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Kabballi. Prashanth Siddharth. A. Byakod Chaitra. N. Kambi

Assistant Professor, Department of Student, Department of Electronics and Student. Department of Electronics and
Electronics and Communication Communication Engineering Comunnication Engineering
Engineering GEC, Huvinahadagali, Bellary District GEC, Huvinahadagali, Bellary District
GEC, Huvinahadagali, Bellary District sabyakod@gmail.com chaitrakambi133@gmail.com

Kavita. Y. R Chikkannanavara Radha

Student, Department of Electronics and Student, Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering Communication Engineering
GEC, Huvinahadagali, Bellary District GEC, Huvinahadagli, Bellary District
Kavitayr02@gmail.com radha97c@gmail.com

ABSTRACT---Independent navigation is a challenging task 1) The user must have constant activity detect the
for visually impaired people , to achieve this challenge this surrounding environment.
paper proposes the Electronic Travel Aid (ETA’s) for 2) It detects only obstacles of ground level, the user
navigation. The study authors estimated the number of legally cannot detect the knee-level obstacles, this posses
blind would increase by 70% to 1.6 million by 2020.Legally
the collision danger to the user.
blind indicates that a person has less than 20/200 vision in the
3) The stick can only detect obstacles which are at a
better eye after a field of vision of less than 20 degrees in the
better eye.
distance of 1m from the user, That leads to little
To assist visually impaired people with obstacles free path time to take precautions.
finding with vibrating alert and audio feedback mechanism to
safe guard the blindman from dangerous places. This device To improve navigation and speed of independent of a
consists of low power embedded system with ultrasonic sensors, person, several researches introduced electronic travel
vibration motors, fire sensors, IR sensors wet sensors and a aid(ETA’S), the ETA’S may be available in many forms
battery. such as handheld devices, smart canes and wearable
This paper shows the useful aid in the detection of obstacles, systems. Safe and independent navigation is still a challenge
wet floors, ascending staircase, firing places, and android for people who lost the vision.
communication for the audio feedback. Destination, present According to the national research council, the ETA’s for
location, date, time and way assister to travel in a proper
visually impaired people should assist in detecting floor
simplified way.
level as well as head level obstacles to achieve safe
Keywords: Independent navigation, ETA, low power
navigation and understanding the paths surface environment.
embedded system, audio feedback mechanism assister.
The NavBelt, is based on robotics technologies to assist. It is
equipped with ultrasonic sensors and a computer. Guide
cane is a robotic guiding cane that detect only floor level
Vision plays vital role in gaining knowledge of the front way side ways obstacles. This is large inside and has
surrounding world. The beauty of the world can be limited scanning area.
experienced through the eye, one of the sensitive organ of The Electronic Mobility Cane(EMC) detects floor level and
the human beings. However, the loss of vision makes it knee level obstacles. Usage of EMC reduces detection of
difficult to run a normal daily life of a person. Even though obstacles in the front, other systems such as CyARM, the
there are many instruments to travel then also it very sonic torch and kaspa system, are handles obstacles
challenging task to live a normal daily life. The Travel Aids detection systems based on eco location.
such as White cane etc., the white canes are inexpensive, The issues responsible for low acceptability of existing
light weight and can detect obstacles on the ground level. ETA’S are poor user interface, functional, complexity,
According to the world health organisation (WHO) ,there heavy weight, large size, and high cost
are 285 million people in the world with visual impairments, To address the limitations of existing ETA system’s we
39 millions of whom are blind, 246 million with low vision, designed and developed the NavGuide, an electronic travel
can we have a just look at how and what yhey have been aid that detects et floors, floor-level obstacles, knee level
suffering in this busy life, can they live life long obstaclesin addition destination present location,, date, time,
dependently, the smart white can may have some of the assist left turn, right turn, back turn, blocked front–way,
shortcomings, such as wet- floor and fired situations.
The ETA’s provides an simplified and prioritized K-Sohar came, 2008]17] uses audio to give feedback to
information about the surrounding. This paper covers user of the obstacles. It uses wearable frequency sound
design and construction of the ETA’s. platforms to convey the distance of obstacles.


