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1.Century Chinese Language School of Framingham, Inc. (CCLS) is a non-profit, non-political and
non -religious organization whose mission is to promote Chinese culture and preserve Chinese lan鄄
guage. It serves primarily those who share this mission and objective.

2.The student body of CCLS is made up mainly of those people who have an interest in Chinese cul鄄
ture and language from the local communities. The programs provided and made available to all per鄄
sons regardless race, religion, color, national or ethnic origin, economic status, political believe, mar鄄
riage status and disability.

3.The service area of CCLS is the Metrowest region of Greater Boston.

7 Hickory Road, Ashland, MA 01721

Tel: 508-231-0721
Fax; 508-231-0751

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Academic Supervision:
The Office of Chinese Language Council International 初 级
Editorial Board Chiefs:
Lin Xu, Director General of the Office of Chinese
Language Council International 总第 94 期
Pengzhi Liu, Principal of the High School Affiliated
to Renmin University of China 目 录 C O N T E N T S
Editorial Board:
Jincheng Yang, Wenzheng Sun, Yandong Jiang,
Luxin Wang, Hui Yue, Baifeng Sun
Chief Advisors:
Paul Bao, Xiuqin Lin, Li Zhu, Tong Liu, Huali Xiong 卷首语 跟我读 Read After Me
Sister,Mom & Teacher
Yu-lan Lin, Zhiwen Wang, Shaoyuan Chen, Lucy Lee,
Zaiyang Li, Min Hsu, Wanli Hu, Suhong Chang 姐姐,妈妈和老师 15
Edited By: Learn Yu Wen North American 新手乐园 Language World
Educational Publishing Center
Co-editing with: The High School Affiliated to 学拼音 Learn Pinyin 跟我说 Follow me
Renmin University of China
Editor-in-chief: Baifeng Sun
Eight Compound Finals 认识复韵母 4 DING DANG LAOSHI爷S CLASSROOM

Chief editor for Beginner:Shuyu Yan Is She a Teacher?

Associate Editors-in-chief:
Mulian Chen, Wendy Da, Yan Xu, Min Hsu,Zhiyong Bao,
一字开花 Root Words 她是老师吗? 17
Yuanqi Xiao, Lili Zhang
Executive Editor: Lan Sun,Yuan Lu
秋 & 天 autumn & day 7
Chinese Language Editors: Haibing Feng,
学偏旁识汉字 听一听试一试 Listen and Try
Lin Yuan Chinese Radicals
What do they do?
Art Editor: Dongsheng Chen
English Editor: Andrew Miller
Radicals of 木(校)& 禾(秋) 9 他们做什么? 19
Audio editor: Likang Sun Daoyang Zhong
Public Relations Director:
Baoyuan Bai, Jing Chen
Published and Distributed by: Learn Yu Wen North
学语文语音室 Language Lab
学语文课堂 Chinese Classroom
American Educational Publishing Center 绕口令练发音 Tongue Twisters
Da Laoshi’s Classroom
Printed in: Atlanta, GA,USA
Add: P.O. Box 410453 Cambridge, MA 02141 U.S.A. Tongue Twister of s佻& sh侏 四 & 十 13 达老师课堂(二)韵律会话 20
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业务指导 中国国家汉语国际推广

许 琳 中国国家汉语国际推广
领导小组办公室 主任
刘彭芝 中国人民大学附属中学 校长
编委会成员 杨金成 孙文正
姜岩东 王鲁新
岳 慧 孙柏凤

编 辑 北美学语文教育出版中心
编辑协作 中国人民大学附属中学

精进汉语 Advanced Chinese 顾 问 林游岚 王执文

陈少元 竹露茜
美文赏读 Reading Room 李再扬 徐 敏
The Autumn Leaves 秋天的叶子 27 学生俱乐部 Student爷s Club 特约顾问
林秀琴 朱 俐
生活剧场 Role Play 家常话 Daily Chinese
刘 彤 熊华丽

You are very handsome today! Polite words 礼貌用语 47 主 编 孙柏凤

初级版主编 严书宇
你今天很帅! 副 主 编 陈慕莲 达婉中 许 颜
徐 敏 包智勇 肖远骑
每 月 语 法 Grammar Monthly 小笑话 A Joke 张莉莉
Descriptive Complement (Simple Comments) Impossible 不可能 48 责任编辑 孙 兰 陆 源

