exmo. Senor Don Manuel de Oms y
de Santu Pau, osim de Sentmanat y de Lanuza, Mar
ques de Castelldos Vius, Grande de Espana, Virrey,
Governador y Cappitan General de Estos Reynos del
Peru, Tierre Firme y Chile, etc., desde P. Lunes 23 de
Septe. del Ano de 1709 hasta el il Lunes 7 de Abril de
17 10; Recogidas y Copiados por la Cuydadosa Atencion
de Diego Rodriguez de Guzman Cappitan de Infanteria
Espanola de Tercio del Presidio del Callao; Guarda
Mayor de la Real Cassa de Moneda de Esta Ciudad de
Lima y Custodio de esta Real Academia." Consisting of
456 leaves (9 12 pages) of beautifully written Spanish script,
with nine illuminatedpages, two of them being coats-of-arms,
also one fullpage of heraldic bearings and pen scroll work,
thirty-one artistically designed initial letters, head and tail
pieces, and various smaller designs of similar character scat
tered throughout the text. Thick small folio, pink velvet,
with green and silver ties. S^ec. XVIII.
Unique Original Manuscript of Eighteenth Century His
pano-American Execution. There are two illuminated title pages,
around which are floriated borders. On one is a bird killing its young
and on the other a lion attacking an eagle.
There are three coats-of-arms as stated above. The first is of the
Duke de Albuquerque, Viceroy and Captain-General of New Spain,
"y Presidente de su Real Chancelleria de Mexico." The second repre
sents a lion holding the royal arms of Spain in one paw and a sword
in the other, while with his hind legs he is crushing a prostrate female
figure who is holding a torch ; below are three separate shields, one of
which is the heraldic blazonry of Great Britain. The third coat-of-
arms is that of the Marquis de Castelldos Vius.
There are also several curious emblematical page drawings; one repre

sents the infant Hercules ; another, a hand holding a lighted torch

beneath a dome around which insects circle ; another is, of a kneeling
virgin with nimbus, and around her are trophies of war; another
represents a cremational effect—two human beings outstretched, with
fire proceeding from grassy mounds above them ; and another is of a
crown and sword.
The signature of Diego de Guzman is at the end of the Preface,
dated 1713, of this interesting collection of verses, etc., which at one
time was in the library of the Marquis de Santa Cruz, whose book
plate is on an end paper. The whole work is full of poetry from the
pens of eminent Hispano-Peruvians attached to the Court of the Vice
roy to whom it is dedicated.
As a volume of high literary merit composed by South Americans it
deserves a place of prominence in one of our great public libraries.
The allusions throughout the verses are genuinely American, in a
literary sense, and the whole work as an unit exhibits the high literary
culture of Peru nearly two centuries ago. The volume also has great
value as containing early Eighteenth century illuminated work by a
military official of Callao and Lima.
522 JUSb.—" Relacion que Escrive el CONDE de SUPER-
UNDA, Virrey de el Peru de los Principales Sucesos de
su Govierno sr Real Orden de su Magestad Comunicade
por el Exmo. Sr. MARQUES DE LA ENSENADA, su
Secretario del Despacho Vniversal con fecha de 23 de Ag-
gusto de 1791, Esta en dos Parties. La Primera Compre-
hende los Anos desde Nueue de Julio de Milce Tecientos
Quarenta y Cinco hasta Fin del Mismo mes en el de 1756,
y la Segunda desde Io. de Agte. de otro Ano Hasta 12 de
Oct. de 1761." Consisiing of 163 leayes (326 pages) of
Spanish script, with 4 large inserted tables. Small folio,
limp vellum. S^c. XVIII.
Unique Original Peruvian Manuscript of the Eighteenth cen
tury, and being the Instructions, official documents, communicated by
the Count de Superunda, Viceroy of Peru, through his secretary, the
Marquis de la Ensenada.
523 —"Relacion que Hace el Exmo. Senor DON
THEODORO de CROIX, Virrey que sue de estos Senors
del Peru y Chile a su Sucessor el Exmo. S. Fr. D. FRAN
CISCO GIL de LEMOS desde 4 de Abril de 1784, hasta

25 de Marco de 1790." Consisting of 269 leaves (538 pages)

of Spanish script in excellent condition, with large inserted
folding table. Thick small folio, green velvet.
Unique Original Manuscript of the Eighteenth century, and
being the Instructions of Don Theodore de Croix, Viceroy of Peru and
Chili, to his successor Francisco Gil de Lemos. An official letter
signed by the Viceroy de Croix will be found loose in this valuable
GICOS de Ordens Reals Providencias para los Des
cubrimientos Actos y Posesiones de Costas y Navegacion
de Mar del Sur especialmente de la Parte del Norte y de
Californias y Prohibicion de Navegar los Mares de Indias
a tosas las Naciones Extrangeros, Formadas de Expresa
Rl. orn. de S. M. Vap. de la Direccion del Exmo. Sor.
Dn. Francisco Monino Cavallero Gran Cruz de la Dis
tinguida Rl. Orn. de Carlos III. Governador del Real y
Supremo Consejo de Indias por Don Joseph Garcia de
Leon y Pizarro, etc., 1790." Consisting of 106 leaves or
212 pages of very distinctly written Spanish script, and in
good condition. Large 4to, Spanish sheep, gilt (binding
slightly damaged). S^c. XVIII.
Unique Original Manuscript, written by a descendant of the
great Pizarro, and for the navigation of the Pacific Ocean, but especi
ally for that portion near California.
525 JW5s.—REVILLA GIGEDO. "Instruccion Reservada
que el Virey Conde de Revilla Gigedos dio a su Suces-
sor en el Mando, Marques de Branciforte sobre el
Gobierno du este Continente." Thick small folio, half
sheep. S^c. XVIII.
Unique and Very Curious Original Manuscript. This copy,
which is signed by the Viceroy Revilla Gigedo, belonged to the ill-fated
Emperor Maximilian, whose book-plate, and that of J. M. Andrade, will
be found inserted on an end paper. The script was written by Raphael
Bachiller, Secretary to the Viceroy of Mexico, and the Instructions are

dated " Mexico, 30 Junio, 1794." There are in all 907 pages, contain
ing the Viceroy's 1422 different instructions.
Count Revilla Gigedo was Viceroy of New Spain from October,
1789, to July, 1794. His successor, Branciforte, from the latter date
to May, 1798. The "Instruccion" contains full particulars of the
Duties, Privileges and Powers of the Viceroys, and is of great import
ance in connection with the government of Mexico under the Spanish
526 JWS —"Nueva Systema de GOBIERNO ECONOMICO
para la AMERICA con los Males y Danos que le Causa
el que hoy Tiene de los que Participa Copiosamente
Espana y Remedios Vniversales para que la Primera Tenga
Considerables Ventajas y la Segunda Mayores Interese por
El Senor Don Jose de Campillo y Cosío." 442 pages of
Spanish script with titles in red. Small 4to, half sheep.
S^sc. XVIII.
Unique Original Manuscript of the Eighteenth century, and is
written by Don Campillo y Cosio in the middle of the Eighteenth cen
tury, as stated in the following note at the end of the first part—"Con-
cluyoce la preste. Obra en Madrid a 14 de Julio, 1743, Jose del Cam
pillo y Cosío."
527 fSLSk—"CARLOS III. LEYS y CEDULAS." 9 pages
of Eighteenth century MS. Small folio, crushed levant
morocco, inside gold borders, top edge gilt.
Sjec. XVIII.
Unique Original Manuscript, being a copy of royal orders of
Charles III. of Spain, dated 1766, instructing the authorities to see
that the Indians, half breeds, etc. (Mestizos y Caciques), were properly
taught, etc. One of the documents is countersigned by Antonio de
Ubilla y Medina, and the other by Francisco Arana. There are also
specially mentioned— "Vicente Mora Chimo Como, Cacique principal
de varios pueblas de Indios y procurador general de ellos en el reyno
del Peru," and Father Isidoro de Cala, missionary apostolic of the
Order of San Francisco in Lima.


