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Classroom Management Plan

Lia Matalon

Arizona State University


Classroom Management Plan

There is so much pressure in today's society to be perfect. My mission is to erase the

pressure of perfection from my students’ brains as being perfect is nearly impossible. I want to

instill in my students that as long as they are trying their best, as well as continuously showing

improvement, that is what counts. However, I will still hold my students accountable for putting

forth the proper effort.

Philosophy of Education

My goal is to help students grow both academically and personally through a mixture of

an executive and a humanist approach. In order to do so, there will be a lot of flexibility in my

classroom. With that being said, there will not be only one specific learning style that is focused

on in my class. Students will learn to work together and respect each other’s ideas and/or

thoughts. I will teach my students that my classroom is a safe and positive place. There will be a

“no bullying tolerated” policy and they will freely be able to share their thoughts and ask

questions as needed. Through the positive environment that is created, students will feel more at

ease and empowered to accomplish challenges outside of their comfort zones.

I also believe that I am not only there to help teach the students, but to mentor them as

well. Forming a strong student-teacher relationship is incredibly important to me and this is done

in part by empathy, which is a key component of becoming a teacher. Therefore, I will take the

time to get to know my students from understanding their fears, to their learning method, to some

of their home life, etc. I will put an emphasis on making sure my students know how much I

truly care about them. I will be there for them to help when possible and make them aware that

they are able to rely on me. I refuse to and will not give up on my students. I am determined to

conform to all of my students’ needs.


Education and learning is imperative, but in order to be successful, students need

someone that is understanding of their lives outside of the classroom. Someone who is willing to

work with them and teach them skills to eventually reach their highest potential is crucial.

Philosophy of Discipline

Discipline helps maintain organized chaos as well as prepare students for college and the

“real world”, without it nothing productive would get done. Discipline should always be given

with empathy not out of rage. Teachers need to remember students are human-beings as well.

There is most likely a reason why the student is acting out and teachers should always find out

what that reason may be. For example, starting by asking the student what is going on that they

think it is okay to do what they did is the first step. Then the teacher would going on to explain

they will have to suffer the consequences as they chose to do what they did even when they knew

they shouldn’t have. Lastly, the teacher move to helping the student create a plan to work on the

underlying issue of why they chose to act out inappropriately.

It is also part of a teacher’s job is to explain to the students that it is okay to make

mistakes, some of the time, as long as they learn from them. The students have to understand that

there will still be consequences to their actions, but now they know better for next time. Students

need to act as role models for younger grades and one another just as teachers are role models for

the students.

Preventative Tactics

Each day is going to be different and each school year you with have different students with

different behavioral issues. Therefore, the most fitting one would tie into theorist Jacob Kounin’s

theory which is preventing unwanted behavior by implementing effective lesson management.

Kounin claimed, “overlapping and withitness are critical to preventing off task and unwanted

behaviour in the classroom” (Behaviour Management Theorists, n.d.). Overlapping according to

Kounin is when more than one classroom activity is successful being directed/instructed by the

teacher. In other words, the teachers needs to be capable of multitasking effectively. Withitness

also plays a role with overlapping, it means the teachers is at all times conscious of what is going

on in his/her classroom. (Behaviour Management Theorists, n.d.). Without either of these

techniques teachers would fail to organized and partake in a successful lesson. Engaging students

is important when it comes to preventing misbehavior as they will be too distracted by

collaborating with others and staying involved to misbehave. With that being said, teachers need

to get to know their students for that particular school year and assess their needs in order to

decide what procedures would be put in place.

Supportive Tactics

Every school year, students should be given a say when it comes to basic rule making. There will

always be certain rules (most being school rules) that will have to remain the same, regardless if

the students agree with them or not, such as dress code or no bring knives and guns to school,

etc. On one of the first 3 days of the school year, each class periods will work together and create

social contracts. Each period will receive a bag of markers as well as poster paper. Then, they

will need to collaborate and create as many rules as they want and express them on the poster

paper, whether it be through drawing them or just writing them, it is all up to the students.

Afterwards, the teacher will look over them and explain why he/she does not accept one of the

rules if he/she does not agree with it or if the teacher needs to add a rule he/she will explain to

the students why as well. Finally, once everyone has come to an agreement of the rules everyone

will sign the poster. This now acts as their contract agreeing to obey the rules or else they will

have consequences. These posters are hung up on the wall all year long to remind the students of

their agreement from the beginning of the year (K. Barro, personal communication, February 8,

2019). This is a great way of being able to both involve the kids with the rule making but also

having them work together right from the start of the school year is extremely beneficial.

Therefore, they start getting to know each other and feel more comfortable in the classroom. As

the teacher, it is important to always follow the same rules as your students as you are a role

model for them. Most of these students look up to their teachers so it would not be fair if you

were to have a class rule of no eating and then you, as the teacher, are constantly snacking

behind your desk. This goes in part with Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory. Bandura

claims, “people learn from one another, via observation, imitation and modelling” (Behaviour

Management Theorists, n.d.). Teachers must lead as examples and students will follow and

respect you a lot more.