“得”字结构 33 文字编辑 封海滨 袁 琳

美术编辑 陈东升
英文编辑 Andrew Miller
测试天地 Test center 音频编辑 孙丽康 种道
YCT ( Youth Chinese Test ) 对外联络部主任 白宝燕 李 婧
出版发行 北美学语文教育出版中心
发现中国 Explore China 少儿汉语考试 印 刷 美国 亚特兰大
Shaolin Temple and Chinese Kungfu PRACTICE TEST 模拟题 49
少林寺和中国功夫 41 美国读者服务电话:
通信地址:P.O. Box 410453
Cambridge, MA. 02141


香港读者请联系: Hilary Wong

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电子邮件: Hilary_wong@learnYuWen.org
Address: P.O Box 246
Sai Kung Post Office
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Eight compound finals

则侉灶 泽澡侏 枣俅 赠俅灶 皂俪

认 识复韵 母
荫许颜/编写 周 /翻译

ai Start with "a" sound, and then slide to "i" sound.

ei Start with "e" sound, and then slide to "i" sound.

ui Start with "u" sound, and then slide into "i" sound.

ao Start with"a" sound, and then slide into "i" sound.

手 ou Start with "o" sound, and then slide into "u" sound.

拼 乐

园 Start with "i" sound, and then slide into "u" sound.

ie Start with "i" sound, and then slide into "e" sound.

俟e Start with "俟" sound, and then slide into "e" sound. 请勿复印

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Song of Pinyin (2) Rules for placing the tone marks

" a 、o、
e、i、u " are five good brothers
憎俪 倮侉 澡伲燥 曾蚤侪灶倮 凿佻

i、u 五个好 兄 弟
伽灶 扎澡藻 泽澡俅灶 曾俅 遭蚤佟燥 泽澡佶灶倮 凿蚤伽燥 Lined up from a to u to be placed with
按着顺序标 声 调, tones,
a 第一、o 第二、e 第三、
i 第四、
u 第五, a is the fist, o the second; the third is
e, the fourth i; and, u is the last.
凿佻 赠侃 凿佻 侉则 凿佻 泽佟灶 凿佻 泽佻 凿佻 憎俪

a 第 一 、o 第 二 、e 第 三 、i 第 四 、u 第 五 ,
Big brother "a" always gets the tone
佟i 佗i 伲i 伽i
mark first ,
佟o 佗o 伲o 伽o
佟i 佗i 伲i 伽i
凿伽 倮佶 遭俅 扎伽蚤 躁蚤俅 扎澡伲燥 侉则 倮佶
佟o 佗o 伲o 伽o
“o” , If there isn't an "a", let's find the
侪u 佼u 侬u 侔u second brother "o",
二哥 o 不在就找三哥 e, 侪u 佼u 侬u 侔u
“ e” , If there isn't an "o", try to find the
third brother " e",
新 佶i 佴i 侑i 侉i
佶i 佴i 侑i 侉i
i佶 i佴 i侑 i侉

手 俟佶 俟佴 俟侑 俟侉 i佶 i佴 i侑 i侉
拼 乐 俟佶 俟佴 俟侑 俟侉

园 凿佻

第四i, 第五u,
泽佻 凿佻 憎俪

The fourth is "i," the fifth is " u" ,

If i & u come together,
赠伽燥 泽澡佻 赠佻 择佾 造佗蚤

i u要是一起来,
遭俅 枣佶灶 泽澡怎侏 凿伽 澡佴 泽澡怎侏 曾蚤伲燥 no matter who is senior,
不分谁大和谁小, whoever is at the end gets the tone.
i俦 i俨 i俪 i俅
泽澡怎侏 扎伽蚤 澡侔怎 皂蚤伽灶 泽澡怎侏 遭蚤佟燥 凿蚤伽燥