Ano -de 1774." 260 pages of manuscript of numerous
tables, some inserted andfolding. Large 4to, limp vellum.
Unique Original Manuscript relating to fiscal matters in the
province of Peru and emanating from the Treasury Department of
that viceroyalty. They appear to have been written under the orders
of Senor Baylio Frey Don Julian de Ariaga—" Secretario el Despacho
universal de Indias." In the prefatory pages also appear the names
of Don Miguel Feijo de Sosa and Don Joseph Antonio Pimeno y
529 JWás. —" Libro de Cédulas Autos Acordados y Otros
Instrumentos Pertenicientes a los INDIOS Ano de
1760 Real Audiencia de Lima." Nearly 1,000 pages of
manuscript. 2 vols. large 4to, limp vellum. Sjec. XVIII.
Unique Original Manuscripts, consisting of documents relating
to Peru—being laws, regulations, institutions and other documents of
great interest to students of South American matters, as they contain
copies of important decrees, some of which were issued in the Seven -
teenth century, relating to the government of the Indies.
530 $WJ».—" Reflexiones de DONJUAN CASAUS, sobre
Medios que Sepueden Tomar para el Fomento de Fabricas
de todas Especios y del Comercio Interno y Externo de
Espana, con Aumento de la Real Hacienda y del Vasallo."
541 pages of clearly written MSS. in good condition. Small
folio, mottled sheep. S.EC. XVIII.
Unique Original Manuscript dated "1748" on title. There
are also bound up with the above, the "Proyecto de Don Francisco
Pavio," also a portion of an alphabetical encyclopedia in MS-, com
mencing with "Abastos" and ending with " Artilleria. " These re
late mostly to the South Americas. There is also a printed index of
Manuel Joseph de Ayala's " Diccionario de Gobierno y Legislacion de
Indias y Espana," Madrid, 1792.
The most important MS. however in the volume is the bibliographi
cal—" Jndice General de todos los Papeles Contenidos en los Tomos
de Miscellanea " to which Don Domingo del Monte has added the

following note on an end paper :—" La collection de Ayala se enumc.

rata en la Biblioteca particular de S. M. a donde se trastado del
Archivo del Secretario del Consejo de Indias Madrid 27 Marzo de
531 JWS.—" ORDENANZAS que en lo Particular de la
Marina, Navio y Buques que Tubieraroprios ha Formado
los Real Compania de Comercio Establecida en Barcelona
por los Islas de Santo Domingo, Puerto Rico, y la Mar-
gueritta, y para los Revis tuos que tiene Convedide para
Honduras.'' 161 pages of Spanish script. Small folio,
elegantly bound by Niedrée in crushed levant morocco
extra gilt, inside gold borders, top edge gilt. S^ec. XVIII.
Unique Original Manuscript, consisting of 126 " Ordenanzes "
in relation to the commerce between Barcelona and the West
Indies. At the end below the date 1756 are seventeen signatures.
Among them are—Pico Moreras, Puget, Matas, Verdaguez, etc.
Some pages are cut down and stained.
532 JWS.—I. " DERREOTERO de ESPAÑA a India Siglo
XVIII."; also—II. " Diario de Navegacion yl Capitan de
Fragata D. Dom Perles desde Montevideo hasta el
Estrecho de Magellanes y Islas Malvnas 1768 "; also—
III. " Diario de Navegacion dado a luz por el Teniente
de Navio, D. Thomas Gayangos del Viaje que hijo a los
Islas de Amat y adjacente el Capitan de Fragata D. Dom
de Boenechea por Orden del Virry del Peru D. Manuel
de Amat Juniente en 1775." Consisting of 294 pages of
Spanish script, illustrated with diagrams of mountain chains
in ink and tinted. Small folio, half sheep. S^c. XVIII.
Unique Original MSS. consisting of three distinct pieces. The
first is a Seventeenth century pilot book giving twenty-five series of
directions for navigating between the Canary Islands, the West
Indies, and North and South America. Among them are sailing
directions for use between Havana and St. Augustine, Florida.
The second MS. is the " Log Book " of Captain Domingo Perles of
Montevideo through the Magellan Straits, etc. This MS. is of great
interest as it gives a number of diagrams of the mountain chains
from the sea.
The third described manuscript is the " Log Book " of the vessel
Jupiter and gives an account of the voyage undertaken from the port
of Callao to the Amat Islands under the orders of the Viceroy of Peru
and Chili.


Derribado y Destruida por los Cats. Monras. de Espana
Triumfos de la Religion en los Dominios Conquistados
con I3 se Valor y Armas de los Espanoles, con Reflexiones
para Confunder a los Anticatolicas Mordaces Emulos de
la Nacion Espanola Benemerita de Todas las Naciones
del Orbe e Conquista tan Gloriosa Historia Interessante a
la Religion y Monarquia Compuesta por Don Antonio
Julian, Presbitero, Ex-Jesuito." Consisting of 382 manu
scriptpages of Spanish. 4to, sheep. SiEC XVIII.
Unique Original Manuscript written from a curious theological
standpoint and entitled the " Devil's Monarchy in the New World of
America." The author was the ex-Jesuit Father Antonio Julian
whose " Perla de la America " was published at Madrid by Antonio de
Sancho in 1787.
534 SaSb—" BIBLIOGRAFIA INDIANA." 246 pages of
clear Spanish script, written by various hands. Small folio,
half sheep.
Unique Original Manuscripts and comprising the following
MSS., as given in the table of contents at the beginning, written by
Señor Domingo Del Monte in 1847 :—
I. " Manuscritos de la Real Biblioteca (Biblioteca Nacional) Pertene
cientes a la Historia de Indias 27 folios (sho en 1788 por D. Tho.
Rodriguez de Castro)."
II. "Memoria de Don Antonio de Alcedo sobre el Mejor Medio de
Continuar las Decadas de Herrera, Leida en la Academia dela
Historia en 24 de Junio de 1812, 46 folios."
III. " Memoria sobre Manuscritos de Indias, formada en Compli-
miento de Real Orden por Don Juan Antonio Enriquez Ministro de
la Marina en la Provincia de Seville 1779, 20 folios."
IV. ' ' Razon de los Manuscritos del Obispo Don Fray Bartolome de
las Casas que se Guardaban en el Archivo del Ministerio Universal
de Indias, I pliego."
V. " Indree de la Coleccion de Munoz, 30 folios."


ESPANA Ynforme de los Directores Contadores del Con
sejo de Indias fecho el 30 de die de 1800 sobre Reforma
o Subruttencia de las Intendencias sobre adicioner a las
Ordenanzas caso de que permanercan sobre si Convendra
o no, Adoptas el Antiguo Sistema de Repartimiento a los
Indios o Ha cerlo con las Moderacciones Propuestas por
tres Distintos Individuoz, y Asera de la Libertad con que
deben Hacer Aquellos Naturales su Comercio Proveerie
de lo que Necessiten donde y como Quieran." 429
of Spanish script neatly written. Small folio, half sheep.
Unique Original Manuscript consisting of the ordinances of the
Intendants, or Controllers of New Spain.
los Reyes Principes, Potentados, Duques, Marqueses y
Condes que se Contienen en la Siguiente tabla Sacado de
Diuersos Auctores por Fray Joan Guarin Monge pro-
fessio de del Insigne Monastero de Nuestra Senora de
Montserrate de la Orden de Nuestro Padre Sanct
Benito." Consisting of nearly 3,000 pages of Seventeenth
century script, extra-illustrated with nearly 650 portraits,
views, etc., including many rare early engravings, also with
some excessively rare printedpieces of the Seventeenth century
inserted. 2 vols. thick small folio, old sheep. S^ec. XVII.
Unique Original Manuscript of great interest and curiosity,
being an universal history of the origin, descent and remarkable events
in the lives of the various rulers of Europe. It was compiled by the
Benedictine Monk, Brother Joan Guarin Mongg, of the Monastery of
Our Lady of Montserrat, about the year 1627, which date appears un
der the titles of both volumes. The second volume consists of a
description of the kingdom of Spain with an account of its numerous
dependencies. Throughout the volumes the good monk has inserted
numerous portraits of the various personages mentioned, among them
being some very early examples. There are also some extremely rare
brochures, leaflets, etc., dated about the years 1620-30, likewise in
serted printed pages with views and descriptions of such cities as
Naples, Breda, Milan, etc., some colored.
Among the rarities of this character may be also mentioned a curious
plate of the assasination of Henri Quatre, with scenes in the execu
tion of his murderer Ravaillac.

