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International Rhythm Course

July 1 - 5, 2019
Utrecht, Netherlands

Resultant Rhythms

3:2 2:3
œ 3 œ œ3œ œ œ œ œ

œ. œ œ œ œ œ.
4:3 3:4
œ œ3œ œ 3 œ œ

5:4 4:5
œ 5 œ œ .5 œ œ 5 œ . œ5œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ. œ œ

5:3 3:5
œ . 5 œ œ œ5. œ œ 5 œ . œ œ3œœ œ3 œ œ

7:3 3:7
œ . œ7 . œ œ œ7. œ œ œ7. œ . œ œ œ3œ œ œ 3 œ œ œ

7:4 4:7
œ 7 œ . œ œ7 œ œ œ7 œ œ .7 œ œ œ . œ œ œ œ œ œ œ . œ
IRC daily schedule

Classes will take place from 9 am - 5 pm, with breaks. Most classes will be a mix of theory
and practice with space for discussion and exploration.

Day 1
BC Manjunath: Introduction to Konnakkol (South Indian rhythmic language)
Dr. Mysore Manjunath: Carnatic Music Primer
Ned McGowan: Inner Pulse
Learn one composition

Evening Concert
Dr. Mysore Manjunath, Sumanth Manjunath, BC Manjunath
Ned McGowan, Pepe Garcia
HKU Advanced Rhythm and Pulse Ensemble

Day 2
Dr. Mysore Manjunath: Carnatic Concert Practices & Melodic Approach to Rhythm
BC Manjunath: Konnakkol, Numerous Compositions in One Composition
Ned McGowan: Inner Pulse, Carnatic Music Applications in Western Composition
Learn one composition

Day 3
BC Manjunath: Konnakkol, 5 Types of Ta Di Gi Na Ton, Phrasing Inside 35 Talas
Dr. Mysore Manjunath: Melodic Approach to Rhythm, Improvising Rhythms
Jonas Bisquiert & Ned McGowan: Approaches to Rhythm Around the World
Polypulse Techniques
Learn one composition

Day 4
BC Manjunath: Konnakkol, Formulas for Tirmanas, Phrasing inside of 35 Tala
System, Mukthaya
Dr. Mysore Manjunath: Improvising Rhythms, Pallavi
Ned McGowan: Lecture on Western Mathematical Approaches to Rhythm (Johnson,
Ferneyhough, etc…)
Learn one composition

Day 5
BC Manjunath: Konnakkol, Formulas for Tirmanas, Mukthaya
Dr. Mysore Manjunath: Philosophy of Rhythm
Learn one composition
Final concert (afternoon)

More information: www.nedmcgowan.com/irc

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