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Special Population Philosophy

Joni Sillivan

EDUC 2301.200

Marian Ellis


Special Population Philosophy

As a future educator my main focus other than making sure my students are learning is to

make sure each student is comfortable not only in the environment of my classroom, but also in

the way I am teaching. Providing support to each individual student is very important. No two

students are the same. Becoming a teacher you have to be mentally and physically prepared for

the special population students, such as those who have disabilities, special needs, and gifted and


When it comes to those with physical disabilities in my classroom I will make sure it is

accessible in anyway possible. For example, if there is students in my class who have difficulty

seeing I will make sure they are close enough to the board or whatever it may be that they need

to see. I will make sure when using objects, to represent things, that they are large enough to be

seen or I will pass it around the class to make sure everyone has a good look at it. Another

example of physical disabilities would be someone in a wheelchair or on crutches. I will make

sure there is a way for them to participate in all activities in the classroom and that they can

move around freely.

Another group from the special population students are the special education/need

students. These students may have a more difficult time learning things. With these students I

will make sure they are provided with the appropriate material to help them better understand

the lessons. In my classroom I plan to have an area for students who may start to get aggravated

during work time, for them to go and cool down. I feel like this will be helpful not only for the

special needs students but also for all students.

Gifted and talented is also another part of the special population. For these students I will

always make sure they have something to work on after finishing assignments. They will likely

finish their assigned work with plenty of time left before others finish. This extra work will be

something they choose to do, like a project or activity that will keep them quite while the others

finish. I will also give them more leveling worksheets as much as possible so that they do not get

bored with the “easy work”.

All students even special population students deserve the same treatment and

opportunities as the rest of the students. In all situations I will try my best to make sure no one is

left our or confused. We will all work together and form a safe and fun classroom environment.

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