537 Jtt<&—-" RELACION POLITICA de las mas Particulares

r Acciones de la_ Conde Duques_y Sucesos de la Monarquia
de Espana con la Forma de su Gouierno e Escrita de un
Ambaxador de Veneizia a su Republica Sauiendo Estado
en Madrid Traducida de Italiano en Espagnol por el
Capitan de Cavallos Corazas Don Juan Antonio Dighero
Criado de Exmo. Senor Conde de Penearanda Virrey
y Capitan General de el Reino de Napoles Dirigida al
Illmo. Senor Don Pedro Fernandez de Velasco y
Fobar Gent Sombre de la Comarca de su Magestad
Primo Genito y Sucesor de los Estados y Mayorrargos de
el Senor Marques de el Fresno en Napoles 26 de
Febrero de 1661." 136 leaves of Spanish script. Small
folio, mottled sheep. S^ec. XVII.
Unique Original Manuscript of the " Relacion de Olivarez,"
an important document of length relating to the Spanish monarchy.
pages of Spanish script in various hands, with a quantity of
printed matter added and of great rarity. Small folio, mot
tled sheep. S^c. XVII.
Unique Original Manuscripts containing a number of very rare
pieces. Among these may be specified "Origen de los Agotes";
" Sentencia de la Sagda. Congn."; " Discurso de las Cosas de la Com
pania escrito por el Padre Juan de Mariana y por Thomas Tomayo de
Vaga." There is a printed piece dated Burdeos, 1604, and others of
later date, including " Elogios de Don Honorato Jvan." 1659, with
coat of-arms.
539 iWS-—" MANUSCRITOS ESPAÑA." Consisting of 1244
pages of Spanish script in various hands with some printed
matter. Thick small folio, mottled sheep.
Unique, Original and Important Collection of MSS., among
which will be found a vast quantity of matter of historical importance.
There is one long manuscript on the ' ' Commercial Relations of Spain
with the New World," " Report of Commission to Enquire into the
Consular Papers, etc., passing between Old Spain and the Spanish
Americas"; a " Description of the Courts of Spain and Navarre,"
and other matters of equal interest, including some relating to Don
John of Austria.
VALOR detoda la Real Haciendo en los Ramos que la
Componen en la Reynos de la Nueva Espana y Provincias

de la Nueva Galicia, Nueva Viscaya, Yucatan y Tabasco,

etc., Formada dicha Relacion por las Particulares e
Execudas por los Ministros decho Real Tribunal de
Quentas en con Formidad de Decreto del Exmo. Senor
Marques de Casafuerte Virrey Gouvernador y Capitan
General destos Reynos." 38 pages of Spanish script, with
ornamental border on title andpen scroll work, also numerous
ornamental capital letters. Small folio, leather binding.
Unique and Original Spanish MS. of the produce and value of
the royal estates in the kingdoms of New Spain, etc., and reported by
the orders of the Marques de Casa Fuerte, Viceroy of Mexico, etc.
With the inserted book-plate of the Marques de Santa Cruz.

541 f&Sb —" FUEROS de ARAGON y VALENCIA." 144

pages of Spanish script in various hands. Small folio, half
sprinkled sheep. S¿sc. XVII. et XVIII.
Unique Original Manuscripts. The volume includes Seventeenth
Century laws of Aragon and Valencia, also Historical Documents re
lating to the Spanish monarchs and kingdom. Bound up at the end
is " Cortes Celebrados en los Reynados de D. Sancho IV. y de D
Fernando IV. Publicanlas con Algunas Observaciones los Doctores D.
Ignacio Jirdan de Asso y del Rio y D. Miguel de Manuel y Rodri
guez "; printed by Ybarra at Madrid, in 1775.
Escrita por Don Luis de Salazar y Castro Commenda-
dor de Zurita y Procurador General de la Orden de
Calatrava Alguacil Mayor de la Inquisicion del Reyno del
Toledo Chronista Mayor de Castilla y de las Indias Ayuda
de Camara que fue y Bibliotecario del Rey Carlos II.,
Escrita de su Puno como el mismo lo Expresa por Encargo
Superior de una Persona que no se nombra a quien
Deseari servir dice y Complacer quanto Viva en Madrid a
14 de Julio de 1702 este Precioso MS. de Puno Propio de
Salazar esta en su Biblioteca de MSS. y entre lo Reser
vado que se Guarda en de Monasterio de Monserrate
de Madrid por las Donacion que le Hizo de Todos sus
MSS. para su Conservacion y Servicio Publico, Copiada
del Mismo Original y Comprobada en este Presente ano

de 1792." 207 pages of Spanish script, with rubrications in

the text. 4to, half sheep. S^c. XVIII.
Unique, Original and Very Interesting Manuscript relating
to the noble families of Spain, among which will be found many
famous in Hispano-American annals.
543 JWS.—OSORIOyREDIN (Miguel Alvarez). " Memorial
de, con estos dos Memoriales Vesdescubren medios para
Quittar los Tributos y Sustentar Continuamante Quatro
Millones se Personas Pobres con sus Labores de Enrrique
rera osta Monarquia y Valdian das Rentas se S. M. mas
Decien Millones sepcsos todos los Anos," etc. 258 pages
of Spanish script. 4to, half sheep.
Unique Original Spanish Manuscript and relating to the
finances of the Spanish monarchs.
544 |WS.—MARIANA (Juan de, /.). " Tratado y Discurso
sobre la Moneda en Idioma Latina y Traducido en Cas
tellano." 158 pages of Spanish script. Small 4to, half
sheep. SiEc. XVIII.
Unique Original Spanish Manuscript, with which is bound up—
" Ioannis Marianae Hispani E Socie Iesv de Ponderibvs et Mensuris
(printed) Anno 1599."
545 JW<S —ARISTOTLE.—"Los Diez Libros delosETHI-
CAS de ARISTOTELES Traduido Originalmente de
Lengua Griega por Pedro Simon Abril." 1078 pages of
Spanish script. Thick small 4to, mottled sheep, gilt (some
pages torn, mended and stained). SíEC. XVII.
Unique Original Manuscript Translation of Aristotle's
" Ethics," by the celebrated Spanish humanist and grammarian Abril.
546 ¿TOS.—"Discurso hecho a la Republica de Venezia s\_
por so Embajador en Espana SIMON CONTARENI, 1
sobre el Estado de esta Monarchia en el Reinado del
Senor Don Phelipe Tercero y Valimiento del Duque
de la Lerma." i"]?, pages of Spanish script. Small 4to,
limp vellum (cover loose). SjEC XVI. et XVII.
Unique Original Manuscripts in Spanish. The first is written
by Simon Contarini, Ambassador from the Republic of Venice to the
Court of Spain, and the other, dated 1555, at Valladolid, is—a " Me
morial que de Parte de su Magestad se dia los Theologos a Cerca del
Proceder de Paulo IV. sobre el Reino de Ñapoles."


FEIJOO (Ineditos)." 215 pages of Spanish script. Small
4to, limp vellum. S^c. XVIII.
Unique Original Unpublished Manuscripts of Benito Hiero-
nimo Feijoo y Montenegro, the celebrated author of the ' ' Teatro
Critico," and who died at Oviedo in 1764.
548 fííSk.—COLMENARES (Diego de). "Historia del Con
cilio Tridentino," etc. 284 pages of Spanish script. Small
4to, mottled sheep. S/ec. XVII.
Unique Original Manuscript "History of the Council of
Trent," by the famous Spanish historian, Colmenares, author of the
" History of Segovia," and who was born in that town about the year
1600. To it are added some Seventeenth century printed matter,
including a treatise on the "Plague" and one on the "Religion of
St. Basil."
549 "COMPENDIO HISTORICO y Recopilacion de
Varios Escudos y de Blasones de Armas de Algunas
Principales Familias de Distintos Reynos de Espanas y
Fuera de Ella Sacados de los Clasicos Autores Genealogis
tas y Nobiliaris tas que en ella se citan por Don THOMAS
YRQUIERDO y GUERRERO Ciudadano de Alicante
Domiciliado en esta Corte Oficial del Archivo General de
los Estados del Exmo. Senor Conde de Altamira,
Marques de Astorga, etc. Ano de 1792." 359 pages
of Eighteenth century script. 4to, old sheep. SjEC. XVIII.
Unique Original Heraldic Manuscript, with description of
the armorial bearings, etc. , of the most famous families of Spain.
550 plS.—" CARTAS y OTROS PAPELES." 347 pages
of Spanish script. 4to, limp vellum. S^ec XVII.
Unique Original Collection of manuscript copies of important
historical documents, among them being one of " Elisabeth, ' Queen
of Grinwiche ' (from her palace of Greenwich, England), written to
the King of Fez "; " Francis Quevedo " ; etc.

