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Munir was a simple man who

unpretentious. He was the sixth child of seven

children and Jamilah Said Thalib. He was a
character, a true patriot, a defender of human
rights in Indonesia. Was born in Malang,
December 8, 1965 This is an extreme Muslim
activist who later turned into an Munir who
uphold tolerance, respect for human values,
non-violence and fought tirelessly against
authoritarian practices and militaristic.
Munir was a very active activist fighting for the
rights of oppressed people. During his life he
has always been committed to always defend anyone whose rights are
oppressed. Not crazy possessions, rank, position, and also facilities. He
proved it with deeds. When he gets hundreds of millions of dollars as the
prize recipient "The Right Livelihood Award" he did not enjoy himself, but
split two with Contrast, and some are handed over to his beloved
mother. In the midst of a scramble facility officials, Munir was not even
tempted. He still uses a motorcycle as his friend. A world-class figure very
SH degree obtainment of a leading university in Malang, UB. During a
student, campus activist Munir known as a very agile. He had been
Chairman of the UB law student senate in 1998, Region IV coordinator
Indonesian law student association in 19989, member forum for the
development of student thinking at UB in 1988, Secretary of the UB law
student representative council in 1988, secretary of the al- Ershad Malang
branch in 1988, and became a member of the Association of Islamic
Mahsiswa (HMI).
Munir realize the seriousness in the field of law by way of defenses against
a number of cases, especially the defense of the oppressed. He also
founded and joined by a variety of organizations, and even help the
government in the investigation team and the team drafting the Bill (the
Some of the cases that he had handled the case Araujo, who was accused
of being rebels against the Indonesian government to liberate East Timor
from Indonesia in 1992, the case Marsinah (a labor activist) who was killed
by the military in 1994, a resident legal advisor Nipah, Madura, in farmers
homicides by the military in 1993, a legal advisor to students and farmers in
Pasuruan, in the case of riots in PT.Chief Samsung, on charges of
masterminding the riots in 1995, legal counsel Muhadi (driver) who is
accused of shooting an police in Madura, East Java in 1994, legal counsel
victims and families of victims of forced disappearance 24 political activists
and students in Jakarta in 1997 to 1998, legal counsel victims and families
of victims of the massacre in 1984 Tanjung Priok tragedy to 1998, legal
counsel victims and families of victims of the shooting of students at
Semanggi I (1998) and Semanggi II (1999), legal counsel and advocacy
coordinator of the cases of human rights violations in Aceh, Papua, by
contrast. Including some cases in Aceh and Papua resulting from military
operations policies. Munir is also active in several advocacy activities in the
field of labor, land, environment, gender and number of cases of violation of
civil and political rights.
In 2003, Munir insisted to come with a number of senior activists and pro-
democracy activists went to the House post attacks and communal
violence that occurs in the office of Tempo, when he was still required to
rest by doctors.
In 2004, Munir also joined the advocacy team SMP 56 were evicted by the
government. In addition, he is also an active write in a variety of print and
electronic media related to the themes of Human Rights, Law, Military and
Police Reform, Political and labor.
Munir was a formidable figure in pemberanni and shout the truth. He was
an exemplary servant, honest, and consistent. Thanks to the dedication of
that, she gained recognition in the form of awards from domestic and
abroad. Domestically, he was named the Man Of The Year 1998 magazine
Ummah, Gold Pin award as a successful graduate of UB, as one of the
famous Indonesian figures in the twentieth century, Justice Forum
Magazine. Semenatara abroad, he was named a Leader As for the
Millenniumdari Asia Week in 2000, The Right Livelihood Award (Alternative
Nobel Prizes) for the promotion of human rights and civilian control over the
military, Stockholm in December, 2000, and An Honourable Mention of the
2000 UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Prize for its endeavors in promoting
tolerance and Non-Violence, Paris, November 2000.
Munir died on 7 September 2004, on a Garuda flight GA-974 G 40 seats in
a flight to Amsterdam, Netherlands. The trip is a journey to continue his
studies to the University of Utrecht. He was killed by poison arsenic is put
into food by Pollycarpus. Polycarpus is a Garuda pilot who was on
leave. Munir and on departure to the Netherlands, he controversially
appointed by the President Director of Garuda corporate security. Until
now, the death of a Munir, the Hero of the Disappeared, Human warrior is
still a mystery. His remains were buried in common graves park Batu
city. He left a wife named Suciwati and two children, namely Sultan Alif
Allende and Diva. Since 2005, date of death of Munir, September 7, by
human rights activists proclaimed the Indonesian Human Rights Defenders
To mark the first anniversary of Munir's departure, released documentary
film titled Aditya Ratrikala Bhre Flowers Burned at the Goethe Institute,
Central Jakarta, 8 September 2005. This movie tells the life journey Munir
as a husband, father, and friend. Munir depicted figure playful and very
loving wife and two children. Munir childhood scrappy like other children
and never became champion also displayed. Munir was killed in an era of
democracy and openness as well as the presence of an Indonesian would
hope that he aspired began to develop. This spirit is expressed through the
film like this.A documentary film has also been made, titled Garuda's
Deadly Upgrade a collaboration between Dateline (SBS TV Australia) and
Off Stream Productions.Pada second anniversary, 7 September 2006, at
the Proclamation Monument released a documentary titled "His
strory". This film tells the story of the trial process Polycarpus and facts
revealed in court.Since 2005, the date of death of Munir 7 September, by
human rights activists proclaimed as the Indonesian Human Rights
Defenders Day.
Chronology Munir Murder
Three hours after the flight GA-974 take off from Singapore, cabin crew
reported to the pilot Pantun Matondang that a passenger named Munir who
sat in seat number 40 G illness. Munir back and forth to the toilet. The pilot
asked the cabin crew to continue to monitor the condition of Munir. Munir
was moved seated next to a passenger who happened to work doctor who
is also trying to help. Flights to Amsterdam to take 12 hours. But two hours
before landing 7 September 2004, at 08:10 Amsterdam time at Amsterdam
Schipol airport, when examined, Munir had died.
On November 12, 2004 released the news that the police Dutch
(Netherlands Forensic Institute) found traces of arsenic compounds after
autopsy. This is also confirmed by the Indonesian police. Not yet known
who had poisoned Munir, though no one suspected that certain elements
wanted to get rid of.
On December 20, 2005 Pollycarpus sentenced 14-year prison sentence for
the murder of Munir. The judge stated that Pollycarpus, a Garuda pilot who
was on leave, put arsenic in Munir food, because he wanted to silence
critics of the government. Sutiarso Cicut judge stated that before the
murder Polycarpus received several phone calls from a phone registered to
a senior intelligence officer, but did not explain further. Besides President
Susilo also formed an independent investigation team, but the results of the
investigation team were never issued to the public.
On June 19, 2008, Maj. Gen. (ret) Muchdi, who also happened to people
close to Prabowo and Gerindra Party Deputy Chairman, was arrested with
a strong presumption that he is brain Munir. Variety of compelling evidence
and testimony leads him. However, on December 31, 2008, acquitted
Muchdi. This highly controversial verdict and the case was reviewed, and
the judge who sentenced him to 3 free is now checked.

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