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Cryptographic algorithms are being applied in an increasing number of devices to

satisfy their high security requirements. Many of these devices require high-speed
operation and include specialized hardware encryption and/or decryption circuits
for the selected cryptographic algorithm. A unique characteristic of these circuits
is their very high sensitivity to faults. Unlike ordinary arithmetic/logic circuits such
as adders and multipliers, even a single data bit fault in an encryption or
decryption circuit will, in most cases, spread quickly and result in a totally
scrambled output (an almost random pattern). There is, therefore, a need to
prevent such faults or, at the minimum, be able to detect them

A cryptographic algorithm, or cipher, is a set of well-defined but complex

mathematical instructions used to encrypt or decrypt data. The encryption and
decryption processes depend on a crypto-graphic key selected by the entities
participating in the encryption and decryption process. Typically, details of the
algorithm are public knowledge. However, operation of the algorithm and the
security of the encrypted message is dependent on the cryptographic key used in
the encryption and decryption process.

Cryptographic algorithms are used for important tasks such as data encryption,
authentication, and digital signatures, but one problem has to be solved to enable
these algorithms: binding cryptographic keys to machine or user identities. Public
key infrastructure (PKI) systems are built to bridge useful identities (email
addresses, Domain Name System addresses, etc.) and the cryptographic keys
used to authenticate or encrypt data passing among these identities. This chapter
will explain the cryptographic background that forms the foundation of PKI
systems, the mechanics of the X.509 PKI system (as elaborated by a number of
standards bodies), practical issues surrounding the implementation of PKI
systems, a number of alternative PKI standards, and alternative cryptographic
strategies for solving the problem of secure public key distribution. PKI systems
are complex systems that have proven to be difficult to implement properly. This
chapter aims to survey the basic architecture of PKI systems and some of the
mechanisms used to implement them. It does not aim to be a comprehensive
guide to all PKI standards or to contain sufficient technical detail to allow
implementation of a PKI system.
Cryptographic algorithms are categorized into two types:
 Block ciphers
 Stream ciphers

Block Ciphers
As the name implies, block ciphers work on a fixed-length segment of plaintext
data, typically a 64- or 128-bit block as input, and outputs a fixed length
ciphertext. The message is broken into blocks, and each block is encrypted
through a substitution process. Where there is insufficient data to fill a block, the
blank space will be padded prior to encryption. The resulting ciphertext block is
usually the same size as the input plaintext block.
Block ciphers are mostly used in symmetric key encryption. Typically, a block
cipher uses a simple substitution-permutation or a substitution transposition
process where the block of plaintext is substituted with and arbitrary bit of
ciphertext. DES, Triple DES, RC2

Following are important algorithm used:

 3DES
 CAST-256

Cryptography is broadly classified into two categories:

 Symmetric key Cryptography
 Asymmetric key Cryptography
An encryption system in which the sender and receiver of a message share a
single, common key that is used to encrypt and decrypt the message. The most
popular symmetric–key system is the Data Encryption Standard

 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/326582882_A_Survey_on_Cryp
 http://ijarcs.info/index.php/Ijarcs/article/download/1588/1576
 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6921739
 https://www.ijecs.in/index.php/ijecs/article/download/3630/3378/

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