©rffltital fttanustrtpts anlr Uooft JUartttes,
©oitBtsttufl mostly of ^mcrt'caua.
CENTURIES: Registered public and private acts, ad
ministrative reports, original decrees, and various judicial,
ecclesiastical and civil papers. The larger number of these
are original, stamped, sealed and signed documents,
many relating to historical personages of the highest
importance—others give genealogical and legal informa
tion of the greatest value, particularly the marriage settle
ments of Noble Mexican families, etc., and will be found in
this collection, which formerly was a portion of the archives
of the Holy Inquisition of Mexico.
(Three bundles, containing hundreds of documents and
thousands of pages of MSS.)
Unique, and of the greatest historical value. Many are illustrated

and contain original drawings and plans. This large collection might
have been advantageously broken up, but it was deemed desirable to
keep it together as an unit in the hope that it would be purchased and
preserved by some American Historical Society or Public Library.
552 JttS.—OSORIO (L. de S.). " Auto be Real Visita
hecha por DON LOPE DE OSORIO en el Pueblo de
Chiapa de la Real Corona a Favor de los Indios de dicha
Comunidad, fecho en Guatemala a 24 de Junio de 1665."
Large 4to, half sheep. S^ec. XVII.
Unique Manuscript, on officially stamped paper, of the 17th cen
tury. This original document contains curious details about the
Chiapa Indians of that period. The writer narrates their complaints
against the extraordinary persecutions which the Spanish authorities
imposed upon them.
From the Brasseur de Bourbourg and Pinart Libraries.
ciones en Ydioma Tzotzil de Cinacantlan." 4to, half
roan. SiEC. XVII.
Unique Original Manuscript of 14 leaves. It is an abridged
grammar of the "Tzotzil" language of Cinacantlan, Mexico, and
formerly belonged to Brasseur de Bourbourg and Alph. Pinart.
554 JttS.—MONTESINOS (El Lic. Don Fernando). "Me
morias Antiguas Historiales dal Peru, Seguidas de
los Anales del mismo Reyno, Sacadas que Fueron del
Archivo dela Real Academia de Historia de Madrid."
Folio, half morocco.
Unique Manuscript. A faithful copy made by two pupils of the
School of Charts, of Madrid, for M. Brasseur de Bourbourg, from the
original in that city. The two parts are in one volume. Collation:
title, ten pages of ' ' Unas cartas relativas al Licenciado Don Fernando
Montesinos noticia biografica y sumario de capitulos," 1st part, 230
pp. ; 2d part, 359 pp.
Montesinos was a native of Ossuna, in Spain. He twice went to
Peru as Royal Visitor, and resided there nearly fifteen years, travel
ing all over the country. Father Rodriguez, in his " Histoire du
Maragnon," describes Montesinos as " Historiador Diligentisimo,"
adding that no one had a better knowledge of Peruvian antiquities.

In the first part of his work " Memorias Antiguas" Montesinos begins
the history of Peru four thousand years before our era, and carries it
down to the discoyery of America by Christopher Columbus. The
second part, the " Anales," contains the history of Peru from the
year 1493 to 1546. As to the treatise relating to Ophir, which Pinelo
attributes to him with the date of 1530, that composes the first book
of " Memorias Antiguas."
This valuable MS. has the library book-plates inserted of Brasseur
de Bourbourg and Alph. Pinart.
555 JttS.—"PAPELES VARIOS." Small folio, old half
roan (binding damaged). Smc. XVII.
Unique Original Historical Manuscripts in Spanish, and num
bering nearly four hundred pages, mostly written towards the end of
the Sixteenth and the beginning of the Seventeenth centuries.
556 JWS.—" PAPELES VARIOS." Nearly 700 pages of
Spanish script. Small folio. S^c. XVII. et XVIII.
Unique Collection of Spanish Manuscripts, mostly written in
relation to the Jesuits and on both sides of the various polemical con
troversies caused by them. This volume furnishes a large amount of
religio-historical matter pertaining to Spain.
ESP ANA Dividida en Quatro Partes Escritta por le Virey
Saliente Don JOSE DE GALVES, Dirigida a su Stres
sor Don ANTONIO BUCARELLI En Mexico, Ano de
1771." 258 pages of Spanish script. Small folio, limp
vellum. S^ec. XVIII.
Unique Original Manuscript and being the Instructions of Jose
Calves, Viceroy of New Spain, to his successor Don Antonio Bucarelli .
558 $&§b—"TABACO." 74 pages of Spanish script. Small
folio, boards. S^ec. XVIII.
Unique Original Manuscript dated 1764 at Havana, Cuba, and
relating to the contract on tobacco and for the prevention of smuggling.
Original document, stamped with the seal of Charles III. of Spain.
559 JttS.—PLINY.—" Historia NATURAi.de PLINIO, Tra-
duclda por el Dr. Fr. Hernandes." Over 3,700 pages
of Spanish script. 5 vols. small folio, half sheep.
Sjec. XVIII.
Unique Original Manuscript translation of Pliny into Spanish,
by Don Francisco Hernandes, and written in a good legible hand.


AND OF 1680-85.
I. Mamusse Wunneetupanafamwe Up-Biblum God Nanees-
we Nukkone Testament Kah Wonk Wusku Testament. Ne
Quoshkinnumuk Nashpe Wuttinneumoh Christ noh Asco-
wesit John Eliot. Nahohtoeu ontchetoe Printeuoo-
muk. Cambridge. Printeuook nashpe Samuel Green.
II. Wusku Wuttestamentum Nul-lordumun Jesus Christ
Nuppoquohwussuacneumun. Cambridge, Printed for the
Right Honourable Corporation in London, for the propo-
gation of the Gospel among the Indians in New-England,
III. Wame Ketoohomae Uketoohomaongash David ;
IV. Noowomoo Wuttinoowaonk Gad. Gen. 5, 22; etc.
Together 2 vols. in 1 (with Psalms and Catechism). Fat
small 4to (six and fifteen-sixteenth inches by five and a
half inches), freshly bound byW. Pratt in crushed levant
morocco, bands, inside gold borders, edges gilt témoins
and A la Jansen. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1680-85
Excessively Rare Second Edition and of which Dr. John
Hammond Trumbull, the only person in the United States who can
read the book, says : " While the first edition of Eliot's ' Bible ' is the
more attractive to collectors of rare Americana, and deserves the pre
eminence that is accorded to it, as a monument of early American typo
graphy and as the first version of the Bible printed in the New World,
it should not be forgotten that to students of the American languages
and the general philologist, the Second is the more valuable; and that
all critical references to Eliot's version are, or should be, made to this
revised and corrected version-"
This copy is unusually interesting on account of having the names
of Indian chiefs and others written on the three blank pages of the
book. There are also numerous marginalia written in the Indian dia
lect. On the back of the Index to the Old and New Testaments are
the following: "Asaph, his book .... Asaph, his Bible . . . .
Sent to Exp. Mayhew .... Rec'd from the Rev. Mr. Mayhew from
Martha's Vineyard, March 22, 1720-21 . . . . ad february the 14 year
1746-7 oi bible Zachary hoosveit gay head nohtompeantog-" On
the back of the title to the New Testament are some bible references

and also five paragraphs in the Indian dialect which have affixed to
them the dates 1634, 1642, 1661, 1675 and 1543.
On the last page of the New Testament are five lines in Indian and
on the verso facing the Psalms are other notes, among them—" I am
Zacry Zacry ad Cay head. I have sad my name ad March 411-13-
1723-24." Below is a somewhat similar quotation to that already
given relating to "Zacry 1746-47." The volume has been carefully
mended where necessary, some of the margins are cut into, a few pages
are stained, a fac-simile leaf has been added for chapters 8 and 9 of
Genesis and four leaves of the Psalms are also in fac-simile.
The copies of the second edition of the " Indian Bible "in the
Brinley sale brought as follows:—Lot 5683, $590, and lot 5684,
The True History of the Spaniards Proceedings in the
Conquests of the Indians, and of Their Civil Wars Among
Themselves, from Columbus his First Discovery, to these
Later Times. As Also of the Original Undertakings of
the Advancement of Plantations into those parts. With a
perfect Relation of our English Discoveries, shewing their
Beginning, Progress, and Continuance, from the Year
1628 to 1658. Declaring the Forms of Their Government,
Politics, Religions, Maners, Customs, Military Discipline,
Wars with the Indians, the Commodities of Their Coun
tries, a Description of their Towns and Havens, the In
crease of their Trading, with the Names of their Gover
nors and Magistrates. More especially an absolute Nar
rative of the North Parts of America, and of the Dis
coveries and Plantations of our English in Virginia, New
England and Barbadoes. Published by FERDINAND
GORGES, Esq., etc. Foldedfrontispiece, mounted on linen,
and map. Small 4*0 (six and fifteen-sixteenths inches
by five and three-sixteenths), fresh crushed red levant
morocco, elegantly gilt tooled, inside gold tooled borders,
rounded corners, gilt edges.
London, Printedfor Nath. Brook
at the Angel in Cornhil, 1659
Extraordinarily Rare. A very fine and clean copy with a few
pages most carefully mended. This beautiful copy contains prefaces
to both the third and fourth parts signed Ferdinando Gorges. The

