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The Caring for Our Enviroment and Life

The environment is an object that includes living things such as humans, animals and
plants and things such as water, air, land or energy sources that are in it. The creation of an
environment can be achieved if there is continuity and balance between living things with the
environment. Inproper treatment can damage the continuity between environmental conditions
and living things. Damaged environments or nature cause losses that have a major impact on
the continuity of the lives of other humans and living things.

Technology that is rapidly developing to facilitate human work has a negative impact
on the environment. Factory construction that is not accompanied by good environmental
management causes environmental damage. Pollution to the environment which actually
originates from humans itself has polluted water, soil and air until it is known as global
warming. Global warming refers to the increase in the earth's temperature due to pollution that
has occurred to cause damage to the ozone layer on earth. Damage to the ozone layer can cause
the melting of the polar ice sheets that threaten the safety of living things. Environmental
pollution that occurs can be in the form of production of food containers, electronic devices,
cosmetic tools, so that the clothes we wear will become trash when we don't use them anymore.
Wasting on food is still high which makes a lot of food or drinks disposed of. Increasing waste
production has become a global problem because some types of waste are difficult to
decompost, especially plastic waste and electronic waste.

Prevention is one of the effective interventions for environmental improvement.

Prevention issues have begun to be developed into a trend in the world. This encourages people
to care and change their mindset for the environment. Scientists also began researching ways
to create technologies that are environmentally friendly and do not cause damage. Strict
regulations regarding pollution have also been implemented in the hope that environmental
pollution will not occur. Regulations on environmental issues were put in place by several
countries as learning and habituation for citizens to care more about their environment, for
example by reducing the consumption of plastic bags by using reuseable bags. This system
forces us to wisely choose shopping bags in the hope of reducing the use of plastic bags. Not
only in the form of regulation, campaigns against environmental damage are also often echoed
by a group of people who care about the environment both in the household environment,
schools, offices or universities.


Arranged to fulfill the task of English for Nursing 2

Lecturer : Suhartini, S.Kp., MNS., Ph.D.

Arrange By :

Singkar Permana Sakti 22020115130104







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