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4/4/2019 English vocab Flashcards | Quizlet

English vocab
60 terms alexisgatto

Terms in this set (60)

Acquit Not guilty

Advocate Someone who supports a cause

Allusion Indirect but meaningful reference

Apathy Don't care, not interested

Archaic Old

Antithesis Opposite

Astute Capable of assessing a situation

Augment Add to

Banal Boring

Benevolent Kind generous

Benign Harmless

Bias Prejudice

Candid Honest

Catalyst Something that causes activity between two things

Caustic Capable of burning

Condescending Patronizing, implying superiority

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4/4/2019 English vocab Flashcards | Quizlet

Conducive Helpful

Connotation Something suggested or implied

Dichotomy Division in two parts

Denotation Direct meaning of a word

Emulate Match or surpass, imitation

Epiphany The manifestation of a divine or supernatural

Esoteric Intended for or only understood by select few

Erudite Having or showing great knowledge or learning

Exacerbate Make a problem or bad situation worse

Explicit Stated clearly, leaving no confusion

Flagrant Something obviously offensive

Fortitude Mental or emotional strength in facing adversity

Garrulous Excessive talking as in rambling about trivial matters

Haphazard Characterized by lack of planning or order

Hubris Excessive pride

Incessant Continuing without interruption (usually annoying)

Indoctrinate To absolutely accept a set of beliefs without question

Infringe Encroach, actively break the terms of

Insipid Lacking flavor, vigor or interest

Intangible Unable to be touched

Marginalize Treat as insignificant

Mundane Lacking interest, dull

Myriad Number too high to count

Objective Not influenced by personal feelings

Plethora A lot

Pragmatic Realist

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4/4/2019 English vocab Flashcards | Quizlet

Prudent Showing care for the future

Ramification Consequence of an action or event

Rhetoric Art of effective persuasive speaking

Sophomoric Pretentious, juvenile

Squalid Extremely dirty

Subjective Characteristic of an individual person

Succinct Short and sweet

Surreptitious Covert, secret

Syntax Arrangement of words to form a well formed sentence

Superfluous Extravagant unnecessary

Tenacious Tending to keep a firm hold

Tirade Long angry speech

Trepidation Feeling of fear

Trite Lacking of original freshness

Usurp Take position by force

Vernacualr Language spoken by a particular people in a certain area

Vicarious Experience through another person

Wanton Cruel, deliberate, unprovoked

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4/4/2019 English vocab Flashcards | Quizlet


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