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Internet banking is a product of e-commerce in the field of banking and financial services.
Inwhat can be described as business to customer domain for banking industry, Internet
bankingoffers different online services like balance enquiry, balance transfer, opening account,
Add Staff, Request ATM, Request Cheque Book etc. Mostly, these are traditional services
offered through internet as a newdelivery channel.

Banks are also offering payment services on the behalf of their customers whoshop in different
e-shops, e-malls etc. Further, different banks have different levels of suchservices offered,
starting from level-1 where only information is disseminated through internetto level-3 where
online transactions are put through.


1. SECURITY: There is a lot of security of data on this content

management system. Onecannot open our system without knowing the
password. Immediately after opening login screenwill appear on screen. Only after
entering the correct username and password user can operateour system.

2. REFERENTIAL INTEGRITY: User cannot change the date in the transaction

files.Addition of data can be done only on the master files date in transaction files cannot
be entereduntil addition is done on the master files.

3. EASY RETRIEVAL OF DATA: Data is retrieved easily and quick using sql
commands. Online commands are used to retrieve huge amount of data.

4. GENERATION OF AUTOMATIC VALUES: In project in some screen some

fieldsgenerated automatically like Profile detail, Account number, etc.

Though there are many online systems available on internet but this can compete with them with
some advancement in its functionality and can be used by any bank organization to maintain
their customer’s account and online transaction process.The basic functionalities of the system

Create Account

1. Login
2. U pdate Profile
3. Password Recovery
4. View Profile
5. ATM and Cheque Book Requesting
6. Contact Form
7. Amount Transaction
8. Edit Account
9. Delete account
10. Logout


1. MENU DRIVEN: The project uses menu throughout which we can choose required
options. Menus are self-explanatory, as they are very easy to use and user can go to any other web
page using the menu.

2. USER CONFIRMATION: Whenever the user tries to delete or edit the data, the system
asks for the confirmation. This isused to avoid the accidental changes to the database. A
confirmation is also provided for theexit of the application.

3. GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE: User is provided with a graphical interface in

which user can select from various options andcan perform desired operations with
perfect understanding of the menu selected.

4. MULTIPLE DOCUMENT INTERFACE: The package provides a multiple document

interface to the user. The user can view more thanone entry form or pages at the same

5. SECURITY AND ACCESS: A password form has been provided at the beginning of
the package. Entering the correct password will take user to the main user page

Existing banking system is a manual system, which leads to a number of problems inmaintaining
proper records. These are:

1. PAPER WORK: All the activities that are performed by Management involve a lot of
paper work involving register consultations and entries. A separate file has to be maintained for
eachkind of activity and for different periods of time.

2. TIME CONSUMPTION: A lot of time is consumed in referencing the registers involved

for particular activities and a lot of computation as well as report verification activity is also
paper based and time consuming.

3. COMPLEXITY: Complexity of information handling and the gathering and determination

of information is usually the most difficult problem faced.

4. REDUNDANCY: Maintaining separate files for each department can lead to duplication
of data present in files. This can lead to:
a) Inconsistencies
b) Update anomalies
c) Decentralization problems

5. HUMAN ERRORS: Human kind of errors may be generated in typing

errors and slowarithmetic calculations, fatigue and boredom.

6. ILLEGAL ACCESS: The security of a lot of documents, which are paper, based if
difficultmay be in terms of illegal access or manipulation by malicious personals either
intentionally or by accident.

7. DYNAMIC ENVIRONMENT: As the working environment is dynamic and

company policies change time and again, changing the way of working will be difficult.

There are various Modules available in this project. Moduls are divided into two categories.

Admin Modules
1. Login
2. Create Customer Account
3. Delete Customer Account
4. Update Customer Details
5. Confirm Customer’s ATM Request
6. Confirm Customer’s cheque Book Request
7. Add Bank Staff Member
8. Delete Bank Staff Member
9. Update Bank Staff Member
10. View various reports
11. Change Password
12. Logut

Customer Modules
1. Login
2. View own Account
3. Add Beneficiary
4. View Beneficiary
5. Transfer Money
6. Request Cheque Book
7. Request TM
8. View various reports
9. Change Password
10. Logut

This module is used by the admin to create a new account to join services of online banking.The user is required to
fill in a few details and is automatically assigned as an user at the endof process.

This module is used by all the users to log into the account. The user is required enter
his/her user name and password. After login user will be redirected to the user¶s home page.

U pdate profile module will be used to update or change any detail of user such as
address, phone number, city, state, etc.

This module is used to recover the lost password by the user by entering his/her valid
emailaddress. This email address will be matched from database and automatically
generatedemail will be sent to the user containing his/her user name and password.

This module is the automatically generated page when user clicks the view profile button.This contain the user
account detail such as name, account balance, email id, address, city.


This module is used by user to request ATM online. After the confirmation bank ATM will be available to user.

This module is the user view page after login where he/she can transfer the amount to
other account by providing the amount to be transferred and the account number where to

This module is used by both registered and non-registered user to contact bank or to give
anyfeedback trough message. His/her message will be saved into the database and further
bank can contact him/her.


This module is used maintain the staff memebers.

This module is used to delete the user’s account by the confirmation of user.

This module is used to logout from the user’s session and redirected to the home page of website.

There are many online online system available on internet but this can compete with them with
some advancement in its functionality and can be used by any bank organization to maintain
their customer accounts, requirements and staff members.
Data flow diagram (DFD)
Data Flow Diagrams - Introduction
Data flow diagrams can be used to provide a clear representation of any business function. The
technique starts with an overall picture of the business and continues by analyzing each of
thefunctional areas of interest. This analysis can be carried out to precisely the level of
detailrequired. The technique exploits a method called top-down expansion to conduct the
analysis ina targeted way.

There are only five symbols that are used in the drawing of business process diagrams (dataflow
diagrams). These are now explained, together with the rules that apply to them.This diagram
represents a banking process, which maintains customer accounts. In thisexample, customers can
withdraw or deposit cash, request information about their account or update their account details.
The five different symbols used in this example represent the fullset of symbols required to draw
any business process diagram.

External Entity
An external entity is a source or destination of a data flow which is outside the area of
study.Only those entities which originate or receive data are represented on a business
processdiagram. The symbol used is an oval containing a meaningful and unique identifier.

A process shows a transformation or manipulation of data flows within the system. The
symbolused is a rectangular box which contains 3 descriptive elements:Firstly an identification
number appears in the upper left hand corner. This is allocatedarbitrarily at the top level and
serves as a unique reference.

Secondly, a location appears to the right of the identifier and describes where in the system
the process takes place. This may, for example, be a department or a piece of hardware. Finally,
adescriptive title is placed in the centre of the box. This should be a simple imperative
sentencewith a specific verb, for example 'maintain customer records' or 'find driver.

Data Fow

A data flow shows the flow of information from its source to its destination. A data flow isrepresented by a
line, with arrowheads showing the direction of flow. Information always flowsto or from
a process and may be written, verbal or electronic. Each data flow may be referenced by the
processes or data stores at its head and tail, or by a description of its contents.

Data Store
A data store is a holding place for information within the system:It is represented by an open
ended narrow rectangle.Data stores may be long-term files such as sales ledgers, or may be
short-term accumulations:

Resource Flow
A resource flow shows the flow of any physical material from its source to its destination. For this reason they
are sometimes referred to as physical flows.The physical material in question should be given a
meaningful name. Resource flows areusually restricted to early, high-level diagrams and are used
when a description of the physicalflow of materials is considered to be important to help the


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