imperfect Menzies copy which lacked these prefaces sold for $200.00.
The above contains the four parts complete with their respective titles,
the frontispiece representing "America," and the very rare map.
The book contains four distinct works paged separately, the third of
which is Johnson's " H'story of New England; or. Wonder Working
Providence," 1654, with a new title, etc., and of which Rich says:
" It is altogether a very singular performance, containing a great deal
of important information, relative to the early history of New England
and particularly of the district of Maine, which was originally granted
to the author's grandfather, by whom the second work was written."
" This work is seldom found complete. Collation:—General title,
date 1659, one leal! To the Judicious Reader, two leaves; a Des
cription of New England, p. 51; Title, A Briefe Narration of the
Originall Undertakings, Etc., 1658, one leaf; A Description of New
England, p. 57; Title, America Painted to the Life, etc., 1658, one
leaf; To the Reader, one leaf; Wonder-working Providence of Sion's
Savior, P. 236; Title, America Painted to the Life, 1659, one leaf; the
Preface, one leaf; A True Relation of all the Spaniards Proceedings
in America, etc., P. 52; the general table and books sold by N.
Brook, ten leaves. Prefixed is a figure representing America, under
which are four verses, and after ' To the Judicious Reader' is a map
' Americae descrip.' "—Lowndes.
There is much confusion in the books attributed to Gorges, who has
appropriated to himself the authorship of a work written by another as
appears by the following extract from Prince's " New England,"
published in 1736:— " When I went to England, I met with a variety
of books and pamphlets relating to this country. Among others is a
history of New England from 1628 to 1654, 4to, London, 1654. The
running title of the book is ' Wonder Working Providence,' etc., and
in the genuine title page no author is named; wherein the work is
wrongly assigned to Sir F. Gorges; but the true author was Mr.
Johnson, of Woburn, in New England, as the late Judge Sewall
assured me, as of a thing familiarly known among the fathers of the
Massachusetts Colony. The third of these books and of which the
title is given above, was no more or less than the identical ' History
of New England.' "
RUIZ DE MONTOYA (P. Antonio). Tesoro de Lengva
Gvarani. Vignette on title. Thick small 4to, fresh red
levant morocco extra gilt, inside gold borders, edges gilt,
by F. Bedford for H. Stevens.
Madrid, Iuan Sanchez, 1639
Extreme .y Rare. Collation—eight preliminary leaves and
leaves numbered 1 to 407; 272-77 omitted in numbering, by mistake
of the printer.
A beautiful copy, and the late Sir William Tite's, of the original

edition of this extremely rare Guarani-Spanish dictionary. The above

was also lot 5789 of the Brinley Library, and was purchased for $195
at that sale. For the full collation, etc., see J. Platzmann's
" Auswahli Amerik. Grammatiken," etc. (1876), pp. 16-17, where
this dictionary is described as " von ganz ausserordentlicher Selten-
heit," and Ch. Leclerc "Cat. Maisonneuve," No. 1345, where it is
similarly characterized as " excessivement rare," and among the most
important of dictionaries of American languages.
Ruiz de Montoya, a Jesuit missionary to Paraguay, was born at
Lima iu 1583, and died there in 1652.
563 Memoria de Hacienda sobre Casas de Moneda en la Re-
publica. 4to, half sheep (cover loose). Mexico, 1849
564 ANGRAND (Leonce). Antiquites Americaines; les An-
tiquites de Tiaguanaco et l'Origine Presumable de la plus
Ancienne Civilisation du Haut P^rou. 3 folded double
plates. Large 4to, sewed, uncut. Paris, 1866
Presentation copy from the author.
565 MOLINA. Vocabulario en Lengva Castellana y
Mexicana, Copuesto por el muy Reuerendo Padre Fray
Alonzo de Molina de la Orden del Bienauenturado
nuestro Padre Sant Francisco, Dirigido al Mvy Excel-
Iente Senor Don Martin Enriquez Visorrey desta
Nueua Espana. Large 4to, half morocco, gilt.
Mexico, Antonio di Spinosa, 15 71
Extremely Rare and Unique, as it has numerous additions
throughout the text of a different Mexican indigenous dialect to that
given by Molina. Portions of the prefatory pages are short in
this copy, also the last page of index. In the earlier edition of
Brunet's " Manuel," this work is mentioned as being the earliest speci
men of American printing known.
Lord Kingsborough's copy of the 1571 Molina cost him ^50, i. e. ,
$250. It was afterwards marked by Thorpe of London, in 1843, for
^28, i. e., $140.
The author (Molina), a native of Spain, was taken in early life to
Mexico, about the year 1523, where he soon learned the Mexican lan
guage, and even as a child, acted as interpreter between the first
missionaries and the native Indians. He afterwards devoted his life to
the propagation of useful knowledge in the Mexican language, and his
known works bear testimonv to his great zeal.


596 MONARDES (Nicolas). Primera y Segvnda y Tercera
Partes de la Historia Medicinal; de las Cosas que se
Traen de Nuestras Indias Occidentales que Siruen en
Medicina Tratado de la Piedra Bezaar y de la yerua
Escuerconera Dialo gos de las Grandezas del Hierro, y
de las Virtudes Medicinales; Tratado de la Nieue y del
Beuer Frio Hechas por el Doctor Monardes, Medico de
Seuilla van Enesta Impression La Tercera Parte y el
Dialogo del Hierro Nueuamante Hechos; que no hacido
Impressos hasta Agora lo ay Cosas Grandes y Dignas de
Saber con Licencia y Preuilegio de su Magestad. Vig
nette portrait and cuts and fancy initial letters. Small 4to,
mottled sheep (some pages stained, and MS. on title).
Seuilla, en Casa de Fernando Diaz, 1580
Very Rare and the third edition augmented of Monardes's " Medi
cal History of the West Indies," of which the first edition was printed
at Seville in 1574.


567 NAVARRO.—F. IOANNIS NAVARRO Gaditani Ordinis
Minorvm Regvlaris Obseruantie; Prouincie Apostolorum
Petri et Pauli Michhuacalensis Liber in qvo Qvator
Passiones Christi Domini Continentur (integre Litera et
Cantu juxta Ritum Sancte Romane Ecclisie) Octo Lamen-
tationes; Oratioq. Hieromie. Prophete; Nunc Primum
Magno Studium et Ingenti Labore in Lucem Editus ad
Reverendvm admodvm Patrem Nostrem, Fratre Petrum
a Cruce; Prouinciae Sancti Euangeli Prouincalem Dig-
nissimu. Vignettes on title, back of title and under colophon,
the musical staves printed in red, as well as the head lines•
also large fancy initial letters. 4to, limp vellum (some
pages stained and last leaf torn).
Mexico, apud Didacum Lopez Dauulos, Anno 1604
Excessively Rare and the first volume printed in North America
with musical notation. A former owner was the ' ' Conde de Ceatli-
chan," whose autograph is on the title.



568 CAROCHI.—Arte de la LENGVA MEXICANA con la
Declaracion de los Adverbios della Al Illustrisso. y
Reuerendisso Senor Don Juan de Manozca, Arcobispo
de Mexico del Consejo de su Magestad, etc. Por el
Padre Horacio Carochi Rector del Colegio de la Com-
pania de Iesvs de San Pedro y San Pablo de Mexico.
Small 4to, half roan, cloth sides (title mounted and cut
down). Mexico, Juan Ruyz, 1645
Excessively Rare. The first edition and dedicated to "Al Illustris-
simo y Reverendissimo Senor D. Ivan de Manozca," Archbishop of
Mexico, with his coat-of-arms above the dedication. The 1759 reprint
of this work sold for $21 at the Brinley Sale.
569 GAGE (Thomas). New Survey of the West Indies, or the
English-American, his Travail by Sea and Land. With
maps. Small folio, half calf. London, 1655
Very Rare and the Brinley copy. The first edition of this work
was published in 1648, without maps, and like the above, which is the
second edition, was dedicated to the Cromwellian General Lord Fair
fax. It was much celebrated in its time, having been frequently
reprinted and translated into French, Dutch, German, etc.
Harris says— " Our next difference with Spain was under Cromwell's
Protectorate, who encouraged Father Gage to publish his account of
the Spanish West Indies."
The sub-title reads—"Containing a Journal of Three Thousand
and Three Hundred Miles within the Mainland of America Wherein
is Set forth his Voyage from Spain to St. John Vlhua, and from thence
to Xalappa, to Tlaxcalla, the City of Angels, and forward to Mexico;
with the Description of that Great City as it was in former times and
also at this Present; likewise his Journey from Mexico through the
Provinces of Guaxaca, Chiapa, Guatamala, Vera Paz, Truxillo, Coma-
yagua, with his Abode Twelve Years about Guatemala, and especially
in the Indian Towns of Mixco, Pinola, Pitapa, Amatitlan, as also his
Strange and Wonderfull Conversion and Calling from those Remote
Parts to his Native Countrey, with his Return through the Province of
Nicaragua and Costa Rica to Nicoya, Panama, Portobelo, Cartagena
and Havana; with Divers Occuerrents and Dangers that did Befal in
the said Journey; also a New and Exact Discovery of the Spanish
Navigation to those Parts; and of their Dominions, Government,
Religion, Forts, Castles, Ports, Havens, Commodities Fashions,
Habits, Behaviour, of Spaniards, Priests and Friers, Blackmores,
Mulattos, Mestistos, Indians, and of Their Feats and Solemnities,
with a Grammar or some few Rudiments of the Indian Tongue called
Poconchi or Pocoman."