Re-directing Tactics

Although, it is important to hear out the students and get to the bottom case of why they are

misbehaving the students always need to understand we have set consequences for a reason. A 5

step system for consequences would be tremendously effective to set in place. The first time a

student misbehaves give them a warning and re-directs them. The second time take them out in

the hall in order to have a private conversation and check in with the student and makes sure

nothing is going on at home or bothering them from their last class. The third time a student acts

out contact a parent or legal guardian, this way they can also help handle the situation if needed.

Typically by this step the students will have realized they need to stop misbehaving and they will

get back on track, but if they are still acting out send them up to the office. If the student is still

not behaving after he/she has come back from the office give the student detention as the fifth

step of consequences (K. Barro, personal communication, February 8, 2019). For example to put

these steps to use, if a student is speak out of turn in class start by giving him/her a warning just

to quickly redirect him/her. Now let’s say that same student decides to throw something across

the room 5 minutes after they just received their warning then ask them to step outside in the hall

with you. In the hall ask why he/she thought that what they did would be something appropriate

to do. During this conversation find out if this student is going through something at home right

now which is probably why they are acting out. Afterwards, explain to him/her that step 3 of

consequences, contact a parent, will still be next if they misbehave as they chose to act

inappropriately instead of choosing to come talk to me and figure something out or just give me

a heads up. From there the student and the teacher will work through a plan of how to help this

student stay focus in class although he/she is constantly thinking about what is going on at home.

Establishing Rules

Rule: Consequence: Rationale:

Respect other not only with First, students will receive a Student must all feel
your words but your actions. warning. If it proceeds they welcome to express their
will be asked to step out in thoughts and comfortable
the hall way so I can check-in within the classroom. It is a
with them and see what it safe place for everyone and
going one. Then, if it still they need to simply
hasn’t stopped I will contact a remember the saying, “treat
parent. other the way you would
want them to treat you”.
Come prepared to class and Same as above. First, students If you do not have the proper
be in your seat when the bell will receive a warning. If it material for that day or on not
rings. proceeds they will be asked to in your seat on time, you are
step out in the hall way so I not only disrupting the class
can check-in with them and but wasting your classmates’
see what it going one. Then, and your own time.
if it still hasn’t stopped I will
contact a parent.
Students will be allowed to Students’ grade will suffer if I am pretty lenient and
turn in late work up to a week they do not turn in their work. understand as I want my
after the due date with 5% If late work is constantly students to succeed and
taken off per day it is late. being turned in by a particular receive proper practice in
(Students may talk to me if student or they are not turning order to improve. I am also a
there are extenuating anything in, it may result in human though just like them

circumstance needed conversation with the student and I don’t want to have to
regarding the due date.) or a phone call home. grade everything last minute
so I ask them to be fair to me
as well, which is why I have
to draw the line somewhere.

Communicating Discipline to Students, Administration and Students’ Legal Guardians

Students, administration and students’ legal guardians will take part in my discipline and

will be communicated the plan of action as needed. After the students create their social

contracts, not only will they be hung up in the classroom for the students to always be able to

reference, but the teacher will also type up a letter for them to take home. The letter will state the

rules the students came up with for their parent or legal guardian to sign. Therefore, the teacher

is able to make sure all parents/legal guardians are aware of what is happening in the classroom

regarding rules and discipline. This will also allow for the parents/legal guardians of the students

to put down their best contact information for me be able to reach them if it comes down to

consequence step three. Administration will also be contacted that way we can agree on a

specific place for students to be sent if need be. Administration will know the rules and

consequences behind them as there will be a folder by my desk with all the parent forms, copies

of social contracts, etc. If administration or a specific student’s parent/legal guardian does not

agree with the discipline in place we will work with them to come up with a reasonable change

on a need to need bases.


A classroom needs a mixture of both procedures and rules. Rules tend to be more flexible

and something that students can help create, whereas procedures tend to stay the same

throughout. Sometimes procedures will vary from student to student, but rarely due to the fact of

common grounds needed to be met by everyone in order to have a productive school year.

Beginning of Class

Students will follow four simply steps when coming into the classroom. They will be required to

enter quietly and take the most direct route to their seats. They will not be allowed to come in go

to their friends’ desk and socialize with them until the bell rings and then sit down and start

working. Students will need to get out all necessary supplies they will need for that day, which

will be listed on the board for them. Lastly, they will start either their warm up or an activity that

was assigned for that day. The screen/board will have their current warm up or assignment

written for them along with the objectives and agenda.

Students at Work

When the students are working there will be different levels of volume they will be allowed to

talk in depending on the assignment they are working on. There will be 4 different noise level

volumes, these will be posted around the room for students who may forget throughout the

school year. Level 0 would be no sounds, no talking, or completely silent. This level would be

used more during the first few minutes of class for warm ups, during testing, or when someone

else is presenting. Level 1 would be used for independent work and/or practice meaning the

students could whisper or ask their peers questions when they are stuck and have a question.