The main aim of this aid is to get the knowledge as the
surrounding and provide appropriate feedback to the user.
The ETA’s use different technology such as sensors,
The ETA consists of three ultrasonic sensors, a wet floor
digital cameras to provide information on the
detector sensor, IR sensor, Fire sensor. RENESAS micro
controller circuits and four vibration motors and a battery
The feedback mechanisms used by the ETA’s are audio
for power supply. The assembled smart shoe is as shown
echolocation, 1991[18] used audio to provide feedback to
in fig.1.
users, it fails, to detect floor-level obstacles and wet floor,
The ultrasonic sensor are placed at vamp of the shoe, IR
digital camera is attached to eye glasses and audio
sensor placed at knee level of user and wetness sensor
feedback is provided to users via headphones.
placed at the soles of the shoe, where as the fire sensor
Laser cane is the regular long cane with built-in laser
placed at the back to shoe.
ranging system. The Mowat sensor is an example of
The microcontroller RENESAS and battery are placed
packet size device containing an ultrasonic air sonar
inside the shoe. Battery used for the power supply.
system. When it detects an obstacles, the device vibrates,
Microcontroller used for interfacing with system
there by signalling user.
components along with GSM is fixed.
Navbelt is portable device equipped with ultrasonic
sensors and computer, produces 120 degree wide view of
the obstacles ahead of the user. Problem with this method
is, the fact that considerable conscious effort was required
to comprehend the audio, because of the resulting slow
response time of the test subjects could not travel faster.
Russell pathsouder was one of the first commercially
produced. It had a vibrating range of 1.83 meters auditory
beeping of 0.81 meters it can be mounted at chest level,
neck level or on wheel-chair, although no longer available
pathsouder, paved the way for future developments of
In 1972 the ultrasonic cone invented by Geoff Mowat
expended the range to 4.02 meters and also provided a
switch to shorter distance, range of about 1 meter. The fig.1. connection of system components placed on a board.
divergence cone generated by the acoustic waves could
actually cover the size of human body. An ultrasonic sensor is used to send high sound waves to
The Neuron industries brought out polar on in 1980’s it return so that the distance can known. The ultrasonic
can either be handled or chest mounted this device offers sensor detect the floor level obstacles fig.2. shows when a
a range selection of 1.22, 2.44 and 4.88 meters (4,8,16 sound wave hits an object it is reflected off the object.
feet) and an option receiving either vibratacile or
auditable signals. However this device might have had
problems for mirror like surface at close distance and thus
probably reside signed in 2004. The prise it used to sale
was $892
Walk mate was developed in 1993 similarity with polar
on. It’s either waist mounted and hand held with both
audio and vibration options available. It project’s a U
fig.2. Obstacle detection based on Reflection of sound wave
shaped beam of 1.82 meters tall by 0.7 meters wide. The emitted by an ultrasonic sensor.
detection range was climbed to be 1.83 meters.
Mini guide US is the products for sale these days, this IR sensor is an electronic device, that emits i order to
product are starts from 2004. Providing the range of 7.92 sense some aspects of the surroundings. An IR sensor can
meters the praise is $545. measure the heat of an object as well as detects the
CyRAM, 2005[14] uses tactical feedback to user about motion. The working of an IR sensor is shown in fig.3.
obstacles. It is handheld devices. It doesn’t detect wet
Main purpose of the ETA
1) Create a map of the surrounding to detect the
obstacles in front ,left and right side of the ETA
2) Detect obstacles from floor-level to knee- level
3) Wet floor detections
4) Auditory feedback to through vibration motors
via wireless/wired headphones.
fig.3.Obstacle detection based on Reflection of sound wave emitted 5) Present location of user and destination with time
by an IR sensor. and date.
The wet sensor or soil moisture sensor measure the 6) Path assisting to use.
volumetric water content indirectly by using some other
property of soil. Such as electrical resistance. Dielectric It also detects the fire by using fire sensor to safe guard the
constant or interaction with neutrons, as a proxy for the user from the fire and provides an vibrating alert to take
moisture content, fig. 4.shows the wet sensor working. precaution actions.
Another one is temperature sensor or flame sensor is It provides a simplified auditory off so the user can take
designed to detect and respond to the presence of flame or the actions to escape from the dangerous area.
fire, allowing flame detection. Responses to a detected The block diagram of the proposed system is as shown
flame depend on the installation, but can include sounding below in fig.7. with overall components interfaced with the
an alarm, deactivating a fuel line and activating a dire RENESAS microcontroller wit android applicants.
suppression system, fig.5.shows the fire senor principle.

