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Alitzel Neri

RWS 1302
Genre Analysis

The topic of dog abuse can be written out in many different ways and using

different information to present it. The information used and how it is presented can fall

under different genres. For the topic of dog abuse, typography and iconography are the

genres that more clearly help with presenting information. For typography the type

genre I choose is a website. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to

Animals (ASPCA) website shows so many different issues and topics for researching.

The second genre I chose is iconography, with all the different photos and videos to

show how dog abuse is.

The first genre as I mentioned is typography, and this is presented format in the

form of books, magazines, newspapers, websites, primary source documents, etc. The

topic of dog abuse can be very broad and research can be found in many different

forms, like different websites informing about dog abuse and the different types. For

example, the ASPCA website gives different information about abuse in dogs and

statistics about it. The website helps with leaning the different kinds of dog abuse such

as, dog fighting, puppy mills, and dog hoarding. It gives detailed descriptions of each

topic and gives visuals for the reader to see. The website not only gives information on

the topics, but it also gives us information on how to raise awareness of dog abuse.

Also, it gives latest news updates of dog abuse happening worldwide and how there is

many laws that state how animal cruelty is illegal, especially towards dogs. The

website also shows testimonies of people who have first handedly experienced dog

abuse and gives further details on how to report dog abuse to local law enforcement ,

animal shelters, humane societies, etc. The genre of topography in this and other ways
Alitzel Neri

RWS 1302
helps getting information and presenting it in a clear format to the person seeking

information on the topics.

The other type of genre used for discussing this topic is iconography.

Iconography is format presented in videos, youtube, posters, photography, etc. Again

with the topic of animal abuse these visuals like videos and photos are extremely

useful to portray how awful animal abuse is. Coming across different pictures of

abused dogs really hits the emotional appeal side of a person. It also helps with the

understanding of just how awful and graphic abusing dogs can be. We can all agree

that nobody likes seeing dogs sufferening, bleeding, whimpering, whining, and crying,

which makes the use of iconography so important in researching dog abuse. Also,

using videos and photos gives an emotional appeal to the audience and helps convey

the true awfulness of dog abuse. Some videos show exactly how animals are being

beat up, tortured, and even shot or ran over. These graphic videos are awful to watch,

but also very crucial to help convey the message that doing those things is so wrong

and inhumane.

Both the use of typography and iconography are important factors to help

organize and search for information on dog abuse. Having a website that gives you all

the information about this topic and has all kinds of ways to research the topic is great,

but also having the iconography of pictures and videos of these things makes

researching even more clear. Having the information along with visuals of the topic of

dog abuse helps convay and get across to people in an even more drastic way than

just having one or the other. People need to see information about dog abuse, but also

they need to see the graphic, emotional pictures and videos of these suffering dogs.

Alitzel Neri

RWS 1302
With this specific topic on dog abuse there is a whole lot of pathos, with all the

pictures and statistics that hit the emotional appeal of a person. The pathos within the

ASPCA website is unbelievable because it shows the ugly truth about dog abuse and it

does not sugar coat anything. The website obviously has lots of ethos because all the

information given is credible because it comes from an organization that prioritizes the

topic of dog abuse.

These two genres of typography and iconography are the best ways to portray

information on dog abuse. The topic can be so broad and misunderstood, that having

the two genres really helps break down information and create an organized way to

resent information. By having these two genres the researching of dog abuse becomes

more clear and helps with getting all the information needed to successfully talk about

dog abuse and raise awareness on the topic.

Alitzel Neri

RWS 1302

ASPCA. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.aspca.org/

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