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Typical day 1

I wake up every morning at about six o'clock or six thirty. I do that


The first thing I do is to turn on the radio to listen to the news and see
what's happened. And then I look to see what time it is.

Then I get up and make coffee, and once I have my coffee I go back
upstairs and I turn on my computer and I start writing in my journal
while I am drinking my coffee.

And after I do that I pay my bills and take care of what other… whatever
household things I have to do, like I might sweep the floor or just clean
up a little bit.

Then I take a shower and get dressed. Then after I do that I go back
downstairs and I cook something to bring for lunch.

And sometimes I just bring leftovers from the night before. But
sometimes I’ll make rice and vegetables.

And then I get in my car and drive about ten minutes or so to work. I
work at a small publishing company outside of Princeton.

Typical day 2

The first thing I do when I get to work is to check my e-mail. And I read
my letters and then I answer them.

And then I start doing… like I look at my daily schedule and see what
needs to be done. First if anything's an emergency.

And then after a couple hours I go to lunch. I either eat lunch or I go and
run errands on my lunch break like I might go to the health food store
and pick up stuff that I need.

And then after that I come back and work for another couple of hours.
And then I leave work about five thirty, drive back home, get home,
watch the Simpson and Seinfeld.

And after that, sometimes I meet a friend for a drink or something, beer,
coffee or whatever, or walk around.

But after that I usually just read for a while and then I go back upstairs
and go to bed.
1. Vocabulary

wake up /weɪk ʌp/ (v) thức giấc

automatically /ˌɔː.təˈmæt.ɪ.kli/ (adv) tự động
turn on /tɝːn ɒn/ (v) bật
news /njuːz/ (n) thời sự
happen /ˈhæp.ən/ (v) xảy ra
go upstairs /gəʊ ʌpˈsteəz/ (v) lên gác
/gəʊ daʊnˈsteəz/ (v) xuống lầu
computer /kəmˈpjuː.təʳ/ (n) máy tính
start /stɑːt/ (v) bắt đầu
journal /ˈdʒɜː.nəl/ (n) tạp chí
pay /peɪ/ (v) trả
bill /bɪl/ (n) háo đơn
sweep /swiːp/ (v) quét
floor /flɔːʳ/ (n) sàn nhà
clean up /kliːn ʌp/ (v) lau
take a
/teɪk ə ʃaʊəʳ/ (v) tắm vòi hoa sen
get dressed /get drest/ (v) thay quần áo
cook /kʊk/ (v) nấu
leftover /ˈleftˌəʊ.vəʳ/ (n) đồ còn thừa
ˈkʌm.pə.ni/ (n) công ty xuất bản

check /tʃek/ (v) kiểm tra

emergency /ɪˈmɜː.dʒənt.si/ (n) việc khẩn cấp
couple /ˈkʌp.ļ/ (n) đôi, 2
errand /ˈer.ənd/ (n) việc vặt
health /helθ/ (n) sức khỏe
stuff /stʌf/ (n) một loạt, bộ gì đó
go to bed /gəʊ tə bed/ (v) đi ngủ
chăm sóc, để ý đến ai,
take care of /teɪk keəʳ əv/ (v)
cái gì

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