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Blended Learning

Blended learning is a concept that is fast gaining pace in Indian context. As India is making headway
in digitisation of the learning process, blended learning can be seen as the future of Indian
education. Therefore, there is a need for teachers to learn the essentials of blended learning and
how to use technology effectively to support learners. They will also be able to evaluate a variety of
effective blended learning approaches and apply the most suitable to deliver a lesson in order to
improve the learners experience and attainment. They will also be able to apply their knowledge of
blended learning to develop instructional materials using appropriate technologies. They will further
evaluate the many free or affordable tools now available to enhance teaching and learning. This
course is also useful for students as they will be able to dip into a knowledge pool that doesn’t end
with classroom instruction. Also it will guide them on how they can use ICT resources to do their task
related to school. They will also be able to gain practical, experiential learning at their own pace both
in terms of speed and complexity of information.

Teaching With Tablets

The tablet is the future of interactive teaching and learning. Recently tablets have been distributed
to KV students by the government of India. This step by the government indicates the course the
government wish to take for the future of Indian education. This course teaching with tablets will
provide guidance to the teachers on how to use tablets to devise authentic and meaningful learning
activities. How to enable tablets in genuine curriculum contexts and how to evaluate which
educational apps might be appropriate for their learners.


At national level there is only one course available on empowering teachers with OERs but the
course is limited to only searching free licensed resources and there is no course material uploaded
yet. A course is needed to develop in this area that will familiarise the teachers and students with
the process of licensing and how to avoid plagiarism. It will also enable the teachers on how to
develop their own content and share into open space through creative commons.

It will help the students by sensitising them with the issue of plagiarism and help them in searching
free licenced resources and how to reuse them for their own work.

Inclusive Education

Many academics in the field of inclusive education point to the teacher education and school
leadership as essential for implementation of inclusive education in the classroom, yet the standard
of teacher training courses across India varies hugely, and they usually approach the inclusion of
children with disabilities from a deficit perspective. Therefore, there is a need to develop a course in
this area. This course will help the teachers in gaining the knowledge and skills to design inclusive
learning experiences, specially for students with disability. They will be able to recognise and address
challenges faced by students with disabilities related to access l, success and completion. Articulate
faculty and staff roles in reducing barriers for students with disabilities. Apply the principles of
universal design for learning in designing accessible learning experience and determine which tools
and technologies are appropriate based on course content.


A makerspace is an area inside a school, library or other public facility, which young people can use
to apply digital skills to the real world, exploring ideas and making things collaboratively.
Makerspace is a movement in itself which is slowly but strongly emerging on the educational front of
India. The government has also shown keen interest in promoting the movement. Niti Ayog said it
would set up 500 Atal Tinkering labs under the Atal innovation mission. Corporates are also getting
involved, sponsoring high end tools like 3D printers etc and providing much needed financial
assistance. Since makerspace is gaining importance on the educational scene a course in this area
could be helpful for the teachers. This course will provide guidance on how to create a makerspace
in a community. It will also provide them opportunity to explore different approaches to
makerspace, understand the pedagogy that underpins the maker movement and get practical advice
on getting started.

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