570 DAVIES (J.). History of Barbados, St. Christophers, Nevis,
St. Vincents, Aniego, Martinico, Monserrat and the rest
of the Caribby Islands, in all XXVIII. In Two Books, the
First containing the Natural; the Second, the Moral His
tory of those Islands. " Illustrated with several Pieces of
Sculpture representing the most Considerable Rarities therein
Described." Small folio, calf, gilt (rebacked). London, 1666
Very Scarce. " Published in the year of the Great Fire, therefore
this is a rare work," says Allibone, and Rich states—" This work is a
translation of the ' Histoire Naturelle et Morale des Antilles,' Rotter
dam, 1658 and 1665, attributed to De Rochefort. Having been
printed just before the great fire in London is probably the reason of
its rarely being found perfect and in good condition."
Dispvesto por Orden y Mandato de N. Rmo. P. Fr. Fran
cisco Trevino Prediccador Theologo, Padra de la Santa
Provincia de Burgos y Comisario General de Todos las de
la Nueva Espana y por el Reverendo y Venerable Dissin-
itorio de la Provincia del Santo Evangelio Dedicado al
Bien aventvrado San Antonio de Padua, por el P. Fr.
vincia del Santo Evangelio Predicador Jubilado ex Lector
de Theologia y Preceptor de la Lengua Mexicana, Vicario
de la Capilla de San Ioseph de los Naturales en el Con
vento de N. P. S. Francisco de Mexico. Rude vignette
on title. Small 4to, half sheep, cloth sides.
Mexico, Francisco Rodriguez Lopercto, 1673
Excessively Rare and the original edition of the work, a copy of
which sold for ¿8 10s, i. e., $42. 50, in the " Biblioteca Mejicana " sale
in 1869. At the end of this rare volume is bound up "Instruccion
Breve para Administrar los Santos Sacramentos, de la Confession,
Viatico, Matrimonio y Velaciones en la Lengua Mexicana. " The title
is somewhat cut down and mended. There are also some manuscript
marginalia and memoranda on back of title.
de la Conquista de la Provincia de el Itza Redvccion y
Progresos de la Lacandon y Otras Naciones de Indios

Barbaros de la Mediacion de el Reyno de Guatimala a

las Provincias de Yvcatan en la America Septenritonal
Engraved front, by Orozco. Limp vellum (some pages
neatly mended). Madrid, 1701
Extremely Rare. The ' ' Biblioteca Mejicana " copy sold for
$32.50. The second part of the work was never published. The
above is a duplicate copy of lot 493 in this catalogue.
573 GARCIA.—Origen de los Indios de el Nuevo Mundo e
Indias Occidentales Averiguado con Discurso de Opin
iones por el Padre Presentado Fr. GREGORIO GARCIA
de la Orden de Predicadores Tratanse en este Libro
Varias Cosas, y Puntas Curiosos, tocantes a Diversas
Ciencias i Facultades con que se Hace varia Historia de
mucho gusto para el Ingenio, i Entendimiento de Hom
bre Agudos i Curiosos. Segunda Impresion Emendada y
Anadida de Algunas Opiniones o Cosas Notables en Maior
Prueba de lo que contiene con tres Tablas mui Puntuales
de los Capitulos de las Materias y Autores que las Tratan.
Engraved vignette on title, also portrait of St. Thomas
Aquinas. Large 4to, half sheep. Madrid, 1729
Extremely Rare. The Emperor Maximilian's copy, with his
book-plate, also that of Andrade. This treatise on the origin of the
American peoples, first printed in 1607 at Valencia, is a work of vast
erudition, and the author founded his curious speculations on the resem
blance between some of the customs and words of our indigenous
races and those of other nations.
574 LORENZANA.—Concilios Provinciales Primero y Segundo
Celebrados en la Muy Noble y Muz Leal Ciudad de Mex
ico Presidiendo el Illmo y Rmo Senor Fray Alonso de
Montufar en los Anos de 1555 y 1565, vignette head and
tailpieces, Mexico, 1769; also—
Concilium Mexicanum Provinciale III. Celebratum Mexici
Anno 1585. Praesidi D. D. Petro Moya et Contreras
Archiepiscopo Ejusdem Urbis, Confirmatum Roma die 27
Octobris anno 1589. Postea jusus Regio Editum Mexico


Anno 1622, vignette head and tail pieces, Mexico, 1770;

Statuta Ordinata a Sancto Concilio Provinciali Mexi
cano III. Anno Domini MDLXXXV.
Together 3 vols. in 1. With vignettes on titles. 4to, mot
tled sheep, gilt (a page torn and some stained).
Mexico, 1769-70
575 PALAFOX y MENDOCA.—Al Rey Nuestro Senor por
la Provincia de la Compania de Iesvs de la Nueva Espana
en Satisfacion de vn Lirro de el Visitador Obispo D. Juan
de Palafox y Mendoca pvlicado en Nombre de el DeAn
yCabilldo de su Iglesia Catedrale la Puebla de los Angeles.
Large 4to, limp vellum (cover loose). (Puebla, 1646)
Rare. The date of the "Biblioteca Mejicana" copy, which sold
for ¿ 1 9s., is given as above. No other title than that described
above was ever printed.
576 REAL ORDENANZA para el Establecimiento e Instruc
cion de Intendentes de Exercito y Provincia en el Reino
de la Nueva Espana. Engraved front, (slightly stained).
Large 4to, mottled sheep. Rare. Madrid, 1786
577 NEVE y MOLINA (Luis de). Reglas de Orthographia—
Diccionario y Arte del Idioma Othomi, Breve Instruccion
para los Principiantes. Engraved table. Minimo, roan,
gilt (few pp. stained and torn). Mexico, 1767
Very Rare. The Brinley copy sold for $18.
578 NEVE y MOLINA. Another copy of the same. En
graved table (cut down). Mottled sheep, gilt. Mexico, 1767
579 BOLANOS (J.). La Portentosa Vida de la Muerte. Many
curious engravings. Small 4to, half sheep, gilt.
Mexico, 1792
Rare. A Mexican Dance of Death.
580 VARGAS MACHUCHA (Bernardo de, El Capitan). Mi
licia y Descripcion de las Indias. Curious portrait and
coat-of-arms, with hemisphere of America. Small 4to, limp
vellum (lacks title and some pages mended).
Madrid, Pedro Madrigal, 1599
Very Rare. " Une des meilleurs ouvrages que l'on ait sur la con-
quéte de l'Amenque Vend. I. livre Heber; 10 francs Chaumette, est
plus cher maintenant." —Brunet.