fig.4.labled part of wet sensor

fig.6. Block diagram of proposed system.

The system with four vibrating motors gives alerts to the
fig.5. label part of temperature or flame sensor sensor when an obstacle detects i.e., right, left, back ad for
staircase respectively. The android application is used for
RENESAS microcontroller RL78 is a new generation of
feedback of audio output from the system like his/her
power-efficient microcontrollers that combine the excellent
location, date, time, and cell phone ring setting so that user
CPU performance of the 78K0R, (fig.6. shows RENESAS
can find his/her way easily
microcontroller board), with the superior on-chip functions
of the R8C and 78K. It delivers higher performance and Functionality of the NavGuide
lower power consumption than previous microcontrollers 1. Generates a logical map of the surrounding, for
while enabling customers to utilize software resources detecting the obstacles in front, on the left, and on
developed for the R8C and 78K. the right side of NavGuide.
2. Obstacles from floor-level up to knee-level are
detected by NavGuide.
3. Wet Floors are detected if stepped on by a visually
im- paired person using NavGuide.
4. Tactile feedback is provided to the user of NavGuide
through vibration motors.
5. Auditory feedback is provided by the NavGuide to
its user using wired or wireless headphones.


The proposed system provide the results of the ETA which

fig.6. RENESAS microcontroller are more protective comparatively to the white cane.
The ETA detects ascending staircase floor-level and knee-
level obstacles in the surrounding using the ultrasonic
sensors and IR sensors, and also it detects the wet floors
using the wet detection sensors so that helps user from the
slippy accidents.
The android application which user the caps and GSM to
account the present location and the destination of the user
with date and time.
This system detects ascending staircase floor-level, knee-
level obstacles in the environment using ultrasonic sensor,
IR sensor, wet sensor, fire sensor.
This system may have four limitations,
1. Unable to sense a pit or downhill
2. Unable to sense down stairs
3. It serves a wet floor only after a user steps on it
4. Sometime network may not available as we used
GSM for android application.

However, a downhill can be detected using additional

ultrasonic sensors facing towards the ground in the soles to
give the feedback on the distance. it is not able to avoid
accidents that are likely too occur at the interface of dry
ground and wet ground due to slipper floor.
The NavGuide provide feedback to the user using a wired or
wireless headphones. In case of wireless headphone is used
by the user an electromagnetic interface generated by an
external source can potentially affect the feedback provided
by the system to the consumer.


This paper presented a novel solution, NavGuide, for visu-

ally impaired people. The NavGuide provides solutions to
four fundamental shortcomings of the exiting,
1. It detects wet floor to avoid slipping accidents
2. It detects floor- level and knee- level obstacles
3. It provides simplified and prioritized information to
a user’s tactile and auditory senses.
4. It helps to user about his/her location and address
and cell phone ringing setting
5. Cheaper and light weight
In the future, the proposed system can be modified using
artificial intelligence techniques that would forecast the
human health condition and generate alerts. The next
version of NavGuide can use commercially available RFID
readers and passive ultra high frequency RFID tags to detect
human object interactions in the form of motion and touch.
Moreover, RFID reader and tags can also be use to identify

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