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Ezrre 1

Ana P. Ezrre

Ms. Figueroa

Senior English 3

15 December, 2018

The Wife of Bath: The Definition Of Love

The definition of love has always been a mystery, the men and women figure have tried

to unwrap the definition of love for many the meaning can be different. Both genders expect

differently, identify love differently or even talk about love differently. The men population may

believe that women expect too much, or may even believe that women can be extremely

difficult. When reading the short story (“The wife of bath”). The element of love is well

projected throughout the story. During the story the audience will read a Chaucer tale that shows

the struggles between men and women, showing the struggle through life and what is like to “get

your way” as many may say.

During the story, the wife claims that the male figure does not actually know what

women desire in life, the male figure claims to know the answer which the wife is very intrigued

to here to the husband out. After that the wife gives the husband time to figure out the answer he

will give her, if the wife is not satisfied with the result the husband will lose his head. Just by

reading that it shows that male figure shows extremely respect during this story, this is a sing of

love they have for their women. When the author writes the story, the audience will read how the

men had agreed to what the wife requested and he goes to follow up on her request to figure out

what women desire the most. “…if within one year, he can discover what women want most in

the world and report his finding back to the court he will keep his life. If he cannot find the

answers to the Queens question or if his answer is wrong he will lose his head” (“The wife of
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bath.”44) The story shows the love with in the men, it shows how when you are accepting such a

challenge the author is willing to go as far as possible for something he cares the most about and

that is what the story shows. The story shows how a romantic conflict can lead up to a

relationship. There for not only did the men figure got to found out what women desire the most

but he found himself a new wife, which he had quickly married.

Over all, love is a though topic. Many people see the definition of love differently, they

also live up the definition of love differently it all depends on the way someone shows love with

in. In the story love is reflected in a harsh way, many would not agree with the way love was

played out but others will understand that when finding love there is sadness along the way.
Ezrre 3

Works Cited

Chaucer, Geoffrey “The Wife of baths tale” one of the 24 written stories.

Oxford guides to Chaucer.

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