581 ONA (Pedro, Bishop of Venezuela). Postrimerias del Hom

bre que Trata de las Panas y Muerte del Cuerpo que se
Sigue a la Muerte del Alma por el Pecado e Culpa. 4to,
half calf (wormed and with title in MS.).
Pamplona, por Carlos de Labayen, 1608
582 GARCILASO de la VEGA. Histoire des Gverres Civiles
des Espagnols dans les Indes. Traduction par I. Bavdoin.
2 vols. 4to, old calf (title, part of epistle and index lack
ing to Vol. 1). Paris, 1650-58
583 CUBA.—La Cuestion Africana en la Isla de Cuba, Con
siderada Bajo su Doble Aspecto de la Trata Interior y
Esterior por " un Cubano Proprietario." Large 4*0,
boards. Madrid, 1863
584 LA PORTILLA (Anselmo de). Mejico en 1856 y 1857,
Gobierno del General Comonfort. 8vo, cloth (foxed);
N. Y., 1858
585 Kent (James). Commentaries on American Law, Second
Edition. 4 vols. 8vo, sheep (foxed). N. Y., 1832
586 ALBUM CARANDA—Sepultures Gauloises—Les Fouilles
de Trugny, Breny, Armentieres et Chouy. A collection of
many beautifully executed chromo-lithographic plates of pre
historic Gallic jewelry, ceramics, weapons, etc.—all very ex
quisitely colored after the original objects of antiquity—with
descriptive textfrom " Le Journal des Fouilles.," Large 4to,
loose in 5 portfolios, boards. St. Quentin, etc., 1879-84
Privately Printed for limited circulation only by Frederic Moreau,
Sr. The above is a presentation copy and bears the signature of M.
PRE-HISTORY, and the Allied Sciences. A remarkable
collection of 366 volumes and brochures by the most dis
tinguished modern savants and authorities on these sub
jects in Europe, particularly of France. 4to, 8vo and
i2mo. (366 pieces)
Unique and Important Collection. The above could have been
made into a number of lots, but it was deemed desirable to give an

opportunity to public libraries and collectors to have these valuable

works kept together as an unit. They cost several hundred dollars,
and duty had to be paid on most of them. Many are presentation
copies to M. Boban, the famous archaeologist and antiquary of the
late Emperor Maximilian of Mexico. Most bear the signatures of
their authors.
588 Album de Paleontologie de Bassin Parisien (La Seine
aux Ages ante-historiques). 78 photo-lithographic plates.
Large 4to, loose in portfolio. Paris, n. d.
589 NEUVILLE (A. de). A Coups de Fusil par " Quatrelles."
With 30 charming illustrations by De Neuville. Large
4to, half morocco gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut.
Paris, 1877
590 Poetas Yucatecos y Tabasquenos, Coleccion de sus
Mejores Producciones. Portraits. Large 8vo, paper,
uncut (258 pages). Merida, 1861
591 Exposicion Universal de 1867, Catalogo General de la
Seccion Espanola Publicado por la Comision Regia de
Espana. Large 8vo, sewed, uncut. Paris, 1867
592 Pius IX. Encycliqve de, 8 Decembre, 1864. Large 8vo,
sewed. Paris, 1865
593 France, Mexique et les Etats Confdder^s. Large 8vo,
sewed. Paris, 1863
594 Tenot (Eugene). Paris en Decembre 1851, Etude Historique
sur le Coup d'Etat. 8vo, sewed, uncut. Paris, 1868
595 HAWKINS (Rush C). Titles of the First Books from the
Earliest Presses established in different Cities, Towns and
Monasteries in Europe before the end of the Fifteenth
Century, with Brief Notes upon their Printers. Illustrated
with reproductions of early types and first engravings of the
printing press—handsomely printed on heavy paper by De
Vinne. Large 4to, cloth, uncut (pp. xxxii., 143).
N. Y. and London, 1884
No. 211 of limited edition of 300 copies, numbered.
596 Sanborn (Kate). Vanity and Insanity of Genius. Cloth,
top edge gilt, others uncut. N. Y., 1886
597 Cholmondeley-Pennell (J.). From Grave to Gay. Por
trait. Small 8vo, cloth, totally uncut. London, 1884


598 HAMILTON (John, Archbishop of St. Andrews). The
Catechisme, that is to say, ane Commone and Catholic
Instructioun of the Christin People in materis of our
Catholic Faith and Religioun, set furth be ye maist Rev.
Father in God Johne, Archbishop of Sanct Androus,
Legat nait and Primat of ye Kirck of Scotland, in his
Provincial Counsale, haldin at Edinburgh the xxvi Day of
Jan. 1551. Prentit at Sanct Androus, at the expenses of
the Arpb. 1552. Also " The Twa-penny Faith, 1559."
Edited with Introductory notice by Professor Mitchell,
St. Andrews. 4to, cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1882
No. 51 of impression limited to 140 copies. Beautifully printed in
Black Letter, line for line with the original, on Dutch hand-made
paper, at £2 10s., *. e., $12.50 per copy. One of the original edition
sold in Dr. Laing's sale for ^148, i. e., $740.
599 FORBES-LEITH (William). The Scots Men-at Arms
and Life-Guards in France, from their Formation until
their final Dissolution, A. D. 1418-1830. Illustrated with
35 very highly-finished etchings by Major H. De Grand-
maison, displaying the costumes of the Scots Guards at dif
ferent periods, interesting historical scenes in which they took
a part, etc., etc., also 8 full-page facsimiles. 2 vols, large
4to, cloth, gilt. Edinburgh, 1882
No. 172 of impression limited to 312 copies, on Holland paper.
Subscription price, £3 13s. 6d.
" Quentin Durward's Corps. —The history of the long and
faithful service of France by the unfailingly recruited band of Scottish
soldiers, is told by Mr. Forbes-Leith with singular clearness and skill.
We have seldom found conciseness of style so nicely adjusted to
amplitude of material. Extensive and painstaking research is implied
by the subject, and its results are set before the reader with brevity,
indeed, but without abruptness, in a narrative which has a peculiar
charm of romance and chivalry."—London Spectator,
600 CERVANTES (Miguel de). History of the Ingenious
Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha, translated
from the Spanish by P. A. Motteux. Illustrated with a

portrait and 36 etchings, in tivo states, done specially for this

edition by Ad. Lalauze. 4 vols. large 8vo, cloth, totally
uncut. Edinburgh, 1879-84
Large Paper. No. 14 of Limited Edition of fifty copies with
the plates in two states on China and Holland Papers, proofs before
letters. Subscription price, £3, i. <?., $15, without duty.
To ensure the most perfect accuracy in these delineations of Spanish
life and scenery, Lalauze visited Spain, and made his drawings on the
" It will be a long time probably before the History of 'the in
genious gentleman ' whom Cervantes has immortalized will reappear in
more luxurious form than these superb volumes. The paper is heavy,
the margins wide, the type large and attractive, and the full-page etch
ings by M. Lalauze are well suited to the quaint humor and grotesque-
ness of the greatest of satirical romances."—New York Tribune.
601 LYNDSAY (Sir David). Fac-simile of the Ancient
Heraldic Manuscript emblazoned by (the cele
brated) Sir David Lyndsay of the Mount, Lyon King
at Arms 1542 (in the reign of James the Fifth). Edited
by David Laing, LL.D. (from the original MS. in the
possession of the Faculty of Advocates). Illustrated with
133 colored plates of coats-of-arms, some five on a plate.
Large 4to, cloth gilt, bevelled sides, top edge gilt, others
uncut. Edinburgh, 1878
No. g5 of impression limited to 250 copies and of which the sub
scription price was £\o 10s., i. e., $52.50, without duty.
602 SCOTTISH ARMS, Being a Collection of Armorial Bear
ings, A. D. 1370-1678, reproduced in fac-simile from Con
temporary Manuscripts, with Heraldic and Genealogical
Notes, by R. R. Stodart (of the Lyon Office). Vol. 1.
Numerous plates of coat-of-arms, colored. Large 4to, cloth,
bevelled sides, top edge gilt, others uncut.
Edinburgh, 1880
Impression limited to 250 copies. Several of the manuscripts, from
which these arms are taken, have hitherto been unknown to heraldic
antiquaries in Scotland. The arms of upwards of six hundred families
are given, all of which are described in upwards of 400 pages of letter
press by Mr. Stodart. The book is uniform with Lyndsay's " Heraldic
Manuscript, " and care was taken not to reproduce any arms which are
in that volume, unless there are variations, or from older manuscripts.