Level 2 would involve group work, students will speak quietly with each other in order to

collaborate and/or explain their thought process. Finally, there is Level 3 for when students are

expected to speak loudly and clear, a good example would be when they are presenting or

answering a question during a lesson. The teacher will tell them which level is acceptable to use

at what time. They could always lose the privilege of being at the current level they are at and be

knocked down a level or vice-versa. Students will also be expected to stay in their seats the entire

time unless directed otherwise. They will be sitting in groups regardless, so if they are at a level

2 they wouldn’t need to get up and go talk to their friend, they would just discuss with their


Miscellaneous Behavior

Students should always know exactly what to do during any situation which occurs as we will

have gone over everything within the first week of school. There will also be items posted

throughout the classroom reminding them if they forget. Bathroom breaks will be given without

a set limit, but students will need to sign out and take a hall pass before leaving the room. If

students need to sharpen their pencils they are allowed to get out of their seat and do so as long

as no one is currently presenting. The same rule is applied if a student needs to throw something

away or get a tissue, his/she is more than welcome to get up and do so as long as it is appropriate

timing. Obviously, if we start to see these procedures being abused we will have to discuss

another way around this by maybe making the students ask before getting up. Teachers are aware

that sometimes it will not be the class as a whole abusing these procedures, but maybe only one

particular student. Therefore, they would set up a conference with that student to see what is

going on and create different procedures for him/her since the student cannot seem to properly

handle the ones in place. These kids are more than a year to three years away from being adults,

so hopefully we can treat them that way unless they unfortunately prove otherwise.

End of Class

At the end of every class students will be given 3-5 minutes to start packing up and turning in

anything that needs to be collected by the end of the period. In the classroom there will be a turn-

in bins for each period and students will have to place their assignments in there for grading.

There will be no mingling by the door until the bell rings. Once they are packed up and

everything is cleaned up in the area that are sitting in, they will be expected to sit down and wait

until the teacher dismiss them. The saying, “the bell does not dismiss you, I do”, is not the best

but it is accurate. Students will not be forced to wait all the way until the end of a lecture before

being dismissed if the bell has already rung, but if students are not all in their seats, misbehaving,

and/or their area isn’t clean they will have to follow the procedures even if the bell rang before

being dismissed. Students will not run out of the classroom or yell, they will exit in an orderly

fashion quietly as I stand by the door sending them off.

Classroom Layout

The set-up of my classroom is design in a way for students to always be able to

collaborate with one another. No matter where in the room they sit they will be sitting in groups

because, as stated throughout, collaboration is a key component in keeping students engaged

which in some case will lower misbehavior (Bennett, 2018). The tables will be circular not only

in order for the students’ to work together but it will also make it easier to reach any students that

needs help fast as they are all sitting at the “end” of the table. Teachers realize that not all

students can handle being so close to others in something such as a circle table, therefore there is

a group in the middle which is formed out of 7 desk. These desk will be great for still giving

students the ability to sit in a way which they are able to collaborate when needed, but at the

same time giving them a little more personal space. The desk at the end of the table in the middle

of the classroom is also adjustable for those students will disabilities.

In the front left corner of the classroom we will have computers on wheels (COW) as

technology will constantly be integrated within different activities in the classroom. We will have

a bean bag corner, which is located in the front right of the classroom. The bean bags will be

used for reading time and/or when someone needs a minute to calm down or destress they will be

able to ask to go sit there for a minute. The horseshoe table in the back of the room will be a little

different than usual as the students’ chairs will be bouncy balls. According to Common Sense

Education, “…bouncy balls helps them to self-regulate their behavior and stay more on task”

(Bouncy Balls Reviews for Teachers, 2018). When students feel that they have wiggles they need

to get out to help them stay focused they will be allowed to come sit at the horseshoe table. The

horseshoe table will also be used for the teacher to work in small groups with students based off

of the level of mastery they are at. The bouncy balls will help make coming back to the table and

sitting with a teacher feel less intimidating for some students which is a great benefit as well. The

walls will have students’ work, inspiration boards and a personal favorite a “we are family

board”. This board will say we are family in the middle and then have all of the students names

attach to it in order to create one big wordle/scrabble. Along the top of this board it will also have

the social contracts the students created at the beginning of the year in case they ever need to

refer back to it.

Another unique thing this classroom will have is a shredder right by the door, it is used

for something known as leave it at the door. If a student has something going on that they feel

will distract them in the classroom and cause them to not put forth their best effort they can write

that thought on a piece of paper and then shredder it. Therefore, they are “leaving it at the door”

and not bring it with them into class. Jessica Tappana, a mental health therapist, uses this stress

reducer and states, “the problem won't disappear, but the activity encourages them to leave stress

outside the classroom” (2018), which is the main goal.



Behaviour Management Theorists Jacob Kounin. (n.d.). Retrieved March 12, 2019, from


Bennett, C. M. (2018, April 20). 7 Ways to Take Control of Your Classroom to Reduce Student

Misbehavior. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/classroom-management-


Bouncy Balls Review for Teachers. (2018). Retrieved March 31, 2019, from


Tappana, J. (2018). Stress Management in School: Tips for Parents, Teachers, & Students.

Retrieved March 31, 2019, from


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