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NomorDokumen : FM.GD.PA.01.


ADMINSTRASI Tgl. Ditetapkan : 12 Agustus 2012

PEMBELAJARAN No. Revisi : 00
Tgl. Diberlakukan : 04 Agustus 2014


No. Exercise Name of Exercise

11. explains the basic theory of tides, defines : Mean High water springs dan
Mean High water neaps

Function Competence Unit Objectives

Navigation at the Plan and conduct a coastal Tides

operational level passage and determine

Scenario/Exercise Area On the chart area

Context memahami mengenai teori dasar teori tentang pasang surut

(Mean High water springs dan Mean High water neaps)

Duration 120 minutes

Internal Start Information External Start Information

Chart Datum Wind


Equipment/Simulator/Laboratory Material/Books/Reference

a. Chart 1. IMO Refferences textbooks:

b. pencil V5: Voyage Planning
c. eraser 2. Buku Ilmu Pelayaran ANT-IV BP2IP
d. Teaching Aids Malahayati Aceh
1) A1: Instructor Manual 3. Tide Table
2) A2: Catalogue of British Admiralty
Charts and other hydrograpic
3) A3: British Admiralty Notices to
Performance Criteria

Taruna dapat memahami mengenai teori dasar teori tentang pasang surut (Mean High
water springs dan Mean High water neaps
The Task

- Memahami istilah dasar dari pasang surut

- Menggambarkan Mean High water springs dan Mean High water neaps

Time Plan

Briefing - explain the scenario for this lesson

(10 menit) - Preparing chart and all equipment
Action Chartworks (Continued)
(90 menit) - Satu kelompok 2 Taruna dan setiap kelompok mendapatkan
buku tide table
- Setiap taruna menggambarkan pada kertas hvs mengenai
keadaan perairan pada saat Mean High water springs dan
Mean High water neaps
Debrief - Q&A
(20 menit) - Keep clear a chart and all equipment

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