u侃 u侏 u佾 u佻
i俦 i俨 i俪 i俅
u侃 u侏 u佾 u佻

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Exercise 2. Complete the table by using what we just learned about the
eight compound vowels 根据要求填写下列表格:
1. Let's learn a few new Chinese 发音方法 复韵母 发音的四个声调
Pronunciation of
words 认识几个汉字: Articulation Compound final the four tones
Start with the lip shaped to sound an "a", and
Short stature in Chinese is 矮 (伲i) make it gradually become an "i" with mouth sha
Love in Chinese is 爱 (伽i) ped in the process of changing hair "i" sound.
Meal choked in Chinese is 噎 (i佶) First shape your lips to pronounce an "e", and
Grandfather in Chinese is 爷 (i佴) let it gradually become for an "i".
Also in Chinese is 也 (i侑)
Night in Chinese is 夜 (i侉) Start with the lip shaped to pronounce a "u", and
make it gradually become for an "i".
Month in Chinese is 月 (俟侉)

Pronounce "a", and gradually glide towards "o".

手 Pronounce "o", and gradually glide towards "u".

拼 乐

园 Pronounce "i" first, and gradually glide towards "

Pronounce "i" first, and gradually glide towards "


Pronounce "俟", and gradually glide towards "e".

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Autumn & Day

●正伦 / 设计编写
●松柏 / 翻译

择蚤俦 贼蚤佟灶
秋天 autumn-day
= the autumn

择蚤俦 赠俪 择蚤俦 扎澡侪灶倮 择蚤俦 躁蚤佴

秋雨 中 秋节
秋 autumn middle-autumn-festival=
=autumn rain the mid-autumn festival

赠侏 赠侉 扎澡侃 择蚤俦
一叶知秋 One-leaf-knows-autumn
=You may know the autumn is coming
by the falling of a single leaf.

躁侃灶 贼蚤佟灶

乐 今天 today-day=today

花 园
扎怎佼 贼蚤佟灶 贼蚤佟灶 皂侏灶倮 贼蚤佟灶

天 day

贼蚤佟灶 贼蚤佟灶
天天 day-day=every day

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1. Try to combine more words with“ti佟n”天:
J侃n m侏ng
( )天 today ( )天 tomorrow

zu佼 ti佟n
( )天 yesterday ( )天 everyday

qi俦 ch俦n
( )天 autumn ( ) 天 spring

2. Complete the following sentences with the key words.

a) My birthday is tomorrow.

我的生日是 。

字 乐 b) Do you drink milk everyday?

花 园
你 喝牛奶吗?

c) Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival.

是 。

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Sister,Mom & Teacher

姐姐, 妈妈和老师
●孙丽 / 编写设计

躁蚤侑 躁蚤藻
A. 1)姐 姐 sister
憎侬 凿藻 躁蚤侑 躁蚤藻
2)我 的 姐 姐 my sister
憎侬 凿藻 躁蚤侑 躁蚤藻 澡佴 憎侬 凿藻 皂佟 皂倩
3)我 的 姐 姐 和 我 的 妈 妈 my sister and my mother
憎侬 凿藻 躁蚤侑 躁蚤藻 澡佴 憎侬 凿藻 皂佟 皂倩 凿侪怎 澡侑灶 倮佟燥
4 )我 的 姐 姐 和 我 的 妈 妈 都 很 高 。
My sister and my mother are both tall .

语 皂佟 皂倩
B . 1)妈 妈
跟 mother
我 文 贼佟 凿藻 皂佟 皂倩

语 2)她 的 妈 妈 her mother
音 贼佟 凿藻 皂佟 皂倩 澡佴 贼佟 凿藻 躁蚤侑 躁蚤藻
室 3)她 的 妈 妈 和 她 的 姐 姐 her mother and her sister
贼佟 凿藻 皂佟 皂倩 澡佴 贼佟 凿藻 躁蚤侑 躁蚤藻 凿侪怎 泽澡佻 造伲燥 泽澡侃
4)她 的 妈 妈 和 她 的 姐 姐 都 是 老 师 。
Her mother and her sister are both teachers .

