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Why Do I Want To Be a Teacher?

My name is Aline Matz; I am almost 18 years old and I am originally from Belgium.
My decision to pursue a teaching career in college has recently become something I am passionate
about. After many discussions and exchanges of ideas, I am unequivocally sure with what I want to do
with my life. I have upstanding plans that will lead me to a successful career in education because I
believe it is one of the most underrated and important professions performed around the world.
Consider this scenario: if you can read this essay, it is the result of the education you received
allowing you to be literate.
A teacher executes challenging tasks; this is exciting, since I am motivated by the idea of a
challenge. To ensure good quality of education, I believe a teacher must perform with the highest
degree of professionalism and with continuous devotion and dedication. My dad, who was a teacher in
an atavistic time, used to say teaching is the noblest but one of the most complicated professions. A
teacher’s responsibilities are enormous; it is not simply delivering a lecture to students, but rather
ensuring they will benefit and grow from the lessons a teacher provides to them. In my opinion,
nurturing and nourishing all students is the art of teaching. My dream consists of students growing so
that they all become responsible citizens and change the world for the better. My tasks are to help
them to read, write, and understand mathematics, sciences, and history. I want to trigger their desire to
learn as well as to process ideas, solve problems, and make decisions so they feel included in society.
In addition, I will make sure that through my lessons, they will always be hungry for knowledge
and be curious of their boundaries and beyond their limits. I will ensure I develop a learning
environment where students have joy and feel that it is a safe place. With that kind of environment, I
am convinced that it would give my students a reason to get up every morning and go to school to
work hard on their education knowing that they are loved.
Teaching is as old as humanity. Teachers have the ability to solve today’s problems but also
tomorrow’s challenges. Teaching is one of the foundations of our society, for without it, no one could
be able to grow intellectually as a person and build upon their personalities and skills. Most assume
that teachers are one-sided, with no originality, but I disagree completely. We as teachers learn just as
much as our students everyday.
Many of my teachers, from kindergarten to high school, have demonstrated high standards and
commitment to make us what we are today – good and well educated people. All of those exceptional
teachers had unique skills to mold us to face the future; they are my heroes and I want to follow their
paths and give back to the next generation. I want to follow the examples they gave us for many years,
which include the following: excellent in substance, patient when required, and firm when needed.
What I aspire to do in college is develop my skills to the point where I master the substance of my
teaching and communication skills. This is the starting point to become a good teacher. I understand
that I will need to work on my personal teaching style, which is a combination of various elements
such as values, strengths, leadership, and self-control.
Above all, my goal as a teacher will be to pave the road for next generation that will be the future of
our country and our world. I want to inspire change and contribute as much as I can.
My parents are encouraging me in the pursuit of my dream. They know I want the best for everyone
and I want to give what they need to earn their position into society and become responsible adults.
In conclusion, I would say that my style of teaching will not primarily focus on delivering
lessons. If it were that simple, I would not see any challenge in becoming a teacher, and I would not
be interested. A teacher must inspire and guide students in their journey, step by step. The opportunity
to inspire students is frankly quite unique and I will promise to make that what I am doing every day
of my teaching. I want to change the students who feel as if they are forced to go to school by
encouraging them to seize their opportunity because many children do not have the same opportunity.
My intentions as a teacher are to inspire change of our world for the better.

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