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CELL PHONE 540-746-0026
HOME PHONE 540-289-5479

Training Room Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday 9:00 – 12:00 & 1:30 – until end of practice or end of game.
Saturday, Sunday Varies according to game/practice schedule

 These hours are subject to change based on the need of the athletes and coaches.
During games I will be at the venue holding the event. During practices I may be
at the practice area. I will leave my location on the white board next to the
training room door.

 Athletes can schedule treatment and rehabilitation times with me. I will work
around the athlete’s schedule.

 The training room will be open 1 hour before practice and 2 hours before

Injury Procedures

 If an athlete is injured during practice, coaches respond as you would to any first
aid situation. Notify the athletic trainer by phone or send a student to get the
athletic trainer. Be prepared to give the athletic trainer a brief history of the
 In the event of a serious or life threatening injury follow the MBC Emergency
Action Plan. Please review this plan regularly and ask if you have any
 If an athlete is injured at an away event, be sure the athlete is evaluated by the
sports medicine staff of that college before returning to MBC. If they determine a
medical emergency, the athlete’s medical and insurance information is located in
your medical kit.
 Athletes injured at an away event must report to me the following day as soon as
possible. Please call me at home if you have any questions. Coaches, please
remember to fill out an MBC Incident Report which can be found in the notebook
containing the medical information of your athletes.
 If your athlete sees a doctor and is restricted from play by that doctor, she MAY
NOT return to play unless released by a medical doctor. I reserve the right to
restrict the participation of any athlete in any event if, in my professional opinion
that athlete is at risk of further injury.
 Please be sure to review the Head Injury Warning Signs paper at the end of these
rules and regulations.
Physical Evaluations

All Athletes must have medical clearance (a physical for first year students and an
updated questionnaire for upper level students) before they participate in practice
or competition. All athletes must also have health insurance. A copy of the
insurance card will be kept by the athletic trainer and a copy will be in the travel
notebook along with the athlete’s medical information.

Please follow the Athletic Training Room Rules:

 No food or drink will be allowed in the athletic training room

 No cleats in the training room
 No profanity
 No horseplay or loitering
 No materials will be removed from the training room without permission
of the athletic trainer
 Be sure to get to the training room for treatment and taping well before
game time or practice DO NOT USE ME AS AN EXCUSE
 Please shower and wear appropriate clothing when receiving treatment
 If you want taping or bracing for games, tape and brace for practice.
 The whirlpools, ultrasound, and E-Stim should only be used under the
supervision of the athletic trainer

I am here to take care of the Mary Baldwin College athletes. The athletes are
my first concern. If you have questions or concerns please contact me.

Charlie Angersbach, ATC

Cell Phone 540-746-0026
Home 540-289-5479
Head Injury Warning Signs

This fact sheet is designed to alert you, and those watching you, to the
possible signs and symptoms of a significant head injury. These signs and
symptoms may develop minutes or hours after a head injury. Athletes must
inform their roommates, family members or anyone else they may be staying
with about their head injury. The athlete must be monitored following the
head injury so that appropriate medical treatment can be sought. After any
head injury, the athlete must be reevaluated by the athletic trainer before they
participate in practice or competition.



1. Headache that is getting worse or is a deep throbbing type headache.

2. Dizziness
3. Mental confusion or agitation
4. Difficulty with memory
5. Nausea or vomiting
6. Blurred, double vision, or trailing colors
7. Poor balance or unsteadiness
8. Abnormal drowsiness
9. Ringing in the ears
10. Slurred speech
11. Pupils of unequal size
12. stiffness in the neck
13. Weakness or numbness in any body part
14. Blood or fluid dripping from the nose or ears
15. Convulsions or loss of consciousness

Do not take any medication to prevent your headache unless told to do so by a

physician. Taking Advil, Tylenol, or any other medications to relieve the headache
my cause bleeding in the brain and mask the warning signs of more severe brain

Athlete’s Signature _______________________________

ATC’s Signature _________________________________

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