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造伲燥 泽澡侃
C . 1)老 师 teacher
遭佗蚤 造伲燥 泽澡侃
2)白 老 师 Teacher Bai
遭佗蚤 造伲燥 泽澡侃 澡佴 憎佗灶倮 造伲燥 泽澡侃
3)白 老 师 和 王 老 师 Teacher Bai and Teacher Wang
遭佗蚤 造伲燥 泽澡侃 澡佴 憎佗灶倮 造伲燥 泽澡侃 凿侪怎 泽澡佻 扎澡侪灶倮 憎佴灶 造伲燥 泽澡侃
4)白 老 师 和 王 老 师 都 是 中 文 老 师 。
Teacher Bai and Teacher Wang are both Chinese teachers .

曾蚤伲燥 曾怎佴 泽澡佶灶倮

D. 1 ) 小 学 生 pupil
学 凿伽 曾怎佴 泽澡佶灶倮
语 2)大 学 生 college student

我 文 凿伽 曾怎佴 泽澡佶灶倮 澡佴 曾蚤伲燥 曾怎佴 泽澡佶灶倮

语 3)大 学 生 和 小 学 生 college student and pupil
憎侬 泽澡佻 曾蚤伲燥 曾怎佴 泽澡佶灶倮 倮佶 倮佶 泽澡佻 凿伽 曾怎佴 泽澡佶灶倮
音 4)我 是 小 学 生 ,哥 哥 是 大 学 生 。
室 I am a pupil and my brother is a college student .

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贼佟 泽澡佻 造伲燥 泽澡侃 皂倩

Is She a Teacher?

遭佗蚤 造伲燥 泽澡侃 择佾灶倮 倮怎侔 造佗蚤

白 老 师 :请 过 来 ,小 丽 。
小 丽 :好 的 !
白 老 师 :她 是 谁 ?
躁蚤侑 躁蚤藻 曾蚤伲燥 澡怎佟
学 小 丽 :她 是 我 的 姐 姐 小 花 。

语 倮侉 扎蚤 扎澡佶灶 倮佟燥

我 文 白 老 师 :她 的 个 子 真 高 ,她 是 老 师 吗 ?

语 凿伽 曾怎佴 泽澡佶灶倮 皂佟 皂倩
小 丽 :不 ,她 是 大 学 生 。我 的 妈 妈 是 老 师 。

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41 凿伽 躁蚤佟 澡伲燥

Hi everyone(大家好)!
凿伲燥 赠佼怎

I am Yanchao, your tour guide (导游) to China. In the following days, we will be travelling to原
澡伲燥 糟澡侃 凿藻

gether to different nice and interesting places in China. Also, we will try some delicious (好 吃的)
扎澡侪灶倮 倮怎佼 泽澡侏 责佾灶 枣佶灶倮 泽俨

Chinese food(中国食品)and experience different customs(风俗)in different places. Hopefully this

will help you learn more about the country, its people and its culture so that in the future when you
travel, work or live in China you will find this country so familiar to you!
泽澡伽燥 造侏灶 泽佻

OK, now, our trip to China starts from Shaolin Temple(少林寺)——the kungfu lovers' Mecca!

Shaolin Temple and Chinese Kungfu

泽澡伽燥 造侏灶 泽佻 澡佴 扎澡侪灶倮 倮怎佼 倮侪灶倮 枣俦
少 林寺和 中 国 功 夫

发 Before hitting the road to Shaolin Temple, answer the follow原

现 ing questions, please.
中 造佾 曾蚤伲燥 造佼灶倮

国 Have you ever heard of Bruce Lee (李小龙)? Do you know who Jackie
糟澡佴灶倮 造佼灶倮 造佾 造蚤佗灶 躁蚤佴

Chan(成龙) is? What does Jet Lee(李连杰)do? What are they?

倮侪灶倮 曾佾

Congratulations(恭喜)! Y ou are exactly correct! Y es, they are

all kungfu masters.

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If you know about these people so well, then, Shaolin Temple is another must-know!

In history, Shaolin Temple has been known as No. 1 Temple in the world. It is the Mecca for all the kungfu
倮侪灶倮 枣俦

(功夫) lovers from all over the world.

The temple is located in Songshan Mountain near the Dengfeng
澡佴 灶佗灶 泽澡侑灶倮

City in Henan Province ( 河 南 means South of the River;省 ,

泽澡伽燥 造侏灶

province), which is in the central part of China. 少林is the name of


the temple; 寺means temple.

Shaolin Temple has a long history of more than 1,500 years.

