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Law of Attraction Believability

Law of Attraction Believability

Nathan K. Adams

Sinclair College
Law of Attraction Believability


The law of attraction is the belief that an individual can attain something if it is the center

of their focus. This law relies on an optimistic outlook on life and ignores the individual’s

biological factors that already exist within the mind. I’d say I agree with the law’s philosophy

about 65%. To make the law better it must have better conditions it must follow so that

extremities cannot poke fun at the belief.

Law of Attraction Believability

Controlled Desire for Manifestation

In the Psyche

The law of attraction states that we, as humans, have the power to attain anything that is

in our focus (Law of Attraction 2012). Within the video assigned, it gives eight basic steps on

how an individual can utilize the law of attraction to attain a positive outcome. The speaker

instructs to “Set the intention that something positive & unexpected will happen to you” (Your

Youniverse 2018) which, in a nutshell, describes an optimistic mindset. Usually an individual

who is described as optimistic foresees good events happening to them in the future and with

past occurrences they tend to seek out the positive outcomes of that event, this happens to be the

second objective the speakers tells her audience to do.

Step three,“Set the intention to make your happiness your number one focus” (Your

Youniverse 2018), is where I begin to see holes in this law. If an individual were to take this

step literally, they’d put a halt to anything making them unhappy; meaning, that if the subject

were to be displeased with their current situation involving their job, relationships, or school

they’d instantly drop out of them rather than seeking to improve them. In fact, the

aforementioned step is contradicted later in the video with the text, “you cannot spell challenge

without change” (Your Youniverse 2018). When somebody is presented with a challenge or

problem it usually discomforts them because it presents itself as a difficulty that blocks the path

to better happiness. Take the example of relationships, if an individual was unhappy with their

romantic partner due to a couple simple disputes over differing opinions, for the most part,
Law of Attraction Believability

they’d want to ignore or resolve that problem rather than outright abandoning that relationship

and searching for a more ideal one.

Meditation and visualization is vital to overcome many medium to larger sized problems

in daily life. The final step, “meditate daily and visualize what you want in great detail,

especially as you are drifting off to sleep” (Your Youniverse 2018) somewhat backs this claim.

Much of the general population romanticize what it means to meditate, usually imagining a man

with his legs crossed, his hands in his lap, while in reality to meditate simply means to think and

reflect about life and the future. Individuals do this unknowingly all the time, whenever

somebody gets wrapped up in their own thoughts, that would usually be defined as meditation.

When overcoming something that wouldn’t be considered trivial it usually requires thinking and

planning ahead to do so in the best was conceivable. The best outcome, makes an individual

more happy.

With the way the law of attraction was portrayed in this video, I’d agree with it about

65% of the way. I already visualized my goals before watching this video and feel as though I’m

fully capable of carrying them out. Maybe part of this belief in my ability has aided in my

success thus far. Even when I think I may not be believe I can do something and I’m around

others I pretend as though I can and it usually pays off quite well, to quote my english professor,

“fake it until you make it” (Slye 2018). The disagree ability though, the 35%, comes from it’s

ignorance of dispositional problems of an individual and the sheer amount it relies on the

optimistic point of view. Many people tend to gravitate towards a pessimistic view on life

especially individuals afflicted with depression: however, having this pessimistic view doesn’t

necessarily mean that terrible things come their way.

Law of Attraction Believability

Colton v Kenneth, is the Law

Of Attraction Believable

Colton believes in the law of attraction because he has seen the successes and failures of

his fellow co-workers, the ones who were excited and ready to move forward in the job did

eventually get to their goals. Colton rethinks the idea when the street epistemologist begins using

the extreme example of getting on of his hands to grow larger than the other, of course, this isn’t

humanly possible through simply thinking about it, so Colton is forced to admit that the law of

attraction has limitation. Considering my stance is somewhere in the middle, I’d consider the law

of attraction true if the aformentioned extremity could be performed, like if the epistemologist

was able to control blood flow and muscle growth and force it into his right hand to make it

bigger. My take away from everything about the law of attraction is that it should only be applied

to viable goals, ones that are currently in reach and then work your way up from there.

Personally, I seek constant improvement so this law somewhat describes my life style as a

whole. I’m also more of a realist rather than an optimist or a pessimist, I make an attempt to

achieve the things that are currently achievable in order to work towards an end goal but to get to

an end goal I must overcome many obstacles, as any individual would have to do on their way to

their own personal goal.

Law of Attraction Believability


LawOfAttraction.com (2017). What is the Law of Attraction? Open Your Eyes to the

World of Endless Possibilities. Retrieved from


Your Youniverse (4/25/2018). Take the Law of Attraction 30 Day Challenge to Manifest

More of What You Want! (Formula for Success). Retrieved from


Anthony Magnabosco (6/5/2018). Watch People Learn Street Epistemology: Kenneth &

Colton I Law of Attraction. Retrieved from


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