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Country Analysis Presentation Description and Instructions

CBA 396 - International Business

Research and prepare a written presentation analyzing a country from the viewpoint of ease of
a foreign company doing business in that country. Your group will be assigned a country, and you will
divide up the sections and prepare a written analysis putting everything together for the final written
paper. You are responsible for completely researching and correctly formatting your portion. Everyone
must do at least one research topic (the Executive Summary is not a topic).

Whoever puts the paper together will NOT be responsible for making any corrections to your
portion and will only drop it in to the paper. You are also responsible for all citations being correct. No
one is responsible for “cleaning up” or “revising” anyone else’s section. It must be submitted without
needing any editing.

Your presentation should be bound in a spiral ring binder with a plastic cover sheet (available in
the Print Shop in TMB). It should include:
Cover page identifying the name of the person(s) who compiled the paper, Country, Date and
Table of Contents with page numbers
Pages start with section and the name of each author. You do not need to start a new page for
each section but the section must be bolded and identify the author.
Include charts and graphs to show how your country compares worldwide.
Citations will be numbered only in-text and will be added at the end of the paper. You do not
have to combine but can show each authors’ sources separately.
Citations Page is the last page and should be cited in numbered format, not alphabetical.

Do not email your presentation to me. Points will be deducted if it is turned in late.


The topics to be addressed are:

1. Executive Summary (to be done last when all research is done) - Give a brief summary of your analysis
of the country as a possible location of expansion for your business.

a. Would this country be attractive for exports or direct investment?

b. What is attractive about the country?
c. What are the negatives about the country?
d. What types of products or services would fit here?
e. What cultural attributes may impact doing business in the country?
f. What economic conditions, natural resources, and political environment will have an influence
on a foreign company?

2. Country Overview and History

a. Describe your country, its history, geography and location.
b. Size of country (demographics, socioeconomic state, urban/rural).
c. Sociocultural acceptance of U.S. products– is adaptation necessary
d. Show a good map of this country and surroundings

3. Natural Resources
a. Primary Natural Resources
b. Topography
1. Deserts, Tropical Forests, Mountains, Rivers and seas
2. Availability of sea ports, waterways
c. Explain the impact of geography and topography on attractiveness of the country

4. Economic resources and factors

a. Classify the country’s stage of economic development
b. Economic Factors
i. inflation rate
ii. percentage of underground economy
iii. Currency and Exchange rate to USD
iv. GNI, GNI per capita and GDP per capita (PPP)
c. Where do citizens spend their money?
d. Hourly wage
e. Other questions to consider:
What are their exports and imports?
Who are their major trading partners?
Is the society homogeneous or heterogeneous?
What languages are spoken?
What are the primary resources and principal products?
How do people view scheduled appointments?
Are people expected to socialize before conducting business?
What is the inflation rate? Interest rate? Unemployment rate?
How do people make a living? Who supports the unemployed?

5. Social/demographic factors
a. Life expectancy
b. Literacy rate
c. Primary religion(s)
d. Urban development rates
e. Percent urban, Slum problems, Urban growth expectations
f. Explain the impact of economic and socioeconomic factors on the attractiveness of the country

6. Political system and political forces in the country.

a. Political Ideology
i. Communism, Capitalism, Socialism (explain degree of ideology with examples)
ii. Type of Government
iii. Favorable and Unfavorable Legal Issues affecting trade
iv. Type of Leadership
v. Challenges and challengers
1. Stability
2. Bribery (Transparency International)
b. Explain the impact of government and political forces on the feasibility or unfeasibility of the

7. Legal and Trade Analysis

a. Explain any legal issues that will impact foreign trade
b. Safety of country
i. Terrorism, Security, Tourist/Foreigner safety
c. Trade
i. Rules
ii. Restrictions
d. Tariffs
i. Other restrictions
1. Memberships (i.e., EFTA, NAFTA, etc.)

8. Cultural Analysis
a. Describe culture using Hofstede’s dimension.
b. What are the religious beliefs?
c. What are the rules for business etiquette? Gifts? Food?
d. Is there a shadow or underground economy? If so, what impact does that have on
business, especially foreign business coming to this country?
e. Do you need to be part of a network or have a mentor or advisor to pave the way for
your business? Are there ways to have special consideration?
f. Is corruption a way of life in this country? How does Transparency International rate
this country and why did they receive the rating?
g. How dangerous is this county for living?

Sources for Information

Jsu.edu - Library→Subject Guides→International Business

CIA – World Factbook
Transparency International – Corruption Index
Hdr.undp.org – Human Development Index
Weforum.org – Global Competitiveness Index
Heritage.org – Index of Economic Freedom
Numbeo.com – Quality of Life Index – all categories

Things you will be graded on:

1. Organization - Ideas are sequenced logically and smoothly
2. Content
a. Information is accurate and current
b. Major points are included, with adequate support for each
c. Use of correct words, subject/verb agreement, transition sentences, and grammar.
3. Format – Headings, sub-headings, charts, etc. clearly identified
4. Each topic covered completely
5. Correct spelling and grammar
6. Sources properly cited

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