The temple was first built in A.D. 497 in Northern Wei Dynasty. At
that time it was built for a monk from India who came to spread
the Buddhist teachings in China. From this we know China had
发 started its cultural exchange more than 1,500 years before. The
temple's glory started from Tang Dynasty when thirteen warrior monks from this temple rescued the first Emperor
现 in Tang Dynasty. Then this temple got great financial support from the royal family. Later, it experienced many
中 ups-and-downs. Some of its buildings were burnt down during wars and were then rebuilt. The temple covers an
国 area of about 50 acres. It is now at its summit. In 2010 it was included on UNESCO's World Heritage list.

The whole temple is made up of several important parts. From the Main Entrance to the Hall of a Thousand
Buddhas, there are seven grand yards. Besides, there is a Pagoda Forest to the west. Today we will mainly visit
the Main Entrance, the Hall of a Thousand Buddhas and the Pagoda Forest.

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The Main Entrance

The whole temple is north of the river. The Main Entrance
泽澡伽燥 造侏灶 泽佻

faces south, with the characters 少 林 寺 hanging above the en原

trance. These characters were written by Kangxi, the second em原
peror in Qing Dynasty. There are two stone lions before the Main
Entrance. In Chinese culture, stone lions are believed to have
powerful mythic protective powers. They have traditionally stood
in front of imperial palaces, imperial tombs, governmental build原
ings, temples, and the homes of government officials and the
wealthy. Even now pairs of stone lions are still common decora原
tive and symbolic elements at the entrances to restaurants, hotels,
supermarkets and other structures, with one sitting on either side
of the entrance, in China and in other places around the world
where the Chinese people have immigrated and settled. If you go
to Chinatowns in the US, you can still see stone lions there. The
lions are always created in pairs. The one playing with a ball is a
发 male lion and the one with a cub is a female lion.

中 The Training Hall
国 The Training Hall is also called the Hall of a
Thousand Buddhas because there are paintings of five
hundred different Buddhas. This is where the warrior
monks used to secretly practice Shaolin Kungfu. Here
you can see depressions in the cobbled floor left from
monks training over hundreds of years.

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The Pagoda Forest

West of the temple, there are over 250
pagodas. These pagodas together look like a
forest and thus this place got its current name
Pagoda Forest. Each pagoda has a story under
it. Under each pagoda is the urn that contains
the bone ash of a monk. Only the monks who
deserve all their peers' respect can be treated
this way in the temple. So, this is really a great
honor! Of these pagodas, each is different from
another. They were built in different times in
history. Some are already more than 1,000 years old. They are not only
pagodas for the dead, but also valuable treasures for studying history, ar原
chitecture and culture in different times.
Every year thousands of people from every corner of the world———
Europe, Africa, South America, North America and Asia, come to visit
发 Shaolin Temple. They come not to become a monk, but are attracted by
现 the ancient Buddhist buildings and the Shaolin culture. Some of them be原
中 come students and live here for years, learning the Shaolin Kungfu. In
March 2006 Vladimir Putin, the then -President of Russia, became the
国 first foreign leader to visit this temple. Every summer, the Hanban Office

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in Beijing sponsors a Summer Camp for U.S. high school students to take a
one -month tour in China and the Shaolin Temple is a must -visit every year.
The students not only visit the temple, they also try the food the monks eat and
learn kungfu from the monks.

You can get information about the Summer Camp from this website:www.
Do not miss this opportunity.

Shaolin Kungfu was spread to Japan and Korea in the 18th and 19th cen原
turies. The karate in Japan and the taekwondo in Korea both share some simi原
larities to the Shaolin Kungfu. Similarities can also be seen in centuries -old
Chinese, Japanese and Korean kungfu manuals.

Now with more and more people being interested in Chinese Kungfu,
branch Shaolin Temples have been built in places all over the world, in Europe,
Australia, South America, Africa, Canada and USA. In New York City there is a
发 Shaolin Temple in 446, 2nd Floor, Broadway in Manhattan. Another Shaolin
现 Temple will be built in Upstate New York.

The climate there is quite similar to that in the U.S. except that it does not
国 snow as heavily as it does in North America. So, when you go there you will not
find it difficult to adjust to the local weather.

Shaolin Temple official website:


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