603 LALAUZE (Adolphe). Thirty-four etchings in illustration

of the works of Moliere, designed and engraved by
Lalauze.—India paper proofs before letters. Folio,
loose in portfolio. Edinburgh, 1878
Edition-de-Luxe and in folio. India paper proofs before letters
of these splendid productions of the burin.
" Masterly etchings, full of dramatic feeling, and rich in subtle sug-
gestiveness of color."—London Daily Telegraph.
" Exceedingly characteristic etchings from the skilful pencil of M.
Lalauze, of Paris, which are entitled to the praise of being not only
admirably executed, but really illustrative of Moliere's text."—Glasgow
604 DIBDIN (Thomas Frognal). Bibliographical, Antiqua
rian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany.
With numerous beautiful engravings, fine impressions and
vignettes on India paper. 3 vols. large 8vo, boards,
uncut. London, printed by Bulmer &.* Nicoll, 1 82 1
Original Edition and superior to the second of 1829 which is
abridged and omits " all the original plates excepting five." This
copy unfortunately lacks three plates in the third volume, and pages
551 and 552 of the same.
The ' ' Tour in France and Germany " is a work of exhaustless
attraction for all lovers of the picturesque, and of bibliographical and
antiquarian lore, and Lowndes remarks of it—"This work contains
much curious information regarding the MSS. and rare works in
public and private libraries abroad. It is printed and embellished in
the same style of excellence as Dibdin's other works."
" For these volumes $25,000 were paid for engraving alone. One
of the most handsome that ever came from the British Press. "—Scott.
605 LANGLES (L.). Monuments Anciens et Moderns de l'Hin-
dostan Decrits sous le Double Rapport Archeologique et
Pittoresque et Precedes d'une Notice Geographique, d'une
Notice Historique, et d'un Discours sur la Religion, la
Legislation et les Moeurs des Hindous. Illustrated with
maps and 140 plates of statuary of Hindoo gods aud god
desses, temples, buildings, views, etc. 2 vols. square folio
(foxed slightly and wants rebinding). Paris, Didot, 182 1
606 DORE (Gustave). L6gende du Juif Errant, Poeme avec
Prologue et Epilogue par Pierre Dupont, Préface et
Notice Bibliographique par Paul Lacroix, avec Ballade
de Beranger mise en Musique par Ernest Dore\

Illustrated with the grand designs of Gustave Doré and

engraved on wood by Rouget Jahyer and Gauchard.
Large folio, boards. Paris, 1862
607 MURATORI (Lodovico Antonio) Dissertazioni sopre le
Antichita Italiane, 3 vols.; also—Muratori, Anali d'Italia
dal Piincipio dell Era Volgare sino all Anno 1749, 12
vols. Together 15 vols, 4to, not uniform size, limp vel
lum. Milan, 1744-52
608 COLMENARES (Diego de). Historia de la Insigne Ciudad
de Segovia y Compendio de las Historias de Castilla.
En Esta Segunda Impresion Sale Anadido vn Indice Gen
eral de la Historia y las Vidas y Escritos de los Escritores
Segouianos. Fine engraved title with portrait by Diego
de Astor. Small folio, old mottled sheep (some pages
stained). Madrid, 1640
609 NAUARRETE (Fernandez). Conservacion de Monarqvias
Handsome engraved title with portraits of two of the Jap
anese martyrs. Large 4to, limp vellum (some pages
stained). Madrid, 1626
610 SALAZAR de MENDOCA. Origen de las Dignidades
Seglares de Castilla y Leon. Engraved title {cut down and
mounted). 4to, sheep (some pages stained and occasional
MS.) (Madrid, 1618)
611 [EMBLEMS.]—Cepeda (Francesco Nunez de). Idea de
el Buen Pastor Copiado por los Sanctos Doctores Repre
sentada en Impresas Sacras por el Padre de Cepeda de
la Compania de Jesus. Engraved title and plates of em
blems. 4to, mottled sheep, red edges. Leon, 1682
612 SURITA (Hieronymus). Indices Rervm ab Aragoniae
Regibvs Gestravm ab Initiis Regni ad Annvm MCDX.
Coats of arms on title and colophon. 4to, limp vellum (some
pages stained and occasional MSS.) Saragossa, 1578
613 NUNEZ DE VELASCO (Francesco). Dialogos de Con
tencion entre la Milicia y la Ciencia. Small 4to, limp
vellum (cover loose and some pages stained).
Valladolid, 16 14

614 CAMORANO (Rodrigo). Cronologia y Reportorio de la

Razon de los Tiempos. Woodcuts. Small 4to, limp vel
lum (imperfect title, some pages mended and stained).
Seville, 1585
615 SALAZAR (Ioan de). Politica Espanola. Small 4to, limp
vellum (some pages stained). Logrono, 16 19
616 ^EDO v GALLART (Diego de). Viaije del Infante Car
dinal Don Fernando de Avstria. Engraved title de
signed by Rubens. Small 4to, limp vellum (some pages
stained). Amberes, 1635
617 HOROZCO y COUARRUUIAS (Iuan de). Tratado de
la Verdadera y Falsa Prophecia. Small 4to, limp vellum
(title cut). Segovia, 1588
618 MANER (Salvador Joseph). El Ronquillo, Defendido
Repasso, General Bellerophonte Literario y el Hombre
Marino. Small 4to, old calf, gilt. Madrid, 1740
619 CIACCONIUS (Petrus). Triclinio, sive de Modo Convi-
vandi. Plates. Minimo, old sheep, gilt (some pages
stained). Leipsic, 1758
620 Martialis Epigrammaton. Minimo, old calf.
London, 1673
621 VOSSIUS (G. J.). Latina- Grammatica, Rotterdam, 1667;
also—Clenardus, Institvtiones Lingvo Grsca?, Geneva,
1653. 2 vols. in 1. Small 8vo, vellum.
With inserted heraldic book-plate of John Lowell, Jr.
622 Ciceronis Epistolae. Small 8vo, vellum (stained and occa
sional MS.). Lyons, 1540
623 Code de l'Amour, ou Decisions de Cithere, Etrennes du
Mois du Mai a l'usage des Amans des Giuvre's par un
Societe de Vieux Amoureux. 2 vols. in 1 ; also—Pluche,
Lettre sur la Sainte Ampoule et sur le Sacre de nos Rois
a Reims. 3 vols. in 1. Small 8vo, sheep, gilt.
Paris, 1775, etc.
624 [GUIS (J. B.).] • La Baguette Mysterieuse ou Abizai, 2
vols., La Haye, 1755 ! a'so—Abailard et Heloise, by
the same, London, 1752. Together 3 vols. in 1. Small
8vo, old half calf (MS. on titles).



625 JEAN SECOND. Baisers et Elegies, Suivis de Quelques

Baisers Inedits par P. F. Tissot. Small 8vo, sewed (some
pages stained). Paris, 1806
626 Prevost d'Exiles (A. F.). Manon Lescaut. 2 vols. in 1.
Minimo, half calf, gilt. Paris, 1827
627 Vade Mecum du Chasseur au Chien d'Arrêt. Minimo, half
morocco. Paris, 1827
628 Rousseau (J. J.). La Nouvelle Heloise. Plates. 4 vols.
small 8vo, old half sheep (foxed). Paris, 1788
629 DELILLE (Jacques). L'Imagination, Poème. Plates. 2
vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Paris, 1806
630 Boileau-Despreaux (N.). Œuvres. 3 vols. small 8vo,
cloth. Paris, 181 2
631 OSSIAN, Fils de Fingal. Poésies Galliques Traduites sur
l'Anglais de Macpherson. Portraits and plates by
Tardieu. 2 vols. small 8vo, boards. Paris, 18 10
632 Maison Rustique du XIXe. Siècle. Illustrated with 2,500
cuts. 5 vols. large 8vo, paper, uncut. Paris, n. d.
633 Journal des Connaissances Utiles. 14 vols. in 7. Large
8vo, half sheep. Paris, 1831-46
634 Recueil d'Escaliers. Plates of staircase designs. Large
4to, sewed. Paris, 1844
635 REYNOLDES (Edward). Explication of the Hundrethand
Tenthe Psalme. Small 4to, half calf (title mended).
Rare. Lond. 1632
636 Month (The), an Illustrated Magazine of Science and Art.
Illustrations. Vols. 1 and 2. 8vo, half sheep.
London, 1864-65
637 Plumptre (James). Collection of Songs. 3 vols. small 8vo,
boards. London, 1806
638 NE WTE (Thomas). Prospects and Observations on a Tour
in England and Scotland, Natural, Economical and Lit
erary. Map andplates. 4to, mottled calf, gilt.
London, 179 1
639 Chambaud's French Dictionary. 2 vols. 4to, half sheep.
Paris, 1776

640 Alexandre's Dictionnaire Grec-Francais. Thick large

8vo, sheep. Paris, 1850
641 Dictionnaire de Medecine. 8vo, half sheep. Paris, 1845
642 Ebers (J.). German and English Dictionary. 2 vols. 8vo,
sheep. Halle, 1800
643 Nouvelle Revue, 30 parts, 1879-80; American Geographi
cal Bulletin, 9 pieces; North American Review. Together
40 parts.
644 London Quarterly Review, for Year 1856; also for Years
1862 to '67 inclusive; also Quarterly Review Selections,
186 1. Together 8 vols. Large 8vo, half sheep.
645 Westminster Review, for Years 1861 to '66 inclusive. To
gether 6 vols. Large 8vo, half sheep.
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