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अअअअअअअअअअअअअअअ अअअ

ननननननननन नन नननननननन
नननननननन ननननननननन नननननन न न-
O Supreme Lord of incomprehensible powers, in
this age known as the Paadma Kalpa, Thou thus
brought into existence the Creator Brahmaa. O Lord
Vishnu! who has manifested in the temple of
Guruvaayur, please eradicate my ailments.
ननननननननननननननन ननन

ननननननन⁴नन नन ननन³नननननन
नननननननन⁴ ननननननननन ननननननन 8-
अअअअअअ अअअअअ अ अअअअ
अअअअअअअअअअ अअअअअअअअ
अअअअअअअअअअ अअअअ अ
नननननननननननननन ननननननननन
नननननननन न नन-ननन
After begetting the son Daksha and performing
several sacrificial rites and having received the
highest knowledge from Naarada they attained
liberation. O Lord! O Lord of Guruvaayur! Who are
of such merciful nature, grant protection to me.

अअअअअअअअअअअअ अअअअअअअ अअअअअअ

अअ अ
ननननननननन नननननन
नननननननननननननननननननन ननन नन
ननननननननननननननन न नन-ननन
I worship Thee as Aadishesha the great serpent.
Thou residing at the bottom of Paataal, having a
thousand heads, which shine with a single ever
quivering earing, wearing a blue garment, and
having a plough as weapon, are worshipped by
Naaga (serpant) damsels. May Thou O Lord of
Guruvaayur be pleased to relieve me of my ailments.

अअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअ अ
अअअअअअअअअअ अअअ
ननन न ननन ननननननननन नननन नननन न
Yama was very much concerened at the report of
his messengers. He strictly instructed them not to
go to the devotees of Thy feet. O Lord! O Lord of
Guruvaayur! Who are such, protect me.
नननननननन³नननन⁴ननन⁴नननननन न
ननन: न नन³न ननननननननन² नननन
ननननन 22-11न

अअअअअअअअअअअअ अ
नननननननननननन नननननन
नननननननननन ननननननननननननननन
ननन नननननननन न नन-ननन
Diti, the mother of the Asuras, worshipped Thee in
order to have a son who would kill Indra, but
instead gave birth to Maruts who became friends of
Indra. By worshipping Thee, even an evil minded
person receives good only. O Lord of Guruvaayur!
Who are like that, deign to protect me.

अअअ अअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअ अअअअ

अअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअ अ
नननननननननननननननननननन नननननन
नननननननन ननन नननननननन
नननननननन ननननन नन ननननननननननन
नननननननननननननन नननन न नन-ननन
In this way Thou enacted a drama of ferocity. O All
Pervading Lord! As described in the Shruti named
Taapaneeya, as per the hymns of Thy excellences
sung therein,Thou are absolutely pure and free
from anger. Thou who are thus, superceding
everything else, O Lord! who can overcome Thee? O
Thou who are fond of Prahlaad! O Lord of
Guruvaayur! be pleased to cure me of all my

अअअअ अअअअअअअअअ अअअअअअअअअअअ
अअअअअअअअअअ अ
नननननननन नननननननननननननननननन
ननननननन नननननननन नननन नननननन न
Inspite of being churned for long, the ocean
remained unchanged, though many fish crocodile
and other aquatic creatures were thrown up. Thou
alone, then, shining brilliantly, with Thy two hands
pulled the two ends of the serpant. O Lord of
Guruvaayur! Relieve me of my diseases.
ननननननन ननननननन³नन⁴
नननननन²ननननन ननननननननननन
नननननननन नननननननन नननन
नननन³ननन 27-11न
अअअअअ अअअअअअअअअअअअअअअ अअअ
अअअअअ अअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअ
नन नननननननननननननननननननननन न
नन ननननननननननननननननननन ननननन
नन नननन नननननननन नननननननन न
नननन नननननननननननननन
ननननननननन नननननननन
नननननननननननन न नन-ननन
As a lesson to the mankind this human embodiment
of Thee happened. Pangs of seperation are caused
by extreme attachment, as also extreme addiction
to Dharma may lead to the abondoning of the
innocent. Otherwise for Thee who are established in
self conciousness how can such a weakness of mind
be explained. O Wielder of the Discuss! Thou That
very embodiment of the Satva guna! O The Lord of
Guruvayur! eradicate my sufferings from the
नननननन ननननननननननननननन न²नन
नननननन ननननननननननननननन²ननननन
ननन न⁴नननननननन⁴नननननननननननननन
नन नननननननननननननननन⁴नन: ननननन
नन नननन नननननननन ननननननननन
ननननन नननननननननननननन
ननननननननन नननननन⁴नन
नननननन⁴ननननननन 35-10न

नननननननननन नननननन ननननन
ननननननननननननननननननननन न
नन ननननननन नननननननननननन
नननननननननननननननननननन ननननननन
ननननन नननननन नननन न नन-ननन
Abondoning all weapons, Thou resorted to the
Mahendra mountain for meditation, practicing
penance. Finding the land upto Gokarna submerged
in the sea, on the request of the sages, who
meditated upon Thee, Thou frightened the ocean
with the bow bearing fire missile. By throwing a
sacrificial ladle Thou pushed back the sea and
scooped out the land of Kerala. O Bhrigupati
Parashuraama! The Lord of Guruvaayur! Deign to
protect me.
अअअअअ अअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअ
अअअअअअ अअअअअअअअअअअअ
ननननन नननननन न ननन ननननननन
नननननननन ननननन नननननन नन नननन
नननननननननन नन-ननन
He, Vasudeva, the most blessed one set out carrying
Thee in his hands. Aadi Shesha with his many hoods
warded off the rain waters and led along the way by
him with the gems on his hood s enlightening the
way. O Lord! Of such exceeding prowess deign to
save me from my forceful ailments.

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