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During my senior year in English class I feel that my weaknesses in my writing,
I started not knowing how to write my essays in a general audience or try to connect my
Quotes and statements towards my targeted audience but Also I would use I, If ,And A
lot of that was not good or formal for my essays I struggle with getting straight to the
point most of my essays I try to lead the reader or audience towards the issue but I give
examples but I like to build up to what important topic is in my essay, My writing process
usually consist of me talking about the writing subject or main problem in the essay say
for example my social topic “Why Electric Cars are Good” but I don’t start my essay by
saying of electric cars are good because of this reason I’m not straight forward kind of
writer I try to build up facts opinion statements reasons why and answers on those
specific kinds of Topic problems.

What I've learned in senior year in senior English class was to not to use contractions or
keep reusing old warn out words such as if, and, I, you those are only some examples I
can word out more but that all the time I have to put those in also moving on. But
sometimes it gets extremely tough for me to write essays because somewhat of the time
I have trouble figuring out what to write about which is stressful and energy draining, but
if that occurs then I take a break and come back to it, my writing goal I want my writing
to sound persuasive but I also want the reader to take this Jerney through my writing
and understand my facts and statements along the way of writing, that understanding of
that problem or solution or even a specific topic would be an amazing feeling to write
something that isn’t mediocre but something that politicians would read or mayors or
even a school principle and say “that article was amazing” but then again I could
improve my writing by adding better punctuation relatable statements and facts more to
understand and read but also I want to make them sound smarter better bigger words
more facts and opinions and educated guesses which would help my writing and maybe
even spending more time researching would help with my writing issues.
How do I feel about the writing portfolio well I feel pretty well about its just that I have
to look over some of my essays and see where each one them would go but the Chaucer
essay I feel like it was not that good as an essay because I feel like I did not speak general
to my audience of targeted readers I cep saying I and you should do this or Chaucer does
this because of this. My targeted future goals for my writing would be trying to persuade
the person that would be reading my essay number one sound more appealing number
two add a bit more effort into my writing number three use smart and professional
words when writing.
Mark Wilson


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